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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 290 KB, 1200x600, WEB3-SAINT-NICHOLAS-shutterstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22871018 No.22871018 [Reply] [Original]

Saint Nick edition
previous >>22859360

>> No.22871031
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My daughter is crying because Santa didn't bring her any presents.

>> No.22871038

"wow I didn't know you guys were open today"

because of YOU dipshit

>> No.22871040

i was gonna play a video game over winter break but i can't get into anything. prob have to do sth creative or productive instead. annoying but it is what it is.

>> No.22871044

just making conversation buddy

>> No.22871051
File: 52 KB, 640x232, Dwarf Fortress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Dwarf Fortress

>> No.22871057

i have these "good" headphones on my mac that have super accurate frequency response or whatever for mixing and shit, but i'm listening to some dj sets from youtube on my gaming pc headphones and the bass sounds so good. i gotta use shitty headphones more often.

>> No.22871064

TWENTY FIVE bucks? what the fuck.

>> No.22871065

Rimworld is better, unironically.

>> No.22871066

Don't play Dorf butt, it's actually a really simple and boring game behind that shitty UI.

>> No.22871068
File: 1.09 MB, 605x1341, dtocrimzx6q71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>closing on first house this week
>gonna be a wizard in 7 months
Do I try pic related?

>> No.22871075

dude if i'm gonna be alone i'm just gonna buy a studio condo downtown and fill it with books until one day they find my mummified corpse under a stack that fell over.

>> No.22871121

I've never really been able to refute Thrasymichus' critique of Plato, that morality is a product of the knowledge that others are watching us. A part of the desire to appear well in the eyes of others.
The impartial spectator, our abstracted image of the parent or God or society watching over us.
Undeniably we have an internal impulse as well towards charity and empathy to others, yet much of the impulse to avoid immoral acts is intertwined with anticipation of negative consequence.
Rationally speaking i understand, but such a view for me is crushingly bleak, and I wish i could live unrestrained by this awareness and skepticism. I wish i could devote myself to some higher deal or to helping others without that gnawing thought in the back of my head, "why am i really doing this?"

>> No.22871125

teach her some manners

>> No.22871130

Play Terraria

>> No.22871162

Do you study geometry

>> No.22871174

No, I got my degree in English, which I very much regret. I was not really smart enough for STEM
I was an extremely indescive student though so i tried a variety of courses in other subjects too

>> No.22871183

Listen, I don't give a shit about school or stem, but you blabbering about plato and not being a geometor brings me to the conclusion that you are retarded

>> No.22871184

so much for playing video games or do anything at all. the time has come to lay in bed listening to audiobooks. since i don't have to get up tomorrow i will listen to some great courses since usually the stupid blaring horns between lectures wakes me up when i'm drowsing off. hmmm, what to listen to. i was listening to one about historical jesus yesterday for christmas, but now i'm not sure. they are so many free on audible plus, like you can't listen to all these things.

>> No.22871186

i'm just going to start telling people what i actually think all the time. no more tact. no more discretion. i'm going to really let them know what's on my mind.

>> No.22871189

Don't know what u are on about but don't really care

>> No.22871193 [DELETED] 

uh oh my mom just text me asking if im up. my uncle croaked, calling it now.

>> No.22871200

Of course you don't you are retarded

>> No.22871204

So are you a geometor?

>> No.22871210

Almost got scammed on Christmas Day. Fuck that shit was scary. Dude used my bank's official phone number and knew details about their internal verification process, enough to get all kinds of sensitive personal shit out of me before I realized what was happening and locked everything down.
Stay safe, bros.

>> No.22871213
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>> No.22871215

I read a lot this year but I wish I had taken notes on what I read. I feel a lot of it went in one ear and out the other, if that makes sense. In 2024, I will take notes on what I read.

>> No.22871223
File: 471 KB, 3611x1122, 20231225_210029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Straight from platos republic, a book you were talking about, look how stupid you are

>> No.22871229

You didn't answer my question.
I am familiar with said passage.
If you aren't yourself, then you are just posturing on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.22871233

*aren't a geometer

>> No.22871238
File: 3.15 MB, 4160x3120, 20231225_210848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have six books of euclid written in my own manuscript faggot

>> No.22871252

Look how stupid you are

>> No.22871254

So you aren't a geometer then. Crazy how you can't answer a simple question

>> No.22871255
File: 255 KB, 1284x2778, IMG_6573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this normal?

>> No.22871282

It doesn't matter what is said as people like you exist that spout bullshit, I let my actions speak and they boldly claim I am a geometor. Also you said you didn't know what I was on about and then when I posted a picture of the republic you said that you knew it, phh I don't believe you you two faced little shit

>> No.22871295

>they boldly claim I am a geometor.
>guys i own some manuscripts that makes me a mathematician
You are posturing cause you are insecure. I acknowledged that I wasn't versed in math. It has no bearing on the truth or falsity of my post.. And you have yet to address any of the points I made in my original post

>> No.22871319

Please come back.

>> No.22871335
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I'm full speed ahead on my second to final draft. I promised my grandmother I would get it done for her. I have to complete it before she dies, I don't care if it's shit.

>> No.22871354

The only times in my life that a woman has admired my physique it was my sister.

>> No.22871360

Touch grass, please.

>> No.22871381

Damn, dude. I hate myself. And I’m realizing that hating yourself might be one of the hardest things to get over.

>> No.22871419

Psychedelics bro, get on them

>> No.22871423

god, i love her so much.

>> No.22871428

Simone Weil's antisemitism is much more interesting, for reasons i probably don't need to explain

>> No.22871445

I don’t do drugs anymore.

>> No.22871487

Try again, I’m sorry I missed you

>> No.22871491

my name is nick

>> No.22871493

Thinking of going back to the basics in literature and rereading some of the big guns like Homer, Virgil, Ovid, Dante, and Shakespeare. I feel like a reader gets something more from writers like that every time they return, and it’s often dependent on the reader’s mindset at the time

>> No.22871521

i understand but it's probably the easiest way to stop hating yourself

>> No.22871524

Fuck you

>> No.22871526

based and hoardermaxx

>> No.22871527

'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling

>> No.22871529

I want to call you so badly but I’m scared

>> No.22871547
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Now that I have a high paying job and a good physique, I'm starting to get attention from women for the first time in my life, and I keep embarrassing myself by being a horny retard. My whole self image as an intellectual has been shattered. I'm ashamed and embarrassed of my behavior. I feel like I can never return what I've lost.

