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/lit/ - Literature

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22862383 No.22862383 [Reply] [Original]

-Submit your top 5 books to the linked form:
-Submission format: Author's Surname - Title
>Kafka - The Trial
If the author is unknown leave the space for the author blank.
> - The Holy Bible
-Form will be active from 12/16 to 12/26.
-Ties will be broken through a poll from 12/26 to 12/30.
-Results will be posted after my New Year's hangover.

>> No.22862387

Post the sheet.

>> No.22862390

what if the book has multiple authors?

>> No.22862394

Break up the surnames with comas and I'll figure out the formatting later.

>> No.22862402

what if there are different books with the same title written by different authors who share the same surname?

>> No.22862416

How are the following series being handled? Is each book counted as its own, or are they combined as a single work?
>Dune series
>Updike rabbit series
>Harry Potter series
>LotR series

>> No.22862421

Not op but afaik they're handled as single series, at least in older charts they were single.

>> No.22862446

>>LotR series
It's not a series. It's a single book split in different volumes.

>> No.22862465

Name one case dumbo-kun

>> No.22862471

what if my mom wrote a book but it hasn't been published publicly just private copies?

>> No.22862474

i can't be expected to know every book ever written, i'm just checking op has accounted for this possible but unlikely scenario

>> No.22862488

Threadly reminder to vote Wagner.

>> No.22862638

I'll accept it. Love good relationships with mothers.
Vote Wagner though!

>> No.22862648

Alright, just to please you:
In the extremely rare circumstance that anon suggested add a library of congress number to the end of your submission.

>> No.22862659

I can do this. Counted LoTRs as a single submission considering it's a single novel released in volumes.
On this topic I was wondering if I should count The Sea of Fertility as one submission or as individual novels?

>> No.22862676

I haven't read 5 books.

>> No.22862679

I voted :3

>> No.22862771

Thanks for doing this anon

>> No.22863140

If all Shakespeare plays are counted as one then he has to be #1. Otherwise it's an embarassment for us, /lit/ frens

>> No.22863161

/lit/ charts are never about quality. It's impossible to hope for objectivity considering the randomness involved. Just got to hope for good taste.

>> No.22863185

The idea of a consensus chart like this is just toe testing the waters to see the temperature of the board. True taste should always be looked for in individuals.

>> No.22863239

Please keep the musicians in the music board. Thank you.

>> No.22863261

Nobody is talking about musicians, schizo.

>> No.22863314


>> No.22863317

That negro spamming Wagner

>> No.22863329

You are brown

>> No.22863344

I submitted:
>Aeschylus - The Oresteia
>Kant - Critique of Pure Reason
>Sebald - The Rings of Saturn
>Bernhard - Gathering Evidence
>Wittgenstein - Philosophical Investigations

>> No.22863382


>> No.22863391

>>22863344 (me)
i realise i should have learned german instead of french lol

>> No.22863395


>> No.22863425
File: 81 KB, 686x576, Spurdo Spagner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one? One of his music dramas? Opera and Drama? The entire prose works?

>> No.22863432
File: 4 KB, 295x138, 55555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being racist or I won't vote for him like I'm planning to.

>> No.22863471

Because you are brown

>> No.22863506

That includes Aeschylus, Sophocles and Homer.

>> No.22863508

Der Ring des Nibelungen. His greatest literary work.

>> No.22863532
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I warned you.

>> No.22863566

based hebrew

>> No.22863599


>> No.22863623

Kant is based

>> No.22863631

retard take

>> No.22863648

>Catch 22
>The Trial
>Augie March
>The Passion According to GH
>Portnoy’s Complaint

>> No.22863672

First time voting
>Blood Meridian
>The Trial
>Dead Souls

>> No.22863674

is dead souls any good?

