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/lit/ - Literature

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22851909 No.22851909 [Reply] [Original]

List your 10 favorite books

Other anons give recs or rate

>> No.22851952

In no particular order:
Piranesi - Susanna Clarke
Hyperion - Dan Simmons
The Stand - Stephen King
Watership Down - Richard Adams
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell - Susanna Clarke
Sword & Citadel - Gene Wolfe
Magician - Raymond Feist
House of Leaves - Mark Z Danielewski
Seveneves - Neal Stephenson

>> No.22852166
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I'll give my top 36

>> No.22852178

oh no. oh no no no no.

>> No.22852704

Ovid: Metamorphoses
Jung: Collected Works
Freud: Interpretation of Dreams
Frazer: The Golden Bough
Cervantes: Don Quixote
Spengler: The Decline of the West
Twain: Joan of Arc
Lincoln: Selected Writings and Speeches

>> No.22852722

Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest
Blood Meridian
Moby Dick
Crime and Punishment
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Bible
Plato's Republic
Mein Kampf

>> No.22852759

Not in order.
Tinta roja/ Red ink - Alberto Fuget
Cujo - Stephen King
The talisman - Stephen king; Peter Straub
It - Stephen King, yeah i am Stephen King fan,
Brave new world - Aldous Huxley
Hannibal - Thomas Harris
The perfume - Patrick Suskind
Animal farm - George Orwell
Niebla/ Mist - Miguel de Unamuno
Dune - Frank Herbert

>> No.22852761

>Watership Down - Richard Adams
>Twain: Joan of Arc

>> No.22852769 [DELETED] 

Since I suppose poetry anthologies not compiled by the author nor the Bible count:

Paradise Lost
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
The Faerie Queene
Vala, or the Four Zoas
Les Chants de Maldoror
Don Quixote

(Yes, I'm well this is mostly /lit/core, but it's mostly poetry and the scriptures that I read)

>> No.22852779

Since I suppose poetry anthologies not compiled by the author nor the Bible count:

Paradise Lost
The Temptation of Saint Anthony
The Faerie Queene
Vala, or the Four Zoas
Les Chants de Maldoror
Don Quixote

(Yes, I'm well aware this is mostly /lit/core, but it's mostly poetry and the scriptures that I read)

>> No.22852825


>Letters of Van Gogh
>Henry Miller in general
>DH Lawrence in general
>Leaves of Grass by Whitman
>Essays and Journals by Emerson and Thoreau
>Autobiographies of Cellini and Casanova
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche
>Essays by Montaigne
>Tao Te Ching

A slew of others can make the last couple spots depending on my mood: Rabelais, Siddhartha by Hesse, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, I Ching, Rexroth’s Chinese translations, Lautreamont, Gogol, The Idiot by Dostoyevsky, Conversations with Goethe by Eckermann, Sentimental Education by Flaubert, A Glastonbury Romance by Powys, Boccaccio, Kafka, Hemingway, Germinal by Zola, Greek Tragedians, Plutarch, Rilke, USA Trilogy by Dos Passos, Proust, Gerard de Nerval….lots of shit I love, always want to give a shout out to a bunch

Some stuff I read recently that I feel will become favorites: William Blake, The Snow Leopard by Matthiessen, The Arabian Nights, Jung, Edmund Wilson, Henry James, Seneca, Lichtenberg, Joubert, Robert Burton…

There is so much good stuff out there. Blows my mind how some people don’t like reading

>> No.22852924
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Red Rising series - Pierce Brown (far and above my favorite)
Hyperion - Dan Simmons
Dune - Frank Herbert
The Forever War - Joe Haldeman
Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card
Gateway - Frederik Pohl
1984 - George Orwell
Sun Eater series - Christopher Ruocchio

idk what else. I don't keep a list of things I've read, so there's probably books I quite liked that I'm just not remembering right now

>> No.22852929

Only like two of those books are /lit/core. Nice list.