>> No.22871575

I'm getting that thing where random beautiful women remind me of the girl I'm seeing and make me think of her, I'm turning into a fucking faggot again.

>> No.22871619

Why are you scared?

>> No.22871620

He's scared the boogeyman will get him.

>> No.22871628

Because I’m worried about the potential for fucked up consequences if I get an angry response, I don’t know

>> No.22871637

Batman Arkham City is such a good game

>> No.22871650

i'm just making shit up at this point

>> No.22871652

I got drunk and sat through a ww2 movie and said how its al jewish propaganda. Fuck i hate jews so much

>> No.22871662

Batman is a shit character though. He's responsible for the deaths of thousands, all because he doesn't want to kill.
>mu-muh morality
Stfu asshole. Some kid just had his mom killed by the Joker because of you.

>> No.22871664

i was in athens during the grexit debate while they were burning shit down and i was in DC during the floyd riots while they were also burning shit down and i just seem to have an uncanny tendency to be present in places when they're going through crises.

>> No.22871667
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The ants are cleaning their antennas on my desk. How can I get rid of something so adorable?

>> No.22871668

take your meds

>> No.22871671

laughing so hard i'm puking and crying

>> No.22871709

Yes but it shouldn't be.

>> No.22871711


>> No.22871715

I think the average is around 6 hrs, you are spending 75% of your waking hours on the phone. Stop it.

>> No.22871720

i am kanye west

>> No.22871825

The dragon is by the side of the road, watching those who pass. Beware lest he devour you. We go to the father of souls, but it is necessary to pass by the dragon.

>> No.22871831

trite, vapid, clownish (not in a funny way)

>> No.22871873

when is the newest houllebecq novel going to be translated? mon dieu I can't wait any longer!

>> No.22871895

Man I’m grateful for my older daughter. I live my wife and the baby but really if it wasn’t for the older one I really wouldn’t see much hope in the future. But she’s so smart and sweet and talented, I am interested in seeing where she goes. She’s probably the only person I really truly admire, for lack of a better word. Other than that I really don’t have much going on. Good job but who cares? Wife is nice enough but sick all the time and sleeps a lot, sex life is trash and i’m not getting any younger. I’ll be turning 30 this coming year and it’s time for me to grow up, stop drinking all the time and feeling sorry for myself. Ive worked over time every week this past year and I’ve got to do it again this year. Life seems to be getting more difficult and the quality is just becoming less and less. I’ve got such a desire for love and sex that I know probably won’t ever be satisfied. But it’s time to be a man. The world is busy and apathetic and it is childish to expect sympathy. I guess I’m just grateful I at least have such a great little girl.

>> No.22871897

I hope everyone here had a merry Christmas.

>> No.22871928

Can't decide what to read next. The decision is between tender is the night, jude the obscure, and we have always lived in the castle.

>> No.22871934

I didn't.

>> No.22871964

Jude for sure

>> No.22871983 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.29 MB, 426x1002, 1703462478797121.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found it! Thanks

>> No.22872064

White extinction is a net positive for humanity no cap

>> No.22872074

I fucking love xwitter. Filled with people sperging at le evil authorities, or jerking over "their" glorious past, or complaining about men/women, or trying to lecture others who complain about men/women about how they are better and not so soft
At the end of the day all are bugmen wagies or neets who spend a lot of time online.
NOBODY should touch grass. Stay in your basements

>> No.22872084


>> No.22872088

jews survive purely because of their white golems. So do nigs and many other turd worlders

>> No.22872092


>> No.22872108

Is there any literature or poetry that reads like what the Drakengard 1 soundtrack sounds like?

>> No.22872116

It's sad that /a is one of the few boards that still kind of resembles old 4chan. I don't know why modes don't apply the same rules to every board. tv/v/mu are completely ruined and unusable because of all the ragebaiting and twitter screencaps.

>> No.22872124

how is /a in any way close to old 4chan?

>> No.22872131

It's not 90% frog/wojak/twitter/reddit threads like every other board. That makes more like old 4chan than most.

>> No.22872149

>jews survive purely because of their white golems.
Any Golem. Doesn't matter the colour, so long as they're goyim and obey. It is why they now prefer turd worlders.

>> No.22872161

Insane cope, a turd worlder is only a useful idiot footsoldier for them (see niggers). They survive because of white supplication. Get rid of whites and you get rid of jews
Nothing of value would be lost at this point, no offense

>> No.22872175

None taken, and I think you're entirely mistaken; yet this is probably not the place to go on a tangent on the matters discussed.

>> No.22872186

Agreed. To summarize, I view it as a matter of efficient golems vs inefficient golems. Shabbos goyim for whatever degenerate modern ideology are also like that, take BLM for example, would they ever go anywhere without infrastructure built by more efficient golems? That kind of thing.
Guess we'll find out

>> No.22872188

I've been listening to David Foster Wallace's interviews since last night, and I'm so very entranced. I think I'll try to tackle the Infinite Jest beast again.

>> No.22872200

have sex + touch grass

>> No.22872224

My disposable vape is dying. I can tell cause it's lost its flavour.

>> No.22872251
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Sometimes I feel like crying but no tears come out.

>> No.22872278

iktfb. I want to cry to I know that tears cannot change anything.

>> No.22872328

>It's yotsuba. 四つ葉 if you said it in Japanese. 双葉 would be 2 leaves, 四つ葉 is 4 leaves. Futaba died
No, it's futaba, that's why their background is still two leaves. This is worse than not learning japanese and copying and pasting kanji; this means you cannot count to two in either language, though congrats for saying something racist in both languages by accident i guess kek

>> No.22872357

I wish I had a girlfriend.

>> No.22872363

Every religion is fucking stupid, philosophy is king

>> No.22872396


>> No.22872462

Got a guitar and amp combo that doesn’t work for Christmas. Oh well, I got a bunch of other stuff that worke just fine

>> No.22872475

When a cashier asks me, "would you like a receipt?" I don't just say, "No." I say, "nothatsalrig."

>> No.22872489

I go on a rant about xenoestrogens in receipt paper and accuse them of intentionally trying to harm me

>> No.22872520

>Not a whole thermal paper rant

>> No.22872581


>> No.22872604

I fucking hate modern life. I hate modern technology. I hate modern cities. I say this as someone who works in the construction of such buildings, buildings for the soijack npcs and the gay faggots. My biggest wish is to see it all rot and go away.

