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22851127 No.22851127 [Reply] [Original]

Here’s your philosophy education bro

>> No.22851137
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>> No.22851164

Heidegger says technology is le bad, Miyazaki says technology is le bad, therefore, Miyazaki is a Heideggerian. Wowza!

>> No.22851181

Yes. Thats how all analysis through x lens work

>> No.22851905

Heidegger is a Nazi. Miyazaki is a Heideggerian. So... Miyazaki is a Nazi?

>> No.22851914

Imagine watching JEWTUBE in 2023 (almost 2024). Kys.

>> No.22852277

>Just use RUMBLE bro
>It permanently feels like Youtube Version of Voat.co but it would be cahnged right away trust me man

>> No.22852290

How do these people who try to reduce Heidegger to an anti-technologist react to Heidegger saying he had no issue with the atomic bomb, but what worried him were trannies (KEK)?

>> No.22852293

Heidegger said, "Only a God can save," after the atom bomb was dropped from what I remember reading. Stop spreading misinformation.
He became more and more pessimistic about technology's "Enframing" as time went on.

>> No.22852296

Why do fags obsess over Ghibli films? They aren't even good anime. And anime in general has lower standards. Watch Angel's Egg or Jin-Roh if you want a good anime film.

>> No.22852303

I don't think I've seen a single Miyazaki movie where he condemns the IJA for being evil, sadistic, imperialists. At worst, he only ever condemns war as mutually destructive or self-destructive.

>> No.22852321

>Stop spreading misinformation

>> No.22852333

>"Why do fags obsess over Ghibli films?"
>Recommends Angel's Egg, directed by a fag obsessing over Ghibli

>> No.22852349

Fuck you. Heidegger was a nazi anyway and it's well known he had trouble understanding his own ideas.

>> No.22852358

you could talk with people in real life instead. maybe make some friends to speak with regularly. there's nothing to watch anymore regardless.

>> No.22852390

Maybe "JEWTUBE" was not a good word to use to meet people and communicate with

>> No.22852439

Miyazaki isn't a Shintoist like this guy claims. Japanese folk religion isn't portrayed positively in any of his films. Miyazaki isn't critical of technology the way Heidegger is. He's critical of humans polluting the earth and killing each other, he doesn't have these fears of the logic of enframing taking over our lives. His films focus on simpler living because he's an 80 year old man. Do you think he'd be capable of writing a story involving a smartphone? Most 80 year old I know hate using a computer too. Miyazaki is literally an old man yelling at the clouds except he's Japanese and lived through war so he's less of an asshole about it.

He was also banging Hannah Arendt and helped her escape the country and said some friendly things about Marxism in his later career.

>> No.22852456

>Japanese folk religion isn't portrayed positively in any of his films
What about Totoro?

>> No.22852486

Cuck Philosophy is actually interesting to hear.

>> No.22852509

I really liked his Nietzche/Berserk video, I don't understand Nietzche but he presents a case and puts an example in a way I can understand and adds value to Berserk in a way I couldn't appreciate before. Very good stuff.

>> No.22852765
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>calls them films instead of movies

>> No.22852796

he loves planes, tanks, and industry as much as he loves nature

>> No.22853286

>Miyazaki is literally an old man yelling at the clouds except he's Japanese and lived through war so he's less of an asshole about it.

>> No.22853296

Bitchute is ugly.

>> No.22853305

This. He would have some snarky answer like “but it’s not that he’s heideggerian it’s just that technology is le bad and these two separate lineages of knowledge came to the same conclusion so we can analyse their differences and similarities bro!!” This specific brand of philosophy “essays” are all so superficial because they have to appeal to the average youtube video essay enjoyer who would think Kant is the German word for pussy. There was a time when I genuinely enjoyed them, specifically Then&Now, but they’ve slowly come to the realization that genuine philosophical essays about mass media are at best a quaint, fleeting entertainment for those that know their shit and incompressible jargon for the yootoober brain. Stuck between churning out proleslop or making 3 hour lectures for 400 viewers they took the obvious choice: money.

>> No.22853308

>youtube kids
kek, imagine if some Gen Alpha's kids algorithm magically ended up in a loop of Heideggerian content

But yeah, that's a great YouTube video. It sounds like Heidegger is more afraid of Huxley than Oppenheimer, especially if anything goes with the death of metaphysics and the rise of something equally constraining yet wholly sinister in its wake.

>> No.22853309

>sup lil niggas
>today we will be discussing a miyazaki joint

>> No.22853314

I’m watching a Kane b video right now. I like him, lays out arguments for this and that well. Other then him I watch professor sugrue

>> No.22853624

lmao trannies BTFO

>> No.22853854

every single one of these videos have the same annoying nasal voice annotating them.

>> No.22853856

This is why I like Uberboyo.

>> No.22853861

By all means those are films. Why do you say "book" insted of "novel"?

>> No.22853900


>> No.22853903

this. im tired of "analysis" videos of people just reading off wikipedia or sparknotes. I dont always agree with him but Id rather listen to him than most others

>> No.22854928

Weltgeist has a deep baritone voice

>> No.22854955

How about you fucking read a book for once instead of watching retarded eceleb faggots who have down syndrome

>> No.22856456

Nah. Reading is for limp wristed faggots. Watching videos at x2.5 speed is much easier.