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22849663 No.22849663 [Reply] [Original]

>there are actually people who spend their entire life on ethics

How do these retards not realize after their freshman year all values are subjective? The closest thing to a true or objective morality is one that develops out of practicality, but what is practical to one person is impractical to another depending on their subjective values.

Seriously how can you spend 20 years and not realise this trying to give "rational" arguments for a moral system?

>> No.22849668
File: 480 KB, 1679x1637, IMG_0770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very much related

Hundreds of texts and several dead languages later and you’re just repeating any talking points the average libtard idiot could tell you

>> No.22849804

>Doesn't examine what values are most practical to him through the lens of rationality
Useless thread

>> No.22849952


>> No.22849962

ask kant

>> No.22850006

you're just shifting the argument to another layer of values, at the bottom level there are only completely subjective values. There is no rational without first an irrational drive to be rational.

>> No.22850013
File: 26 KB, 405x563, Witty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all values are subjective


>> No.22850030

>presuppose God does not exist

>> No.22850063

what does witty say about this?

>> No.22850086

>muh consequentialism
Lazy evil bastard

>> No.22850172

Meme shit so HR bitches, feminists, mommy and daddy and every other faggot can lord over you without using physical force. Sadly it works really well as a means of power.

>> No.22850184

>all values are subjective
How do you not realize that they don't have the same beliefs as you, then?

>> No.22850463

>values are subjective

yes, but people still want values. so there will still be debate over which values we want to use

>> No.22850469

Ethics, morals and virtues are all objective, and based entirely and completely in God. Sorry to break it to you, /pol/chud.

>> No.22850495

>there are actually people who spend their entire life on ethics

How do these retards not realize after their freshman year all values are whatever the Bible says? Seriously how can you spend 20 years and not realise this trying to give "rational" arguments for a moral system?

>> No.22850553

This is how I feel about people that talk about brains in jars or other retarded Cartesian shit like that