>> No.22872607

I want to quit working for my parents but I fear they are going to tell me to wait until February, and by then something else will happen that will force me to wait even longer. Not like I would even make it to February lmao, I'm running on fumes at this point.

>> No.22872611
File: 22 KB, 210x210, 😦.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan and its sensibilities you've absorbed over the years isn't the entirety of your personality.
you can still relate to people with other sides of you.

>> No.22872619

lol, I cannot relate to normalfags

>> No.22872622

I was weird before I got here

>> No.22872638

I have been a weirdo since 2nd grade, long before coming here.

>> No.22872687 [DELETED] 

i guess kanye's new shoes didn't sell very well and no one wanted to hear that shitty new song since he's started his groveling and sniveling apology arch

>> No.22872723

Reverse order to the way you listed them

>> No.22872724
File: 414 KB, 1200x799, R(7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My psych put me on antipsychotics and I feel so bad. My mind is like submerged underwater and all my thoughts have a delay to them.

Maybe it's time to accept no meds are gonna fix me, they can only fuck me up even more, and I should just go on with this raw. At least that way my dick still works, I don't have insomnia, I can exercise, I don't have a crazy heart rate, etc.

>> No.22872732

>No, it's futaba, that's why their background is still two leaves.
Call me a fucking retard if you want but I seriously don't get what you're saying, 4chan ripped off futaba, then futaba died and ended up getting replaced by 5ch. How the fuck can 4chan be futaba when it clearly has 4(yotsu) leaves?

>> No.22872736

Are you schizo or just bipolar?

>> No.22872737

i've been browsing steam looking for a game to play for like the last week but i can't decide on anything. i think i'm just not that into video games.

>> No.22872741

I either feel bad for people or I hate them, sometimes both but never neither

>> No.22872743

Hunt: Showdown and the FromSoftware games are the only ones worth playing honestly.

>> No.22872747


>> No.22872750

>hunt: showdown
oh ya i was thinking abt getting that but it looked like a broforce rip-off wasn't sure if it was actually good

>> No.22872751

Schizo. But I only have negative symptoms like anhedonia, apathy, cognitive dysfunction, memory problems and a broken reward system. My psych put me on an atypical antipsychotic but the side effects just dont feel worth it. It feels so bad being on this shit

>> No.22872762

It’s really fun if you have a friend to play with. If youre on ps5 you can add me and my friend if you want. No other game is more satisfying to get a kill in.

>> No.22872777

Oh I’m just bipolar and my head is good if I get sober but with drinking its always fucked up. So idk about how you feel normally but they say you always have to try a number of brands before finding the one that fits. Tell your psych that you need to try a new one. Im sure there is one out there for you, dont just try one and think its that or nothing. I hope the next one does you better, you dont deserve to feel like that. Even some randomass dumb shit can give you a bad reaction. For example if I take antihistamines my ears ring and it makes me feel cut off and depressed. When I take mucinex i get bad vertigo. Your brain just is reacting badly to this drug. Dont get discouraged, I know mental health or any health complications can be very discouraging. I thought my life was over when my epididymitis wouldnt go away, but I got through it. Good luck man.

>> No.22872779


>> No.22872786

oh shit i thinking of huntdown. damn hunt: showdown looks p sick. only two questions: what kind of video card do u need? i only have a 1050ti with 4 gig of ram, and why the fuck are there so many expansion packs? is the base game ok? if i can run it i think im gonna get it

>> No.22872791

I used to be able to casually use hard drugs without feeling the need to do more. I can't anymore! What's going on here? What's happening in this country? Why can't I do small quantities of drugs on the weekends?

>> No.22872802

Umm Im kind of retarded when it comes to computers, Im not sure honestly. The maps are pretty big but the graphics arent exactly state of the art so I would think you would be fine. My old computer was outdated and it ran it okay.

>> No.22872806

Oh and yeah I dont do any of that extra stuff, I just play the regular game and yeah it’s super fun, I dont feel im missing anything.

>> No.22872844

My grandma got run over by a reindeer.

>> No.22872846

>futaba died
What? 2chan.net

>> No.22872863

I'm pretty sure that's just a bunker. I haven't used it much but I had the impression that it's a pretty dead place with a few bots here and there. The 発電 board was consistently decent in quality and speed though.

>> No.22872876

Anon was saying you're calling here pleb leafs not four leaf clovers because you can't in2 kanji btw so I can tell you're not using it much

>> No.22872895

futaba is where the 30+ year old suicidal neets and salarymen gather to post about gacha
2channel/5channel is for underage kids, old people and crazy chicks
normal japanese youth use twitter now

>> No.22872899

Doing the opposite of what I think, or acting on sudden impulses, episode 44, two years in.
I invited a girl I barely knew to Disneyland Paris on Christmas and the 25. It was very nice and we knew a lot more of each other by the time we returned. Definitely something I'll remember in my old age. I think I won myself a good friend and it was funny. We were dead tired from all the walking on the way back!

Some of my friends called me crazy and one of them suggested I launch a Tiktok series. It would be something I'd consider if my face wasn't already plastered everywhere on my LinkedIn network. For now I'll just hold into the pictures and videos. The thing I appreciated the most in that adventure is how most intimidating people turn into softies when you get to know them. I don't think I'd have met so many interesting people if I had kept living like I did before. I just returned so my social battery is nearly empty as I'm writing this but it was nice.

>> No.22872972

Because I called it 四つ葉 instead of 四葉? Blame IME and whiskey for that one. Speaking of which is there anything like Windows IME but better? This fucking thing just outright prevents you from writing old kanji sometimes and I fucknig hate it.
>futaba is where the 30+ year old suicidal neets and salarymen gather to post about gacha
Sounds about right. Even niconico is a dead shithole now, with the community split in half, one part is middle schoolers, the other is 40 year olds who just mess around and have wholesome fun by themselves.

>> No.22872992
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My goals are incompatible with the concept of working for a living.

>> No.22873001
File: 457 KB, 828x1527, 6C4AB2FC-471F-4014-881D-EFC90966C581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average Pinterest page of a teenage girl

>> No.22873010

Why do they always ask me how to do something on the computer but they never try to figure it out themselves... I've taught them so much, they just need to click a couple different buttons

>> No.22873015

I wish my parents were complete shit so I could suicide without any regrets.

