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22865024 No.22865024 [Reply] [Original]

>be attractive
>date attractive gf with rich parents
>marry her
>her parents buy us a place of our own
>be unemployed and read books all day
Life is almost too good right now, I'm expecting something bad to happen

>> No.22865057

How do you afford things? They’re that fucking loaded?

>> No.22865061

I'm going to break in and shit in your fridge.

>> No.22865067

>Divorce wife and take have her money

Life could be even better anon

>> No.22865142

I had some savings and I invested some of the money but I get so much free shit from her that I barely use anything of my own.

>> No.22865149

I'm going to break in and steal shit from your fridge.

>> No.22865153

>I'm expecting something bad to happen
ur gonna die

>> No.22865187

does she have those big khazar milkers?

But in all earnestness: they're happy to just have you and your wife sitting there like a couple of household pets? Is it a generational wealth thing? Does she have a hot sister?

>> No.22865196

It's a good thing to keep in mind, while enjoying a life of leisure. What kind of books you readin?

>> No.22865264

Better develop some skills and get some money of your own so if she decides to dump you you won't be stranded completely

>> No.22865265

i'm in a situation like this too, except it's my parents who are loaded and my gf came from a poor family. but we just neet all day lol>>22865187
>they're happy to just have you and your wife sitting there like a couple of household pets?
yeah basically in my case

>> No.22865284

So fucking jealous. It's bad enough to be born into this shitty world without actually having to earn one's keeping in it.

>> No.22865311

You can always cope by thinking that you'll achieve self actualisation.

>> No.22865355

Yeah, there's a measure of self-respect, self-confidence and maturity that only a man who earns his life has.
Whether that's worth itself or not, I don't know, but I assume there's some truth to it, considering the amount of rich kids who end up working on one thing or another.

>> No.22865396

ya op i always have that everything is going too good sth bad is gonna happen paranoia-panic and i blame it for seeing movies like cannery row as a kid were everything is going good and then something bad happens like the vandals smashing his aquarium or whatever which affected my impressionable young mind.

>> No.22865405 [DELETED] 

>does she have those big khazar milkers?
Yeah, her tits are pretty fat and huge, but sadly I'm not into it. I'm more of an ass man and her ass is pretty average.
>they're happy to just have you and your wife sitting there like a couple of household pets?
Yeah, pretty much. They're retired now and don't do anything apart from traveling and old people partying all the time. They worked their asses off all their life to get to this wealth so that their children could have comfortable lives.
I'd rather not say, sometimes she lurks on /lit/ and I don't want her to find out I'm posting stuff like this because it sounds like bragging.
Not going to happen.
Feels good man lol
You have a point, but I can just larp as an aristocrat and convince myself I deserve it all because of my superior nature or something.

>> No.22865422

Hypothetically, would you give up this lifestyle if she suddenly confessed to cheating or suggested something like an open-relationship?

A deal as good as this will eventually come with its own terms and conditions. It's best to think about these things before they're sprung on you randomly. Good luck, though. Living the /lit/ dream

>> No.22865449

I lived the "household pet" life for a long time. It sounds good but it feels horribly unfulfilling and there's no way to explain your lifestyle to outsiders, making conversation ultra awkward. I developed a nasty case of depression and not having to go outside made it worse.

>> No.22865452

This post feels like a reality check

>> No.22865456

>>22865265 here and this encapsulates the downsides pretty well. it's a very isolating lifestyle

>> No.22865470

Eh, not necessarily. What if OP is a complete recluse? I'd imagine a hermit would love that kind of life.

>> No.22865479

well i have avoidant personality disorder, even when i was in school i was lonely. so the isolation might not be tied to neetdom, although there's basically no way for me to make friends with this lifestyle since people will judge me. very lucky i have my gf