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22881233 No.22881233 [Reply] [Original]

The current, masculine ideal seem to either boil down to a caveman power fantasy or to being an unfeeling provider drone.
Are there any authors who has an alternative or at least a more nuanced vision without descending into partisan political subversion?
Homoerotic or not.

>> No.22881237

Start with the Greeks

>> No.22881250

You should ask HR

>> No.22881261

Tbh people who are concerns about masculine this or masculine that are probably some real insecure people. I really don’t see how it’s different from any other kind of sexuality based identity politics. Basically I think feminists are fucking idiots for claiming kinship with half the population of the world, so I don’t think the “Mano sphere” is any better. Be an individual, not a “man”.

>> No.22881273


>> No.22881280

Birth chart mars placement analyses ofc

>> No.22881284

No, the cuck is someone who is consciously comparing themselves with half the population of the world, which is something you are explicitly doing by concerning yourself with “masculinity”. This is literally tribalism on a grand scale, perfect for midwits who cannot form their own personality and identity

>> No.22881292

Don't even engage with someone who just cusses you out like that

>> No.22881295

You're just a woman.

>> No.22881299

>Be an individual, not a “man”
I think that the more postmodern ilk of feminists also believe this. And while I don't consider myself a feminist (since women don't constitute a single class of people, and as such don't really have any shared interests, i.e. there are both proletarian and bourgeois women) I agree with many of their views, including the view that individuals shouldn't necessarily conform to the normative expectations of their gender.

>> No.22881300


>> No.22881302

This sort of crap is just demoralization to make men feel befuddled and emasculated.

>> No.22881303

Cope and seethe, pretend I am whoever you need me to be. Go back to your Andrew tate or whatever. One day you’ll grow to and see how fucking silly you are

>> No.22881321

You should feel fucking stupid for pretending masculinity isn't a real thing and espousing some bullshit about how we're all the same or whatever... people like you have zero respect for nature and its biological essentialism.

>> No.22881322

>b urself
>”I am confused”
Why do you need someone who doesn’t know you to tell you how to live?

>> No.22881326

I'm reminded of the Buddhas analysis of sexuality. Won't posit the entire thing but basically he regards your sex as another thing you kinda end up with based on your past actions.
So one life you'll be a woman, another a man. When you're a man you find that things are affected in one way, when you're a woman, another way. What benefit is there in identifying with this happenstance?

>> No.22881328

Literal straw man, two times in a row. Learn to read

>> No.22881330

Telling men they don't need to be men isn't something men want to hear.

>> No.22881333

(Not to say, of course, that he posits ignoring the way your sexuality affects you. Simply, why hold on to it?)

>> No.22881335

But that's what exactly what you're saying, "be an individual" permeates with this sort of feminist, anti-patriarchal way of thinking. You see the vitalism of masculinity as a joke to be prodded at and subverted.

>> No.22881341

This. Unironically. Read Plato.

>> No.22881352

Young men sperging out about masculinity are doing so out of a place of insecurity, that is correct. However, I don't think you can compare the search for the masculine ideal with feminism. Feminism is an ideological movement, while masculinity (like femininity) is a divine concept. People engage in the former to place themselves in a societal context, fight for resources, claim cultural power, in short: engaging in feminism is a grab for societal power. Striving for masculinity/femininity is not primarily concerned with one's standing in society or with one's power in society. It is a very personal and deeply spiritual quest that puts you in touch with the humans before and after you. That's also why feminism is inherently corrupt, but femininity/masculinity could never be corrupt. Of course, the grifters of the world build groups around these concepts and corrupt those, but the archetypes can not be touched by a mortal soul.

>> No.22881353

No, I see identity politics as a joke, and I see this new “crisis of masculinity” as it’s latest iteration. Now, I understand you are all very serious people who are trying to understand the mysteries of the cosmos, but there is no one-size-fits-all Platonic form of “masulinity”. So rather than chase a chimera, or wait for society to literally prescribe you a “gender role”, why not self-actualize? Gender, race, it’s all a complete a total distraction and is used to snare shallow minds.

I am simply baffled because it would never occur to me or my friends in the 90s to fucking debate what it “meant to be a nan”. Honestly the whole idea is laughable to me. You’re a man already, no?

>> No.22881362

The current "ideal" is a massive neurotic projection, so that makes sense, yes.