>> No.22852931

>Henry Miller
>Henry James

>> No.22852932

>The Forever War - Joe Haldeman
redpill me on this

>> No.22852937

Old Man's War but not shit

>> No.22852944

1. The Collected Songs of Cold Mountain (transl. Red Pine)
2. The Genius of Birds by Jennifer Ackerman
3. The Peregrine by JA Baker
4. Early Buddhist Discourses (transl. John J. Holder)
5. Biocivilizations by Predrag B. Slijepcevic
6. Metaphysics of Technology by David Skrbina
7. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
8. The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett (ill. Inga Moore)
9. The Best of Poe
10. The Dark Domain by Stefan Grabiński (transl. Mroslaw Lipinski)

>> No.22853047

I've nothing to recommend as you've already read everything worth reading. A tip of the cap to you, sir.

>> No.22853054

lol newfags are funny

>> No.22853095
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Here’s my favorite books

>> No.22853171

Watership Down
River of Doubt
The complete Illustrated World Guide to Freshwater fish & River Creatures
The Sting of the Wild
The Complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures
Youth- Joseph Conrad
Field Guide to the Birds of North America.
Why Liberalism Failed.
Fifty States Every Question Answered
The Conservative Reformation-Krauth

>> No.22853184

cool sci-fi book about coming home from Vietnam and finding your home an alien country full of hippie communist degenerates

>> No.22853186

Lonesome Dove
Plutarchs Lives
Sot Weed Factor
The Darkness That Comes Before
Gravity and Grace
Tolstoy translated by Constance Garnett
Train Dreams

The Outsider by Colin Wilson
The Silmarillion
Tao Te Ching (t. Addis and Lombardo)
Dhammapada (t. Juan Mascaro)
Moby Dick
The Golden Peaches of Samarkand
Fractal Geometry of Nature
A Book of Luminous Things

>> No.22853187

Winnie the Pooh
Alice in Wonderland
The Phantom Tollbooth
Peter Rabbit
Peter Pan
The Little Prince
The Wizard of Oz
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Wind in the Willows
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

>> No.22853195

The Little Grey Men
Treasure Island

>> No.22853209

Hyperion - Dan Simmons
Lolita - Nabokov
Notes from UNderground - Dostoevsky
Stoner - Williams
The Time Machine - HG Wells
A Storm of swords - GRRM
Moby Dick - Melville
American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
The Lord of the Rings - Tolkien
The Human Stain - Roth

>> No.22853253
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Faust - Goethe
Don Quijote - Cervantes
Metamorphoses - Ovid
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus - Wittgenstein
KJV - God
Lolita - Nabokov
Divine Comedy - Dante
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Tolstoy
Crime & Punishment - Dostoevskyq

I don't read much and would rather go with something I know I'll like

>> No.22853268

1. "Beloved" by Toni Morrison
2. "Americanah" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
3. "The Color Purple" by Alice Walker
4. "Their Eyes Were Watching God" by Zora Neale Hurston
5. "Homegoing" by Yaa Gyasi
6. "Queenie" by Candice Carty-Williams
7. "An American Marriage" by Tayari Jones
8. "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas
9. "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou
10. "Half of a Yellow Sun" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

>> No.22853369

is Moby Dick actually good or is it /lit/ snobbery because it's a difficult read (no idea if that's true) or something? how interesting can a gay ass story about a whale be?

>> No.22853375

Kindred by Octavia Butler
It's great.

>> No.22853599

All children's books? How come?

>> No.22853606

Oh, c'mon! What a contrived list - embarrassing.

>> No.22853611

Sorry, you got me, here is my actual list.

1. "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace
2. "The Brothers Karamazov" by Fyodor Dostoevsky
3. "Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon
4. "Ulysses" by James Joyce
5. "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
6. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger
7. "Slaughterhouse-Five" by Kurt Vonnegut
8. "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy
9. "1984" by George Orwell
10. "The Sound and the Fury" by William Faulkner

>> No.22853640

Tarka the Otter
Lonesome Dove
The Third Policeman
The Snow Leopard
The Rainbow
The Red and the Black
The Devils
King Lear
A House for Mr. Biswas
The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.22853802

Equally contrived, but at least /lit/ prescribed - with a little of the usual grit omitted, I noticed.

