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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 454 KB, 1280x1920, 01-watermark-jordan-peterson-gq-29oct18-nigel-parry_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22849601 No.22849601 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22849603

benzos tears

>> No.22849620

The greatest philosopher of all time judging by the threads on him which magically seem to always reach bump limit despite the fact everyone claims he isn’t a real writer or serious academic and isn’t worth giving attention to…

>> No.22849625

Why read Peterson when you could read Jung and Aurelius?

>> No.22849632

I can't answer. can't do it

>> No.22849635

aunf gsa too biig da da hahahahahahahahah

>> No.22849640


>> No.22849644

Jesse Lee > Jordan

>> No.22849650

I don't think about this man at all. I also don't think about Kanye, Musk, etc. but you turbofaggots always spam these irrelevant people into my life.

>> No.22849692

I hate that he reminds me of my manchild of an ex. Decent self-help advice though.

>> No.22849735


>> No.22849737


>> No.22849741

Juden Peterstein

>> No.22849745

Irrelevant asshole completely devoid of culture. Even if he was right about trannies.

>> No.22849758

He is far more relevant than your favourite author

>> No.22849791

He is a good psychologist. I loved the cathy newman interview. His philosophy is too personal though. I'm not going to say he doesn't know what he is talking about, but his philosophy is mostly reactionary and not applicable in a broader sense. Sort of like what camus did with absurdism.

>> No.22849827
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>> No.22849829

He has a mind-blowing lack of culture, like the vast majority of North-American academics. He has most probably never read Plato, Dante, Proust or Pynchon. He's a complete hack and a media puppet.

>> No.22849836
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I can't do it.

>> No.22850100

he was a figurehead of a stupid movement and then he just kept talking until it became clear he had been an idiot all along. he's no different from sargon of akkad.

>> No.22850103

/lit/ has always been a peterson board. don't believe the post modernists here who will tell you otherwise

>> No.22850104

I’d rather spend my time reading others but he makes all the right people seethe so he’s based regardless

>> No.22850378

what did you find in your mopey lachrymose gay nerd of your ex

>> No.22850412
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Deployed successfully to discourage Western/European/White males from associating by commonly shared problems. Those being disenfranchisement, hate, displacement, exploitation. He also discouraged Western/European/Whites grouping by ethnicity, shared history and race at time when every other demographic is rallying against along those very same lines.

He successfully delayed an ethno-nationalist movement in favor of economic exploitation, feverent support of Israel, continuing displacement of Whites/Western/European peoples.

He failed, or grew disinterested in every other issue. Truly an evil man.

>> No.22850444

/lit/ existed before peterson became a minor celebrity. newfaggot

>> No.22850454

I don't understand these arguments at all.
How did he do this, exactly?

>> No.22850492
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He does this by basing all his energy on focusing on the individual. He warns us not to associate with our in-group, dont find strength and brotherhood in like-minded and similar people. Look inward, set your own house in order before acting. Let us not forget that we can not set our own houses in good order because of the problems we have allowed to take root.

His warnings against identity politics were never directed against blacks, arabs or asians who are allowed to associate exclusively by ethnic group. You can see this on every college campus with social functions that are based entirely around group identity, including the one he was a tenured Proffesor at.

It was only directes at Western/European/Whites. I hope he goes down as a betrayer of the West.

>> No.22850513

i hope you find your way out of your shirt one day.

>> No.22850525
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Life is great anon, ive never been happier. But your crude response only reinforces the lack of counterpoint to my position.

>> No.22850539

So you're saying he isn't communistic enough?

>> No.22850555
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>> No.22850567

He's lost his fucking mind after the coma

>> No.22850576

With all due respect, it strikes me as if you're missing the point he's making - perhaps by not fully listening to what he says.

He does indeed put a lot of focus on the individual, because that is the root of Western culture. It's what makes us greater than the Eastern cultures of collectivism. We applaud the hero, and what Peterson seems to be trying to impart is that there is a hero in all of us. If we can find that hero, then we can then approach the group and take maximum responsibility and provide maximum benefit for all involved. It is a lesson to strengthen the individual so as to strengthen the group.

The alternative is to put the group first, which necessarily destroys the hero, and makes us reliant on the amorphous whole.

It's sensible advice, in my opinion, and to speak against it strikes me as a fear of standing on your own. White men have never needed to hide in a crowd. We are heroes, and always have been. Find your inner hero, anon.

>> No.22850589
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Association with your own in-group is not collectivism.

>> No.22850593


he is worth listening to on subjects where he has expertise and not on anything else

>> No.22850600
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Juden Peterstein

>> No.22850602
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A well trained dog

>> No.22850613
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>Read Solzhenitsyn, he has a deep and intimate knowledge of evil
>No not that one

>> No.22850619

Kek. Peterson bait threads get 10x the traction any other serious thread on /lit/ gets.

>> No.22850624

Again, I never said it was, and I don't believe Peterson says it is.

You just posted a scene from 300. Leonidas literally tells a man who is not good enough that he cannot stand with them. He can help in different ways, but he is not good enough.

Either make yourself good enough, or find out how you can help. But both of these require inner strength and the ability to work on yourself first. Ignoring yourself in favour of your perceived group makes you weak, and when excluded, you go betray your brothers who you feel resentful of.

Again, it's all personal responsibility making the group better.

If you can provide an argument as to why you should focus more on your "in-group," as you like to call it, I'm all ears. But I am firmly of the belief that the self comes first - not in a selfish way, but in a selfless way, a way in which you seek to be the most useful and best person you can be. And that is all I've ever heard Peterson say.

>> No.22850635

No way he actually responded

>> No.22850721

He has replied a couple times, both times angry and talking like a fucking dnd character

>> No.22850803
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It is crazy how he changed. Renegaded on all his previous points in order to be a shabbos-goy to Israel. The question i have is why?

Rare and exclusive medical treatment for a sick wife?
Blackmail or leverage over him for past misdeeds?
Surrounding himself with one opinion and echo chamber?

I don't understand, the gaps in his worldview are painfully obvious when the big picture is viewed.
>Males are overrepresented in prison, this is natural biology
>refuses to go in to further detail or the deeper consequences of which males are overrepresented

>Males are overrepresented in the richest and most competitive businesses, this is natural and normal
>Refuses to look in to which demographics are overrepresented in pornography, entertainment and media

>Differences between groups exisr
>No, not those groups

>> No.22850812

He conscripted himself into the Marines after a bout of hanging with methhead friends and a meth house. Being we both grew up closeted in the midwest, there was our connection. He suggested I read Peterson which he claimed helped him. I found it admirable, but he seemed overly reliant to consult him for everything. Last I checked he still shitposts on Twitter for furry clout and plays Dota and obsesses over fighting games and false idols. At least I got to breed his tight muscle ass.

>> No.22850832

Mein daddy desu

>> No.22850845

zionist shill

>> No.22850912
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>> No.22851072

If Musk is irrelevant, name 5 more relevant contemporaries.

>> No.22851567

so poetic
the Jung of our times

>> No.22851648
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.22851653 [DELETED] 
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>> No.22851658
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Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication. At the time it was being handed out like candy for pretty much anything because it was seen as harmless (you can easily find celebrities on late night talk shows joking about taking them). It is now rarely prescribed due to the fact it creates physical dependancy even at low doses over short periods of time and causes extreme withdrawal symptoms (up to and including death). Having an adverse reaction to a prescribed drug doesn't make someone a drug addict. There is no evidence he abused the medication (i.e. his experience became so common that the drug is hardly prescribed now).

When he initially sought treatment in Canada they wanted to give him SSRIs and misdiagnosed him. He took the initiative to research treatment options and went to Russia where a programme specifically developed for medication withdraw was available.

Immediately after his treatment he finished and published his second worldwide bestselling book. Within months he had organized and gone on an international lecture tour. He also published multiple articles and made some media appearances. He has also set up an accredited online university that will offer free degrees, organized a think tank to combat the hegemony of shit like the WEF, created an online interview series with hundreds of episodes etc...

The narrative that there was a character defining downward spiral into drug addiction doesn't bare up to reality. I'm honestly embaressed so many people have been holding onto it for half a decade now. Imagine being so pathetically delusional that you parrot the same easily disproved ad homs in an autistic echo chamber for years on end thinking they land; in that time Peterson has gone on to much success.

>> No.22851666
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>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]
Basically, Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.