>> No.22881366

Absolute capitalist bugman brain rot. Your “identity politics” is the need to believe that you are a special snowflake completely atomized and seperated from others.

>> No.22881371


>> No.22881373

>Are there any authors who has an alternative or at least a more nuanced vision?
The nuanced alternative you're looking for is feminism.

>> No.22881375

> Striving for masculinity/femininity is not primarily concerned with one's standing in society or with one's power in society. It is a very personal and deeply spiritual quest that puts you in touch with the humans before and after you.
See I don’t quite agree here and I in fact see a tension. Gender/sex ONLY matters in reference to other people. I am only conscious of my cock because I know about all the pussies out there (some are in this very thread). If you were alone it would really never occur to you to think about your gender or sexuality. Sex is biological, yes; the urge to procreate is biological, yes; but “sexuality” as a concept only forms during socialization. It requires points of reference outside oneself.

>> No.22881383

Most "masculine" men already lack vitalism. If you consider striving and overcoming yourself masculine then I agree, that is vitalistic, but most men don't, they are perfectly satisfied conforming to the most stereotypical definition of what is masculine. Like, have you seen the average man? Why would you want to conform to such an idiotic, philistinic and boorish mode of being?

>> No.22881390


>> No.22881397

Which is exactly what the OP was alluding to before you muddied it up with your “just be an individual bro”. I think the insecure one is the person trying to act as if masculinity as a concept can’t be discussed lmao

>> No.22881408

Of course people in the 90s were not concerned with masculinity because they were living in a still stable world and were high on consumerism. Since the dawn of men people around the world celebrated and meditated on masculinity and femininity. They engaged in rituals and rules and studied these two different characteristics of the human form. You are describing the "self-actualizing" men and I believe you are doing this in good faith, because you believe in the idea of this post-modern notion of the individual. The blank slate that magically writes itself and therefore can be free from the oppressive forces of society, but this ideal actually only produces soulless NPCs without any connection to what it means to be a human. The individual which transcends gender and race faces the oppression of the void and loneliness. It can never be fully human.
Identity politics is a joke, not because of it's basic theory, but because of it's conclusions.

>> No.22881417

>No, I see identity politics as a joke, and I see this new “crisis of masculinity” as it’s latest iteration.
Then get your head out of your ass already and see that these "identity politics" will continue to persist and escalate as long as social atomization occurs from your dogmatic pursuit towards muddying the fine distinctions of genders.
>Now, I understand you are all very serious people who are trying to understand the mysteries of the cosmos, but there is no one-size-fits-all Platonic form of “masulinity”.
Yes there is. You can read any historical text and intuitively understand what made so and so man masculine.
>I am simply baffled because it would never occur to me or my friends in the 90s to fucking debate what it “meant to be a nan”.
The damage was already done by then, but I guess you never bothered to question why your society is so cucked and full of an overwhelmingly female-dominated education complex with women taking up every single worthless bureaucratic position just to have an excuse to boss you around.
Acting like a man is already one stop towards reclaiming your power process deprived from you by the gynocentric techno-industrial complex. I'm not delusional enough to believe these people have "fully" achieved it, only that the death of their generation (because very few zoomers, if any, can be considered masculine) is a very grave foreboding for what's to come.

>> No.22881418

>who cares if youre an emascualted basedcuck, at least you are you!

>> No.22881420

>The individual which transcends gender and race faces the oppression of the void and loneliness. It can never be fully human.

>> No.22881432

That's a fair point, but humans are never alone and always exist in the context of a society. A truly separated human does not exist, and I would even argue that this would not be a human but a very advanced naked monkey. I like the biblical metaphor where God divides Adam, the first man, into man and woman. Masculinity only makes sense in the light of femininity and vice versa. But these conditions will always be around, without them we would not be humans.

>> No.22881433
File: 37 KB, 600x600, A6C67C8C-C907-40D7-864B-68A325D9B76F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was Plato before or after the 90s?