>> No.22853809
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I think you mean,

THE Tarka THE Otter
THE Lonesome Dove
THE King Lear
THE A House for Mr. Biswas


>> No.22854138

The Iliad
The Divine Comedy
Shakespeare (could be many of them individually)

Don Quijote
The Recognitions
The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
Blood Meridian

The World as Will and Representation
Being & Time

>> No.22854456
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Cabbages and Kings - O. Henry
That Rascal, Fridolin - Hans Fallada
Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
The Mysterious Island - Jules Verne
The life and extraordinary adventures of Private Ivan Chonkin - Vladimir Voinovich
Comet in Moominland - Tove Jansson
Norwegian Wood - Haruki Murakami
Baal - Robert McCammon

no order, to lazy to pick more

>> No.22854887

The Founding Fish, John McPhee
Victory, Joseph Conrad

>> No.22854906

Faulkner, The Hamlet
Sloterdijk, You Must Change Your Life
(Tailor-made for the holidays:
West, The Day of the Locust)

>> No.22854913

1. Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins

2. Never Finished by David Goggins

3. think and get rich by Napoleon Hill

4. Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

5. Zero to One by Peter Thiel

6. The Intelligent Investor

7. Thinking Strategically

8. Algorithms to live by

9. Pathologic basis of diseases by Robbins and Vitran

10. Principles of Internal Medicine by Harrison

>> No.22854950

The Art of the Deal by Donald J Trump
Collected Writings by Sir Thomas Browne
Confessions by Saint Augustine of Hippo
Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa
The Autumn of the Patriarch by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
The Legend of the Condor Heroes by Jin Yong
A Dance to the Music of Time by Anthony Powell
Paradiso by Jose Lezama Lima
Kaputt by Curzio Malaparte
The Man Who Laughs by Victor Hugo

>> No.22854985
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> Notes from a Dead House Dostoevsky
> Othello Shakespeare
> Iliad Homer
> Nostromo Conrad
> Journey to the end of the Night Céline
> Alexander’s Campaigns Arrian
> Short Stories Gogol
> Bel Ami Maupassant
> Autobiography Cellini
> Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde

>> No.22854991

Venusberg, Powell
Holy Living and Holy Dying, Jeremy Taylor

>> No.22855006

Pericles, Prince of Tyre (the most 'holidayesque' Shakespeare play)
Danube, Claudio Magris

>> No.22855024

Brothers karamazov
Ningen shikkaku
Savage detectives (yet to read 2666)
Love in the time of cholera (and marquez in general)
Late-period Nietzsche
Montaigne essays
Shakespeare tragedies
Everything else just blends in to this gray slop in my mind

>> No.22855049

>gray slop
Bachelard, The Psychoanalysis of Fire
Hoffmann, Tales

>> No.22855128

Crime and Punishment
The Sound and the Fury
Franny and Zooey
The Elementary Particles
The Brothers Karamazov
Sometimes a Great Notion
Dead Souls

>> No.22855134

>Sometimes a Great Notion

>> No.22855529

Walter Ong, Orality and Literacy
Kenneth Burke, Counter Statement

>> No.22855560

The Beautiful and the Damned, Fitzgerald
A Scandal in Bohemia, Conan Doyle

>> No.22855610

The Beautiful and Damned is the only Fitzgerald novel I haven't read yet.

>> No.22855664

Thank you guys for expanding my reading list of 2024.

Here's my latest list:

Maxim Gorky - My Childhood
Hans Fallada - Every Man Dies Alone
Robert Schneider - Brother of Sleep
Édouard Levé - Suicide
David Deida - The Way of the Superior Man
Michael Turner - The Pornographer's Poem
Walter Moers - The 13.5 Lives Of Captain Bluebear
Henri Charrière - Papillon
Henry Miller - The Rosy Crucifixion
Hermann Hesse - Steppenwolf

>> No.22855677

Unordered list, I'd be happy for recommendations:

Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo
Eco - Focault's Pendulum
Stephenson - Cryptonomicon
Penrose - Road to Reality (does this count)?
Melville - Moby Dick
Huxley - Brave New World (it's not a dystopia!)
Göthe - Faust
Hofstadter - Gödel, Escher, Bach

>> No.22855728

But have you read Helgoland? And you might like Left Hand of Darkness

>> No.22855790

Anyone above a 7 is an intellectual. 5 is average. If you are under the age of 33 and scored beneath a 7, then you should give up all intellectual aspirations.
Doesn't count.

>> No.22855795

I meant to say over*.

>> No.22855803


>> No.22855833

>Les Chants de Maldoror
Recently picked this up in a charity shop fundraising for heart disease, what am I in for?

