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/lit/ - Literature

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22871786 No.22871786 [Reply] [Original]

books: war is LE HELL
meanwhile in reality: ayyo can you kill my bro first? I gotta finish this smoke
Reality is funnier than any book

>> No.22871793

Holy fuck. The guys flesh just exploded. Jesus fuck

>> No.22871797

read storm of steel if you want the war is cool book

>> No.22871799

Its more like war isnt good or bad it just is. Senseless slaughter for no good reason.
I'm more of a blood meridian enjoyer myself

>> No.22871802

oh yeah dude two conscripts dying pathetic deaths to a faceless drone in the middle a blasted wasteland and then having their last moments paraded around on the internet is so heckin funny
kill yourself

>> No.22871807

uh oh oinkrainian got mad zelensky's piggies are getting detonated

>> No.22871812

they are russians
>nooo not my wholesome hecking invaderinos
shouldnt have invaded I guess

>> No.22871832

It's some sort of satanic ritual to feed off psychic energy

>> No.22871839

more like the flailings of an aging dictator trying to leave his mark on history by sending men that had families to their death for defeating their brother nation that is full of nazi jews or something

>> No.22871841

They're just 2 grunts sent into the meatgrinder.
Have some sympathy for other human beings while you sit comfortably shitposting behind your pc.

>> No.22871845

Ukrainians did not kill them. They made the choice of being killed.

>> No.22871856
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Why spend time posting propaganda on the literature board? Why not /pol/? Is this a bot?

>> No.22871859

which part was a lie?

>> No.22871860

Even if they personally made the full and free choice to come to the Ukraine for no other reason than to try and conquer it, then still you could have sympathy with the human suffering you just watched.

but feel free to continue being a soulless cunt. its your loss really

>> No.22871862

zelensky orchestrated the death of at least 10000 children from donbass and luhansk, putin had to defend himself

>> No.22871872
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imagine caring more than a russian's mom about some random russians
Nobody considers russians human, not even their parents. So they basically fufilled their duty of spreading russian peace and prosperity and dying for their tsar

>> No.22871874

Good job kiddo, can you tell me again what real war is like from your mommies bedroom?

>> No.22871876
File: 3.91 MB, 852x480, 1703344134073659.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup here you go bro, war is tradpilled and manly

>> No.22871881

I like the book Sevastopol Sketches by Tolstoy

>> No.22871888

Teenage OP really is a moron, proving unawares that Putin simply couldn't allow for the existence of a genocidal border state supported by people like him.

Maybe you should read something about diplomacy!

>> No.22871899

If ukraine let itself be annexed by russia then none of this would have happened. Ukraine doesnt exist as a country so why are they fighting for it

>> No.22871915

No I will not have sympathy for the forces of evil, yes, I will enjoy their deaths

>> No.22871917

nafo tranny detected please kys yourself sir

>> No.22871922

I dont know any of your buzzwords. Russians die - GOOD. You dont agree?

>> No.22871940
File: 29 KB, 306x441, 3B9F3A9D00000578-4064666-image-m-53_1482648033214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao kys zigoid

>> No.22871942

Because Russia is shit

>> No.22871951

you're a weirdo OP, go back to /pol/ with your other faggy friends

>> No.22871982

This. God life is horrifying.

>> No.22871989

imagine a nigger who was trying to rob your home and kill your family, gets shot and dies, then a bunch of people are sad over him. Thats how you look.

>> No.22871994

the nigger here being zelensky of course

>> No.22871999

no, those two russians in OP's webm. Zelensky didnt really invade anyone.

>> No.22872000

This should be posted in /sffg/ thread.

>> No.22872005


>> No.22872013

This. OP is either underage or a manchild

>> No.22872016
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Russia stronk!

>> No.22872028

Why are they not running away

>> No.22872030

sick, frostbitten, tired, already wounded with shrapnel
the usual

>> No.22872034

Probably injured, retard. Do you think a sane man would wait until a brain-bursting bomb drops on them? That said, no sane man wants war.

>> No.22872044


>> No.22872048

All slavshits should die and dead russhits are a net positive, as are dead shitkranians desu
This war is great

>> No.22872053

I kinda feel pity for him but then I remember we have completely different interests and I don't

>> No.22872055

How can you "people" make posts like these without being disgusted by yourselves? Celebrating the deaths of your fellow man because of muh heckin politicerinos.
Weak, cowardly NPC behaviour

>> No.22872059

>deaths of your fellow man
Deaths of NPCs*

>> No.22872061

Face it mate. This is the truth of human nature. You either accept it and join humanity or become some hippie loser detached from reality.

>> No.22872066

>laughing at NPCs getting duped by their dictators to be shredded by drones is NPC behavior
Absolute cope, these guys would be first in line to kill you for not complying with the current ideology. They think 200 dollars a month is worth trading their humanity away to become tools for some oligarch

>> No.22872068

And I'm supposed to support the Ukes for this cowards form of "warfare?" Drone usage/footage literally makes the Ukrainians look worse.

Slavs are fucking inhuman across the board.

>> No.22872070

I lol'd for some reason. I need to go to church.

>> No.22872072

its cowardly pajeet, not cowards

>> No.22872076
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my wounded brethren? not my problem gotta go fast
>russian empathy

>> No.22872081

Most people who join humanity end up as loserish as detached hippies tho
No way out