>> No.22881434

When I was in a buddhist monastery some guy taught me a bit of energy meditation and since then I feel much more manly. I can feel my sexual energy as it rises and it's much more clear to me the way lust arises when I look at a woman.
Manly as in: more in tune with the manly parts of my being, to wit, the penis, the testicles, the desire for virility, the narrow sightedness. I can feel it rising out of me in a natural way and then I think: oh wow, that's what the old authors talk about.
Sometimes I feel old writings were more in tune with the base existence of male/woman. Doris lessing is a modern author which also gave me this sense.
The Buddhists say that at a certain level of concentration, one is free of the male or the female form, unbound by it. But for us common people, what is being a gender? I am obviously a man. I am obviously affected by ideas of how a man should act.
As to your question, whenever I read literature about aristocrats I appreciate the roles males fulfill there.

>> No.22881457

How is this exclusive to males?

>> No.22881460

This quote isn't real thoughbeit

>> No.22881463

Anons, please refrain from using harsh language unnecessarily.
We are all trying our best, and everyone is charged up on 4ch anyhow.
A good discussion thread is always a moment from turning to a mudsling. And aren't those getting a bit stale?

>> No.22881490

fucking lmao, I'd love to see and hear how Plato would've responded to that question

>> No.22881494

>cusses you out
are you a fourth grader? go back to wherever you came from, faggot

>> No.22881532

Who said it was? But it is definitely about masculinity.

You are right, the quote seems to be a pretty bad translation from the original.

>> No.22881535

Manners, young man!

>> No.22881550

Fpbp and thread

>> No.22881587

>Who said it was? But it is definitely about masculinity.
How could effeminacy be included as part of the masculine essence without diluting it?
That quote is clearly not attempting to define masculinity, just advocating a balance of traits as the ideal.

>> No.22881599

>intellectualism is a feminine trait
No one's going to take issue with this notion? That's unexpected.

>> No.22881626

can we start talking about trannies yet?

>> No.22881651

unironically blood meridian

>> No.22881659
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What is a man?

>> No.22881685
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>caveman power fantasy or to being an unfeeling provider drone
Why not both?

Become a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.

>> No.22881774
File: 118 KB, 1000x694, titus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me its Shakespeare, Xenophon, Suetonius. A little bit of Machiavelli, a little bit of Melville. Pechorin is a model for us all.

Anglo masculinity is too tied down with consumerism to provide a useful guide. Be a workhorse, buy a bigger car, buy a bigger house, put food on the table for your fat whore of a wife and bastard spawn. Then you have the usual parade of right wing grifters, preying on the insecurities of horny teenagers to sell them on the military-prison-finance-industrial-complex. Actual fascists are pretty cool though: Marinetti, Mussolini, Mishima, and all the rest. Pessimists like Emil Cioran, Arthur Schopenhauer, etc. have more manly vitality and love-of-life in them than any pill pushing self-promoter on the Joe Rogan podcast.

>> No.22881782

Well, millennials did a wonderful job destroying gender roles and identities so now we have women with penises.

>> No.22881784

God i wish i was a caveman

>> No.22881787

Working on it presently, you can
expect it to be self published and personally shilled on here by late 2024/early 2025.

>> No.22881804

I've been posting about him too often lately, but yet again the answer here is to read DH Lawrence.

>> No.22881822

The most masculine thing is going to war, everything that involves risking your life, fighting wild dangerous beasts, sailing on some boat over the ocean, leading, going to some wild dangerous forest. Hard, dangerous jobs are second in command. Almost everything else is effeminate bullshit.

>> No.22881834

War sucks, nobody should have to go to war. War is only fun if you're in some caveman prehistory where life is a video game and you don't mind dying at 23 in a botched raid because the Woodoo Spirit told you that you will reincarnate with a 2x bigger dick.

>> No.22881841

Of course war sucks, it's still the most masculine thing a man can do, fight against other men over life or death.

>> No.22881849

So does manhood boil down to being a violent nigger? That's pretty bleak.

>> No.22881858

> violent nigger
Is honourable knight a term to you?

>> No.22881863


>> No.22881875

The nigger is violent to steal 50 bucks and a bag of coke from another nigger. Does this compare to a knight Templar fighting for the Christian cause?

>> No.22881888

How does it not?

>> No.22881890

masculinity is about having a good time with your buddies

>> No.22881902

One serves an immediate, narrow-minded material outcome paired with an extremely low esteem for the value of human life. The other serves a higher ideal at the stake of one's own life.

>> No.22881934

At least you can do something with 50 bucks. Imagine killing and risking your life for a schizo desert jinn that doesn't even exist. Mental illness.

>> No.22881938

Dying is based and red-pilled.

