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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 969x1281, lovecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22861564 No.22861564 [Reply] [Original]

He could write 36 sonnets as a cycle with a plot over the Christmas break (about a week) just over a dream he had. No one here could do that, ever. Proves that a classical education is all you need.

>> No.22861608

Man had an legendary imagination and was a prodigious writer. I'm just a drunk. Sorry boss.

>> No.22861623

He was a hack and a bad person.

>> No.22861640
File: 348 KB, 900x1259, dunwich_horror_the_monster_by_eitherangel_d98q2x1-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It has to be The Dunwich Horror. The last scene where the villagers are watching through the telescope as the professors are rushing up the hill to that stone altar at the top, the storm, the ineffable product of a mate beyond the stars. It's way too cool, and everything leading up to is also great mood. The way he describes the landscape is so great, I can so easily picture those deep valleys surrounded by woods and giant pointy hills with strange stone altars on the top. No matter how much 'deep' and 'serious' literature I read I still never stop fanboying over Lovecraft. He's just one of those authors that puts so much of himself in his stories, his love for architercture, his familiarity of the landscape, his weird dreams and love of cats, you really do feel like you know him as a friend after reading his works.

>> No.22861648

How so? He introduced cosmic elements to horror.
>bad person
No one is all that bad. They just act rationally under their circumstances. He was entrenched in old money New England sentiments when the Great Depression and modernisation threw him into the maelstrom that was New York in the late 20s.
That story is more a retelling of Machen's The Great God Pan.

>> No.22861656

No. For you, and for everyone else, it is Polaris. A few short pages that speak to every man's greatest fear. Failure. In its most masculine sense. Letting down everyone who depended on you. Everyone who you swore to protect. Caught up in a simple flight of fancy and damned forever. The knowledge that you betrayed the ultimate trust placed in you and you have no excuse.

>> No.22861661

But for me it's the dream quest, it's cool as fuck and I'm from boston

>> No.22862104
File: 96 KB, 851x851, the_dunwich_horror_by_castlemonster_d87hny3-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22862134

He cute