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/lit/ - Literature

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22856848 No.22856848 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Russians such good writers??

>> No.22856854

What do you mean why? Why wouldn't they be good?

>> No.22856855

No non-whites to mess with their collective consciousness.

>> No.22856857

They seem to put out more classics than the rest of Europe combined.

>> No.22856858

they let their country control their mind

>> No.22856868

Pushkin was non-white. Stop the /pol/ schizophrenia.

>> No.22856876


The Russians, being seperated from the west, developed their own culture. There is something deeply religious and ponderous, probably because their country is so inhospitable. Nabokov called it the "Russian Spirit."

In terms of Quality and quantity, the few years that Russians were making literature (Soviet Union censored anything decent enough to seen on the world stage. Two Russian were nominated for the Nobel Literary prize but they both had left the state to avoid the censorship), they are unrivaled. Its baffling how they did it, and I'd like anyone's theories if they have something.

even their films are incredible. Andrei Tarkovsky for example, who was allowed to create in a time where censorship wasn't so harsh.

>> No.22856881

Good writing requires suffering and Russians suffered horrendously under communism.

>> No.22856887


what post-soviet literature have you read that was any good? Any decent Russian authors post-1920 were emigres.

>> No.22856892

All the best Europeans left for America. The only people left there come from a genetic line of lazy cowards that refused to travel to the new world.

>> No.22856894

America has produced one notable author, and that was Hemingway.

>> No.22856897

Vasily Grossman

>> No.22856900


Poe or Dickenson? Lovecraft sucks but he's relevant and interesting.

>> No.22856901

Just one? Not true, and Faulkner is better.

>> No.22856905


>> No.22856951

It's clear that Russian literature tends to produce a powerfully dense result when translated to English, and this is a key factor in the popularity of the Russian novel.

>> No.22856959

This is true. And it all started with Constance Garnett. She fell in love with a Russian guy, learned some Russian and started translating the great Russian writers. There's more to this story but I remember I read an article about it.

>> No.22857084

Father of Russian modern language, great with form - empty in essence. Now just boring to read
Great, just great. His comedy still actual.
Was considered to be titled as best writer of his time, but was overshone by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. Never read his "Fathers and Sons", but had volume of Ivan Turgenev “Sketches From a Hunter’s Album” - it was unbearable boring to read.
Didn't liked his literature in childhood - disgusting style, disgusting plot, disgusting characters, pathetic christcuckery of orthodox desire to martyr. But now i realize that he was right in many ways and people are just as vile as he wrote, Dostoevsky saw through and wrote as is.
Loved his War and Peace in childhood, style was great, but with year i realize that Tolstoy was degenerate and his pacifist views had given nothing but suffering to people following him.
I considered him the best Russian writer of 19th century. Just the best. His short stories filled with true tragedy that made me cry and comedy that put me to laugher, he always showed world and people as is, without bullshit ideas of "Christian Russian destiny" or Tolstoy "pureness and kindness of simple people". Also - he answered to view of Tolstoy in Ward number 6 and life showed that Checkov was right - you cannot life in peace, build a world inside of you - world outside fuck you up without mercy.
Missed him completely.
Hack, that had risen on boldness of his critique lectures and épatage.
The best Russian writer of 20th century.
I wasn't empresses by his One day of Ivan Denisovich and found Cancer Ward as something boring, so i missed The Gulag Archipelago, just as i'd missed Kolyma Tales by Varlam Shalamov
But more i study history that is unbearable in vileness, more i realize that this work should been - Just should been and everyone should read them. You may not like it, but you need just to see, you need as society to get vax of this evil - so you could say "NEVER AGAIN".

>> No.22857092

>Now just boring to read
I had a blast with Eugene Onegin (Falen tr.).

>> No.22857169

Wow /lit/ poster who really read this shit

>> No.22857182

>But more i study history that is unbearable in vileness, more i realize that this work should been - Just should been and everyone should read them. You may not like it, but you need just to see, you need as society to get vax of this evil - so you could say "NEVER AGAIN".
It’s annoying that most Russians are still Stalin worshipers, the GULAG is now just the FSIN, the KGB=the FSB, and the country is run by a KGB agent?