>> No.22851671
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>Delusional rationalization/disorganized thinking:
There are facts about the world. For example, that media manipulates people, Jews work in media, and psychologists study the mind. However, what a delusional person does is take such facts and use them to confirm a specific narrative (this is known as being selectively coherent). The elements of the narrative aren't actually proven by the facts but the delusional person (or ideologue) confuses their truth with the truth of their narrative. For example: Peterson is a psychologist (fact), associates with Jews (fact), and works in media (fact); therefore he is a skilled manipulator and part of a conspiracy headed by Jews. (This is the delusional rationalization part). The facts don't prove the narrative yet if you look you'll notice they are what is carrying the weight of the argument being made by people who mentally adhere to the narrative--if you deny the narrative these ideologues will confuse this with denying the facts. (That's the disordered thinking part).

Basically, the dangerous thing about paranoid narratives is that they have the appearance of being logically consistent within themselves and noticing the sleight of hand that takes place between the facts and the narrative isn't always easy to do. However, it's quite easy to see why certain narratives are simply absurd (e.g. looking at the advanced teachings of a cult versus those they use to hook people in).

Peterson isn't the crescendo of a multi-millenia conspiracy headed by a cabal of Jews who want you to not have sex. You haven't figured it all out and you aren't interpreting 5D chess. What you are doing is building a selectively coherent narrative based on truisms and confusing that they necessarily connect to your version of reality. If you find yourselves doing this seek professional help.

>> No.22851675

i hope he notices you bro

>> No.22851683

The moment his masters blew the whistle he ran to bark for them, it's a complete shame.

>> No.22851711
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Reminder that the autists stimming themselves by repeating the same nonsensical vitriol about Peterson, thread after thread for year after year, are pathetic ideologues and resentful idiots. His best feature is that he gets them to out themselves as such.

>libtard /lit/
Seethes that Peterson turns them into reactionaries by pointing out their bullshit.
>pseud /lit/
Thinks cynically dunking on mass media meant for a general audience is a sign of intelligence.
>chud /lit/
Thinks he's part of a Jewish conspiracy preventing them from having sex.
>tranny /lit/
Thinks he's a "literal nazi."

>> No.22851773

"you should uhhhhh clean up your room kiddo!!!"
>goes into a medical coma because of his crippling benzo addiction

>> No.22851777


>> No.22851779

What does Peterson stand for?

>> No.22851791

Common sense.

>> No.22851794

synchronicity of the digits of the Lord. The Logos create order from the Internet Demons of Chaos.

>> No.22851829
File: 85 KB, 850x400, quote-nothing-frightens-the-jews-more-than-a-perfect-unity-in-others-the-unity-of-feeling-corneliu-zelea-codreanu-121-93-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
Nobody here is arguing against this. This is a motte-and-bailey fallacy. Do one about a controversial positions like black crime, jewish usury, etc.

There does not need to be a formal conspiracy when interests converge. Though one could be forgiven for thinking this because every great man since before Christ and after has hated and warned against jews and their shabbos-goys.

>> No.22851869

Israel, jews and his New Age Christianity.

>> No.22851928

>Nobody here is arguing against this.
That's literally a paraphrase from the Newman interview, retard. The broad who did the GQ interview also argued the same position.
>There does not need to be a formal conspiracy when interests converge
Again, that post directly references posts you can easily find in any Peterson thread. I'm sure if you Ctrl F "controlled opposition" ITT you'll find posts besides that one. In a /pol/ thread you'll find even more.

The point of that post is to direct attention to what carries the weight of argument in such posts. It isn't a good faith interpretation of the facts at hand but a particular predisposition to interpret them in a certain way. Once this behaviour is pointed out you'll notice those adhering to bias can do nothing save for asserting the relevance of their bias instead of acknowledging any narrative that runs counter to such. You yourself did this in the last sentence of your post.

>> No.22853208

NTA. You are absolutely correct, one should focus on the self first as a means of playing your part in the group.
I think the point of contention is that Peterson denounces in-group loyalty in whites as pathological/evil. Thats what makes him a faggoty traitor. As anon says here >>22850492

>He warns us not to associate with our in-group, dont find strength and brotherhood in like-minded and similar people. Look inward, set your own house in order before acting. Let us not forget that we can not set our own houses in good order because of the problems we have allowed to take root.

>His warnings against identity politics were never directed against blacks, arabs or asians who are allowed to associate exclusively by ethnic group.

>It was only directes at Western/European/Whites. I hope he goes down as a betrayer of the West.

>> No.22853278

>>he's a drug addict tho!
>>his daughter is a slut!
>>he likes the Jews!
>>he's controlled opposition!

How are these, especially the last two, not legitimate criticisms?

>> No.22853324


>> No.22853356

I won't discount your statement, as I can't be sure of everything he's ever said. However, I haven't seen him say what you and the other anon claim. Not once.

Can you show me where he's suggested this?

>> No.22853732

>not an insult
pick one

>> No.22853865

hope he reads this

>> No.22853866

Isnt this the dude who made up stories? Cringe!

>> No.22853880
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>Can you show me what he does not say?

>> No.22854108
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No. You're thinking of Shapiro.

>> No.22854113
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>Juden Peterstein

>> No.22854229
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This. It is biological, the arguments he uses for explaining differences between the sexes are somehow immoral when used to explain the differences between ethnic groups.

Favoring your in-group is based on biology.

>> No.22854235

Yeah but we are able to rise above our basic biology

>> No.22854454
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You can not rise above biology. Your post is an empty poetic statement. The retard can not rise above its deficiency, the short man can not grow taller, the ugly and deformed can not escape their wretched image. All simply must learn to work within the confines of what their body and abilities allow. One must embrace the natural biological impulses and motivations that allow animals to be healthty.

Those rare few who have minds made to wonder and build are the exception, not the rule.

Your sentence is no different in meaning or worldview than Taylor Swift telling a fat, ugly untalented girl to never give up following her dream of stardom.

>> No.22854512

You dont have to white knight him anon. He wont clean your room for you.

>> No.22854541

I had a dream last night where I signed up for one of professor peterson's courses and got bored, so I walked out 30 minutes in and he immediately paused and asked the whole class who walked out so he could fail me. I laughed and thought he was a dork

>> No.22854550

He was an addict, he likely still is, he couldn't use his own advice to raise his kids well, his philosophy is halfbaked and full of holes anyone will even a cursory understanding of the topic can point out, he operates the same scam as Obama and Hilary by charging obscene amounts of money to speak on a stage, he is wheeled out because he accept an offer to play the villain in American political Kabuki theater, and some woman anchor made him cry on television by calling him an incel. He's not going to save anyone with his advice nor be remembered once he stops being useful to bad people. He's posted here because he is exceptional bait, the equivalent of praising Phil Fish on /v/.

>> No.22854564

My issue with JP types is they pretend they can help you
All they can really do is briefly motivate you to fix your life. Like reading Nietzsche for some people turns into "Yes I can do it, I will become le ubermensch" but there is no protocol for actually doing that. Until you discover some routine or method all you're doing is offering false hope that will expire quickly and have minimal effect on a person's life. Maybe JP should have done that instead of acting like he figured shit out only to collapse to a benzo addiction.

>> No.22854579

Take what you can from many people and keep progressing. You're not going to agree with everything anybody says or does and you haven't progressed far enough if you act offended in your disagreement.

>> No.22854581

opinion discarded

>> No.22854624

>classroom lectures
Kind of kino
>early speaking tour
Hmm, alright not terrible
>leather jacket phase
Oh God he's up his own ass
>post benzo withdrawal

>> No.22854677

Is this bait? Evolution is smarter than you are. If an in-group preference wasn't obviously beneficial and even necessary, it wouldn't have survived all the way up until now. "Basic biology" isn't something to rise above, real life isn't a disney movie.

>> No.22854724

For at least six thousand years, society has been developing at a vastly higher rate than evolution can keep up with. Over the past four hundred, the difference in speed is mind-boggling. Go forage for berries in the savanna and live in a cave crafting tools out of bone and leather if you want to live in accordance with your evolutionary development.

>> No.22854741

Are you really calling an alledgedly depersonalized force "smart"?

>> No.22854745

>Evolution is smarter than you are
You've never studied biology.

>> No.22854757
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>For at least six thousand years, society has been developing at a vastly higher rate than evolution can keep up with.
Correct, and the biological impulses that drive us have remained largely unchanged. Society should reflect and support many of these impulses and harness the motivation that is natural in all animals. Those being in-group preferences, family-clan structure and some form of segregation between the sexes in terms of labor and socializing.

Before the shit-tier responses come, i will say now i am no traditionalist, christian, pagan or conservative. A new means of arranging our lives is needed. Based on a biological-worldview.

>> No.22854759

For future reference, how do I avoid triggering bots? There are zero legitimate arguments here.

>> No.22854764

I mean if your solution to the contradiction is just to rebuild society from the ground up, all I can say is lmao.