>> No.22856000

>intellectual aspirations.
What is that? Is that something that could help you to get (You)s on /lit/?

>> No.22856029

You should try reading Dostoevsky

>> No.22856050

Nta but it will leave an impression. I read it about 8 months ago and wasn’t sure if I liked it but it stuck with me. I read it a couple times since then and I’m still unsure what to make of it, I think the key is in Poesies, but I like it. It’s surreal and weird with some bizarre but sometimes profound passages. It’s a shame we never got the reverse side of Maldorer as I think that book would have acted as a night and day type dynamic and shed light. Lautreamont was a talent who died way too young. Given what we know about Lautreamont, Maldorer clearly isn’t his true feelings, but what he was trying to do is unclear as is the function of the book. Blanchot wrote an essay on him that I eventually want to read

>> No.22856056

heh..not bad

>> No.22856100

There's a kind of story or chronologically dependent 'theme' in your list (look at it, again). Was that intentional?

>> No.22856374

The Ambassadors
The Magic Mountain
Fathers and Sons
A House for Mr. Biswas

>> No.22856378

Go tell it on the mountain

>> No.22856931

In a random order
A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
Calvin and Hobbes - Bill Watterson
Brave New World -Aldous Huxley
Manufacturing Consent - Noam Chomsky
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
Notes from the Underground - Fyodor
Fathers & Sons - Ivan Turgenev
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Democracy The God That Failed - Hans-Hermann Hoppe
For A New Liberty - Murrary Rothbard

>> No.22856995

is don quixote litcore?

>> No.22857189

In Search of Lost Time
Berlin Alexanderplatz
The Sound and the Fury
Good Soldier Svejk
Conversation in the Cathedral
The Sleepwalkers
The Emigrants (Sebald)
Dog Years
War and Peace
Pedro Paramo

>> No.22857204

Giving medical texts a 1 shows how much illiterate you are. Pathologic basis of diseases , and Principles of Internal medicine require intellect which you lack faggot

>> No.22857256


>> No.22857547

Titus Andronicus
Blood Meridian
The Hour of the Dragon
Septem Sermones ad Mortuos
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Prince

>> No.22858945

Nope, haven't read it. Would you recommend it?
>Left Hand if Darkness
Synopsis sounds good. I'll buy a cheap copy and report back. Thanks!

>> No.22858982

A gentle creature, Dostoevsky
The death of Ivan Iliych, Tolstoy
The kiss and other short stories, Chekhov
Jakob von Gunten, Walser
Diary of a country priest, Bernanos
The invention of Morel, Bioy Casares
Fictions, Borges
A man asleep, Perec
The loser, Bernhard
Nobody nothing never, Saer

>> No.22859184

>Addis and Lombardo

Nice. Those are my favorites for those respective books. It’s a shame that Mascaro didn’t get a chance to do a full Upanishads. His slim version is still probably my favorite even though it is greatly abridged

>> No.22860039


>> No.22860248

The Wild Ass’ Skin- Balzac
Sometimes a Great Notion- Kesey
The Return of the Native- Hardy
Sons and Lovers- Lawrence
Satires- Juvenal
Manhattan Transfer- Dos Passos
The Golden Ass- Apuleius
Prejudices- Mencken
Ancient Evenings- Mailer
The Story of Art- Gombrich

>> No.22860260

Why is a dick measurer in every of these threads?

>> No.22860266

Very intellectual, bro.

>> No.22860269

1. On The Origin Of Language - Johann Herder

2. Civilization And It’s Discontents - Sigmund Freud

3. Meister Eckharts Sermons - Meister Eckhart

4. Ancient Rhetoric - Thomas Habinek

5. Political Demonology - Richard Faber

6. Naturalism And Religion - Rudolf Otto

7. Deschooling Society - Ivan Illich

8. Community And Society - Ferdinand Tonnies

9. Concept Of The Political - Carl Schmitt

10. Revolt Of The Masses - Jose Ortega Y Gasset

>> No.22860336

These Bones are not My Child

>> No.22860551

Ubik or Scanner Darkly - PKD
I, Robot - Asimov
The Man Who Fell to Earth - Trevis
The Shadow Out of Time - Lovecraft
East of Eden or Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
A random assortment of Kafka I read in a depressed stupor when I'd been drinking too much.
Notes from the underground, waiting for my order of other novels to come in the mail.
Tracking all tags of oy vey spray painted across my city for a week by some rouge anti Semitic lunatic back in 2018.