>> No.22857199

yea it is kinda annoying

>> No.22857565

>Larger population than anyone else in Europe (even with demographic collapse, Russia today has 140 million people, and Russia historically held Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the Baltics, Finland, Poland, etc.

>Thus, even though it was poor and backwards the absolute number of wealthy intellegentsia capable of producing and enjoying literature was comparable with other major European powers.

>Unique outlook due to both backwardness and the different traditions of Orthodoxy makes their literature uniquely appealing.

>Fiction became the main route for expression, philosophy never took hold the same way as in the West.

>Continual influx of new ideas due to continual waves of colonization leading to a large mix of Germans, other Slavs, Jews, etc. in Russia as well as Central Asian and Ottoman influenced makes for a fertile blend.

>Historically, being a colonial power in Europe allows them to claim non-Russians as part of their tradition in a way most other countries can't.

>> No.22857567

Victor Pelevin is pretty good. I didn't like the werewolf one as much, but Homo Zapiens and the Helmet of Horror are cool. Reminds me of Marquez and Borges a bit, but also Russian.

>> No.22857570

beautiful girls surround them is a great motivation

>> No.22857580

Falkner, Melville, Morrison, Twain, Hawthorne, Poe, Eliot, Nabakov, McCarthy, Whitman, William James, Dewy, Rawls, C.S. Peirce, Emerson, Quine, Nozik, Putnam, Kirpke, Kuhn.

The overwhelming number of "big names," in philosophy since WWII (or even WWI) have been Americans. There are some non-Americans, e.g. Carnap, but most who seem like they will become "great names" are American. This is true in scientific theory as well to some extent (Shannon, Wheeler, etc.). Maths too.

>> No.22857586

an achievement on this board indeed which lets one get away with superficial opinions

>> No.22857599

Year after year, Russians still vote Stalin the greatest Russian in history. Lenin has always been second. The highest ranking woman is Catherine the great.

The greatest people in Russian history then are a Georgian, a Jew, and a German, all of whom had disdain for Russians. Truly comic.

>> No.22857625

>Gogol is a Russian writer because he wrote in Russian. Ethnicity doesn't matter!
>Nabokov is a Russian writer because he was Russian, language doesn't matter!

>> No.22857690

gogol isnt russian because he wrote in russian. He is russian because if you read his works youll see his patriotism for russia particularly

>> No.22857749

> What is 'Mary', 'King, Queen, Knave', 'The Defence', 'The Eye', 'Glory', 'Laughter in the Dark', 'Despair', 'Invitation to a Beheading', 'The Gift' and 'The Enchanter'?

>> No.22857753

Nabokov also wrote in Russian though, and some of the later books he wrote in English like Lolita also have russian version by himself. It makes sense to include him in both American (or english language) and Russian literature. Same thing as Beckett often also being considered a part of anglo literature when he also wrote in French, he belongs to both literatures.
What population collapse? Their population now it's roughly the same as the RSFSR had before the Soviet Union collapsed, you could said the population stagnated but there was no demographic collapse.

>> No.22857759

the overwhelming majority of russian classics are pre revolution, what?

>> No.22857802

Pushkin reads so different in Russian it's almost impossible to describe. Which is a shame because IMO he was like the von Neumann of literature. Certainly would have been if he lived longer.

>> No.22857819

Mostly based but Dosto understands language like a mediocre TV script writer

>> No.22857824

>produced in America
He immigrated there in his 40s.

>> No.22857830

Are you retarded? Nabokov wrote in Russian, too.

>> No.22857859

Orthodox Christian intellectual influence, strong education system and passion for literature.

>> No.22857870

Hemingway was a hack, midwit writer. This anon >>22857580 highlights our actual great writers and thinkers.

>> No.22857878

Nabokov is a God-tier cosmopolitan
>Hemingcuck was a hack, midwit writer.
Based form-pilled take.

>> No.22857882

Keep your Jewish "thinkers", mate. I prefer to read Pound and other actual literature.

>> No.22857962
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>ctrl+f andreyev
>not a single result

>> No.22858301

Where you find shitty weather, you find good writers. Except Canada. That place sucks.

