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22859397 No.22859397 [Reply] [Original]

why do you have to jump through so many hoops to get laid. it doesnt seem worth it to me. the shit people will do for a crumb of pussy is fascinating to me.

>> No.22859436

Remember: He reject these works and that lifestyle and became Eastern Orthodox.

>> No.22859782

He tried to esablish his own cult with PUA and got absorbed into one himself with the Russian Orthodox stuff, ironic

>> No.22859801

his grift simply evolved.

>> No.22859813

Yeah I pretty much feel the same. I went through another guys work that was mostly focused on being positive, staying healthy, focused and just playing the numbers game. But it really does get old after a while. I just don’t care. Can just bust a nut to some tits online and go back to doing something else. Women make you jump through so many hoops and most of the time they’ll act like they’re not interested too. It’s all a big game.

>> No.22861236

If you were born as a tall handsome Chad with loving parents who put you on group sports from a young age then you wouldn't need these books. But you do, so either put in the work to get what you want, or don't. If you honestly believe it's too much work to learn some social dynamics and how to talk to chicks and improve your looks, if you honestly believe the juice is not worth the squeeze, then don't do it. But most guys are just lazy and post-rationalize it with some variation of sour grapes.

>> No.22861248

Because they are extremely insecure. Only insecure men chase pussy that much. It's a desperation to need women give them validation so that they can feel like they have a purpose in life. It's pathetic. They lack any sort of spiritual strength.

>> No.22861252

No, you're rationalizing your lack of pussy because you have no actual strength and you cope by pretending that not getting laid is actually a sign of great spiritual strength. Unless you're a celebrity who's drowning in pussy, and you're turning them all down, you have no right to talk like this as if you're better and all high and mighty.

>> No.22861261

I am in fact better than men who desperately chase pussy in order to feel validated. I don't feel like I even need to explain why it's incredibly uncomfortable, embarrassing, and sad to watch guys have absolutely zero shame in their behavior of trying to get laid. It's a sign of low intelligence and a sign of lack of actual meaningful purpose in life.

People with that behavior deserve to be rounded up and shot.

>> No.22861266

You just keep proving my point and the extremely aggressive tone is surely the sign of a spiritual, intellectual Buddha who's reached enlightenment and who's beyond needs of the flesh, not the impotent ramblings of a sour grapes incel

>> No.22861278

I never claimed to be the Dalai Lama.
I just claimed to have more spiritual growth than a pickup artist, which to be fair is not saying that much because they are the lowest of the low.
Again any normal person should be able to see why it's incredibly sad for a man to need sex for validaiton. I feel like this is just self-evident. Pussy chasing men are modern fucking clowns. They exist to be laughed at. They don't even deserve the pity.

>> No.22861282

I would recommend RSD if you're serious about it. They got nuked by journo rats a few years back but there's still archives on YouTube. There's also an archived recommended reading list: www.rsdbooklist.com

>> No.22861301

Lol I have actually read a few of these, I can see how they might help someone who isn’t totally hopeless like me

>> No.22861363

>why do you have to jump through so many hoops to get laid
You don't but it's hard to make a living scamming morons by saying that.

>> No.22861418

No woman would voluntarily fuck such a greasy churka wop. Everything he wrote is fiction.

>> No.22861426

Nah, his Denmark book is accurate. The holes here really are built like rugby players

>> No.22861428

I mostly just see “busting a nut” as purely mechanical nowadays. It’s just to take the edge off.

>> No.22861429

im gay

>> No.22861431

It’s always journalists all the time

>> No.22861433

Define “normal”

>> No.22861434

They're the ruling priestly caste. The more things change...

>> No.22861711

Is he some kind of gypsy?

>> No.22861727

>get laid
>get your dick wet
tired of men casually talking like this, as if the whole point of having sex is to just validate yourself because you were able to convince a woman to have sex with you. This generation is so fucked

>> No.22861774

When men try to be as frivolous about sex as women can afford to be it really messes things up such that economic growth stops dead and civility and law and order collapse. When women are sexually frivolous the spread disease and dismay but are kid glove forgiven by the thirsty disinterested lusty crowd. Her friends leave her. Her particular identity as a name and face is smashed but to the crowd who plays these heuristic games she is a cog in their machine. When man becomes the same as her we lose our identity as a race and become incentive drones in a collapsing house of cards. Oh boo hoo she ghosted me time for me to play hard to get next time. Ok nice you will fuck in Pompeii like a hobo or Jesse Pinkman.