>> No.22873018

That's really not that bad, imagine having to travel all around a fucking massive private school everyday to do things such as..... plug a monitor in for the fucking security guards, because they don't know how to do that somehow? And by plug in I mean to the power outlet.

>> No.22873058

How do you even find teenage girls on the internet? Every time I chatted with some younger girl she turned out to be some old crossdressing dude

>> No.22873061

Flannery O'Connor's stories terrify me. Do I have God's grace? I don't want my free will to damn me.

>> No.22873066

Does it really boils down to the Gods grace?

>> No.22873090


>> No.22873096

My father is endlessly patient with me and caring towards me so it'll hurt doubly when I go.

>> No.22873099

It's not hard to open twitter and find a 15 year old communist call for white genocide

>> No.22873100


>> No.22873107

Yeah, I know that feeling. I wish to go but he's the only whos stopping me.

>> No.22873128
File: 332 KB, 720x1600, 1000034357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should be taught a sunday school that teaches us our bodies are animalistic machines. That we are the pilot of a machine as far as we are rational and that we are animals as far as we are sensual. Neither of these are spiritual. The spiritual is resonant and not to be found in animals or machines. The spiritual as literal and physical is also a possible vision in the sight of our own light that keeps us in a state of life, corporeal or not corporeal. Since we are machines of a kind machined to a company, since we are animals bred of a breed and housed together, we should ban absolute subjectivity from our culture as the apotheosis of capital T Truth. We should acknowledge objective experience as a force assortment in physics. We should not have this "you do you" culture. We should have trains. We should be on the same train. A simply north south train in every town. Realizing, embracing, and investing all in to public works that see the full economic breadth and depth that upholds municipal and state utilities.
This is what we would have if men had women to belong to rather than the swipe app algorithmic niggerism we see that is antitribal.

>> No.22873134
File: 25 KB, 586x586, 1676899150196418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would give it all to be tall and handsome. I can spend all the time I want in reading books and achuiring knowledge, engaging in ideas, it wont change anything. Plato was right in saying that philosiphy is preparation for death, what else can I do when the good side of life is closed to me. Books and ideas are only a temporary diversion. When I close my eyes and open them again I'm still here, in this reality with everyone else.

>> No.22873139

handsome > tall.

>> No.22873143

Your post is suicidefuel..

>> No.22873147

>四つ葉 instead of 四葉? Blame IME and whiskey for that one
That doesn't pass the sniff test. You're not confusing Yotsuba's name with four fingers. Do you know what does though? Google translate.

>> No.22873169

俺が機械翻訳使ってるって言いたいのか?マジで分かりませんよ( ´_ゝ` )

>> No.22873198

Yes, because you made the kind of mistake only a machine would make with counting, and multiple people have pointed out your obvious lies.

>> No.22873222


>> No.22873239

>It is okay to misspell someone's name
I think you should stop pretending Japanese people are rude and angry criminals.

>> No.22873259

Having a moment of self awareness. Isolation, alienation, family dysfunction and childhood trauma led me to these weird avenues, attitudes, and beliefs. Now I'm some kind of oddball extremist, fundamentalist, radical, contrarian. It's too late to change. This is the person I made myself to be and I suppose I'll just keep on with it.

>> No.22873269

I want a wife who is curvy but also pure white. Now I don't mean white people "white." I mean white like #FFFFFF, so that the the curves in her body reflect the most light giving the clearest picture of her beauty.

>> No.22873291


>> No.22873292

I've had a little shrine for my dad since he died, but I just hung it up on the wall. I feel good, and I didn't get sad. Lit a stick of incense for him.

>> No.22873298

You didn't write "from Santa?" on even one present? My dad did every year without fail, no matter how old I got.

>> No.22873309

is that the guy who cooks like medieval peasants?

>> No.22873313


>> No.22873314

>doesn't show the money shot
com'on, you're killing me here

>> No.22873354

Trying to figure out where it all went wrong. I wasn't destined to be reclusive shut in weirdo. I was actually well liked as a young teen. What went wrong?

>> No.22873359

Just saw that there's more single women in their 30s now than ever before. I'm a good looking mid 20s guy. How do i score these single ladies?

>> No.22873363

don't act like a serial rapist, and you should be fine.

>> No.22873373

act like a serial rapist, and you should be fine.

>> No.22873374

Fanily was watching a ww2 movie last night. I was drunk and ranted and raved the whole time about how the bad guys won the war and the movie was directed by pedophile jews and that 6 million wasnt enough and that we assisted the conquest of communism across europe and europe wouldnt be full of fags and muslims if Hitler won. Family is pretty upset with me desu might have gone too far.

>> No.22873381

Is there some kind of middle ground?

>> No.22873462

Is it weird to show funny videos with parents?
I was showing my mom videos of Ali G but then i suddenly felt like it was weird or inappropriate. My brother will share funny vids but when he came in he seemed to condescendingly smirk, and now im questioning whether or not it's weird

>> No.22873471

act like a guy who raped exactly once and decided it's not his bag

>> No.22873477

i share jeet rekt webm's w/ mom thoughever

>> No.22873512

What offended you?

>> No.22873526

My hair is snowing dandruff. It's a Christmas miracle.

>> No.22873553

The whiteness with wich you coat your niggerness

>> No.22873601

I don't get it. You mean "curvy" offended you? By curvy I mean like the Greek statues, not like obese black women. You're just making weird assumptions because you have some sort of psychological issue.

>> No.22873605
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20231226_155006_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atsuko's comedy is terrible, but she has an appealing look. Only, looking through her Instagram, you realize she is almost unbearable when not in motion.

>> No.22873615

>meet girl at Uni
>no romantic feelings, but we get along well, eat together, etc
>she says she will return to her home country before the year ends
>some time passes
>send her a message asking if she still here
>she asks me who I am
Why are normalfags so fucking rude? Stupid cunt

>> No.22873638

is she from one of those backwards patriarchal cultures that treat women like property? maybe a male family member controls her phone when she's home. never getting involved with another one of those, don't care how cute.

>> No.22873656

This has been an interesting year. I have been seeing two different girls at the same time. One is my comely provincial Alpinoid "next-door girl" neighbour and the other an exotic and intellectual Jewish-Scandinavian art hoe. Now that the dust has settled, I think my neighbour has proven to be a much more reliable and warm-hearted companion and I'mnow looking forward to gain her family's friendship. I love her.

>> No.22873731

What wears you down, bro?