>> No.22882008

Thats again not the point. Its still a discussion about the essences of masculinity and feminity, which was supposedly only a recent invention.

>> No.22882102

>Embracing femininity makes you stunning and brave
>Embracing masculinity makes you insecure

>> No.22882115

I literally lived through a Call of Duty - Base Defence minigame for several months. The graphics was unreal, the haptic feedback literally broke my bones, smell-o-visiona! The smell of mortars in the morning!

>> No.22882298
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hell yeah

Picrel is a real answer

>> No.22882543


>> No.22882644

>masculinity (like femininity) is a divine concept
shut the fuck up.

>> No.22882649

feminism isn't nuanced at all. it all boils down the elimination of the male sex entirely, regardless if the intentions are pure at first.

>> No.22882683

Be a clan, not an individual.

>> No.22882688

That numale creature probably doesn't even know what he's talking about. He's equating masculinity to some compensation and he probably really thinks that there's only "masculinity" which reddit talks about. While OP made it pretty clear what he's trying to find. But you're also wrong, calling someone insecure for seeking something is an attack. Insecurity is too vague of a term with an implication of impotence and comical weakness. Young men's search for maissculinity is defined by trying to gain independence from the modern society and comeadery with other men (in the broad overview). Calling it an insequrity is placing it into the system of thought where rejecting conformism and attempting to gain a genuine identity is somehow laughable and pathetic.

>> No.22882694

Masculinism does exist though

>> No.22882702

*obligatory response which reads "Plato"*

>> No.22882723

This. Anons seething at you showing their asses. Collectives are for the mediocre who need to hang on a group

At the end of the day, to be a man, you must define that for yourself and do it. There is no playbook. There is no guide. A man marches to the beat of his own drum. A man can deal with adversity. A man knows himself. The insect thinking and hive mind of some anons here is disgusting

>> No.22882749

>Does this compare to a knight Templar fighting for the Christian cause?
Do people really believe the crusades were anything other than a failed attempt at land grabbing?

>> No.22882767

Apparently. I guess it all depends on what side is doing it

>our noble warriors vs your criminals
>our ___ vs your ___

>> No.22882780

Based, and what could be more masculine than being an individual anyway? Masculinity is self sufficience.

>> No.22883415

This >>22881237 is the right answer. The rest of this thread is mindless back and forth with the three things you mentioned.
>people siding with the "alpha" definition
>people siding with the unfeeling / stagnant definition (i.e. "men are men by being men so there's no point in further explanation")
The former with right wing undertones and the latter with apoliticism. Like clockwork. I think Plato is your best bet, dude was ripped mentally and physically and talks about the pinnacle of self hundreds of years before it became "based".

>> No.22884417
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>I'm only manly if le cool nigger and woman in my heads thinks I'm masculine!!!
the guy you responded to is absolutely correct, you freaks are so insecure you genuinely need validation to feel masculine

>> No.22884429

buy an ad

>> No.22884453

This guy has such a feminine and stereotypical view on being a man that I'm pretty sure it's just insecurity

>> No.22884471


>> No.22884501

Vigen Geodakian solved all of this.

>> No.22884659

To be happy you must live in agreement with your nature. The whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will be desperate to talk to you and give you free stuff spontaneously.The male nature is to be forever alone. On the female side, it is not all rosy, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them. So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Thanks to a twist, women are actually happy because, doing it for free, the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.
So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser. This is the only truth in the universe.

>> No.22884724


>> No.22884747

In the 50s they said 'a man is never alone'. What happened?

>> No.22884769

I did not even read your post, I have no idea what this whole thread about, I have no fucking idea who you are, I just wanted to say that I hate you so fucking much.

>> No.22884786

>Be an individual! The concept of masculinity is for hive mind cucks anyway
>By the way here are 4 elements I feel are essential to being a man

Are you a bit retarded? Why is everyone sperging about individualism in this thread? The original post specifically asked for books about the different interpretations of masculinity because of the conformity encouraged by modern definitions.

You aren’t special because you pretend like you are an isolated individual!

>> No.22884800

autism is the ideal M
schizophrenia is the ideal F

>> No.22884836
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Sexy men who straddle the line between masculinity and femininity are everywhere in anime, where are they in literature? And why do Western scrotes always forget women are attracted to that?

>> No.22884843

sup janny. Which of my posts did it?

