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22876440 No.22876440 [Reply] [Original]

Is Frank Herbert's Dune series high literature?

>> No.22876452

TFW no bene geserit gf

>> No.22876954

Dune fans: I love this book that has knife fights and orientalism in space
Frank Herbert: I will write a sequel trilogy about pedo eugenics prostitutes
Dune fans: wha

>> No.22877109

I love Frank. What a silly guy.

>> No.22877333
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>> No.22877513

if you’ve ever been around tantric types of new agers, please understand that they actually talk like this

>> No.22878431

I love reading his son's forewords to the books
>Growing up, I always hated my dad for being a useless asshole. But then I inherited the rights to his books and I realized the depth and vibrancy of his imagination.

>> No.22878439

He is literally me. I hope my son doesnt write awful fiction based off my stuff like Brian though.

>> No.22878696

>Robert Heinlein
>Frank Herbert
>Dan Simmons
Why did all the free love hippie sci fi authors go insane?

>> No.22878791


>> No.22879038

A lifetime of enduring the waves of their rampant beta horniness crashing against the inerodable rock of female alpha dog seeking sexuality left them mentally broken

>> No.22879049

They're concubines, right? Don't they use sex as a tool for political influence and subterfuge?

>> No.22879162

>Dune fans: I love this book that has knife fights and orientalism in space
>Frank Herbert: I will write a sequel trilogy about Duncan Idaho Duncan Idahoding Duncan Idahos
>Dune fans: Duncan Idaho

>> No.22879427

Clarke and Asimov were like that as well. Most respectable scifi writers were similarly freaky.

>> No.22879432

For me, it's Hayt

>> No.22880286

Could Frank's wife do vaginal pulsing?

>> No.22880506
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>not a fan of Honored Matres
I think the Honored Matres were evidence of Leto being wrong in his theory about all woman armies, as in they forced sex on men. I'm pretty sure you should, author's intent, come out of God Emperor suspicious of Leto, but it's mostly from his point of view and he's driven by some compelling motives to try to be a great... guy? Worm-god thing? It's that Tyler Durden effect, he's so cool you don't notice he's a bit of a piece of shit.
Things like executing Malky but being okay with it because he technically didn't kill him or order his death. That's Leto, and there's accounts that he silenced other critics or wrote historical accounts himself. If he's wrong about the all woman army and full of shit about other stuff, consider what else that means.

Also I read this as a kid and I think it got me to try doing tantric stuff on girls. Duncan Idaho trains men to fuck the crazy out of Honored Matres.

>> No.22880535

I mean, vagina pulsates when woman is very aroused or orgasming so isn't it just next level orgasm imitation?

>> No.22881977

Why defend this?

>> No.22881991

both are cringe but redpilled

>> No.22882039

Just finished God Emperor.
Is 5th book worth reading or should I just leave dune behind from here?

>> No.22882166

Even better, it's an extended sexual fantasy, but written to resemble a tax code.

>> No.22882670

Im about to start the second dune trilogy myself. Im looking forward to chapterhouse at the end because im told the Bene Gesserit finally disclose some info on the Jews in that one. Apparently theyre the exact same 20,000+ years into the future even though every other religion has changed greatly. Will be interesting to read.

>> No.22882913
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"HARKONNENS could be here" he thought, "I've never been on this planet before. There could be HARKONNENS anywhere." The cool wind felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE HARKONNENS" he thought. Wise Bene Gesserit Sayings reverberated his entire thoper, making it pulsate even as the nine-solari melange circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of Harkonnens after dark. "With a knife, you can kill anyone you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.22883453

The second book wasn't even worth reading, so since you've come this far you may as well stay in for the long haul.

>> No.22883468

I'm not reading any further. All the interesting Atreides are dead.

>> No.22883696


>> No.22884145

They're fun but ultimately unfinished so you'll just get blueballed right before the climax of the planned trilogy

>> No.22884151

no but his son could do wonders with his ass

>> No.22884463

meh honestly

>> No.22884489

I don't even remember what happened in Heretics imma be honest. I read the first chapter of chapterhouse and said fuck it. Stopped there. So yeah God Emperor is the last one worth reading imo

>> No.22886014

>I don't even remember what happened in Heretics imma be honest.
Duncan Idaho

>> No.22886118


>> No.22886121
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A lot of the dimwit Marxists on here will take issue with Herbert because he alone recognized commies would become a different sub-species of human, if they practiced their disgusting religion long enough, in the form of the Bene Tleilaxu. Orwell blew it, thinking you could achieve that situation with pure punitive coercion. The little people really do end up eating the rich in that scenario. Huxley got closer with the drugged up sexed up BNW, but admitted to the limitations himself with Helmholtz and Bernard. Herbert has it right. There are no commies as long as men compete for women. And this is of course the true reason neckbeard incels collapse into Marxism. They dream, not of an equal world, but a world where they need not experience the dread and agony of their pathetic inceldom. The only true and certain escape is to completely eliminate women.

Miles Teg is the ultimate bad ass.

>> No.22887224

Wow, very interesting. I'm sure you've had lots of sex and are not a bitter lonely weirdo.

>> No.22887507


When you believe in Marxism, you can say meaningless things like this and think you've proven something, because the foundation of Marxism is that only the things Marx said have enduring value. But for the record... I have more sex in a week than you will have in your whole life. Exclusively with beautiful women that turn their nose up at peons like you as you shuffle past them, head down, face shadowed by a foul smelling fedora, skin tags forming under your fat, unshorn neck, pit stains growing on your duster, worn with a comic book T-shirt underneath. The one and only exception is your mother, who I am currently wallering out in the master bedroom, above your filthy basement hovel. Your father is watching from the closet masturbating, pulling feverishly at the button mushroom you inherited from him. You go on ahead defending decrepit philosophical pseuds, speaking so self-assuredly on their diagnoses of the human condition, while not knowing the nuchal ligament from nigger lips.