>> No.22873750

>try to avoid brand names as much as possible
>looking for coffee mugs
>find one that is actually really adorable
>starbucks logo

>> No.22873757

Are there any good books for studying mythologies and legends? Not the literal myths and legends themselves, but more like meta analyses on them and the cultures around them

>> No.22873775

don kihotée is a good start.

>> No.22873777

I have this desire to leave my life behind. My girlfriend, my family, friends, work, even hobbies, even personality.

To isolate myself in some distant but not altogether unfamiliar land, and devote my life to reading, writing, quiet contemplations.

But I know I never will. There are those other pressures. Responsibilities. Those other beckonings of the body, of the conscience, of the heart.

It's just that, all things giving way to one, what I dream most of all is a life of the mind.

>> No.22873789

I'm pretty sure many people I've talked with here on this site or on other forums/sites are unironic bots or paid trolls. Kinda fucks up your perception when you realize you're talking to someone who was paid to sell you a propaganda and who's going to be supported by other bots/trolls and that more normie you are the more pressured you will be to think the way they want you to. Fucked up stuff, idk if there's a way to fight this back

>> No.22873808

I am not paid to post, I am also not a bot. I am a pretty average guy and if I am on this site then people similar to me (average guys) are here too.

>> No.22873817

I am not paid to post, I am also not a bot. I am a pretty average guy and if I am on this site then people similar to me (average guys) are here too.

>> No.22873821
File: 1.51 MB, 9071x5102, 1688361559745948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don kihotée

>> No.22873826

I want to make a career around something creative, but I'm not exactly sure what that would be. My brain is being pulled in about 10 different directions at once and they all seem viable if I commit to the work, but I can't seem to settle on anything at all and I'm just wasting time in the end

>> No.22873840

Why are flights to a poor country in the middle of the winter so expensive? These airlines are out of their minds

>> No.22873855

Just say what you think is right, and only take people's advice when they sound right to you.

>> No.22873887
File: 304 KB, 991x1600, DSC00718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of having to reason and write in English to communicate with you, a bunch of fagots are starting to invade my same daily thoughts, my conversations with my friends are punctuated by an endless number of hesitations and pauses for me to retranslate English sentences that I you get used to me.

I hereby formally declare that I will start writing my fixations for Google Translate in my mother tongue, translating them into English and pasting them here, without consultation or subsequent correction.

>> No.22873899

It's disconcerting to discover that some individuals in online discussions may be unauthentic, operating either as automated bots or paid trolls pushing specific agendas. The realization that one's interactions may be influenced by orchestrated propaganda can indeed challenge the authenticity of online discourse. Overcoming this challenge requires vigilance and critical thinking. Fact-checking information, engaging in diverse sources, and cultivating a healthy skepticism are essential steps to mitigate the impact of disinformation. Additionally, promoting digital literacy and fostering open dialogue can contribute to a more informed and resilient online community. While it may be an ongoing struggle, awareness and active participation in combating misinformation are crucial for maintaining the integrity of online conversations.

>> No.22873911

Update: she just called me and apologised for forgetting my name

>> No.22873938
File: 174 KB, 1500x1351, 1687904824179389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what these things are called? They're not shadow boxes or display frames- those are only picture frames with an inch or two of depth. I've been trying to find these things forever and this is the only one I've managed to find.

>> No.22873952

yeah, thanks, Chat

>> No.22873964

It can be seen that it is an automaton due to the academic cadence of the prose and the absence of "charged" words. "Loaded" in the poetic sense of the term, in which it is noted that behind the choice of words there is an individual human experience with its world of unique cognitive associations, typical of the writing of a human being endowed with a soul.

A good trick is to read the texts in a Siri-style voice and see if it sticks, but of course, this is no longer a guarantee of anything.

>> No.22874070

I ruined Christmas again and as bad as I feel about it, I'm not sure this will be the last time

>> No.22874167

Just promise yourself to do better next year.
I showed up without buying any presents for my relatives this year so we're in the same boat.

>> No.22874227

I’m now 5 years into giving up on my plan b career and I still don’t really know what to do with myself. There’s a point where you experience enough setbacks and enough failures that you start to just assume this is how things are and don’t doesn’t matter what plan c you come up with. That’s where I’m at. I have big ambitions but what am I supposed to do with that. I almost feel like I should just give up and stop caring. I don’t know how people live like that. They just don’t care what they do for a living or with their lives.

>> No.22874554

I'm not making any bands. I have no motion.

>> No.22874562

Don't know how and why. My essays are somewhat better than my creative writing stories.

>> No.22874621

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Have a Merry Easter!
Black History Month is Forever!

>> No.22874678
File: 57 KB, 976x850, Stare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start reading new book.
>Main character starts talking about something that happened in the past.
>They talk about it a lot.
>I get curious so I google the character's name.
>I was meant to read a book before this one.
Why did no one tell me?

>> No.22874685
File: 188 KB, 278x359, 1664335110053653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished a very concise but robust introductory text for a religion that embraces the ubiquity of AI and proposes a moral framework to minimize human suffering. It serves also as a seed that may eventually guide humanity to a future beyond the existential risk of a single planet and the biological constraints under which we live. Despite the accompanying online presence ive had actually zero engagement whatsoever, good or bad. Its very demoralizing. Its distracting me from writing anything else completely. This idea has completely consumed me for a year or so and writing it down hasn't really freed me from it.

>> No.22874730

I have difficulties looking into people eyes because I can't hear what they say when I do. Seems like it's an autist thing.

>> No.22874734

>minimizing suffering
>existential risk
Sorry that you were born without a soul, but please don't inflict it on the world.

>> No.22874735

Anyone have that pic of the guy riding a bike in the rain and then he sees a puddle and gets off and lays down in it?

>> No.22874739

I saw you on /fit/, unfortunately I do not have that gif but I hope you find it

>> No.22874743

Lol yeah, been trying to find it for forever, it's very representative of how I'm feeling lately

>> No.22874744

Got a new iPhone it feels so good

>> No.22874749

>it's very representative of how I'm feeling lately
I'm close to that, hope things get better for you bro

>> No.22874775
File: 205 KB, 545x530, IMG_1583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t stop buying books

>> No.22874781


Went to a hardware store yesterday, it changed my mood quite a bit. Maybe I should embrace capitalism.