>> No.22860561

10/10 (you’re biblical and illuminated)
10/10 (you understand economics very well and also your novel taste is good)

>> No.22861172

I only read mysteries and sexual thrillers

>> No.22861488

Ultimately, what these kinds of people do is to imply their own dicks were the longest and most beautiful. Compensation, that is.

>> No.22861516

How It Is- Beckett
Second Skin- Hawkes
Mason & Dixon- Pynchon
The Golden Bough- Frazer
The Tale of Genji- Shikibu
J R- Gaddis
Ulysses- Joyce
Labyrinths- Borges
The Magic Mountain- Mann
The Decline of the West- Spengler


The Foundation Pit, you miserable bastard

Rules for Radicals


>> No.22861544


>> No.22861552

Kazuo Ishiguro - The Unconsoled
Dezső Kosztolányi - Skylark
Alfred Bester - The Stars My Destination
László Krasznahorkai - Satantango
Ivan Turgenev - Fathers and Sons
Jane Bowles - Two Serious Ladies
Flann O'Brien - The Third Policeman
Tarjei Vesaas - The Ice Palace
Ivy Compton-Burnett - Manservant and Maidservant
Samanta Schweblin - Fever Dream

>> No.22861554

• Alchian & Allen, Exchange & Production.
• Singer, The Brothers Ashkenazi.
• Adshead, China in World History.
• Gat, War in Human Civilization.
• Caro, The Years of Lyndon Johnson.
• Iarwain et al., Project Lawful.
• Lynch & Walsh, Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits.
• Roughgarden, Twenty Lectures on Algorithmic Game Theory.
• Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism.
• Venkatesh, The Theory of Probability.

>> No.22861556

I only like writers with an “m’ in their first or last name

>> No.22862610


In no particular order.

I. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings - The Yearling
II. Theodore Dreiser - Sister Carrie
III. O. Henry - Cabbages and Kings
IV. Mayne Reid - The Headless Horseman
V. Theodore Dreiser - The Financier
VI. Vladimir Lenin - Materialism and Empirio-criticism
VII. Stendhal - The Red and the Black
VIII. Alexandre Dumas (père) - Ascanio
IX. Louis Boussenard - Les voleurs de diamants
X. Prosper Mérimée - Mateo Falcone

>> No.22862634


He’s an interesting writer. Back when he was active he was pretty influential. Now?…pretty much unknown. It’s fascinating how history treats some writers. Some go from unknowns to all time greats, some, like Dreiser and Tarkington, fade into obscurity

>> No.22863353

Mateo's about as hard a short story as I've ever read; if you haven't yet, read Merimée's short novel Colomba, or even Carmen. One of the best authors /lit/ ignores almost completely.
Washington Irving, Tales of the Alhambra

>> No.22863384

Learned Hand: the Man and the Judge, Gerald Gunther
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory, SJG

>> No.22863397

> What Prominent Biologists Think of Stephen Jay Gould

>> No.22863401

Stoner - Williams
Narcissus and Goldmund - Hesse
Hunger - Hamsun
Hard to Be a God - Strugatsky
Blood Meridian - McCarthy
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Nietzche
A Portrait of the Artist as a Weee lad - Joyce
The Castle - Kafka
A Canticle for Leibowitz - Miller
The Idiot - Dostoevsky
The Sound and the Fury - Faulkner
A Balcony in the Forest - Gracq

okay, that's 12 but I can't reduce it any further without feeling sad. Please recommend me something great, Ill purchase on my bday

>> No.22863406

Art and Illusion, Gombrich
Blithedale Romance, Hawthorne

>> No.22863417

Biologists loathe him because he preferred his Historian buddies to them, and let it be known loud and clear at conferences, etc.: that's his legacy.
I was only apprehensive about making that rec because the book's both exceptionally long and involved.

>> No.22863418

The Tartar Steppe
Pedro Paramo
Look Homeward, Angel

>> No.22863429

Exercises in Style
Winesburg, Ohio

>> No.22863435

An exceptionally tedious exercise in midwittery. It hasn't the clarity that an actual truth possesses. Compare to John Maynard Smith's Evolution and the Theory of Games (1982).