>> No.22863679

Nta but yeah. Reminds me of Seinfeld set in serfdom Russia. Helps if you know the historical context

>> No.22863699

It's great. The characters are the best part of the story. They vary so much and have so many special eccentricities that the book is hilarious. Just be sure to get a decent translation. Guerney's the best, I own a copy of Penguin Classics (Maguire) but be sure to avoid Pevear and Volokhonsky. Theirs is so cold and technical that all the humour are sucked out of the story

>> No.22863769

coolio. have been enjoying gogol's short stories (ronald wilks' translation) so pretty excited to jump into dead souls soon.
>Guerney's the best
will look into it
>be sure to avoid Pevear and Volokhonsky
i am aware. i used to think i disliked russian lit until i realised P&V were the problem. true story.

>> No.22863773

You need to go back.

>> No.22863782
File: 442 KB, 759x1244, updike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a single book edition, so...

>> No.22863795

The fact that they were published in 4 different decades is a reason to consider the works as single books with the same character.
And the book you posted doesn't even include Rabbit Remembered.

>> No.22863890

I thought Gogol's short stories were overrated until I switched from P&V to Wilks. Now I consciously avoid reading any P&V translations

>> No.22863905

>Canticle for Leibowitz
>Ring of the Nibelungs
Rate my picks /lit/.

>> No.22863957

Based and Christian myth pilled.

>> No.22863961

I voted for 4 Tolstoy books.

>> No.22863978

I enjoyed Titus Groan more than Gormenghast but that's just me

>> No.22864041

I voted for the trilogy

>> No.22864062

There is no trilogy.

>> No.22864106

I'm voting Gormenghast in general since I hope OP will take it as the trilogy instead of the book.

>> No.22864135

Again. There is no trilogy.

>> No.22864144

Fine. Three novels, a novella, and an uncompleted fourth novel. Happy?

>> No.22864153

Would you also mind telling OP which book did you vote for? I doubt he can make an educated guess.

>> No.22864200
File: 170 KB, 676x1000, 91bvLGAc4HL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird because thats what It says on the cover

>> No.22864202


>> No.22864207

This whole series/collected works thing has really overshadowed the project. For next year we should do a few lists like
>favorite writers
>favorite books
>favorite short stories
>favorite essays/essayists
>favorite poems/poets

Or whatever else. We already know in general what the top 100 books will look like outside of a massive shilling or illegal voting campaign. We should spice it up

>> No.22864241

>For next year...
its still this year

>> No.22864251

I challenge both of you to find a word of Peake where he describes his series as a trilogy.

>> No.22864252

Can I edit my answers, OP? I'd like to remove my support for a book due to recent developments

>> No.22864320

You are either voting for the wrong reasons or voted for a book you didn’t finish yet. Tsk tsk tsk

>> No.22864327

I edited my answers. Happy counting!

>> No.22864496

It's a series and only three books were completed, thus, it's a trilogy.

>> No.22864541

I voted
>Moby Dick
>Growth of the Soil
>If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
>Klara and the Sun
>The Cossacks by Tolstoy

>> No.22864543

I added my contacts to one of my answers.

>> No.22864548

Actually 4 books were completed. And according to your reasoning that would make it a tetralogy.

>> No.22864549

why? wanna get fucked by OP?

>> No.22864560

>he's counting the story that first appeared in some anthology with other authors

>> No.22865043

We're not going to have this debate again. Wagner was a dramatist, his works are published in book form. It's a fact you're going to have to cope with.

>> No.22865484

I'm sure Tarantino has some librettos published as books too. That doesn't make them literature.
As for Wagner's Der Ring. It's common sense to refer to the original myths known as the Nibelungenlied instead of the musician's take on them.

>> No.22865659

Oh, you're retarded. I understand now.
>It's common sense to refer to the original myths known as the Nibelungenlied instead of the musician's take on them.
I guess that means not reading any Greek plays as well, yeah? Since you should refer to the original myths that were circulated orally before they were documented in that form.

