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22853642 No.22853642 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to Michel Houellebecq sex movie with French philosophy students who also moonlight as prostitutes? KIRAC 25 was a let down , very less sex stuff despite promise of great sex with right wing thinkers.

>> No.22853655

What even is the point of KIRAC?

>> No.22853664

Pretentious art faggots making experimental films and shit thinking they are contributing something productive to society but just jerking around and nothing else

Only good thing to come out of KIRAC is the girls Jini Jane and Isa Moleman . Just natural women who are hot and prostitute , while being students on the side. Real sex instead of what pornography. See Jini Jane's Onlyfans. Few good honest sex videos.

>> No.22853678

>Keeping It Real Art Critics (KIRAC) try to overcome polarization in the Netherlands. They do so by having a complete slut called Jini, who is a leftist, put up an ad in right-wing forums that she wants to fuck rightoids. It is to be filmed for an art project on bridging the divides in the Netherlands. The first guy that answers the ad is a roadworker and complete retard. He fucks her for an entire weekend and they have a lot of fun. He is so playful and animalistic about it that he seduces the female camerawoman into a threesome as well. Pure retard-Chad energy.
>The next guy that answers the ad is Sid Lukkassen, a major public """intellectual""" of the Dutch /pol/-tier right, who believes all the standard issue /pol/shit about males should have all the agency, women should be passive and deferential to men, bla bla bla. In the days leading up to the filming, Dutch right-wing forums are completely electric at the prospect that one of their idols gets to fuck a leftie girl and put her in her place as a deferential woman. Sid's application to fuck Jini is a video of him talking about how he used to fuck a leftist woman, and the inspiration it gave him made him believe he could create entirely new artforms - it is very, very cringe.
>The day arrives, Sid shows up to fuck Jini, and what ensues can most adequately be described as the most thorough character assassination and sexual humiliation of a public figure I have ever seen. It is profoundly enjoyable to see a retarded trad-LARPer like Sid be so utterly fucking destroyed by his own autism once he has to live up to his delusional self-image. It is an absolutely masterful deconstruction of his entire being, and rightoid faggots in the Netherlands petitioned to have the film banned because they feared for Sid's mental health, should it be released. Several other rightoid outlets considered it exploitation of autism, these well-meaning attempts to defend Sid the trad-LARPer just adding insult to his already mortal injuries.
>Sid is like the archetype of a /pol/posting pseud who thinks Evola is profound.

>> No.22853679

It's reactionary schock content meant to deconstruct the modern art scene, while simultaneously engaging in the masturbatory pretentious bullshit that the modern art scene is known for. Entertaining sometimes, mostly due to the gay arab pimp character

>> No.22853710
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>It's reactionary schock content meant to deconstruct the modern art scene, while simultaneously engaging in the masturbatory pretentious bullshit that the modern art scene is known for.
This has been modern art for about a century lmao.

>> No.22853711

Where can I see the first one? That Sid one is very dull. She got chocolates and thought he was ugly and asked him to gift her jewelry , but when they went to buy it the shop was closed. So she refused to fuck him. Me and Sid both got blue balled. And I didn't get why a prostitute is not fucking him , like that's literally your job (?).

And furthermore , is the university ok with such public prostitution being done by one of the students? Is this a European thing. I am not saying whores should not get degrees , many have this side hustle to get through college , but not as publically as Jini. I mean maybe it's ok but her professors can just give her grades out of their lust

>> No.22854158

Why would universities not be ok with it?

>> No.22854179

There was a thread not too long ago wondering why Houllebecq sucks Israel's massive, circumscised cock, as it's it any surprise that a no good, degenerate pornographer would sell his soul to Israel.

>> No.22854224

Yeah you're right , prostitution is legal in Amsterdam so it's fine.

In one of the films it's revealed she had a down phase/depressive phase and she fucked all the guys and girls in her study group , and a few guys got jealous because they had a romantic interest. And someone filed a false rape allegation against her.

And it's also said that she is perhaps using her Onlyfans and whore career as a part of her PhD thesis or some shit and her proffs know that and approved it.

Imagine she comes to ask the proff to increase the grade by sucking his cock.