Absolutely seething.

>> No.22854765

You've never studied biology and you're regurgitating simplistic nonsense you've heard from others.

>> No.22854770

It is continually being rebuilt, anon. Or more correcrtly destroyed and rebuilt with the same broken institutions as capstones.

>> No.22854775

I'm interested in reading 12 rules for life since my uncle is obsessed with it and he's a happy, successful, jacked guy, but JP's obsession with Jew worship and anonymous troll demons is so off putting.

>> No.22854776

That's not an argument, which makes it ironic that you claim my point is simplistic nonsense. Also how does this pertain to in-group preferences?

>> No.22854782

Yes, by impersonal forces operating at a societal and international level. Good luck with the revolution though, I believe in you.

>> No.22854783

Fucking kill yourself

>> No.22854785

I lost all respect for him I had left when he went full unhinged retard mode on twitter calling for the genocide of Palestinians. Not a good look for a self-help psychologist.

>> No.22854787
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>> No.22854791

He is training muscles I didn't even know we had

>> No.22854794

What impersonal forces are operating at a societal and internarional level?

>> No.22854796

the anonymity thing was his worst take. sure, you can act like a mong with it. but you can also challenge the system much easier that way, something he claims to be for.

>> No.22854800

Economics, politics, shifting social norms, pressure from other nations, etc. Cultures aren't built, they evolve.

>> No.22854802

>No you
Again, you have never actually studied biology and you're simply regurgitating asinine points you've heard from others. You haven't done the work necessary to have anything you say taken seriously and fail to think for yourself. You are incapable of realizing the above because you're an idiot.

>> No.22854806

Uhhhh sounds like a heckin' ad hominerino there buddy

>> No.22854807
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>> No.22854813

>regurgitating asinine points you've heard from others
Wrong, but, alright, I'm not going to get a actual argument out of this Dunning-Kruger caricature, so no point in responding further.

>> No.22854821

What's worse, vomiting up the retardation of others or producing retardation of your own?

>> No.22854831

You have never studied biology. You are simply regurgitating moronic social theory based on surface level "insights" idiots have gleaned from a simplistic understanding of what (laughably) equates to an introductory high school unit on evolution. You have only the most basic comprehension of biology as a science, no more than a random person on the street, and 0 understanding of the methodology and history behind biological constructs.

Again, you are an idiot who has never thought deeply about anything and mistake being opinionated for being informed. You are intellectually lazy and betray the fact you're a retard every time you pontificate about things beyond your pathetic level of understanding.

>> No.22854846

Fairly sure the redditspeak guy was making fun of the other guy.

>> No.22854848

You didn't have to kill him.

>> No.22854851

>You didn't have to kill him.
Survival of the fittest.

>> No.22854852

Neither did he need him alive.

>> No.22854866

Juden "I can't do it" Peterstein

>> No.22854877

You need to J pill your poor uncle

>> No.22854891
File: 130 KB, 1000x1000, 1693979051538043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Juden 'Rules for you, but not the jew' Peterstein.

>> No.22854893

Anyone here watches Keith Woods on YT? There was a time under every Keith Woods video the next recommendation without failure would be a peterstein vid

>> No.22854969

Cool portrait

>> No.22855026

>that filename
Never gets old

>> No.22855044
File: 332 KB, 1024x490, 1024x490_mhmd_kopfgrafik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does not address the specific point anon makes
>Sets up strawman and successfully defeats it

>> No.22855054

Juden "the Soviet artwork in my home is ironic" Peterstein

>> No.22855064


>> No.22855114

Anyone think he's so miserable becuse he doesn't actually like it? Prostituting for the juice?

>> No.22855123

Communism isn't the boogeyman you ritards make it out to be. Neoliberal capitalism is far weirder and dangerous

>> No.22855126

Did you had a stroke, marxist RETARD?

>> No.22855158

I'm not a marxist. But you are sure a cuckservative. If you had slighest brain you'd detest both capitalism and communism. Communists and capitalists were literally allies in the second world war. Communism vs capitalism is a false dichotomy. They share far more in common than they do not

>> No.22855187

Both are materialist and motivates out of all people are equal and deserve equal access to every station of society.

>> No.22855212

Both are basically different sides to the same shekel

>> No.22855284

Man, I just gave Juden Peterstein a nickname because he has Soviet art in his house (which he dubiously explain), while in his lectures he pretends to hate everything related to Marxism, and you immediately jumped to simp for communism. , by proclaiming that it is not the boogeyman we think it is. Besides, cuckservative? You fail to hide your true intentions and now your best bet is to play at being an "enlightened" centrist.
You're a damn fraud.

>> No.22855296
File: 540 KB, 1018x1779, 1697139095266289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to explain how.

>> No.22855315

I'm not a centrist. I'm a Third Positionist

>> No.22855322
File: 7 KB, 249x250, 1703110817669218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just say National-Socialist.

>> No.22855376

The image of the black sun always gets me feeling strange, in a really good way.

>> No.22855462
File: 80 KB, 800x500, 1692569888482482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it visually striking and support the sentiment and themes behind its creation and use.

>> No.22855467

Pagan faggots

>> No.22855487 [DELETED] 

Jew worshipper. Go kiss some nigger's feet

>> No.22855501
File: 101 KB, 1024x689, george-lincoln-rockwell-1024x689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh holy cross necklace
You're no better than them.

>> No.22855623

Man, that guy was such a letdown. I thought he was inspiring at first, but his pandering to you-know-who is just blatantly removing his disguise. I mean, or doesn't invalidate his former arguments, but it puts them into a mich different light knowing his motivations now. I wonder whether he's always crying as a sign for being held hostage intellectually.

>> No.22855634

That's cool and all, but fascism is dead.

>> No.22855676

He directly addressed retard anon's point by drawing attention to the fact retard anon mischaracterized Peterson's actual position by way of injecting bias into it. You're filtered by this because you're ideologically possessed and can't listen to the arguments of others in good faith.

>> No.22855696


>> No.22855708

He collected Soviet art because he was interested the best available technical skill being forced into creating ideological projections. It was also extremely cheap/plentiful when he started collecting it but has grown in value from an investment standpoint. You don't have any real paintings in your house do you? Still have posters? lol

>> No.22855723
File: 23 KB, 460x238, aDXRzlwk_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original point was that the white/european/Western ethnic grouping is not permittes by Juden Peterstein to associate by shared history, heritage, ancestry and persecution. While blacks, arabs, asians and every other group are free and encouraged to do so. Especially Jews.

Why can't you understand that?

>> No.22855841

>no you!
It's easy to understand, retard. It's based on a mischaracterization of Peterson's actual position and an injection of ideological bias to which you're predisposed. This anon (>>22850576) gave an actual summary of Peterson's position from which the assertions ideological retards like yourself are making don't follow. The reason you can't meet this argument in good faith is because you're filtered to the point you're unable to see how it addresses the argument you attempted to make.

>> No.22855873
File: 7 KB, 700x81, axA3X9jj_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22856060

>retards who poison everything they associate with don't want to be on your team
Oh no! Lol

>> No.22856235
File: 54 KB, 640x428, CtnRt1QWEAAMF6U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep refusing to address the easily observed point that anon is making.

You did it first here, >>22850576
Then you did it again here, >>22850624
A third time here, >>22851928
Then a forth time here, >>22855676
Then a fifth time here, >>22855841

Why does Peterstein not mention all other ethnic groups freely to engaging in Idpol?

Why does Peterstein explicit target whites in his quest to abolish Idpol?

>> No.22856518

He's not gonna fuck you lol

>> No.22856525
File: 82 KB, 1024x768, FCW6g977MYtctgQdB3gGJUyHF9wl43M4fEUf9mZP1Wo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he's paid off

>> No.22856554

Most of those posts aren't me, retard. Again, an anon summarized Peterson's actual position in response to a retarded anon that had mischaracterized it. This is a direct response to his "argument." However, instead of responding to this (i.e. Peterson's actual position) you claim that he didn't address the argument. The reason for this is that you're a ideologue who injects a preprogrammed bias which causes you to mischaracterized the arguments of others while remaining filtered by anything that directly challenges your beliefs. You know how trannies label Peterson as a nazi? You're literally the other side of that coin.

>> No.22856557

>doesn't own art

>> No.22856565
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x600, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of those posts aren't me, retard
Come on now dude, its just sad now

>> No.22856578

>doesn't have s father

>> No.22856587

>>er...you don't have a dad! (>>22851648)
Predictably is a sign of being ideologically possessed. You'll never be successful enough to purchase art as an investment, anon.

