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22869253 No.22869253 [Reply] [Original]

>By day, seventeen-year-old Kiera Johnson is an honors student, a math tutor, and one of the only Black kids at Jefferson Academy. But at home, she joins hundreds of thousands of Black gamers who duel worldwide as Nubian personas in the secret multiplayer online role-playing card game, SLAY. No one knows Kiera is the game developer, not her friends, her family, not even her boyfriend, Malcolm, who believes video games are partially responsible for the “downfall of the Black man.”

>But when a teen in Kansas City is murdered over a dispute in the SLAY world, news of the game reaches mainstream media, and SLAY is labeled a racist, exclusionist, violent hub for thugs and criminals. Even worse, an anonymous troll infiltrates the game, threatening to sue Kiera for “anti-white discrimination.”

>Driven to save the only world in which she can be herself, Kiera must preserve her secret identity and harness what it means to be unapologetically Black in a world intimidated by Blackness. But can she protect her game without losing herself in the process?

Thoughts on books such as this?

>> No.22869333

The plot falls apart because literally no one would care about an online card game for black people.

>> No.22869354

sounds like a race bent version of Gamer Girl, an awful book 4chan mocked 14 years ago. We even made an audio book so we could laugh at how bad it was.

>> No.22869362

I'm very tired of black fragility

>> No.22869366
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This book is part of a similar marketing strategy that has gutted Disney.
>I heard that the kids these days are woke
>I'll make a stupid soi book for these woke kids
Problem is that this is a "shadow demographic". The individuals who pretend to be these people do it for social credit and imaginary internet brownie points. They (mostly) do not actually agree or believe with most of the shit they project. Books are a very personal medium -- one does not virtue signal to themself when they read. Most people read things that align with their true perspectives and beliefs. Since the woke shadow demographic is as real as the power rangers, the only people who would buy this book would be doing so to post how they bought it on their insta story, and even then they will not read it.
>imagine trying to go for a cynical woke cash grab in 2023, amongst the literal elephant grave yard of failed woke cash-ins

>> No.22869421

Sounds like racial idenitarian grievance mongering by someone who doesn't understand youth culture, gaming culture, or modern irl race relations.

It's a grift that probably isn't organically financially viable and shouldn't have been mainstream published. No one actually likes that shit or reads it for enjoyment.
It doesn't even "start a conversation".
It's just racist bullshit from cry bullies who only care about power politics.

>> No.22869427

The latest developments in American negro culture, while entertaining, are annoying and typically childish. I would only like to watch this Black Panthers Moment 2: Extra Retarded Edition from a distance.

>> No.22869463

at no point in history did the greek gods ever mistreat negroes

>> No.22869757
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You know, I'm white, but I love the idea of a black-centeic MMO. I don't think there would be anything wrong with it as long as people of all races are allowed to join. I want to experience black culture but because of my skin I can't do that without being seen as an outsider.

Just make it mandatory for every character to have black skin and theme every area after a different black culture, simple as.

>> No.22869793

Wish DFW wouldnt have offed himself

>> No.22869797

That sounds boring as hell.

>> No.22869828
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>No one actually likes that shit or reads it for enjoyment.

>> No.22869849
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>a world based on mythology you probably know nothing about is more boring than a world based on European lore you've heard a thousand times

nigga you gay

>> No.22869981

paid reviewers are not human beings.

>> No.22869994

> teachers' pick
LOL lmao even.

>> No.22869995

>I want to experience black culture
It's only a smoke alarm, a dying battery, a loud conversation on your phone in a quiet cafe (make sure to put the phone on speaker and hold it flat in front of your face), and a lifetime sentence* for second degree murder and three counts of aggravated assault over a scuffed sneaker away

* Unfortunately as you are white you will have to serve the full lifetime sentence, whereas a black person would be out in 9 years (less if this is only his second triple homicide).

>> No.22870333

sounds like Sword Art Online for blacks

>> No.22870345

So there aren’t a lot of blacks in jail, some serving long sentences? You sound touched in the head

>> No.22870360

Some do indeed get up to the four or five murder convictions required to get what we call a "white sentence," but statistically after their second or third release for a major violent crime that ended several lives and destroyed many more, they settle into a quiet life of spending welfare money, crashing cars they were inexplicably allowed to lease, smoking heroic amounts of weed, screaming in public places, and smaller, petty crimes like mere theft and property destruction.

Remember, for every black momentarily in prison for doing something society-wrecking, at least ten to twenty of his friends and relatives were recently released, either from prison or simply by the cops without any charges pressed, and are now moving back into your neighborhood!

>> No.22870362

isn't that just GTA V?

>> No.22870478 [DELETED] 

go suck your niggerdicks in peace bro, just don't bring that shit over here

>> No.22870748

>Thoughts on books such as this?

I remembered reading this, it reminded me of Kwanza Osajyefo’s comic BLACK. Downright terrible.

>> No.22871190

I know this is lit and not v but let me still break down why that idea wouldn't work out well.