>> No.22865669

Somehow I‘m not surprised the anti-Wagner resentment comes from a cuckold porn viewer.

>> No.22865684

>I'm sure Tarantino has some librettos published as books too. That doesn't make them literature.
You mean screenplays. And no, they're really not similar. When you look at theater, the written play is the text. It's not written for one specific production, but rather it exists and may continue as the basis for multiple productions. When someone puts on a new production of Hamlet or Death of a Salesman, they go back to the same original script by Shakespeare or Miller and perform a new rendition of that same written work. Every stage director may take some creative liberties, but rarely does one perform Hamlet and hire a new playwright to write an entirely new version of Hamlet. And when we refer to Hamlet as a historical piece of culture, we're referring to the written work of Shakespeare, not a specific performance of it.
In cinema, however, the script is more like a blueprint, written as the basis for one specific production. When Steven Soderbergh remakes Ocean's Eleven, he doesn't go back to the same script used for the 1960 film (as we would with Hamlet on stage), but rather Warner Bros, and he hires a new writer to write an entirely new script written specifically for this production. If, in 40 years, we get another remake of the film, the producers would hire yet another screenwriter to make yet another new script for that production. We don't hold up the original script and feel any obligation to remake that specific collection of scenes and dialogue the way we do with a play. And so, in cinema, the film itself is the "text" that continues through the years. When we refer to Ocean's Eleven as a historical piece of culture, we are speaking of a specific film (we wouldn't say Ocean's Eleven to mean "that general story that Clooney and Sinatra and various other actors have performed at various times in various ways").
In short, when we talk about Hamlet as a cultural product, we're talking about a written text; the script is what lasts through the years. When we talk about Ocean's Eleven as a cultural product, we're talking about a specific produced film. And this is partly dictated by the nature of theater vs. cinema. There is no one performance of Hamlet (on stage) that lasts through the years; as a live performance, it doesn't have permanence. A stage performance is not a "thing" that we can keep. The script is what lasts over time; it's the thing that lasts. In cinema, on the other hand, the performance does last, recorded on celluloid (or a hard drive), such that the film becomes the thing that gets passed down through the years. Just like a building, we can go back and look at the original blueprints, and compare it to the final thing that was produced, but when we discuss architecture, we wouldn't hold up the blueprints for the Empire State Building as the thing in question -- we would look at the actual Empire State Building.

>> No.22865700

brb going to vote for a Tarantino screenplay out of spite

>> No.22865751

You are just describing what an adaptation is. And in doing so you are just proving my point.
Der Ring des Nibelungen is just a musical rendition of the literary Nibelungenlied.

>> No.22865760

But these lists are wrong. Anons never discuss these books here.

>> No.22865791

>Der Ring des Nibelungen is just a musical rendition of the literary Nibelungenlied.
No, it's not. The text is completely different, it's its own work, both musical and dramatic. Wagner is a playwright, whether you like it or not.

>> No.22865817

Then Shakespeare shouldn't be included either. The only literature he wrote is the poetry. Plays aren't literature in this paradigm.

>> No.22865818

Did i say he wasn't?
No, i didn't. What i said is that his contribution to the world of music is much bigger than it is his contribution to the world of literature, which is minimal (unlike Goethe's Faust) and that Der Ring is a musical take on the Nibelungenlied just as much as Lord of the Rings is a literary one.
That's why he's studied in Musicology departments and not in Literature departments. No false equivalence can change this fact.

>> No.22865852

It shouldn't be necessary to explain the difference between an opera and a threatre play. Or between oral tradition and the written one.

>> No.22865868

Both are dramatic works.
Both are written and published as books.

>> No.22865978

Bob Dylan win Pulitzer

>> No.22866008

>Special Citation Pulitzer

>> No.22866025

>Sign in to Jewgle to vote

>> No.22866538

post your votes here, m8

>> No.22866586

I submitted:
>Book of the New Sun
>Ash Wednesday
>Paradise Lost
>The Brothers Karamazov
Have a happy Christmas /lit/

>> No.22866874

>his contribution to the world of literature, which is minimal
Symbolism begs to differ. Wagner influenced many writers, poets, novelists, and playwrights. They incorporated elements of his themes, narrative techniques, and symbolic imagery. His impact on literature is profound and enduring.