>> No.22856593

>totally incapable of responding
Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.22856600

Stop posting that Brazilian cunt

>> No.22856604

That's rich coming from a petardsonite

>> No.22856614

>no you
Back to that again, eh? You really are retarded.

>> No.22856616
File: 715 KB, 720x641, 1666811275177979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fanboy posts in every peterson related thread lmfao

>> No.22856619

You've never had sex.

>> No.22856677

Peterson is a global phenomena. He's going from strength to strength. And his political enemies (mostly incel trannies) sound like a broken record.

>> No.22856683

I had sex yesterday and women dont initiate something they 'begrudgingly tolerate'.

>> No.22856690

he's going from rehab center to rehab center KEK

>> No.22856692

You realize that is a fake tranny picture right?

>> No.22856694

It's a fake video title, permavirgin.

>> No.22856702

its real, i screenshotted it from youtube myself

>> No.22856739

That post does not address anything. It just says
>nooooo, you don't understand
>he's just doing it because whites are self-destructive anyway
which ka really ducking disingenuous with respect to what this was actually about.

>> No.22856787

>I-I had sex Mr. Stranger on the internet

>> No.22856791

Thanks for demonstrating you're a filtered retard whose "thought" is polluted by ideological bias.

>> No.22856884

And the broken record, delusional attack on cue

>> No.22857202
File: 2.31 MB, 1103x1600, Zhou-Enlai-1973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1. Study diligently, grasp essentials, concentrate on one subject rather than seeking superficial knowledge of many.
2. Work hard and have a plan, a focus and a method.
3. Combine study with work and keep them in proper balance according to time, place and circumstances; take care to review and systemize; discover and create.
4. On the basis of principles, resolutely combat all incorrect ideology in others as well as in myself.
5. Insofar as possible, make the most of my strengths and take concrete steps to overcome my weaknesses.
6. Never become alienated from the masses; learn from them and help them. Lead a collective life, inquire into the concerns of the people around you, study their problems their problems and abide by the rules of discipline.
7. Keep fit and lead a reasonable regular life. This is the material basis for self-improvement.


>> No.22857303


>> No.22857304

I'm not a lolbert you fag

>> No.22857352


>> No.22857494

That's rich coming from a petardsonite

>> No.22857967

Stop acting retarded. I never expressed any political thought in that post. Just as I said. Disingenuous.

>> No.22857971

1, 2, and 3 are completely useless and will get you into the wage cuck mindset. Terrible. Unless you enjoy the freedoms of slavery light.

>> No.22858134
File: 45 KB, 512x476, aQRobN4V_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You keep saying people are polluted by an ideological bais. What are these bias you have observed and why are your observations free of such?

Your worldview appears to be crude rationalism, unalloyed with any greater aim or goal.

>> No.22858326

Surrogate father figure

>> No.22858384

What an incredible original insight.

>> No.22858510

>the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
Wow, dude, you're saying that people can band together over shared interests and disadvantages? What a revelation!

>> No.22858517

>misinterpret point made by subject (Peterson)
>mischaracterizations service predictable narratives (e.g. >>22851666)
>if someone clarifies point, assert previous mischaracterizations instead of addressing it
>claim your argument was never addressed
>note: this aspect of the disingenuousness encountered isn't necessarily intentional--these retards are genuinely filtered by arguments that reject or directly criticize their internalized ideological programming
Multiple examples ITT.

>> No.22858525

>you're saying

>> No.22858536

Your lack of response shows you have no defence. He's not saying anything particularly incisive in your example, and what he is saying in no way does the work of actually refuting the right wing position.

>> No.22858553

Your position itself is concurrent with a prevailing ideologically bias narrative.

>> No.22858555

>Your lack of response shows you have no defence
Response was quoting your post and the meme, retard. You walked right into it.
>YOU'RE SAYING that people can band together over shared interests and disadvantages
No, that's not the point of that pasta nor even a criticism of the point that was actually made.

Thanks for providing yet another example of >>22858517

>> No.22858559

>no you
That's usually the next step for you retards. However, predictability in this case can be marked down to the fact you're idiots (i.e. you're not merely reasserting).

>> No.22858591
File: 59 KB, 564x528, 1692116310293399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not really worth the effort to respond to you as you provide nothing to attack, you have no position. You are Zizek and behave as a crude iconoclast.

>> No.22858609

>you have no position
See >>22858517.

>> No.22858617

>Response was quoting your post and the meme, retard.
I know, peanut head. I was referring to Peterson's comment.
>No, that's not the point of that pasta
In your own words, tell me what you think Peterson is saying there to refute the ideology of nativists.

>> No.22858622
File: 43 KB, 623x692, IMG_8973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>misinterpret point made by subject (Peterson)
In what way was it misintepreted?

>>mischaracterizations service predictable narratives (e.g. >>22851666 #)
Predictable does not mean untrue.

>>if someone clarifies point, assert previous mischaracterizations instead of addressing it
The point was not clarified, hence the reassertion.

>>claim your argument was never addressed
See above

>>note: this aspect of the disingenuousness encountered isn't necessarily intentional--these retards are genuinely filtered by arguments that reject or directly criticize their internalized ideological programming
You have just said, repeatedly, thar nope you're wrong. You have bias which is affecting everything. Do you lack such selfawareness that you undermine your own argument by doing so?

>> No.22858631

>listens to benzo addict for life advice

>> No.22858652

your pic is not true. There are many kinds of literary inclined men.

>> No.22858702

>I was referring to Peterson's comment.
You weren't or else you wouldn't have to ask:
>tell me what you think Peterson is saying there to refute the ideology of nativists

>> No.22858715

>In what way was it misintepreted?
For which post?
>Predictable does not mean untrue.
Not the point and, besides, it doesn't necessarily mean true either.
>The point was not clarified, hence the reassertion.
It was. I'm not the original anon who posted it and I understood it.
>See above
See >>22858517.
>You have just said, repeatedly, thar nope you're wrong
Nope, you're wrong. (I've and drawn attention to how your style of argument is indicative of ideological possession and therefore inclined toward disingenuousness--intentional or not).

>> No.22858762

His benzo story is full of holes, I suspect he is lying about it to seem like a victim of big pharma but really he's just an addict who had to taper his medication but was so hooked he couldn't handle the withdrawal

>> No.22858795

The idea that he experienced a character defining downward spiral into drug addiction is full of holes as per the facts given in that pasta.

>> No.22858808

Haven't actually read any of his works personally but watched a few podcast episodes on YT before he sold out to Ben Japiro. Weird how he was condemning politizing every discussion and then jumping on to the train himself. He does seem like an excellent critical thinker, although a little compulsive. No wonder he regards Nietzsche so highly, I do think they have some character traits in common.

>> No.22858812

>you wouldn't have to ask
Dude... I already told you what I thought of Peterson's comments. You then implied I was mischaracterising what he was saying. I am now asking you to therefore explain what you think it is he is saying. At some point, you got the wrong end of the stick and accused me of referring to your meme as a whole even though I quoted Peterson's words directly when pointing out their silliness. This isn't hard to follow.

>> No.22858816

>Peterson took a doctor prescribed medication. At the time it was being handed out like candy
Er... no. This isn't the 50s. That Benzos are highly addictive has been known for decades now. Certainly before Peterson was prescribed them.

>> No.22858829

I used to have imaginary conversations with me as his patient.

>> No.22858841

>blah blah blah
What part of...
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
...do you fail to understand? Peterson isn't arguing that groups don't exist nor is he arguing that people don't have interests due to their membership in a certain group. The point that was made is that people have a tendency to sublimate their personal resentment into extremism centered around a nebulous collectivistic identity. You see this to various degrees in things like the race hustlers of BLM or chuds on 4chan sperging about Jews.

Again, you're filtered by what he is actually saying because it criticizes an aspect of your worldview which you take for granted. So, instead of addressing what he actually says (i.e. you don't actually hear it) you reassert a conclusion derived from that which you take for granted. By doing this your internalized worldview is never challenged and you can deflect by redefining the actual criticism in terms your ideology can assert itself over.

>> No.22858859

>Er... no.
It hasn't been known since the 50s and the literature surrounding benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome comes from papers that were published in the 90s. Still, the drugs were overprescribed and if you search the literature on the subject you'll find that most of the work published on this has come out in only the last 5 or 6 years. Over-prescription was rampant and so many people experienced the same symptoms Peterson himself did (or worse, some actually died). This caused attention to focus on the dangers of the drug and lead to doctors no longer prescribing the drug to the extent which they did before. Aside, Peterson wasn't prescribed the drug for something it wasn't meant for--he was a prime candidate given the symptoms he was experiencing.