MMOs are extremely expensive to create and operate but already have a very small portion of the gaming market.
To restrict that market even more to something that is mainly targeting black people and black culture enjoyers who also spend money on MMOs and aren't dedicated to another more established MMO is going to be a microscopic market base.
Basically it doesn't make financial sense.
A game built around black culture can work and make a massive profit. But MMO aren't a good buisness model in most cases. I would warn against doing a MMO.

One more thing.
> I want to experience black culture but because of my skin I can't do that without being seen as an outsider
There is nothing with genuine appreciation of another culture as a outsider.
I am not Irish yet I adore the local cultural festival nearly every year and Irish folklore.
I ain't Korean yet the two martial arts I am certified as a master in are Korean.
I ain't Japanese yet I enjoy and appreciate their culture and they appreciate me spending money on weeb shit.

It doesn't matter if I am a outsider as long as I am not being disrespectful.

>> No.22872245

More like San Andreas

>> No.22872262

>it means to be unapologetically Black in a world intimidated by Blackness
That's just code for being loud and aggressive with no responsibility, aka typical black peepoo shit.

>> No.22872301

There is nothing wrong with a black mmo that excludes nonblacks or even any one particular race, nobody owes anyone anything

>> No.22872314

It's just niche genre fiction. It could be entertaining or thoughtful, but I don't read books where race or gender politics are emphatic, despite being a half-black man. To be perfectly frank, I find that many blacks who make efforts to emphasize all-black this or that are racists, and I don't like racists of any kind. This book seems to be attempting to address precisely my feelings on the matter - i.e., whether these all-black conclaves are anti-white or not, but I simply don't care. If I have to sit around meditating on whether you've crossed over into discriminatory territory, you're too close to the line to begin with.

>t. non-black fragility

>> No.22872321

>attempts to contradict
>proves her point instead
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.22872323

Of course there is. Once racial discrimination becomes permissible in society, society will break down into warring clans and we'll be back in a tribalist hell-world in no time. What we need is an annihilation of the double-standard which now exists in many directions.

>> No.22872371

the totalitarian notion of anti-racism was in the first place what got us here, it's never coming back. i like this author's conclusion of this article as for what is to be done for the american black.

>> No.22872397

>her boyfriend Malcolm who believes video games are partially responsible for the "downfall of the Black man"
Name ONE (1) Black guy that doesn't own a PS4

>> No.22872431

No, discrimination isn’t a problem. You discriminate every day to keep yourself alive and it is no one’s ability to rationalize what discriminations should be kept and which shouldn’t. Just as well there is no reason to fear discrimination in a free market, wage gaps don’t actually exist, if they did we would see more work being delegated to women the same way we see it delegated to third worlders.

>> No.22872443

if anything that proves his point

>> No.22872452

Agree to disagree.

>> No.22872481

well, what do you do believe should be done for them then? something that isn't just reactionary 80s naivety preferably.

>> No.22872500

>there is nothing wrong with [dumb shit you said]
Aside from being impossible, everyone is entitled to the pursuit of happiness and is free to purchase anything that is for sale in the US. What are you even going to do, put an "r u black? y/n" prompt at the beginning like age gates on a porn site? It'll work equally as well.

>inb4 im not american
Then you don't matter

>> No.22872504

Nigger, black people are retarded. If you spent any time around them you would know this Listen to Dead Kennedy's Holliday in Cambodia and fuck yourself with a rusty spatula, you half witted liberal arts fuck bag

>> No.22872512


To be frank the people who would write this are not generally gamers. Oh sure some might coop a dying gaming company and drive it to the ground or be some indie game video game designer that can’t get a following, but this almost seems like an AI mashing ideas together. There aren’t a lot of females in lead development roles in games of that genre let alone African American. And if it’s a fighting game, I can maybe count on one hand the number of cis females I’m aware of that are interested in that genre or work at those companies in a visible position. And if you’re not an indie dev on a small team, there is no fucking way she’d not be at least doxxed. Marketing and development for something that big if it’s grassroots. I’d have to see how much they actually go into maintaining or marketing the game in the book, but I honestly don’t think I would pick it up just to get basic questions answered on a book where that would clearly not be the major focus.

Personally a Nubian fighting MMO would be cool, and good on and African American girls who actually work in the industry but this just feels…tiresome.

>> No.22872517

Sounds interesting tbdesu. I’d raceswap blacks with something nerdy like koreans or something

>> No.22872594

I am half-black. I know literally hundreds more black people than you. Black people are no different than anyone else save in culture - everything else are the particulars of individuals. You internet race-theory wizards cling to hollow statistics you've spread amongst yourselves, but as an actual >top 1% IQ holder who has spent my entire life among people of all races, I know it to be no more valuable than gender studies research.