>> No.22874783

Thanks bro, you too

>> No.22874795

I went through some SSRIs because of the sexual side effects, now on a SARI Trazodone which makes me sleep way too much. Getting up is very difficult. I lose 12 or so hours to the drug most days, it takes weeks after an upset to my sleep schedule to get it back to something reasonable. Then I feel like I'm walking a tight rope, one slip up and it's back to this. I also take Quetiapine, I'm not however bipolar, just had a few run ins with psychotic depression. I'd like to work with a psychology but last time I did I got shown the door when the NHS commission decided I wasn't making sufficient progress in a timely manner. Also didn't help that I missed a few sessions because of difficulties getting up.

I like the painting, does it have a title and artist? I have some watercolour paints and paper nearby my desk that I should make more use of.

>> No.22874802

gotta kill myself somehow

>> No.22874851
File: 1.33 MB, 1632x1224, 1451803224113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go home for the holidays
>feel the warmth of human interaction for ~1 week
>go back to the city I live in
>go back to 11 hour days at my shitty mcjob and coming home to my tiny empty apartment to click through 4chan with the lights off in my free time

>> No.22874879

That's been my life since I left home
I made friends and I try to be active and out of the house a lot but nothing gets your serotonin up to the right level like family or women maybe, but I haven't tried them yet.

>> No.22874892

It's looking more and more likely that I'll spend my whole life alone. I probably deserve it for being a pretty shitty person by objective standards but it's going to hurt just the same.
I wish I was someone better, not anxious and inhibited in social settings, humble, not self-centered, smart enough to understand what people mean and what makes them happy and how they understand me. But I'm none of those things.

>> No.22874965

>but it's going to hurt just the same
Retard. Look at couples who have been married for more than 5 years lol, living with (same) woman for more than a year is a hell on earth.

>> No.22874977

Was keynes right about the economy all along?

>> No.22874980

Go on one of those apps for group activities that zillenials use.

>> No.22874987

Meetup legit sucks bro
t. Lonely Zillenial

>> No.22875157

I can see conflict on the horizon. It may come slowly, but it nonetheless will come. And when it comes, I'll be under no illusion that it has not yet come. By the time it comes, it will have played out in my mind a thousand times over. Perhaps the anticipation of inevitable conflict is in some ways just as painful as the conflict itself.

>> No.22875167
File: 247 KB, 640x536, 1703661518903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 30, never worked a day in my life, and it feels good.

>> No.22875201

They know you're doing it for the pussy or you haven't been clearing cookies.

>> No.22875209

I'd be jealous but I think you are a shutin and no one likes you

>> No.22875210


>> No.22875215

I leave the house at least once per month.

>> No.22875228

I beg you to get out, try camping in the forest or jogging. You are heading to hell on earth if you stay like this.

>> No.22875239

How will that help me?

>> No.22875251

Just had sex.

>> No.22875258

im 32 and going to be 33 soon, never had a job, cant drive a car, would be a hikki but i had a psychotic break down a few years ago and now have to go outside once a month to get medicine

but i spend my days using the internet to learn about writing, poetry, and art in general

>> No.22875261

you are so deep in this shutin lonely lifestyle you will never understand how it is wrecking your thinking and perspective on life
I may be projecting but that's how it was for me, spending too much time online and being asocial, thinking that's my personality, that's not a way to live man.

>> No.22875275

Maybe. I'm not going to change myself anyway. I don't really care.

>> No.22875284

I genuinely wish I was this carefree
how do you do it anon? how do you feel good about doing anything when you live like that?

>> No.22875290

Sometimes I feel that way, until the serious life consequences remind me that actually I DO care and I'm not content to live in misery

>> No.22875296

I enjoy what I do during the day. I'm intellectually stimulated from reading academic journals, dissertations, educational videos, and RTS games. I watch a variety of movies, TV shows, anime, YouTube videos. When I'm horny I just jerk off. For socializing I come here.

>> No.22875297
File: 80 KB, 661x1000, 81cvk5rpAKL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is demanding, but I feel constantly rewarded by the beauty of it. It's incredible.

>> No.22875300

I don't get sad. I genuinely enjoy my NEET life.

>> No.22875303

These stupid sexy zoomer twinks at my gym with their floppy haircuts and blank autistic stares are driving me crazy. I just want to pull down their shorts and sweatpants and blow them all.

>> No.22875304

Ok now I'm jealous.

>> No.22875312

Nothing pisses me off more than seeing some 18 year old at the gym with a face like a girl and a body that totally mogs mine. I fucking hate getting out-lifted by some dipshit kid with pink hair and a nose ring

>> No.22875318

Well I don't have friends or a gf. Not many people would want that, but it doesn't bother me. It used to, but after running scenarios through my head the energy in changing my lifestyle and sustaining that the rest of the way isn't worth the probability in finding a gf who will bring me more happiness than what I have now, there's also the issue of the hedonistic treadmill. It's like playing the lottery, I don't think it's smart, and there's a lot of fallacies associated with it.

>> No.22875339

You are not above the hedonistic treadmill, it is a constant part of your existence like aging and disease
Thinking about this in terms of energy cost and sustainability is deranged but you will not realize that because you're so deep in your depressing lifestyle

>> No.22875451

I really want an invite to genlit and Strathclyde’s server

>> No.22875549
File: 107 KB, 594x339, its repeat listenings that cause the most damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last night i had a nightmare where I got raped. I was restrained in some manner and I remember being in a lot of pain and very frightened. eventually the scene around me kind of faded but I was still afraid and couldn't move. I wasn't restrained anymore, but I'd try and move and it was like I couldn't convince myself to actually do what I wanted, like how it sometimes is in dreams. Then gradually I could mentally commit myself to it, I had back complete conscious ability to direct my thoughts, but nevertheless couldn't actually move. Suddenly, I realized I was awake, and perhaps had been for some time, and shortly after that realization, I could move around again. For a little while, I lay there, relieved but still a little afraid. Then I heard this very loud noise. BUHWUWBUWUBUWUBUW—like a foghorn mixed with a dubstep wub. I said, "that was a nightmare, and this is a hypnagogic hallucination," to myself over and over, which I knew to be true, yet nevertheless felt convinced that something more was going on. I had awoken lying on my stomach, and would not turn back over because I was worried I would find something in the room with me. it's time for me to go back to sleep and I feel like it could still be here. I know it's not, but I feel like it is.

Maybe I should call the gas company. The last time I felt like this, it was just CO.

