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/lit/ - Literature

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2285492 No.2285492 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit!

Can you uggest some good gay/queer books?

Any type is good but in particular I'm interested in Fantasy and Sci-Fi films that have prominent or main gay characters.

Raunchy is ok, if not encouraged.

Thanks for your help!

>> No.2285494

you a faggot?

>> No.2285495


Pretty sure only assholes use that word, dude.

But yeah, I'm gay.

>> No.2285499

it's just a synonym for gay. stop being such a pussy.

whats being gay like?

>> No.2285501

you a faggot?

>> No.2285502

>Can you uggest some good gay/queer books?


>> No.2285506

Eat shit and die, faggot.

>> No.2285507

Fuck! It always happens, I'm not a fan of the wording, I go back to fix something and then I fuck up even more. -__-

It's a word laden with a history of hate that implies you think less of someone because of their sexual orientation.

What's it like? Like Christmas every day.

>> No.2285508

Swordspoint was pretty enjoyable for me.

>> No.2285511

Yes, I think less of you because you like to take in the ass and fuck men's asses. I consider it disgusting and therefore people like you shouldn't be accepted in a normal society.

>> No.2285513

I haven't read anything in that area, but I've heard that Twilight is probably the biggest contribution in recent years.

>> No.2285518


An abortion smeared on a page has more literary worth than the Twilight series.

>> No.2285519


Ah yes because society and the tortured lit soul goes so well right? Besides normality has never been the hallmark of any civilization. We are defined by our greed, savagery and need to dominate and humiliate.

So get of your high horse and stop spanking your monkey.

>> No.2285520
File: 68 KB, 594x443, 1323636148693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

attention-whoring faggot

i repeat myself

>> No.2285521



>> No.2285527


Nards! Not available in the Kindle Store D:

>> No.2285536


You're better of cultivating a comic, anime or game habit and then feeding that with the prolific amount of uncensored (though occasionally questionable) fan made erotica that floods the net.

If all else fails you can try Roman/Greek gay erotica, but for it to be available on Kindle? Eh.......

>> No.2285556

try "Bread and Wine" by Samuel R Delany.
I liked it.
Its kind of a slice of life drama about two gay dudes in NYC

>> No.2285555
File: 10 KB, 200x282, 200px-Lord_Alfred_Douglas_by_George_Charles_Beresford_(1903).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I haven't read much lit with prominent homosexual characters.
Then again.
Many writers have been involved in homosexual relationships.
Brendsies, I think that a better approach to Gay lit would be reading homosexual writers instead of searching for homosexual characters which will probably be stereotypes of homosexuality.
That being said, I would recommend reading De Profundis (if you are already familiar with Oscar Wilde's life). Maybe reading some Bios of homosexual literary figures.
Wilde being my favorite, Lord Byron, Truman Capote, Allen Ginsberg and so.
and after that, getting into their works.
Now, if you are searching for this gay characters just for lust, I would advice you to go read Yaoi or something like that.

>> No.2285559

Try Samuel R. Delany's stuff.

Not sure about main characters, but Delany himself is gay, so...

>> No.2285564

The Steel Remains has a badass gay main character. Its dark fantasy and pretty good so far.

Its by Richard Morgan

>> No.2285591

OP is a fag.

>> No.2285597

What do you mean by gay books?

I think Maurice (by E.M. Forster) is centered around a gay couple.

>> No.2285600

Pretty sure there's a thread aboot that on 420chan's gay board. Keep searching or make another thread there, they're very nice except for this tripfag named Kiyae who's a major dick (pun intended.). Happy searching, brother.


>> No.2285609

I read Luck in the Shadows by Lynn Flewelling, but I remember finding it a bit boring. It might be what you are looking for though.

>> No.2285615

Thanks! Delany in particular looks very interesting but there doesn't seem to be many ebook versions of his novels.

Yeah, I'm finding some awesome looking LGBT-themed sci-fi and fantasy novels but basically none of them have eBooks.

Thanks! I'm looking to gay authors, too. I'm actually thinking of getting a Stephen Fry biography or even his first book The Liar which is semi-autobiographical.

It'd be very very interesting to read biographies of Lord Byron, Wilde, Capote, etc. It didn't even occur to me! Thank you!

Thanks, man! I'll check it out!

>> No.2285620

Alan Hollinghurst won the Booker for The Line of Beauty, about a gay man living with a big-shot Tory in the Thatcher era. It's fucking fantastic. Consciously high brow as Hollinghurst as an academic background in Henry James etc.

Gore Vidal has a few specifically gay texts. Can't remember which ones though

>> No.2285623

>delay is gay


>> No.2285636

haha, if you're searching 'for lust', then yaoi is hardly the best recommendation for an actually gay adult male.

>> No.2285638
File: 14 KB, 240x361, 240px-PoppyZBrite_Potter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poppy Z. Brite writes almost exclusively gay characters.

Exquisite Corpse: Two male serial killers bone & go around killing people
Lost Souls: Vampires & wincest
Drawing Blood: Murder, ghosts, two dudes bone

Lost Souls is super juvenile, but Drawing Blood & Exquisite Corpse are dope.

>> No.2285645
File: 49 KB, 450x513, james-purdy_124449435342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by this guy. John Waters recommended him in an essay and even though I'm straight I enjoyed his books. Burroughs is just too creepy.

pic related: James Purdy

>> No.2285675

Running with Scissors and Dry by Augusten Burroughs

whilst they aren't sci fi or fantasy, it's about a gay fellow.

also shame on you for letting your sexuality define your literature.

>> No.2285683

The Iron Council by China Mieville is a fantasy novel (the setting is something between wild west fantasy and turn-of-the-century capitalism fantasy, plus some steampunk... it's excellent really, in my opinion)... where was I? Yeah, it's a fantasy novel featuring a gay main character. Although I think he's actually bisexual. But there's some inconsequential gay scenes... like a dude fucking a mantis-person up their bumhole.

Make what you will of it.

>> No.2285777

Thanks so much for the help guys, this really has helped me. Now I have an abundance of gay-themed books to look forward to.

I might screenshot this thread for future reference, too.

I found some good looking books by going through the winners and nominees of gay literary awards, especially ones that focus on Sci-Fi.

Currently sorting through the winners and nominees of the sci-fi/fantasy section of the Lambda Literary Awards.

>> No.2285780

Sword of Truth has some dykes.

>> No.2286365

Piece of shit homo.

Go stick it in another man, subhuman.