So, if you want to actually debate this read the pasta and address it instead of pretending that facts inconvenient to the narrative you're asserting simply don't exist.

>> No.22858862

>...do you fail to understand?
I have already explained why his comments in regard to identitarianism are somewhat useless.
>The point that was made is that people have a tendency to sublimate their personal resentment into extremism centered around a nebulous collectivistic identity.
And my point was that sublimation of this sort occurs in regard to every social system. Unless Peterson wants rid of the whole notion of society, his comments in regard to right wing ideology are useless because they could just as easily be applied to something like the American revolution (which I am presupposing Peterson is a fan of).

>> No.22858872

>comes from papers that were published in the 90s
Yes, I was being hyperbolic for effect. Did he take them in the 80s? As for the literature being recent, doctors have been loathe to prescribe them as far back as 2012.

>> No.22858900

>And my point was that sublimation of this sort occurs in regard to every social system.
Which is a nonpoint because it doesn't make what he's saying untrue. The fact you don't see this as a handwave means you're either a disingenuous idiot or ideologically possessed.
>Unless Peterson wants rid of the whole notion of society
Again, Peterson has made a very specific point and isn't saying that groups don't exist nor that a person's membership in a certain group never defines their interests. This is you asserting something that is tangential to the point that was made in order to assert the validity of your overall worldview instead of being open to the specific criticism presented and meeting it in good faith.

>> No.22858910

>Yes, I was being hyperbolic for effect
No you weren't. You've never researched the subject and were completely unaware as to the literature involving the specific medication we're discussing.
> Did he take them in the 80s?
I addressed this point already. The medication was still overprescribed and literature concerning it's side effects was relatively minimal up until only 5 years ago. This is because overprescription lead to a large prevalence of side effects being experienced in many people. Peterson's case coincides with this event.
>doctors have been loathe to prescribe them as far back as 2012
This is completely untrue.

>> No.22858930

>Which is a nonpoint because it doesn't make what he's saying untrue.
He is saying that sublimation of this kind, sublimation of those who perceive themselves to be disadvantaged, inherently leads to extremism (which is bad). I am saying that such an accusation could be levelled at any nascent system, given that almost every new society and ideology is to some extent formed out of resentment.
>Again, Peterson has made a very specific point
What is it then? Because as far as I can see, all he is saying is that ideology x was formed via the sublimation of individuals who felt and feel as if they are being oppressed, and that this is frowny face because it leads to collectivist extremism. That's the sum of the quote you offered in relation to right wing ideology, and I have already gone out of my way to show why it is limp wristed.

>> No.22858936

>literature concerning it's side effects was relatively minimal up until only 5 years ago
totally false

>> No.22858991

>He is saying that sublimation of this kind, sublimation of those who perceive themselves to be disadvantaged, inherently leads to extremism (which is bad)
No, he's saying that reactionary extremism isn't the best path forward when it comes to social and political change as it frequently leads to the justification of immoral actions and provides a false rationale based on simplistic assumptions. What he is doing is bringing up the negative consequences of moralizing based on group identity while highlighting the fact that such gives way to herd mentality that belittles the humanity of actual people (e.g. creating in/out groups that predefine reality and direct action based upon nebulous boogeymen). Again, he's not saying that groups don't exist and that the interests of an individual are never defined by the group to which they belong. What's pointed out in the pasta is that "chud" automatically assumes such and asserts it over the actual point that was made.
>I am saying that such an accusation could be levelled at any nascent system
Which, again, is a nonpoint because it doesn't make his observation untrue. What you're doing here is trying to overgeneralize what he's saying in order to brush it off. Basically, "it will happen anyway so I don't have to be cognizant of consequences and thereby direct myself accordingly."
>What is it then?
I've reiterated it multiple times including above. Again, the reason you're filtered by it is because such criticism constitutes and ideological blind spot and criticizes your fundamental view of reality. What a non-ideological person does is take the criticism and reformulate his thinking according to the criticism that was presented (i.e. he addresses it directly and gives a rationale as to why his point of view stands by meeting criticism in good faith, which an ideologically possessed person is incapable of doing, via incorporating the criticism into his thinking by meeting it on the terms it presented). If you reject the hypothesis being made you have to provide a counternarrative that explains the same phenomena instead of simply justifying the phenomena by begging the question or sidestepping the actual criticism by mischaracterizing it.

>> No.22859000
File: 300 KB, 1023x1432, ergerte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what you're talking about, anon. Prescriptions had doubled by 2015 (which is around the time Peterson was prescribed the medication by a doctor). The reason Peterson had to go to Russia for treatment is because North America hadn't devoted any resources into researching treatment options and would frequently misdiagnose withdrawal symptoms.

>> No.22859026

*downs a benzo*
maaaan that harry potter was some deep shit. member when he went down in that chaos realm with the serpent? that was like him saving his father, maaaaan. and the bird cried on his wound...*sniff*...it's just hard seeing all those lonely men and...*sob*...and their rooms go uncleaned...
*sells personality quiz*

>> No.22859032

>No, he's saying that reactionary extremism isn't the best path forward when it comes to social and political change as it frequently leads to the justification of immoral actions and provides a false rationale based on simplistic assumptions. What he is doing is bringing up the negative consequences of moralizing based on group identity while highlighting the fact that such gives way to herd mentality that belittles the humanity of actual people (e.g. creating in/out groups that predefine reality and direct action based upon nebulous boogeymen)
No, that's what you're now adding to the quote in an effort to save face. There's no direct mention of a perceived other in that quote by Peterson, or that collectivisation necessarily has a dehumanising effect on those who practice it, though that wouldn't necessarily make his point any less hollow anyway, seeing as the proliferation of in group/out group mentalities accompanies the birth of literally every group.
>Which, again, is a nonpoint because it doesn't make his observation untrue.
It does when he's making a negative value judgement about it in relation to a specific society whilst ignoring its obvious application to all the rest. Peterson speaks in general terms because he isn't well read; he's just somewhat eloquent. His eloquence hides his lack of real substance which, ironically, is what is filtering you.
>Again, the reason you're filtered by it is because such criticism constitutes and ideological blind spot
Yeah, you keep saying this, but aside from clumsily trying to flesh out Peterson's point, all you've done is repeated your initial assertion. It's uncompelling.

>> No.22859042

>You don't know what you're talking about, anon.
I was friends with two consultant physiatrists and a general practitioner back in 2012. When the subject came up, all three of them told me that Benzodiazepines were not something that doctors like to prescribe anymore thanks to their horrendous addiction profile; that taking, say, 5 milligrams of Valium for longer than 8 days was sufficient to develop dependence. Lived experience shows me that you're wrong.

>> No.22859064

>No, that's what you're now adding to the quote in an effort to save face.
That "quote" is a paraphrase of his actual point, anon. The point of this was explain to you in the post to which you're replying (i.e. how "chud" is filtered and gives a non-reply). Stop coming up with pathetic excuses not to address his actual position.
>blah blah blah
That's his position, anon. It's pretty telling that you choose to pretend it's not so you can continue to argue with the strawman (i.e. it confirms the criticism of your style of argumentation and adds weight to the arguments regarding which such indicates).
>It does when he's making a negative value judgement about it in relation to a specific society whilst ignoring its obvious application to all the rest
He doesn't do this though and, again, instead of addressing the point that is being made you inject aspects of your ideology into it in order to sidestep how it criticizes your worldview. Basically "no you."
>Yeah, you keep saying this
You keep exemplifying it as per...
>aside from clumsily trying to flesh out Peterson's point
Which I've done and you've repeatedly failed to address directly. I've even maintained good faith by specifically noting how you've failed to do so while predicting your style of argumentation and what it says about "your" beliefs.
>all you've done is repeated your initial assertion
"No you" yet again. Truly the last resort of the unapologetically filtered.

>> No.22859071

>my anecdotal evidence that I could totally be making up trumps an actual study that indicates prescriptions were on the rise right up to the period Peterson was prescribed the medication in question
You're a retard.

>> No.22859080

>The point of this was explain to you

>> No.22859083


>> No.22859101

>That "quote" is a paraphrase of his actual point, anon.
No shit. If he wants to now add to it in an effort to shift the goal posts, then fine. But the argument concerns that initial greentext.
>He doesn't do this though
He's not making negative assertions about the collective sublimation of disenfranchised individuals? What thread are you in?
>Which I've done
Wait... lol... is it "I" or "he." Are you pretending to be another poster, anon??