>> No.22863439

Finnegans Wake
At Swim Two-Bird

>> No.22863449

The Castle
The Man Without Qualities
Notebook Trilogy
The Melancholy of Resistance
The Other Side(Kubin)
The Brothers Karamazov
Infinite Jest


Against the Day by Pynchon

Fosse's Septology since you like Hamsun


I feel like you'd really dig the works of Ann Quin if you're into bizarre or experimental stuff


USA trilogy?

>> No.22863451

The Smile at the Foot of the Ladder
The Notebooks of Joubert
The Book of Changes

>> No.22863457

> Eco - Focault's Pendulum
> Stephenson - Cryptonomicon
> Penrose - Road to Reality

Michael Flynn, Eifeilheim.

>> No.22863463


Visions by Leonid Andreyev
Dostoyevsky's "The Demons"
Camus' play adaptation of "the Demons" by Dostoyevsky
"Fathers and Sons" by Turgenev
"The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" by Poe
"A Hero of our Time" by Lermontov

>> No.22863466

Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch
Dead Souls
Niels Lyhne

I like a lot of books on your list

>> No.22863467

Well? He was dying, and wanted to set his own house in order. If he's a 'midwit,' so be it. His own take on his scientific colleagues was that they were- by and large- mono-dimensional cultural vulgarians.

>> No.22863470

>Look Homeward, Angel
thanks anon, something new for the back log

have you read The Opposing Shore by chance since you recommended Tartar Steppe (which I have sitting on my shelf, could be my next read). Im curious which people prefer given similarities.

mysteries is amazing btw, and pedro paramo is also terrific. hard to pick one hamsun novel for a top 10.

>> No.22863479

The Rings of Saturn
Sons and Lovers
The Dharma Bums

>> No.22863482


Based Russia enjoyer

>> No.22863528

Thanks anon
I have read Warlock and Dead Souls and enjoyed them both
Big Sur and the Oranges is in my to read pile. I did enjoy Black Spring and Tropic of Cancer

>> No.22863529

>The Opposing Shore

Yeah I’ve read it and I didn’t care for it too much but it might be a translation issue. Maybe it was intentional but it was kind of a tough read word wise. Maybe that was the point because it gave the setting an alien like atmosphere and landscape. I do want to reread it at some point because it was a long time ago and I can appreciate much more than I could then and I’ve become a “better” reader. I found large parts of the book to be a slog. I think The Tartar Steppe is way better. They are similar in generalities but differ in particulars. The Tartar Steppe is a much more haunting and impactful book IMO. Most can see where it’s going at a certain point but that kind of adds to the dread. Despite that, I hesitate to call it a depressing book. It’s all how you look at it

>> No.22863595

BSATOOHB is much more mellow, laid back, and thematically different but I think you’ll like it. Miller seems to have 3 phases in his life: his younger American days where he built up what Nietzsche called nausea, his Paris days where he decided to follow his dream of becoming a writer and leaving all behind and the struggles included, and his older years where he could reflect on his life and feel content. The Paris years were the pivotal period in his life and he learned and experienced a lot. Big Sur is in his older years. He is living in a beautiful isolated region with a tight knit by wide spread community. He reflects on the difference between that kind of living and modern America living, and why art is so important to him, and how he sees the world. Miller almost comes across as a sage or monk. It is very peaceful and inspiring reading. The second part of the book involves a friend who is an astrologer who’s down on his luck coming to live with him in Big Sur. The astrologer is the exact opposite type of person as Miller and the reader gets to see a black and white contrast. It’s always one of those books that centers me when I’m feeling off. I hope you enjoy it

>> No.22865194

Thanks anon, great explanation. Got opposing shore for Christmas since I loved a balcony in the forest. It’s a very pleasant, peaceful read with a terrific finish. If you wanna give gracq another shot I highly recommend it, one of my favorite war novels.

