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/lit/ - Literature

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22845910 No.22845910 [Reply] [Original]

>christmas vacation starts
>uptick in number of leftist threads
Any explanation for this?

>> No.22845918

>the right-wing are NEETs
got em

>> No.22845941
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Arts students on Christmas Break and sitting with hot cocoa in their parents house shitposting, frog posting, vidya play'n and idealizing (as young people often do).

>> No.22845945

It's the combo of Kissinger + Niggeri dying.

>> No.22846019

i bet he only had one testicle and liked to crossdress too. also heard he put kulaks on a death coaster.

>> No.22846041

>Hearsay evidence is presented without citation that One communist has small dick. Therefore communism can be dismissed as a reaction to small dicks. Therefore all communists have small dicks.

I’m going to go with a variation on >>22845941

It is not that the lefties are now home from school so much as it is that the weather has changed putting more people in the house, while lots of people are on holiday breaks, and the overall size and distribution of the population has changed. The right likes to think it dominates this site, but it is only that they post more.

>> No.22846068

>uhh you have to submit evidence for your claims
Oh my god shut the fuck up

>> No.22846069

That should have said, “the overall size of the population that actually posts has changed.”
The population of the board is not determined by the frequency of the participation, nor by whether the participants post, instead of just lurk, but by the overall demographics of all users that visit the site. Additionally, trolls who are not right wing post right wing content just to watch the reaction of the right wing.
Because they are stupid, and it is funny to see what they are going to say next.

>> No.22846072

>because no one has to submit evidence of their claims
You shut the fuck up.

>> No.22846076

Is this bait?

>> No.22846080

Im racist as fuck, like “kill all niggers” tier racist and I’ve been spamming chud meme since its inception on /tv/ because its funny and gets replies. From my limited observation, amount of leftists on 4chan are very minuscule, most of the leftist stuff posted is right-wigers trying to bait other right-wingers because its funny and gets replies

>> No.22846087

No one would miss the like of you if you just dropped dead tomorrow. Shitposters deserve the rope more than niggers and are even less intelligent

>> No.22846090
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>> No.22846096

And people like you post a lot, and believe the entire world is like them, because that is all you can see, but there are still those on /lit that like to read actual lit threads that have noting to with politics or the mental dysfunction of fascists and racists, and look past this noise to actual discussions of literature.

>> No.22846100

For someone that "likes to read actual lit threads" you're very active on political ones, huh. Weird how you didn't add Marxists to the lists when most of the political threads are started by them (or someone posing as them).

>> No.22846109

I'm sorry you are lonely....

>> No.22846117

>passive aggressive false concern
You're a bald millenial, aren't you?

>> No.22846118

The point of my post was that the leftists here are almost non-existent, if you arguing with someone whos defending feminism or trannies or communism, theres a high probability they are a right winger like you just trying to get a reaction out of you.

>> No.22846342

The "point" of your post is that you're an infantile fucking racist and you don't belong on a board for serious literature discussions.

>> No.22846367
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My company shuts down for a while week too, their's nothing better

>> No.22846372
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>> No.22846387

>From my limited observation, amount of leftists on 4chan are very minuscule, most of the leftist stuff posted is right-wigers trying to bait other right-wingers because its funny and gets replies
This. If you think posts like:
>What's some proletariat literature to suggest to my chud dad for thanksgiving so he understands BIPOC struggles in America?
is genuine then you're legitimately too stupid to use the Internet.

>> No.22846395
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Cry more

>> No.22846396

>le political leader has small pepee xD
What is this? Kindergarden?

>> No.22846401
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Worse, it's Communism

>> No.22846462
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>christmas vacation starts
>every board turns into old/b/-lite
where do the good posters go when the retarded zoomers flood every board?

>> No.22846475

Comfy. I miss those days.