>> No.22859159

>cries about a typo
>No shit. If he wants to now add to it in an effort to shift the goal posts
It's not shifting the goalposts, retard. That's Peterson's position and you continuously asked for it to be clarified. Crying about it because it contradicts the mischaracterization you wish to focus on underscores the fact you're incapable of arguing in good faith. Note: reasons for this lack of good faith have been detailed in previous posts and I thank you for repeatedly exemplifying them.
>He's not making negative assertions about the collective sublimation of disenfranchised individuals?
Fyi: this is what shifting the goal posts looks like.
>Are you pretending to be another poster, anon??
Nope, and you have pretty shitty reading comprehension. Being right means I don't care about how many people agree with me. Cool that you take solace in the fact others are wrong with you though, lol.

>> No.22859168

>That's Peterson's position and you continuously asked for it to be clarified.
No, I stated that response to the "Chud's" comment was hollow and explained in detail why.
>Fyi: this is what shifting the goal posts looks like.
How? Do you even know what you're saying?
Sure thing, buddy. You just switched from referring to the poster as "he" to suddenly referring to him as "I" for reasons that are totally legitimate but known only to you.

>> No.22859186

>No, I stated that response to the "Chud's" comment was hollow and explained in detail why

Screaming idealogical bias autistically is not an explanation. More so when the chud's comments were fairly close to the mark.

>> No.22859198

>Screaming idealogical bias autistically is not an explanation
This isn't a response. It's you angrily throwing adjectives and no no words at me because you continue to have no real argument.

>> No.22859233

Jewish "gas the gazens" benzo shill.

>> No.22859247

>No, I stated that response to the "Chud's" comment was hollow and explained in detail why.
It's meant to be hollow given its context within the pasta which was explain to you. In so doing you unintentionally exemplified the actual criticism being put forward in the pasta. You didn't pick up on the actual point of the pasta and asked for clarification of Peterson's position. When this was given you failed to address how your presentation was based on mischaracterization. You also fell into a predictable pattern of argumentation, injecting ideological bias into the interpretation of the position instead of addressing it, and made weak deflections that were called out as such. Overall, you remained filtered by the actual criticism and ended up resorting to "no you" and crying about informal fallacies (which you yourself committed) because you're mentally incapable of keeping up with the conversation.
>How? Do you even know what you're saying?
You're mentally incapable of keeping up. It's shifting the goal posts because I never denied that Peterson's point is toward the effect of criticizing collectivistic extremism. What I did do is lay out the specific context of such while pointing out Peterson is not denying the existence of group interests nor that an individual's interests cannot be defined by a particular group. Even though I've repeatedly pointed this out multiple times you allude to such in the way you formulate your responses and will characterize my acceptance of a general point, which I have not denied, as a concession while failing to address the actual arguments I've made. This is shifting the goal posts.
>You just switched from referring to the poster as "he" to suddenly referring to him as "I"
In reference to previous posts I myself made. If you think this is a gotcha that helps you save face after being thoroughly BTFO'd well, however you want to cope.

>> No.22859263

He's in a tailspin, anon. He doesn't recognize he's exemplifying the criticisms being made. He will now likely call us samefag because he sees the agreement of others as indicative of truth value (i.e. ideologue who sublimates his beliefs to a collective).

>> No.22859280

>which was explain to you
For the second time now, it's "explained." Learn to use English before you clumsily insist on defending your hero in it.
>words words words
You just keep repeating yourself.
>while pointing out Peterson is not denying the existence of group interests
Except the pseudo quote you proffered does essentially do just that, given the fact that you're saying the assumption of resentful individuals into a collective whole is necessarily bad. Yet all groups are born from some measure of resentment. Therefore, Peterson (or you) has done nothing to show why "Chud" in this case is wrong, seeing as all groups are born out of the process Peterson is describing. You are now claiming that he isn't against group interests... that's clearly tenuous.
>In reference to previous posts I myself made.
No-one refers to themselves in the third person here. You tried to make it look as if someone was agreeing with you and got flustered halfway through the post. Just accept the L.

>> No.22859293

I am calling you samefag because that's what you are. No anon refers to themselves in the third person, let alone the third and the first person in the same post. You got found out for the weasel you are and are continuing to squirm.

>> No.22859395

>admits he multireplied earlier over a typo
Lol. Autocorrect may be a bitch not as big of one as you.
>You just keep repeating yourself.
You're not mentally capable of keeping up with the conversation. I've reiterated points you failed to address or outright misinterpreted multiple times, yes, but this is because you're a moron who can't understand them. It's like when I had to explain what constitutes "shifting the goal posts" because you deflected with it. I'd noticed you were doing so earlier but instead of crying about the fact you're an idiot I reiterated my point and directly addressed your text. This is something you continuously fail to do, over and over again, because you're both an disingenuous idiot and a filtered ideologue.
>Except the pseudo quote you proffered does essentially do just that
This is the part where I point out you're not addressing the specifics that have been explained to you (multiple times now) and explain you're once again injecting an ideological bias that filters you from taking in actual context while merely begging the question of your beliefs.
>No-one refers to themselves in the third person
Anon, I referred to posts I myself have made directly to you as well as posts other have made. I get it upsets you that more than one person can point out your intellectual failures but pretending you've caught on to samefag hijinks because you're losing a debate just makes you even more pathetic. Again, I don't care if more people agree with me than agree with you. I'm right and everytime you post something provides further evidence that you're a filtered retard who pathetically flails around over nonsense instead of arguing in good faith.

>> No.22859399

See, I called it:
>I am calling you samefag because that's what you are (>>22859293)

>> No.22859412
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Nope, im the chud. You are being beaten by another anon.


>> No.22859417
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>See, I called it:

>> No.22859446

Imagine being called out as predictable, seeing a prediction, and then doing what was predicted. You're next level retarded.

>> No.22859451

>You're not mentally capable of keeping up with the conversation.
Yeah, you keep resorting to this (note that I have yet to insult you), but all it shows is that you're insecure in your assertions and are getting increasingly upset as a result.
>I've reiterated points you failed to address or outright misinterpreted multiple times
Yes, you've stated and re-stated your initial premise without once engaging in my rebuttal.
>you're once again injecting an ideological bias
Again, you keep saying this without actually showing how.
>Anon, I referred to posts I myself have made directly to you
I'll have to bear in mind you are the only person on 4chan who likes referring to himself in the third and the first person interchangeably.

>> No.22859459
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>> No.22859464

I totally believe you are a separate poster. Your seething definitely doesn't give you away.

>> No.22859466

>Yeah, you keep resorting to this (note that I have yet to insult you
You literally cried over typos, retard. I insult you because you're an idiot via appealing to the textual evidence of your own posts.
>Yes, you've stated and re-stated your initial premise without once engaging in my rebuttal
We've gone over this, anon. Enough with the "no yous."
>Again, you keep saying this without actually showing how.
I've show how already and if I write it out again you'll remain filtered while accusing me of repeating myself (instead of addressing what was written). You're a moron, anon.
>I'll have to bear in mind you are the only person on 4chan
Still on this? Lol, cope.

>> No.22859474

I never called you samefag, retard. Both posts only warranted a single response.
>still on this >>22859466
Cool you're openly sliding now.

>> No.22859491

>You literally cried over typos, retard.
I pointed out that you somehow had the word "explained" in the wrong tense twice, yeah. I'm sorry this simple fact appears to make steam shoot out of your ears and nose.
>Enough with the "no yous."
So you're still refusing to engage in the actual rebuttal itself. OK.
>I've show how already
You're not fooling anyone, sunshine.

>> No.22859517

>I pointed out that you somehow had the word "explained" in the wrong tense twice, yeah
Which isn't pertinent to the argument at hand. The claim you haven't been insulting is similar to how you cried about shifting goal posts when it was actually something you did in your very next sentence. When you asked how it was explained and you dropped the subject instead of addressing it.
>So you're still refusing to engage in the actual rebuttal itself
Not only have I engaged with it, I've pointed out your failure to engage with Peterson's actual position. This is why you continuously resort to "no you" and derail the conversation over samefag cope.

You're a filtered retard, anon. This won't change.

>> No.22859534

>more insults
>same stale, baseless claims

>> No.22859795
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>> No.22860614

He doesn't strike me as a drug addict. Maybe the dude is just getting old? He sounds way less sharp than a few years ago.

>> No.22860676

>refuses to go in to further detail or the deeper consequences of which males are overrepresented
Yeah because you don't get anywhere by making the case that niggers are by their nature more antisocial or less intelligent. Even if it's true, there is zero value in bringing it up unless your end game is to get rid of them.
>uhh according to The Science black people are inferior
Okay now what? You're the person who has publicly made this claim, you've made yourself the enemy of black people, naturally. What's step two?

>> No.22860854

You strike me as someone who has zero friends. Is that why you defend Peterson so avidly?