>> No.22884852

>why do Asians depict more feminine men

>> No.22884900

There's plety of feminine men in literature. Hesse's Demian for example.

>> No.22885041

Achilles is like the first Western hero and displayed these traits. Go back to the anime

>> No.22885059

Aubrey-Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian.
More commonly referred to as the Master and Commander series.

Follows two friends. One, a robust naval officer ascending the ranks of the Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars. The other, a surgeon and natural philosopher, who also happens to be an ex-Irish revolutionary and loves to duel.

Both men are masculine in the traditional sense - being strong, logical, passionate - but also well attuned to their emotions and the world around them. Almost every night they sit and play music together (one the violin, the other the cello). They dine in polite society with all the trappings and manners of that world, they write in various forms, and they have a wonderful example of male friendship.

Oh, and Jack Aubrey is an incorrigeable womanizer whilst Stephen Maturin is a spy.

Great, great books.

>> No.22885124

Because it’s the only thing that makes any kind of practical sense. Every other attempt to define masculinity will end up as an appeal to authority, ie, to be masculine you have to be like “that guy over there”. Well what makes “that guy over there” masculine in the first place? Hint: he isn’t in a thread like this

>> No.22885201

>the masculine ideal is homo-coded

You're getting there.

>> No.22885212

Lol so masculinity isn’t real, but you also have the only correct definition of it. Sounds like you are just a confused Westoid bug who wants to muddy the waters.

>> No.22885235

You're always going to hit a nerve with this topic, as
demonstrate. It's demoralizing.

>> No.22885248

You are incapable of independent thought

>> No.22885263

Ask yourself, are you independent by choice, or because you have no friends, family, or community. I almost guarantee its the latter.

>> No.22885268

I love when people say something gay and demonstrably incorrect and then they respond to the criticism by saying they must have “touched a nerve”.

>> No.22885329

Ultima ratio retardum.

>> No.22885333

I can't tell who's baiting, but if they're serious, I do think 4chan could stand to lose those pointless one word responses to long, thought-out posts.
Do we need guys who's best argument is "kys faggot"?

>> No.22885347

Based and true

>> No.22885354

>love boys, but fuck your wife instead
uhhh thanks i guess plato...

>> No.22885366

Laugh all you want, you know its true. You never even had the chance to “conform” because you couldn’t and were rejected by others because of it.

>> No.22885388

You don’t know one damn thing about me. But boy have I learned something about you

>> No.22885403

Wow, what an independent thought!

>> No.22885424
File: 507 KB, 2014x2048, 3CDB21C1-0ACA-43C8-93EC-2FDDBC0E5F4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do shit that you want to do. Stop obsessing over whether you are masculine enough or not. Doing so, ironically, makes you a lot less masculine.

>> No.22885476

>Adds nothing that wasn't already said in the first 10 posts
Not even worth a pity (You)

>> No.22885481

Virgil, Plutarch, medieval literature in general

>> No.22886165

Yeah plus that argument applies infinitely more to OP who must have surely touched a nerve since these cucks start seething at the mere mention of masculinity as a concept.

>> No.22886300

Kek fr. Maybe people feel like masculinity is becoming subverted because the mere mention of it leads to screeching autism, pathologizing, and concern trolling

>> No.22886486

>but there is no one-size-fits-all Platonic form of “masulinity”
Funny that you use that word because Plato's chief dialogue is quite literally partly about dissecting the form of the perfect man, which he does
>it would never occur to me or my friends in the 90s
Nevermind, you're a lost boomer. It all makes sense now. Please stick to discussions of things that are in your purview like retro gaming or craft beer or whatever you midwits get up to.
>Calling it an insequrity is placing it into the system of thought where rejecting conformism and attempting to gain a genuine identity is somehow laughable and pathetic
It's Freudian gaslighting 101. Jews do it all the time.

>> No.22886497

those men only tow the line between masc and fem on a very superficial secondary characteristic level
they're not actually feminine in their behaviour, that would be repulsive
in the ancient world calling a woman "manly" was a high compliment
feminine isn't a counterpart to masculinity, it's the active lack of certain virtues
because women don't have to become women the way men have to become men, women already are and always are just by virtue of their bodies, mother nature is eternal

>> No.22886502
File: 328 KB, 750x374, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this basically, on a symbolic level (or more maybe) that's why we all start out female in the womb