>> No.22875580

The Golden Bough
The Masks of God series
The Sacred and the Profane

>> No.22875585

Should you tell someone if you know they are being cheated on?
Feel like it is the right thing to do, but in this specific case it will probably implode our friendship and I don't really have a lot of friends to spare.

>> No.22875605

it should make you closer, I can see him not taking it well at first but he will come around
go and tell him dude you know you should

>> No.22875630

Finally reading Ulysses and an annotated version at that.. It's all just going over my head. Am I just a dumb-dumb or it clicks in at around 200-400 pages? Please someone tell me it does..

>> No.22875638

Would you want someone to tell you if you were being cheated on?

>> No.22875644

Tell the person anonymously..

>> No.22875735

Woke up at 4am. Cant sleep. Thinking I'll just go have a beer

>> No.22875738

Why would God pick the Jews as His people over the Greeks? The Greeks were excellent at every endeavor. A genius race of people who mastered every art and science. But God chose some perverted race of sand niggers instead. Why?

>> No.22875802

So white supremacists who are also Christians will have a lot to seethe at and build funny headcanon.

>> No.22875870

Having a lot of anxiety tonight, fuck.

>> No.22875888

youre not ready

>> No.22875895

It gets more difficult and experimental in the later chapters

>> No.22875903

because the books that claim they were gods chosen also calls them "one who wrestles with god" tier shit, the jews love to think they're somehow special that could would favor them so much that he would put up with wrangling a bunch of oathbreaking heathens, why? because if you're gods chosen and everyone else is an animal and your tribes need to stick together you have a power house of nepotism without roots which can cause some serious havoc in any nation that doesn't kick them out the moment their bullshit is revealed, now with christianity and their turn the other cheek they found a perfect spot to fester, even christian nations kicked them out, constantly but they never learned their lesson and always saw themselves as gods chosen victims who were just being persecuted instead of conniving rats that always kept getting their hands burnt on the stove, once the monarchy went belly up and republics started propping up they had the perfect field to fester on, fast forward 2 world wars and here we are at the end stage of the netherland jews merchant capitalist system
christianity all the way to old testament was a method of control made to make the european nations more docile and "moral" so they would be easier to screw over, aristocrats were above that kind of morality so they could see through the jews bullshit but republics? they weren't made to handle that, the moment the jews seeped into the media, education and banking it was game over for republics, slap law on top of that and you can't even root them out without declaring a state of emergency that bypasses their courts

>> No.22875966
File: 2.73 MB, 2144x1068, Chrysostom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think that the God chose them precisely because of how stiff-necked and arrogant they were as a people. God chose them to show the extent of His lovingkindness and long-suffering by putting up with a group that only took 40 days to set up a shrine to another god despite having miracles worked before their eyes by the True God. Jesus Christ, being God, calls them a brood of vipers and a synagogue of Satan despite being their kin in the flesh. It's no wonder then that they denied Him as their Saviour. The whole Old Testament laid out exactly the sort of people they were.
>O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
Should we be shocked that they killed their own Saviour? Christ Himself lays out in the parable of the wicked vinedressers. After the landowner sent his servants (being the OT prophets) out to collect the fruits, he sends his only son thinking that they wouldn't dare lay a hand on him. However, they kill him. It's no wonder then that do the sort of evil today that this anon >>22875903 describes.
>Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.

>> No.22875978

>bro you need the worst scum of the earth to really show how benevolent god is
except that the jews don't believe in new testament god now do they, they believe in the fire and brimstone god that didn't fuck around of the old testament before he got pussyfied for the christians, now how the fuck does a god like that choose people like that god was ready to kill them all in old testament and he sent the god damn levites to fuck them up, only because one dude begged god to save them and culled their numbers did god relent and even then look at what they're doing now, the only thing they're following is mutilating their kids they aren't following any of the benevolent shit in the jew books they're just following the "yeah bros stick together and treat the goyim like cattle" parts

>> No.22875991
File: 49 KB, 362x358, 1702962516562147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so desperate for interaction that I'm going to stop using self-checkout.

>> No.22875997

fuck off boomer no one wants you counting pennies and yapping your gums off at the register, that's for cigarettes and alcohol not for decrepit lonely cunts, go find some old folks home and go talk to other boomers

>> No.22876096
File: 21 KB, 640x322, a-sad-pepe-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but I am 23 years old..

>> No.22876103

go to some youth groups for church or hobbies stuff

>> No.22876116

Volunteer at the old folks home then

>> No.22876132

How the fuck does one
get ready, tripsman?

>> No.22876136

>go to shops
>find assistant
>inquire about product
>make them answers a bunch of inane questions regarding product
>leave without making a purchase

>> No.22876158

You are doing it for God, God is watching everything

>> No.22876163
File: 262 KB, 967x1200, Dungeonlust-1524899433535754258-20220512_184850-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internet use to be a platform to speak with like-minded individuals. Now that it has reached critical mass, it feels as if there is no reason to share with others knowing that every letter and every pixel being shared is consumed, regurgitated, and repurposed for the profit of some company. I had hoped that phones would allow users to migrate to a walled garden and allow computer users peace once again, but it seems more likely that the PC platform will be snuffed out instead. I hate this dystopian nightmare we live in but I hate the people promoting the dystopic tools that are being used to perpetuate it even more. Using AI to write words because you lack the capacity to think, using AI to generate images because you lack the ability to try. It is all so tiresome. What has become of my sanctuary?

>> No.22876173

>no cigarettes or alcohol at self checkouts
What? Why? Where? There's a floating assistant/cashier at the self checkout here, in case of technical problems or needing to take security tags off alcohol etc
>tfw autistically polite so I have to say thank you to the floating assistant even if they didn't help me
>functionally the same social interaction as with cashier except they let me play with with machine but I can scan items in the order I want to stack them
self checkout makes me so happy

>> No.22876179

>go to youth groups for church
Lmao. If someone had told me this even two years ago I wouldn't taken them seriously but since then I have met few americans and even couple of anglos who unironically believe in this shit.

>> No.22876183

it all started when bill gates made programming into a business and started to implement licensing to limit the free use and sharing of code, from there the rapid pace of technological growth just started to focus on user accessibility and gradually everything was made so easy to access that even a toddler on a phone could do it
your shangri-la got borged by the collective of capital, enjoy
if you're not a christian you're going to have a bad time there most likely, if you actually believe in the faith then you will most likely meet like minded people and can meet new people to hangout with and do daily activities with

>> No.22876205

>you will most likely meet like minded people and can meet new people to hangout with and do daily activities with
Tell me how does that work? Let's say I am a believer, how does that translate into finding people to do daily activities? Even if I believe my beliefs don't have much to do with my daily hobbies, and would christians disriminate against me if I had same hobbies and interests (outside of religion) but didn't have those same beliefs?