>> No.22860922

>there is zero value in bringing it up unless your end game is to get rid of them.
There's value in bringing up a truth that society fervently denies.
>you've made yourself the enemy of black people
Oh no. So terrible.

>> No.22860938

Only temporarily.

>> No.22861210

I don't care about "relevancy" or contemporaries.

>> No.22861415

Precisely this.

Peterson, perhaps unintentionally, has become a controlled opposition muppet.

By preaching individual "responsability", he is LURING young men into the TRAP of ECONOMIC GAIN so they don't group together and REVOLT against LIBERALISM / FEMINISM / DEGENERACY.

"Carrying your cross" for Peterson seems to mean bowing your head down and slaving away for the JEWISH CAPITALIST OVERLORDS

Peterson doesn't seem to realize "responsability" and "having a moral obligation to tell the TRUTH" also implies grouping together with others who RECOGNIZE TRUTH

Although many of us have to give props to him for introducing us to right-wing politics, we have to remember:


>> No.22861423

I don’t understand how he causes so much seethe.

>> No.22861432

Fatherless bastards don't take slights against their father figure all too well

>> No.22861459

I meant seethe from people attacking him.

>> No.22861464

>I am firmly of the belief that the self comes first - not in a selfish way, but in a selfless way, a way in which you seek to be the most useful and best person you can be. And that is all I've ever heard Peterson say.

Your posts are well written, you explained Peterson's view quite well (and I agree to some extent with it - the Western heroic ideal, emphasis on individualism), but you are undermining your own argument in a childish way.

The self coming first, BUT in a selfless way, MEANS PRECISELY TO SERVE YOUR GROUP.. That's how you become the most useful and best person you can be.

The best leaders are always ALTRUISTIC IN NATURE. They are at the top of the hierarchy precisely because THEY SERVE OTHERS.

A man who CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVES but doesn't fight for his tribe is NOT A KNIGHT or A KING, BUT A PIRATE instead.

Do you understand my nigga?

>> No.22861473


>> No.22861481

Stay in school

>> No.22861501

He tells people to fix themselves. Nobody wants to hear that.

>> No.22861515

I dislike his rambling speaking style, his voice, and his constant tangents whenever talking about a subject.

I haven't read his stuff, but if he writes how he speaks then I am not interested.
I prefer people who can get straight to the point with clear language without getting lost in the sauce along the way.
Make your point first, then ramble to elaborate if you want.

>> No.22861540

Au contrare, most of us got that from our parents as children and fatherless incels wonder why everyone laughs at them

>> No.22861569 [DELETED] 

Whatever headcanon helps you cope.

>> No.22861577

This >>22851666 and >>22851711.

>> No.22861637

You strike me as a loser who comforts himself with headcanon instead of trying to be less of a loser.

>> No.22862069
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>you've made yourself the enemy of black people, naturally
Despite doing everything we can to stop them starving, killing, dying, raping and stealing we have still become their enemy. Perhaps we should embrace this and hate them.

>> No.22862078

>Peterson: Fix yourself
>Anon: With brotherhood, shared experience and heritage?
>Peterson: No, not like that. Work on yourself alone.

>> No.22863864

He's speaking facts, people don't have good arguments against it, people experience cognitive dissonance because their view of the world and newly unconcerned facts contradict each other, people don't like that feeling and resort to seething. Typical case of political agenda vs facts and logic.

>> No.22864017

>n-no u

>> No.22864029

>He's speaking facts
He's not though. His followers act exactly like cultists. People criticise his arguments, and rather than engage with that criticism, his followers instead descend into an apoplectic frenzy of name calling and ad hominem in which they mindlessly state and restate his vapid premises.

>> No.22864069

He still rambled a lot before the Benzos, but not as much. Ever since his Benzo coma he's been operating on a lower vibration

>> No.22864107

> His warnings against identity politics were never directed against blacks, arabs or asians who are allowed to associate exclusively by ethnic group. You can see this on every college campus with social functions that are based entirely around group identity, including the one he was a tenured Proffesor at.

>It was only directes at Western/European/Whites. I hope he goes down as a betrayer of the West.
This is wrong. I mean, I don’t really fully respect Peterson anymore, and ironically one of these major reasons is precisely why (I gather) you especially don’t — because he’s a Zionist afraid to criticize Jews, Jewish power, Jewish mores. However, half the thrust of his whole message that brought him to multi-nation-wide notoriety is precisely comparing this “black/arab/asian” etc. solidarity with a leftist/social-justice/diversity-equity-and-inclusion-oriented thrust as so similar psychologically and sociologically to murderous Bolshevism, the horrors of the USSR or genocidal Marxist regimes in general.

For what it’s worth, I, again, don’t fully back him or agree with him on everything, both for this same perceived softness on Zionism you (rightly) see, and other things like that. Like a video of one of his old U-of-T lectures, I think, where he’s talking about “the Satanic Panic and Presidio daycare center scandal of supposed child sexual abuse” where he brings it up as an example of “mass sociologically-induced delusion” or something like that (“These wacky conspiracy theorists!”).

To even further elaborate for certain anons (undoubtedly already up in arms against me to attack me for being a “polchud” “QAnon” etc.), I’m not supporting or shilling for QAnon. I got deep into “conspiracy theories” like this of organized elite sex trafficking and child abuse long before QAnon and Pizzagate were ever a thing. (See ex-FBI-head of the L.A. division Ted Gunderson, Senator John W. DeCamp’s and others allegations and whistleblowing anout the Franklin scandal of 1988, Cathy O’Brien, the Bohemian Grove rituals of Alex-Jones-infiltration fame, the shadiness around the Skull & Bones initiation ritual, having as members the Bushes, a Rockefeller, John Kerry, etc., the Dutroux affair of Belgium implicating European royalty, elite Dutch politicians, and a law enforcement and judge coverup of it, most obviously and recently the Epstein/Maxwell case and their ties to figures like the Clintons and Prince Andrew, and more, for plausible leads into what some type of occult elite overlapping with organized crime and even going so far as into child abuse, murder, and influence of the media to cover up their crimes would look like).

>> No.22864139

What was I saying … ? I don’t even think JBP is necessarily knowingly and deliberately controlled opposition. I think he’s unconsciously so. He legitimately seems impassioned, infuriated, outspoken and genuine about issues that grab his goat, like compelled speech and belief and medical practice w/r/t the transgender issue, social-justice-ideology/D.E.I./political correctness/intersectionality/critical race theory/modern radical waves of feminism/a certain breed of progressive identity-politics-oriented ideology becoming akin to totalitarian Bolshevism, media and Big Tech censorship and enforced academic conformity, as well as other hot-button “culture war” issues like v*x-mandates and the Green agenda, and so forth.

On the other hand, he really is a Zionist. He really does do dramatic things like meet with Netanyahu to give his support and go on (Zionist-Jewish-neocon-owned by Ben Shapiro) DailyWire, and equate all criticism of Zionism or the Jewish lobby/influence over the West with either “far left cultural Marxists” or “modern alt-right neo-Nazis.” And he goes for some “conspiracy theories” (seeing how this label itself is a sort of smear by the modern powers-that-be to make certain topics “off-limits”), but doesn’t seem like he’ll ever be free-thinking enough to consider other “conspiracy theories”.

I’m not really a Nazi or antisemite, by the way, although some might already have hot-button reactions to my wording and things I’m implying my belief in or support of and think this is the case. I think the unqualified Jew-haters are about just as dumb, overly passionate, irrational and heated as the “far left socialjusticewarrior cultural Marxist politically-correct globalists (etc.)” as you hate. One side hates whites and relishes in every chance they can to criticize and attack whites (including through the proxies of bashing “conservatives”, “the far-right,” “alt-right”, “Nazis”, “chuds,” “incels,” “conspiracy theorists”, etc.), and you guys just as uncritically attack and condemn everyone not completely eye-to-eye with you as “kikes” or “people brainwashed by kikes.” You’re both rather sick and disgusting people in your most extreme manifestations, both the detritus of Reddit and the detritus of /pol/ are awful people who deserve each other. One side makes so-called “leftists”/“liberals” look bad, and the other side makes so-called “conservatives”/“right-wingers” look bad. It’s all part of the blatantly obvious divide-and-conquer agenda by the people who own the banks, media, politicians and political parties, military-industrial complex, attend Bilderberg meetings, and etc.

>> No.22864156

Really? Looks to me that his detractors rely on repeating the same adhoms to one another and have no idea what he actually says. When this is pointed out they get mad, insist on the adhoms even when they're shown to be false, and are completely unable to interact with his actual ideas. They then resort to "no you" when their behaviour is called out just like you did with the anon you're responding to.