>> No.22854255

>First guy is seemingly left alone in the whore's house with a giddy camerawoman.
>Sid is constantly surrounded by a whole film crew while trying to be intimate, as the supposed islamic pimp intervenes by constantly shifting the expectation of chivalry regarding the gift. The whore and the crew are repeatedly exchanging ironic smirks, the entire interaction is in bad faith.
>Results in the obliteration of the right-winger's self-worth.
>Call the film Honeypot, a mocking admission of intent. A woman holds her sexual power over an autist.

All I got from this is that the right-winger was naive enough to expect an earnest undertaking
from a collective of deconstructionist(?) ironists. Don't give them any leniency.

The whore flaunts her smug shameless empowerment throughout but the opening segment with the "retard-chad" and the camerawoman's lustful gaze at his cock, their girly giddiness at his brazenly objectifying fuck-hunger tells the whole (conservative, universal, traditionally gendered power dynamic) story.

>> No.22854348

kirac 27 is now coming out after theyve edited and included stuff from the court cases and drama surrounding it. considering houellebecq published a memoir about it and has gone on speaking tours, its going to be a little while.

>> No.22854359

How can an old man like Houellebecq still be so obsessed with sex? I'm 25 and I'm already bored/disgusted with it.

>> No.22854403

You have low T levels

>> No.22854428

I’m 27 and I can’t stop fapping for more than 24 hours

>> No.22854449

Now imagine if you transmuted that energy into esoteric transcendental hyperborean communion

>> No.22854452

I HATE Amsterdam. I HATE Amsterdam “culture”. I HATE Amsterdam “artists”. There’s not a single group of people more emetic, deserving of ridicule and psychically disfigured by neoliberalism than leftist Amsterdam “artists”. Everyone that makes art in Amsterdam should get rotten vegetables thrown at them in a public square. Fuck KIRAC and everything Amsterdam youth culture stands for.

>> No.22854484

Theyre just a bunch of jews and an arsb.

>> No.22854499

je bent vergeten te vermelden dat je graag kernwapens op Amsterdam gegooid zou zien.

>> No.22854501

kys tripfag

>> No.22854590

Mo cum, mo problems

>> No.22854640

where to start with houellekek?

>> No.22854843

Don’t, he’s a retard. The only reason the board likes him is because he said “ugly men can’t get laid”, and the board is full of dejected unfuckable freaks.

>> No.22854875
File: 114 KB, 384x576, 15gvgm75-front-shortedge-384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this in highschool and it completely altered the course of my life and the way I viewed the world.

>> No.22854881
File: 352 KB, 1200x817, DUbwPOWU8AAm524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also while looking for an appropriate picture, I just discovered that Hayao Miyazaki drew the cover illustration for the Japanese translation of it.

>> No.22854886

Fuck wrong thread

>> No.22854910

>esoteric transcendental hyperborean communion
AKA involuntary celibacy

>> No.22854932

The part which is the most unbelievable to me is that despite being white attractive women , they are ready to fuck someone who like Hallebucuck ; an old fragile man , short , wrinkly, hair loss , probably small penis ; just because he is slightly famous ( I don't think he is much known outside Europe).

>> No.22854947

Jews filmed him for kompromat.

>> No.22855000

Start with The Elementary Particles.

>> No.22855456

I fell for the meme. I read Atomised and Whatever and thought they were okay. They were new to me; I had never read anything like him. Now I'm reading Possibility of an Island and he really doesn't have anything else other than >meh sexual politics >meh my whore mother >meh young pussy >meh muslims and niggers
Quite disapointing. Although I hope the book picks up a bit, as the concept did genuinely interest me and I spent the last of my NEETbux on it

>> No.22855461

Modern refers to the 19th and 20th century.

>> No.22855599

>probably small penis
Woman take

>> No.22855605

Celibacy is voluntary by definition. It doesn't just means not having sex, it means choosing not to have sex. What you mean is involuntary sexlessness.

>> No.22855624

I don't read books by fundies.
He'd probably bend over for that fat ass pseud too.

>> No.22855746

Are you autistic? It means current