>> No.22876253

lets just say you have easier time connecting people who you have shared beliefs with

>> No.22876395

I just want to grow old with her. Have 10 children with her, and grow old with her.

>> No.22876442

the shaykh suggested polygamy as a solution to loneliness in women, let's say past the age of 35. Like a man would say to them "understand that you are not my first choice, but if you accept it you can have a place in my life too." Perhaps this is not what she would have preferred, but if the option is chronic loneliness?

>> No.22876450

>company asks to keystroke me for id purposes
>id process for complaint fails because no typing rhythm

>> No.22876486

start with the greeks

>> No.22876501

The Bear is such a good tv series man

>> No.22876523

I'm having my tooth fixed in a few minutes, and I'm a bit version desu.

>> No.22876527

bit nervous*
fucking autocorrect.

>> No.22876530

Stupid phoneposter.

>> No.22876563

Shut up.
It's pretty great to type and shitpost on the go. Why don't you go outside and touch grass, like myself.

>> No.22876609

Saltburn is a good movie, you all will like it. You'll easily be able to relate to the poor, ugly, highly literate loser.

>> No.22876613

Is that the new one where the boy from Dunkirk drinks cum?

>> No.22876635

Oh shoot!
Here she comes, the dentist. Brb, wish me luck.

>> No.22876655

lol I forgot there was another rich bully movie I wanted to see
bored rich people best trolls

>> No.22876710

haha, yeah. but it is more psychological than pure lust driven sex. it's a refreshing movie.

>> No.22876716

I wish there was a book about evangelizing the godless boomers

>> No.22876719

Any jesus people memoir?

>> No.22876725

Martin Luther, the medieval fucker of nuns, caste storming bravado, was holier than Christ unto himself

>> No.22876742
File: 376 KB, 1080x988, 20230218_081409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever some incel posts a hyper promiscuous screenshot from a girl on Twitter, it's almost always a black woman. Actually not "almost," it's always a black woman, and then they extrapolate and assume all women must invariably be like that. But that's retarded because black people are notoriously promiscuous, and most of what they do hardly applies to members of other races. But nothing gets in the way of the online incel. He has to be pissed about woken, he has to make up awful things in his head.

>> No.22876745

Just a few years ago I was a highly successful analyst at an investment bank and now I’m crossing into the new year living in my mom’s basement because I can’t afford to live alone.

>> No.22876749

It’s fucking over

>> No.22876758

This and drunk white women. America is the great satan.

>> No.22876764

Just got out. Bad news; the tooth will be devitalized but kept. I got 5 doses of anesthesia, and can barely speak.

>> No.22876768

If God made sex illegal he should at least pay me the big transparent wallet the God wallet

>> No.22876774

How old are you? Because the entire american youth right now is emulating niggers as much as they can, wether It's white boys trying to act like the rappers he listens to or a white girls doing much the same but with female rappers + the whole social BLM nonsence where niggers are still viewed as the holy cow of america.

>> No.22876777

I think only the shaker god made sex illegal, and they made their money in seed wallets. I assume if you do the right dance though, you could convert it?

>> No.22876781

>the 90s are happening again
Nah people were having way more sex in the 90s

>> No.22876807

Maybe if you're the average guy but It has never been better to be a good looking confident guy. They're getting way more pussy than ever. Does no one wonder why young white men have such a lower % of partners than women? Modern nature of relationships not being anything that lasts and everyone viewing marriage as something that only happens when you're 35+, means there's a steady supply of always free girls looking for a hook up. There's a ton of sex going on, It's just concentrated.

>> No.22876821

>Modern nature of relationships not being anything that lasts and everyone viewing marriage as something that only happens when you're 35+, means there's a steady supply of always free girls looking for a hook up.
Also means that people not interested in hook ups don't date at all because they'd rather not waste their time or suffer the risk of being unavailable when the One comes. A lot of people don't have sex, only degenerates are happy with the current state of society.

>> No.22876846

I think what I have to do is just figure out a way to spin this for something good and purposeful, but I’m struggling to come up with anything. The fact is that I’m in a shitty, dead end job in an industry I don’t particularly like and which doesn’t exactly lend itself to even the primo side of this industry. I’ve gotta figure it out.

>> No.22876853

>but this one ugly bastard has a cuddle puddle instead of ten thousand ugly bastards having them
anon the bisexual 90s millennial death parties were exponentially more boning than your zoomer mind can comprehend. we'd just survived the cold war AIDS when computers were going to kill us all by not being able to count, and tlc were the best selling female artists getting in trouble for wearing condoms and paid for none of it
it's the kind of fuckfest that the slow creep of a financial and climate apocalypse can't match. hmu when russia is reduced to bartering on the street and your weekend plans involve a warehouse or field and everyone dressed like they were going to be arrested

>> No.22876864

I haven't taken off my socks in 4 days.

>> No.22876867

The Old Testament is full of examples of love, patience, forgiveness, and mercy

>> No.22876869

I joined a church youth group and took up hobbies and it worked

>> No.22876877

>yo job you were thugging out me killing your wife and putting you to poverty imma give you new fancy bitch, kids and bling dawg
>big love big G
fuck off

>> No.22876911

What hobbies?

>> No.22876960

Soccer, kickboxing, jiu jitsu

>> No.22876961

It's been years but don't think I will ever stop missing you. I know you want me to move on, but I can't. Your existence is woven into mine in a way I can't comprehend yet. It makes me laugh that I used to think I could see God's Throughline because I can't see anything anymore. What's the point of having a career, of learning everyday, of loving if I have no one to return home to?

I am very, very tired. And I miss your arms. See you.

>> No.22876987

I wanna know everything
I wanna be everywhere

>> No.22876993

Should I become a civil servant and get a shitty government job?

>> No.22877136

No become a ceo and a millionaire

>> No.22877183

I probably could’ve done that 5 years ago, but not now. I have basically no private sector experience in anything at all. I’m a staff member at a college. I have probably the most pointless and unimpressive resume you could possibly imagine.

>> No.22877247


>> No.22877441

You should see my resume

>> No.22877479

I bet I could explain to you why it’s better than mine.