And for the record, your type would do itself a lot better to stop presuming things about the person you're trying to argue with. It undermines everything you have to say because your whole point of view is so clearly based on a collection of false assumptions. I'm a physics/maths major with numerous scientists in my family, numerous scientists, doctors, lawyers, and even military intelligence personnel in my friend group. It doesn't help you one iota to concoct a mythological version of me as some liberal arts shut-in (which really isn't an insult on a liberal arts board anyway, dumbass) who doesn't know any black people. I know all kinds of people of all sorts of intelligence and profession.

>> No.22872610

I suggest we maintain the current overtly expressed standards, but that we start actually applying them with equity - which we have not been doing. We've been permitting one group or another - typically groups we consider to have been disadvantaged in some way - to break non-discriminatory standards, thus rendering those standards ineffective and undermining societal stability. People are free to think what they want, but there should be a non-negotiable standard as to how businesses and enterprises ought to treat people. In the case of this hypothetical game, there's nothing wrong with a game being a predominantly black environment, so long as it would be freely open to anyone else who wished to join, from an enterprising perspective.

>> No.22873664


>who believes video games are partially responsible for the “downfall of the Black man.”

But is he wrong?

>> No.22873690

I guess rap music has damaged black people a lot more.

>> No.22874061

You've made your point. I generalize because my general impression of niggers has been fucking terrible. I live in a city that is around 55% black. last year a recently released nigger (I assume this based upon his shitty prison ink) jumped in front of my car and tried to carjack me after I stopped so I wouldn't hit him. He decided against this when I pulled my EDC on him. Fortunately for both of us, he had the sense to not make shoot him by backing down. The only reason I even have an EDC is because I live around so much DIVERSITY and have learned that being a minority white boy makes me a target. You can drone on all day with your #notallniggers talking points, and I do agree that some, likely including yourself, are worthwhile human beings, many are not and act like violent apes looking for an easy mark to commit some felony against.

>But you already know this
There is no way you do not recognize how utterly devoid of worth a large portion of niggers are. I feel sorry for you that you have to be one of the beacons of intelligence amongst your race.

Thanks for reading my diary post.

>> No.22874156

>Just make it mandatory for every character to have black skin and theme every area after a different black culture, simple as.
>>You've saved the straw-hut tribe and reached level 10! Time to move on the the mud-hut zone!

>> No.22874253

Hell yeah, nigger

>> No.22874451
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I’m a very redpilled, yet black person who is trying to make a fictional story with the world building and depth of GRRM’s ASOIAF but most of the characters are black, since it’s based in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The one thing I really don’t wanna deal with are sensitive individuals. I’ve been thinking about challenging my people’s perception of themselves, where they stand in history, hating white people, my general message is that no matter the race people are just generally shit.

Thinking about writing something like this makes me cringe a little, because I’ve never known a red pilled black writer who didn’t hate themselves. So now I’m thinking to myself how do I go about this?

>> No.22874480


Best rule of thumb is to hard filter the types to complain with excessive violence from the getgo. There’s a certain author quality threshold (hell even just normal grimdark fantasy threshold) where people are able to write things and the general population won’t give a shit about it. But also be wary of what editor and publishers try to market your book as, as that will affect the demographic your work goes to. They might try to capitalize on parts of your identity you would rather not get involved with so it will sell.

>> No.22874570
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>secret multiplayer online role-playing card game

>> No.22874729

That depends on the writer's skill, no? To make you care.

>> No.22874814

Phantasy Star Online, but niggers.

>> No.22874835

It at least has somewhat of a creative premise besides the typical phoned in "evil straight yt male tries to oppress the (comfortably upper middle class, educated) Black Queen" although I'm sure that's exactly who the identity of the "anonymous troll" is. This type of racialized pablum is always ideological propaganda first and foremost, and like all propaganda it has to follow certain tropes.

>> No.22875634

>Listen to Dead Kennedy's Holliday in Cambodia
A racist recommending the Dead Kennedys? What the hell?

>> No.22875643

>You've saved the straw-hut tribe and reached level 10! Time to move on the the mud-hut zone!
Unironically Valheim.

>> No.22875648

>my general message is that no matter the race people are just generally shit.
Still globohomo, misanthropy is their foundation

>> No.22875822

Things aren't what you think they are anymore. Whatever image you have of what a "racist" is, I guarantee would be more accurate if you understood it as a legitimate counter culture reaction to neo liberal dominance and political correct oppression. I'm capable of befriending and dating any race -- but if you try to keep me from saying the no-no words, I will do it to spite you. Nigger.

The only way to live is free from mind poison. You can go be a "global citizen" in your designated intellectual right-think prisons.

>> No.22875858

>Black people are no different than anyone else save in culture
That's the problem Mr. I Have A PhD. Black American culture is so fucked up that blacks integrate into western society worse than Arabs who want to bomb America out of existence.

>> No.22876006

RIP David Foster Wallace you would have hated Euphoria

>> No.22876010

Isekai shit like SAO is already only fit for non-whites so that's a moot point

>> No.22876059

I will shut up and listen to that black queen.