>> No.22861914
File: 103 KB, 813x814, 18951187_556524074522722_5100709969565253370_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do you have to jump through so many hoops to get laid
You don't. He's just retarded.

>> No.22861920

>woman tries to interpret politics
>reduces it to "which prettyboy queer do i want to sleep with and what does he think of sleeping with me"
there has to be some kind of pill we could design to make women forget they have a cunt during working hours

>> No.22862012

Orrrrrr we could just not let them vote or work like every successful human civilization in history...

>> No.22862221
File: 64 KB, 517x1024, 1702061298091129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting laid is super easy once you have a social circle and a cool apartment... all you need to do is throw house parties and entertain women, they will see you having a good time and being popular, this will make them wonder "what can I do to get him to notice me" and they will pursue you.

Start by becoming a regular at locations where you can socialize and talk with people. Seriously getting laid is very easy once you put effort into having some standing in a social group of people.

>> No.22862266

Roosh was always bluepilled on women which is why his advice was lame, why his relationship with some Slavic chick he wanted to wife failed (which was a part of what pushed him over the edge), and why he was able to so seamlessly transition into an equally useless religious perspective on women.

>> No.22862413


>> No.22862448

isn't he half Armenian?

>> No.22862492

Apparently half Iranian Azeri, half Armenian

>> No.22862575

Read his last book, it's the least dancing monkey one
Also read Poosy Paradise.

Remember, Roosh is bar/club game. Nightgame is ONS and thus lots of hoops
Read Bang Poland and Bang Ukraine for somehing less autistic and more natural

These books don't actually help you get laid. Incels can read 100 such booms and remain incels
Brutal blackpill. PUA books are useful only for 20-30% of men. Look up Mystery's height

>> No.22862590

He's like 6'3 and fit. He also massively improved his looks later on, by his own admission he didnt get laid a lot in his 20s

Half Iranian half Turkish Armenian

Anyone member the iranian from hell? Always kekked at it hard

Also the Brazil compendium I guess

>> No.22862660
File: 57 KB, 976x850, IMG_0956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are anons here who read and are knowledgeable about PUA books

>> No.22862685

I do what I can to manipulate and abuse women more efficiently, don't judge

>> No.22862745

>Incels can read 100 such booms and remain incels
This is true. PUA books helped me a lot but that was only because I was a clueless 7/10.

>> No.22863037

Wagner was 5'2'' and a greater man than Roosh.

>> No.22863919

>Wagner was 5'2'
explains a lot desu

>> No.22864007

Wagner's wife, Coisma Wagner, was ~5'11''.

>> No.22864011

Haha yeah I'll just create my own social circle and be the cool guy with the cool apartment

>> No.22864012
File: 49 KB, 598x574, 677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based

>> No.22864353

I used to read Roosh back in the day. I also use to like aloe of the articles of his site called return of kings.

One day I just got tired of it all. Once you have the gist of the red pill you don’t have to do any more reading.

And to be honhest, as I grew older i grew tired of the dating “game” (I think it’s so gay women want you to have “game” like I’m not here to jump through hoops hoops putting on some fake magic mike persona to try and lure some bimbo who’s personality I don’t even like into bed)

When I was 23 I went the escort route and disappeared from dating/social circles. I actually have a GF now but in the past 10 years I’ve had sex with 400 escorts.

Could never do that no matter how much “game” you have

>> No.22864365

apex cope
good god my man

>> No.22864369

Men don’t chase women for validation. Well, ones that do I would never wanna hang out with.

I’ve bedded over 400 women (have access to prositutes) and the reason I do it is because sex, for me, is a mind blowin dopamine rush. I’m addicted to sex, not validation

>> No.22864550

You belong in SSA, not the West.