>> No.22858319

Shitty weather? Russia has the best weather on the planet.
Using your logic, the United Emirates would've had a spectacular arsenal of writers

>> No.22858325

I feel like they are more top heavy

>> No.22858373
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Hart Crane
Frank Stanford
Thomas Wolfe
Charles Olson
TS Eliot
Robert Creeley
Washington Irving
William Cullen Bryant
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
James Russell Lowell
Walt Whitman
Henry Miller
H. Thompson
Frank O’Hara
Charles Bukowski
James Fenimore Cooper
Charles Brockden Brown
William Gilmore Simms
Herman Melville
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Henry James
Mark Twain
E. A. Poe
Alan Dugan
William Carlos Williams
Robert Frost
W. Faulkner
Cormac McCarthy
J. London
Toni Morrison
Carson McCullers
Ambrose Bierce
James Baldwin
John Ashbery
William Carlos Williams
Wallace Stevens
Robert Bly
Tennessee Williams
Marianne Hauser
Philip Roth
Don DeLillo
Arthur Miller
Robert Duncan
Alfred Starr Hamilton
William Gass
Marianne Moore
Ezra Pound
Robert Lowell
Louis Zukofsky
James Schuyler
flannery o'connor
Truman Capote
David Markson
Gertrude Stein
Emily Dickinson
George Oppen
Langston Hughes
Anne Sexton
Sylvia Plath
Elizabeth Bishop
Adrienne Rich
James Merrill
James Purdy
John Knowles
William Gaddis
Frederick Exley
Donald Barthelme
Richard Brautigan
Gabrielle Burton
William Lindsay Gresham
Lewis Sinclair
Upton Sinclair
Robinson Jeffers
Walter Abish
Jonathan Edwards
David Foster Wallace
John Kennedy Toole

>> No.22858422

I read Omon Ra recently and I thought it was shit.

>> No.22858428

The Strugatsky brothers deserve a mention as well.
I love Roadside Picnic and the Noon books.

>> No.22858456

they must be white then

>> No.22858467

David Foster Wallace would like a word.

>> No.22858474

>No Platonov

>> No.22858477

Thoughts on Grossmann, Paustovsky, Lermontov, Solovyev and Platonov?

>> No.22858538

Maybe it was just the translation I was reading but Gogol's humor reminds me of college improv.

>> No.22858579

Claude Shannon is probably a sleeper for being seen the way Einstein is in another 75 years. It's hard to think of any individual who more profoundly has effected both all the sciences, the way philosophy is done, and the way we live our lives. By the time the "information revolution," is taught in history books he will be "the guy." This is especially true since the other big paradigm shifts, complexity studies and chaos theory, don't have any one obvious "father," in the same way that information theory does. You have Wiener, Mandlebrot, etc., but it's more a big cast. Plus it's information theory that connects everything from linguistics to economics to astronomy to biology to particle physics under one methodology.

>> No.22858695

The fuck are you talking about? When these Russian authors were writing, Western Europe was 100% white, while the Russian empire contained hordes of Asiatics and brown people. So precisely the opposite of what you're making it out to be.

>> No.22858697

They suffered a whole lot before communism too

>> No.22858780

Because russians have all the good qualities of great writers AND all the bad ones.

>> No.22860090

I havent read the Russians. Are they really worth reading? and what would be a good book to start with?

>> No.22860140
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>> No.22860280

>Be Russian in the 18-20th centuries
>Middle class, lucky enough to dodge serfdom/collectivization
>Only options in life are to become a government bureaucrat, solider, or writer

>> No.22860297

>Western Europe was 100% white
False. Sub-Saharan Africans have been residing in Europe since at least the Renaissance.

>> No.22860367

cold nothing to do

>> No.22860521

Are modern russian writers any good?

>> No.22860549
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I only know Vladimir Sorokin, who writes these surreal/bizarre sci-fi novels or whatever but /lit/ seems to hate him.

>> No.22861014

Slavs also have the most Yamnaya and Scythian dna

>> No.22861018

How do people even know John Knowles? Where did you read him?

>> No.22861029

ahem, it is "Andrejeff"

>> No.22861155


>> No.22861159

/lit/ hates everyone

>> No.22861176

They are not particularly good writers, they are just strong in numbers.
There are as many russians as there are brits, frenchmen and italians combined.
If we just compare per capita outputs, then it's nothing special.