>> No.22864167

two more weeks

>> No.22864175

lmao, have you seen the results of any recent ballot in the US? blue tsunami 2024 lol

>> No.22864178

Peterson also does have a deep (albeit seemingly simply) psycho-spiritual point about people criticizing the entire world first or throwing themselves headlong into radical social/political movements before actually fixing or taking a look at themselves first, or while themselves being massive losers or failures in their own life.

The retarded loser neo-Nazis here and elsewhere whose entire political philosophy and program can be boiled down to “DEPORT AND/OR KILL ALL NONWHITES”, while also talking sincerely about what a “cultural Marxist genocidal dystopia the Jewish globalists want to create for us”, would make just as awfully destructive a regime as their enemies if they were in power. The (failed) history of Third Reich shows this.

Their entire life philosophy seems to be oriented around “redpilling people online”. And the “redpill” of course is (at its most extreme manifestation) so much as saying “Jews are demonic inhuman kikes who need to be murdered,” “blacks are subhuman and should be sent back to Africa”, “even East Asians are soulless bugs and can’t create a flourishing civilization like Whites can” (even if they have statistically higher IQs than whites and do economically very well in the West, just like Ashkenazi Jews do, this helps preserve their ego to just call them “bugs” and disregard them) etc.

There’s no actual serious political philosophy or program put out. Just genocidal or ethnic-cleansing programs half-facetiously half-seriously urged (they can hide behind facetiousness), as well as the superiority and gloriousness of their white race, but ironically touted by terminally-online losers nowhere near as intelligent and significant as a Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Gauss or whomever else they might tout as “exemplars of the white race and our cultural and intellectual superiority.”

Do you really think these fucking arrogant pseudo-intellectual losers making pseudonymous Twitter profiles with profile pics of Greek statues with glowing red eyes (to show they’re “based”) could ever make a statue such as those they exploit the images of?

Don’t get me wrong, the posters who instantly jump to idiotic stuff like “oh, Rene Guenon is just a Nazi who’s only liked by online Nazi pol chuds, just like Heidegger, Robert Anton Wilson, and Spengler” (if this sentence sounds ridiculous, it should sound ridiculous, and it’s based on actual things you hear here), they should be shot, too. I mean, the majority of humanity is subhuman. Let’s face it, folks. That probably includes you, too, who’s reading this right now. Fuck you, seriously. Go fuck yourself. The internet is absolute cancer. I earnestly look forward to God wiping us out in an apocalypse. Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.22864183

Self-help guru who utilizes a parasocial relationship with strangers on the internet, usually depressed young men, and first spews out a little bit of genuine advice(work out etc) and then tries to get himself stuck into the people watching him by utilizing the builtup trust to then infect them with retarded hot takes, made intentionally to be easily comprehended by even first graders so as to appeal to a wider audience. These sorts of people(read:scum who don't know how any way to live other than to leech off of others) usually also make their own shitty "ideology" that's intentionally designed to lead to nowhere so as not to intimidate youtube and national authorities, and to appeal as much as possible to the target audience without any care for reason and logic. Sometimes they also pull stupid publicity stunts like "vote me president so I can save the white race!!" so that they can boost their popularity both among people who know them and those who don't. Actually winning was never the intention and they sperg out in front of the average voter precisely to avoid getting elected. Also these types of people always have some sort of way in which you can donate to them, usually tax-free, and in the very few cases that they don't it's because they're already filthy rich, which in turn just means they're only talking to get attention and feel good about it.
So basically he's just the average youtuber-cum-"politician". Some faggot trying to leech money and attention off of people for their own sake alone. In a sense that is incredibly jewish.

>> No.22864186

He's a student of history and sees a perceptible rise in anti-Semitism as indicative of a rise of reactionary politics that lead to totalitarian outcomes. That's it. No "controlled opposition" nonsense needed. The fact the commie side calls him a Nazi while the Nazi side calls him a commie demonstrates he's calling out aspects of their worldviews they don't want to be forced to think about deeply and instead of reconciling his criticism they reflexively out-group him, define his beliefs according to their perception of said out-group, and if anyone brings up what he actually says about something they're outgrouped the same way.

>> No.22864209

Don’t misinterpret me, I get it. The Nazis and commies are equally Goddamned barbarians, I see it, I get it, both historically speaking and in terms of the present day. It’s horrifying to see. They both viciously, crudely fight and attack each other for the same-yet-oppositely-oriented “bigotry” they see in the other (one side against whites and “conservatives” which they equate with “fascists”, the other side against nonwhites and “liberals” which they equate with “radical leftists”, and sometimes they’re precisely correct about seeing Nazis/fascists or murderous pseudo-Marxists in their opponents, and other times not).

Can you imagine how fucked up Generation Z is now with this debate, especially the more terminally online they are, on spheres like, say, Twitter, 4chan, or Reddit? The most extreme wings of them have either outright become the neo-Stasi or people unironically glorifying the S.S. based on memes they saw on /pol/ or originating from /pol/. God fucking help us.

>> No.22864310
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Lol what a tool

>> No.22864654

>no you n-no y-you
Lol, sad.

>> No.22865018

Doesn't matter how long. Maybe 200 years, maybe 2000 years. But ideologies die rarely completely.

>> No.22865025

Time post covid doesn't count

>> No.22865041

It has an esoteric mystical ethereal aura about it

>> No.22865179

>38% of teens don't use instagram
Actually shocking if true. No wonder Zuck is try to pivot to hardware.

>> No.22865581
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This is what i think. Behind every problem that plagues the West you will find jews and a handful of golems. It is so very tiring.

>Foreign policy
>Grocery Prices
>Party Politics

All of it and more.

>> No.22865712
File: 147 KB, 1600x1144, Berlin in 1945 4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nazis lost

>> No.22865717
File: 46 KB, 529x579, aW34B5mX_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to be a Nazi to realize a single demographic is actively worsening a situation in order to extract profit.

>> No.22865722

OK go kill yourself :)

>> No.22865973

Hope Peterson sees this, bro.

>> No.22866031

>no you n-no y-you
What is this even supposed to mean?

>> No.22866042

Women and betas hate people like Jp and Tate and make, which one are you?

>> No.22866481

Look Dr. Peterson it's snowing in Hell. gotcha

>> No.22866985

12 Rules is one of the books you find in every English book store globally. The other being Atomic Habits. This makes you seethe and lash out in despair.

>> No.22867211

What compels you to defend him?

>> No.22867271

Doesn't stop petey boi from quoting him

>> No.22867281
File: 68 KB, 652x652, Jordan-Peterson-Goofy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's my dad

>> No.22867675

A Zionist instrument.

>> No.22867900

>no you "no you"
That's more clear. Forgot retards can't extrapolate and autists are literal.

>> No.22867916

He's too busy successfully pissing off libtards/chuds/trannies on a scale well beyond this thread. I kneel.

>> No.22867935

He wrote it

>> No.22867965

To suck his cock, we know

>> No.22868061

>unsolicited homoerotic fantasies

>> No.22868490

Eastern cultures > Western and "individualism" is just an egoic delusion writ large. Finding your place in a proper hierarchy is far more rewarding than pretending you're something you're not and opposing yourself to society, nature, and divinity.
Western society is also extremely social and group oriented. What its lacking is proper hierarchy.

>> No.22868900

>no you "no you"
You would have to have autism to type this.

>> No.22868904

>unsolicited homoerotic fantasies
but enough about Peterson's poetry

>> No.22869327

>no you
>no you

>> No.22869537

All that seethe and zero argument. Incredible levels of Reddit. Take your Wellbutrin and try again.

>> No.22869973

>nebulous collectivistic identity
Let me guess, you think nationalism is bad except for when Israel does it?

>> No.22870278

all of this sounds gross, gays are gross.

>> No.22870302

israel is hardly nationalist just because their state protects their country geopolitically. it's got the same trouble of radical progressivism and swarthoids in the west. and many american "jews" hate it over muh racism.

>> No.22870321

It has a basic streak of ethnonationalism that whites/Europeans are not allowed to have. Luckily that's changing now. I do agree Israel is doomed as a state however. Even without recent events, its demographic problems are insurmountable and its political consensus is an atavistic congeries of shit from 3 different bygone geopolitical moments.

>> No.22870365
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>> No.22870437

they lost nearly a hundred years ago and you're still crying about them
that's power money couldn't buy lol

>> No.22870814

there is a clear difference in behavior pre and post benzo coma.

he isn't the same person anymore.

>> No.22870904

>Petersonchads celebrating Christmas with loved ones
>Chuddies seething on 4channel

>> No.22872035

Yep, you're gay

>> No.22872040
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Chud is mad