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22880569 No.22880569 [Reply] [Original]

No no one has actually defeated Kant.

Yes Hegel was actually a spiritist and spooky wizard

everything else is cope

>> No.22880665

I find it hard to dismiss Russell and it pains me to say it

>> No.22880668

Kant defeated himself and Hegel is an idiot

>> No.22880679


>> No.22880684

I have no idea who’s the better of the two as I haven’t read anything of them outside of their respective wiki entries

however, both seem highly autistic and couldn’t express their ideas properly to their selected audiences, which has caused us ten of Millions of deaths as a result (communism evolving out of hegelianism, etc)

>> No.22880687

>he never read Hegel
Kant's noumena-phenomena divide was forcefully destroyed by Hegel and that in turn destroys most of Kant's subsequent thought.

>> No.22880688

hegel was a monarchist and would hate marxism

>> No.22880692

>couldn’t express their ideas properly to their selected audiences, which has caused us ten of Millions of deaths as a result
it's not their fault retards got filtered

>> No.22880694

>as I haven’t read anything of them
No need to say this, your braindead take makes it obvious.

>> No.22880703

>Kant's noumena-phenomena divide was forcefully destroyed by Hegel
unequivocally false
seethe mehr Hegeloid

>> No.22880714

Defeat is a strong word to use for a comparison of the 2. Kant created a door for absolutism and decided not to walk through it, Hegel had no problems with this.

>> No.22880717

it’s too bad his pussy ass couldn’t spell that out properly in his 400 page book lmao

>> No.22880721

philosophy isn’t mysticism, shouldn’t be hard to understand/decoded if it’s supposed to be understood by the common logical minded folk

>> No.22880725
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try explaining a single page of Hegel for me. Go ahead, try

>> No.22880739

Damn near every side and subsequent thinker has blasted him for his ideas on monarchy. Marx was Hegel's student, and also blasted him on the monarchy.

>> No.22880744

lmao try teaching quantum physics to common logical folk

>> No.22880748


>> No.22880756

you’ve just proven my point

>> No.22880758

that’s what i thought fag

>> No.22880764
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Why no one acknowledge the spooky wizard parts about Hegel? Why they just ignore that part? That I think is the best part.

>In modern times especially the phenomena of animal magnetism have given, even in experience, a lively and visible confirmation of the underlying unity of soul, and of the power of its ‘ideality’. Before these facts, the rigid distinctions of practical common sense are struck with confusion; and the necessity of a ‘speculative’ examination with a view to the removal of difficulties is more directly forced upon the student.

>> No.22880773

no I haven't

>> No.22880776

you're incapable of though retard

>> No.22880780
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>philosophy isn’t mysticism
>t. doesn't know

>Speculative truth, it may also be noted, means very much the same as what, in special connection with religious experience and doctrines, used to be called Mysticism.

>> No.22880822

No need to seethe, plebs. I’m far ahead of you in life and understanding

>> No.22880843

It's a wizard thing, if you get it then you are likely wizard level.

>> No.22880858
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>“Kant in his early life was primarily a physicist. He was keenly interested in mathematics, physics, and astronomy, as well as in philosophy. He was a student of Newton, and was well versed in all the latest scientific developments of his day. His early published work were mainly scientific. While still a student he published a work on Force. He wrote on such subject as the retardation of the Earth’s rotation on its axis, the age of the Earth, the relativity of motion, and the nature of the Atom. He published in 1755 a General Natural History and Theory of the Heavens in which he propounded the nebular hypothesis for the origin of the solar system, an hypothesis which was later to be put forward independently by Laplace and is usually associated with the name of the latter. Kant’s early period then was one of considerable scientific activity. But it was not the activity of the pure scientist as such. It was rather that of a critical and well informed mind reflecting on the scientific activity of his times.”

>> No.22880861

>I’m far ahead of you in life and understanding
sure you are little buddy. enjoy your pure cope.

>> No.22880871

based. Kant is #1

>> No.22880930

Oh I’m enjoying it

>> No.22880939

So who wins? If we apply Kantian moral framework it is clear neither is moral, that's certain

>> No.22880980

Russell wasn’t a philosopher, he was an empiricist.

>> No.22881108

Look, Hegel basically says criminals self-refute themselves and the punishment involved is more about punishing them for their own self-refutation than anything else, and Kant's categorical imperative if it is to take into account humanity at an a priori level will never be more than the golden rule since there is too much variability in human experience to get too far beyond this at an a priori level. I'm not sure you could say either had a comprehensively better moral system on objective grounds.

>> No.22881131
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>I find it hard to dismiss Russell

>> No.22881278

This is a fair characterization to an extent. Criticism of either is a healthy function of producing a high pedigree of thought, if you are trying to outright dismantle one of these 2 at the expense of the other you will likely find yourself in a position where you also rob yourself of a method to praise the other. Perhaps when these guys were alive there may have been more of a head 2 head aspect involved and history has now removed some of this from our collective understanding, to me it is hard to see Hegel as a legitimate competitor to Kant. Kant is likely the apex of German thinking in terms of comphensive philosophy, Hegel seems to possess a different intent and ended up becoming considerably more influential in the political realm. Could Hegel have simplified his philosophy? No, at least not in a way that would have enabled him to accomplish his system in such a way as to make it an organically growing system capable of making higher and lower ordered adaptations to preserve the logic sequence. If someone were to read Kant and enjoy Kant and say that Hegel is some sort of obfuscationist this may be appropriate for that person, if someone were to read Hegel and say that Kant is incapable of painting an accurate picture of reality this may also be appropriate for that person, you can take the position both are wrong and that may be appropriate for that person, but I have not seen much in the way of legitimate claims one is objectively better than the other that don't end up taking away their individual contributions to philosophy in tandem.

>> No.22881995

No one defeated Kierkegaard either. The modern world often tries to forget that which cannot be defeated when the implied knowledge is inconvenient.

>> No.22882667
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Kant is the perfect example of “it’s true because I wish it so”

>> No.22882669

absolute retard take

>> No.22882672

>you should follow the categorical imperative because… you just should OK?!

>> No.22883834

The critique of pure reason is based but all his writing on morality is stupid

>> No.22883844

The weird thing is you don’t need to defeat kant if you don’t want to, people who hate kant are just irritated he proved they can’t describe themselves with the positive words they grew up to value like moral

>> No.22883853

That’s the point, you should follow categorical imperatives if you want to be moral, otherwise you are amoral

>> No.22883862

Kant is a moron addicted to his brainfarts and contradicted by literally everybody who ever lived

>> No.22883870

Morality has nothing to do with the mental gesticulation of a racist bourgeois turned humanist overnight.

>> No.22883888

Morality certainly has nothing to do with anyone who deems it necessary to identify bourgeoisie

>> No.22884178

He was never able to escape hume's is-ought was he?

>> No.22884200

No, Hume was a genius. That’s why Nietzsche said next to nothing about him

>> No.22884202

Marx starts off by saying that his dialectical materialism is literally the inversion of Hegelian philosophy.

>> No.22884207

Did Trump ever finish German idealism?

>> No.22884208

I have always been confused about the difference btn plato's forms and kant's noumena. Did kant clarify this?

>> No.22884212

Kant was also a genius and although he said too much unnecessary shit because of his german autism, some of his ideas are still relevant.