>> No.22865546
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In no particular order:
- The great wall of China by kafka
-Dracula by Stoker
- The time machine by Wells
- Edgar Allan Poe's terror stories
-At the mountains of madness
- The lord of the rings
- I am a cat by Soseki
- The flowers of evil by Baudelaire
- No longer Human
- Grimm's fables

>> No.22865640

Ulysses - James Joyce
Les Chants de Maldoror - Lautreamont
The Ambassadors - Henry James
The Trial / The Castle - Kafka
Emily Dickinson
Middlemarch - George Elliot
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Pfirsig
Nightwood - Djuna Barnes
Kaputt - Malapart
Voyage au Bout de la Nuit - Celine

>> No.22865677

As they come to mind:
>The Idiot
>War and Peace
>Infinite Jest
>Mason & Dixon
>Stella Maris
>A Farewell to Arms
>The Road to Reality
>East of Eden

>> No.22865934


>> No.22865974

Hainish Cycle - Ursula Le Guin
Unique and its Property - Max Stirner
Cyclonopedia - Reza Negarestani
Dune - Frank Herbert
Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy
Brave New World - Alduous Huxley
Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov
Anti-Oedipus - Deleuze & Guattari
The House on the Borderland - William Hope Hodgson

i also really liked the invisible man by ellison but i dont remember it very well so im not sure it counts anymore. generally if i read fiction i like it to be something i can read before bed to wind down from the day, but i intend to tackle Joyce and other 'big' authors in earnest in 2024. recommendations anyone? a cosmic horror scifi sorta thing would be nice

>> No.22865985

impressive. very nice.

>> No.22866016

zorba the greek
the brothers karamazov
east of eden
god's pauper
anna karenina
paradise lost
the remains of the day
tolstoy's short stories

>> No.22866075
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The Western Lands
The Dark Tower: Wizard and Glass
The Pale King
The Maltese Falcon
Gravity's Rainbow
The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements

>> No.22866256


Storm of Steel or The Rdetzsky March


The Night Land or The Book of New Sun

>> No.22866273

After the Bible:

Mason & Dixon
Tao Te Ching
Invisible Cities
Poems of Ezra Pound
The Book of Tea
El Hacedor
Urn Burial

>> No.22866301

Redpill me on The Devil to Pay in the Backlands

>> No.22866316

Is The Good Soldier Svejk worth it for me if I loved Catch-22, or do you think you love it based on your personality and it's not necessarily worth the time investment for others?

>> No.22866319

Is Diary of a Country Priest pro-religion?

>> No.22866329

How does The Unconsoled stack up to other 'surreal' reads like Kafka, Walser, or Invitation to a Beheading?

>> No.22866331
File: 48 KB, 1038x1111, IMG_0972.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go Yanks

>> No.22866365

Yes. I aw the movie directed by Robert Bresson.

>> No.22866392

mein kampf
120 days of sodome
le petit prince
one no one and 100000
a la recherche du temps perdu
sakhalin's island
the myth of the 20th century

>> No.22866568

Sounds cool -- I'll look into it, thanks for sharing

>> No.22868190

It's absolutely worth it, I liked Catch-22 as well but in my opinion Svejk is just superior on all levels. It's such a masterpiece, I can open it on any random page and laugh out loud a few times.

>> No.22868194

Reading TGSS currently and it's a riot hahha. It's a great, great work.

>> No.22868199


Hey man! Let me know if you need a therapist. I'd love to put you in touch with someone.

>> No.22868208

Sufferings in Africa
Mice and Men
Huckleberry Finn
Lord of the Flies
Jane Eyre
Romance of the Three Kingdoms
Animal Farm
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck
A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies

>> No.22868297

Its average. Not hard to read at all just long. War and Peace is long but better if you just want to be able to say you read a long book.
Only Americans jack off to Moby Dick or Gatsby both are terrible but all Americans have so they get hyped

>> No.22869027

Recommendations are appreciated.

The Master and Margarita - Bulgakov
Kokoro - Soseki
The Death of Ivan Illych - Tolstoy
Homage to Catalonia - Orwell
Brave New World - Huxley
The Day Lasts More Than 100 Years - Chingiz Aitmatov
Notes From Underground - Dostoevsky
Good Ol’ Neon- DFW
The Doll - Boleslaw Prus
A Clean Well Lighted Place - Hemingway

I know some of them are short stories and not books.

>> No.22869628

Have you read any Pynchon? He's often compared with DFW and has heavy comic and schizo elements like Notes from Underground. Also, fill me in on The Day Lasts More Than 100 Years--I've seen great ratings, but what's the specific appeal?
High praise! I've now noted it down with more interest.