>> No.22866879

As implied here >>22865684 both Shakespeare's and Wagner's works are meant primarily for theatrical productions. However, both can be read just fine on their own.

>> No.22866880

You can’t vote for Hamlet, you have to vote for all of his works

>> No.22867202


>> No.22867219

Wagner's librettos cannot be enjoyed separately from his music. That's the key difference. Sound design and acting/singing skills are not necessary to enjoy Shakespeare.

>> No.22867345

This. So tired of people not understanding the differences between a script and a play.

>> No.22867349

Anons, you can vote for the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood novel. You don't have to resort to his screenplays.

>> No.22867361

>Der Ring is a musical take on the Nibelungenlied just as much as Lord of the Rings is a literary one.
Holy shit stop talking about things you know nothing about. Both 'Rings' are unique works of literature.

Wagner is not opera, or at least typical opera. His revolutions in the libretto had the effect of raising the quality of the text to that of a great dramatic work. As far as I know there's no other 'libretto' in Bloom's Western Canon.

>> No.22867377

This whole argument is pointless. Wagner won’t get that many votes even if it’s allowed. If he’s somehow high on the list it is obviously a concerted effort and should be deleted

>> No.22867656

>some point between the second and third of the series, I began to visualize four completed novels that might together make a single coherent volume, a mega-novel. Now, thanks to Everyman's Library, this volume exists, titled, as I had long hoped, with the name of the protagonist, an everyman who, like all men, was unique and mortal
agreed it would have been better if it included the novella, but it's already a 1500 page hardcover.

>> No.22868606

Yes, they can, at least from The Ring onwards. They're not traditional librettos, but much closer to poetry.

>> No.22869407

my picks:
The Rings of Saturn
In Search of Lost TIme
THe Magic Mountain
Snow Country
Invisible Cities

>> No.22870533

Tiebreaker WHEN. Also gib results already.

>> No.22870593

>post your votes here, m8
⁃ Euclid - The Elements
⁃ - Talmud Bavli
⁃ Yudkowsky et al. - Project Lawful
⁃ Marx - Das Kapital
⁃ Euler - Introductio in analysin infinitorum

Interpreting "of all time" to mean "with the most historical impact according to me" rather than my personal favorites.

>> No.22870620

Doubt any of mine will make the list except one or two but I voted for my top favorite and ones I thought had a slight chance

Letters of Van Gogh
Tropic of Cancer
The Rainbow
Les Chants de Maldorer
Leaves of Grass

>> No.22871692

fucking retard, it’s a list of your personal favorite books. fucking newfags i swear

>> No.22871760

Can you read?

>> No.22871766
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x900, MAKOTO COUP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be delaying the polls until the 27th. I have family unexpectedly staying over until midday tomorrow so I doubt I'll be able to format votes in time.
Sorry about the Delay, OP.

>> No.22871777

>Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
>Murakami - Coin Locker Babies
>Schulz - The Street of Crocodiles
>Salinger - Nine Stories
>NisiOisin - Kizumongatari
Someone submit for me I don't want to make an account just to vote

>> No.22871781

are votes submitted in the threads being added to the poll?

>> No.22871783

Sure, you can start your excel file and compile answers and then make a chart and upload it.

>> No.22871916


>> No.22871941

>Melville - Moby Dick
>Cather - Death Comes for the Archbishop
>Faulkner - Absalom, Absalom!
>Ishighro - The Unconsoled
>Aeschylus - Orestaia

>> No.22872782

No. This is enough work as is. Submit it to the form.

>> No.22872805

>El Aleph
>The Glass Bead Game