Herbert trolled Asimov with Dune 5 the same way Heinlein did with Starship Troopers. The Marxist is the eternal incel.

>> No.22887598

take your meds

>> No.22888539

Elevated slop

>> No.22889133

Drug use generally.

>> No.22889143

Why is having sex an indicator of value?

>> No.22889618


The only way you reproduce is if your genes were valuable enough to reach that situation. I'm not going to deal in metaphysical meaning and spiritualism with strangers. That's retarded. If you're interlocutor is someone wholly unknown to you, the only common ground you can reasonably operate on is science. Real science. Not qualitative research pseudo science nonsense. Not "But I really feel like it would be nicer if ladies could value me for "who I am", even though part of that "who" is grossly obese and unwashed.

Humans are a variety of animal. Our limited access to knowledge of the pleroma and the spiritual world is purely incidental. We operate the way animals operate.

>> No.22889650

>you're interlocutor
you have been filtered from interlocution

>> No.22890409


>> No.22891081

What was Paul's master plan in becoming a hobo again?

>> No.22891091

This is actually real, it's just Kegels, it's what the Chinese ball or the jade egg is for. Men can learn to do the equivalent reflex to delay ejaculation.

>> No.22891810

Why didn't Jessica simply control Baron Harkonnen with vaginal pulsations?

>> No.22891960

Asimov is better than Herbert thoughever

>> No.22892230

>FUCK the Golden Path, there has to be a better way.
-Paul "Based" Atreides

>> No.22893146

Asimov was a nerd who thought poli sci majors could defeat armies with facts and logic

>> No.22893169

That guy happens in every book, so he doesn't count.
Poor guy, couldn't be left alone to just rest in peace.

>> No.22893175

My interpretation is that he was basically unwilling to pay the price that the Golden Path required.

>> No.22893180

laughing at the the thought Tolkien reading this

>> No.22893513

1 is like halfway there, 4 is close
the rest is a hard no

>> No.22893542

as someone who read all 6, no its not worth it. stop here, 4 left off with some interesting places for future stories to go and 5 and 6 totally squander all of it.

>> No.22893698
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I suppose more people know Dune than Asimov's work because there are 2 Dune movies. Asimov however is more lauded in the community because his beliefs more closely align with who's in charge of aesthetic critique today. Rich Jews. This isn't a /pol/ post either. You can even take it on that hamfisted explanation from the South Park episode mocking Kanye. Jews are everywhere in media and art assessment, and Jews like "liberalism" because of their long and storied history of rejection from host cultures. Incidentally... Herbert was Irish (I think), and Asimov was a Jew.

>> No.22893715

Asimov and Herbert were both elitists who thought the intelligentsia should rule over the vulgar commoners who valued honor and religion.

>> No.22894126

Plenty of gross fat people reproduce with other gross fat people

>> No.22894290


You have to take it for granted that I'm right about Herbert using the Bene Tleilaxu as an example of a Marxist community taken to the extreme.

It's trendy to Mill(ib)enials to presume these (with the exception of Asimov) WWII veteran sci-fi writers were strictly anti-fascist. They hated commies too. You could be elitist while hating commies back then. Of course now, as Herbert predicted in God Emperor, the liberals have transmuted into the aristocracy, and so longer hate commies, as commies are now the elite.

Or are we pretending Frankfurt school style initiatives aren't being back by trillions of dollars in this thread?

>> No.22894295
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Forgot this...

>> No.22895409

He was trying to wake the Fremen up before they destroyed themselves. He couldn’t sit idly by and watch it happen. He’s still Atreides, and they take care of their own.
He allows himself to be martyred because it forces the Fremen to wake up. A priesthood that kills their own God basically destroys their authority with the people. He denounces Alia, and with the confirmation of his identity her power is forfeit as well. He also dies so that Leto can become the new God in the eyes of the Fremen with time. Muad’Dib’s religion is no more, a new myth takes its place built in its ashes.

>> No.22895776

Tolkien would only complain about the Arabic borrowings being too obvious

>> No.22895972

It’s not. It’s purely carnal in nature and most of the biggest game changers in history have been childless. They’re like red pillers who can’t see they promote they very thing they say they want stopped.

>> No.22896066

Frank Herbert can't have written that, they don't repeat the previous sentence in italics even once

>> No.22896199

>most of the biggest game changers in history have been childless
and then there are those like Genghis Khan

>> No.22897059

You almost have to respect Herbert for taking a mainstream success and making it completely inaccessible for normal people

>> No.22897081

No it is literally genre fiction.

>> No.22897944

So is Ivanhoe

>> No.22898836

I hope Denny Vuhnoov adapts this part

>> No.22899138

Why wasn't Paul taught these techniques?

>> No.22899169

Are the bene gesserit the jews of Dune?
Both are matriarcal societies qnd shieet

>> No.22900474

Only David Lynch would have the courage to adapt this

>> No.22900709
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>> No.22900740

He had knowledge of them via Ancestral memory but could not perform them due to his lack of a functioning pussy

No. Jews are the jews of dune. Jews aren't even really matriarchal. They're patriarchal and even patrilineal in their contemporary genealogies, only considering matrilineal descendance when determining the quality of an individual's in-born "jewishness"