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22845158 No.22845158 [Reply] [Original]

Who has come the closest to absolute truth?

Plato? The abrahamics? Modern physicists? Hermetics? Gnostics?

>> No.22845172

Define "truth"

>> No.22845173


>> No.22845175


>> No.22845177

i did im god yall not evn real btw

>> No.22845185

Idk man I like Kant and Aristotle a lot though

>> No.22845188

This anon

>> No.22845211

Secular humanism, anon! Embrace the science!

>> No.22845233

Plato: not particularly fond of him

>> No.22845245

Yeah, this guy pretty much figured it out.

>> No.22845257

Carl Jung got the closest to the absolute human condition

>> No.22845267

probably jesus at the moment of his death
"Eli, Eli, Lama Sabachthani?"

>> No.22845298

that which exists even if you stop believing in it

that which defines the rest. As physics defines chemistry, As chemistry defines ourselves, as we define greater egregores and dreams still.

What lay at the bottom of things?

>> No.22845315


>> No.22845330

Hegel haha jk jk

>> No.22845336
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>> No.22845398

Plotinus, i.e neoplatonism or you can check out ancient indian philosophy advita vedanta, the upanishads, they say the same thing just in a different language.

>> No.22845401

Jordan Peterson.

>> No.22845403

Ronald McDonald

>> No.22845409

And no-one else.

>> No.22845428

How may i learn my earned share of gods truth?

>> No.22845429

How would we know?

>> No.22845464

Then why is God so selfish ? Why doesn't he share the truth with us ?

>> No.22845489


>> No.22845555

Chris Langan

>> No.22845560

Leopardi, Steiner, Fulcanelli, Pico della Mirandola, Holderlin, St. Catherine of Siena, Plotinus.

That's it.

>> No.22845561

Karl Pilkington

>> No.22845601
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>> No.22847128

Probably a lot of people that had an equally deep understanding of it all, just with different semantics and points of view

>> No.22847144

Arthur de Gobineau made a comprehensive study of the human species as a whole.

>> No.22847194

Wittgenstein. He saw there was almost nothing to see, and what there was to see you couldn't speak of.

>> No.22847202

William Blake and Carl Jung

>> No.22847229

It was a reference to one of the Psalms

>> No.22847237

We just need to puzzle shit together

>> No.22847266
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Jonathan H. Smith, better known by his stage name Lil Jon.

>> No.22847279

This anon knows.

>> No.22847320

Andrew Tate.

>> No.22847330

Of all these names I'm only familiar with holderlin and yet I know you are correct.

>> No.22847341
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>> No.22847595
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probably this

>> No.22847704

Plato, Plotinus, Nietzsche, Jung, and just in general schizophrenics, but not the paranoid schizos who think people are stalking them, the other more profound kind that sees God.

>> No.22847750

Primal messianists

>> No.22847764

John the Evangelist.

>> No.22848356 [DELETED] 
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Catholics: gnostic & theistic philosophers & theologians; warchiefs, and artprinces, at their personal best.

Christic reason is a train ticket to one's spiritual imagination, and a boarding pass to one's mystical body.

>> No.22848364
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Excellent Catholics: gnostic & theistic philosophers & theologians; warchiefs, and artprinces, at their personal best.

Christic reason is a train ticket to one's spiritual imagination, and a boarding pass to one's mystical body.

>> No.22848367
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>> No.22848371

goofy ass question

>> No.22848379

Aristotle mogs you and didn't just spin the wheels. But that also makes him kind of a jerk

>> No.22848393


>> No.22848402

All humans died. Truth is just a tool for survival and reproduction, so how can any man stand far above the rest? Inventors arguably saw more than philosophers, since they actually advanced their society the most.

>> No.22848446

I took philosophy in college and Kant was the only philosopher that made an impact on me namely that you can't disprove the existence of God and the categorical imperative.

>> No.22848461

>you should follow the categorical imperative because… you just should OK?!
read a real book. Like any evolutionary biology book.

>> No.22848477
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rupi kaur

>> No.22848483

I kneel

>> No.22848492

Do you mean something like
>On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life

>> No.22848501
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have fun

>> No.22848503

Rudolph Steiner.

>> No.22848506

No thanks I'm done with jewish wizardry.

>> No.22848558

The Kabbalah

>> No.22848578

please elaborate, anon

>> No.22848584

koolaid has many flavors

>> No.22848601

These are all relative truths. If you want the absolute try the Buddha, Krishnamurti or Osho.

>> No.22848881

Schopenhauer refuted Kant's categorical imperative.

>> No.22849053
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Plato, Plotinus, Boethius, Schelling, and Nietzsche. Absolute geniuses.

>> No.22849221
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Who has come the closest to absolute truth?
Plato, The abrahamics, Modern physicists, Hermetics and Gnostics to name a few.

Plato's timaeus.
Pythagoras, at least the legendary/mythological perception of what he knew.
There's a number of math geniuses mentioned in Stella Maris.
Carl Jung's Aion.

There's certain things you read and they are like a lit match in the desert night and you realize there is much out in the darkness

>> No.22849718

lao tzu
carl sagan

>> No.22849955

Adi Shankara

>> No.22850023

his theory really isn't that mindblowing

>> No.22850040

Wittgenstein, and everyone else has been trying to return to metaphysics as a cope.

>> No.22850054

>dat frequency separation

>> No.22850109

Unironically the postmodernist

>> No.22851019

Why is Kramer so sad?

>> No.22851443

Philosophers have really never recovered from this, they have just decided to move on and pretend Wittgenstein didn't completely wreck them forever. But it really is all over for philosocels. Indeed, it never even started.

>> No.22851540
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Unironically Socrates because he truly understood how limited human knowledge is


Close second

If being self aware is what you consider absolute truth then sure

>> No.22851545


>> No.22851562

The Bible and subsequent thousand years of apologetics and theology imo

>> No.22851655

Can you explain what he did to me in a simple way? I'm a pleb but curious

>> No.22851717

if I tell you that I saw a nice car today you will probably have a different image in your head than what I actually saw

>> No.22851767

It's sort of a meme, but Wittgenstein made a systematic critique of philosophy through analysis of language, and demonstrating that most of the words we use for philosophical argument don't refer to anything - can't refer to anything - and so what looks like deep philosophical argument is at best an argument about the definition of words, but more probably "nonsense". In general not only is the debate ambiguous, it's unambiguously not even an argument.

He moved away from the "early" analytic/linguistic position of the Tractatus (that's mostly what I'm talking about here), but while the later Wittgenstein is less easy to summarize, he's basically pursuing the same program, and his critiques of philosophy and philosophers don't get any gentler. Wittgenstein was definitely at least half crazy so read him critically, but he was also extremely sharp and had a real talent for cutting situations down to size in very few words. He didn't like philosophers - he hated them, and discouraged his students from becoming philosophers - so it's no surprise that he's not currently very popular, but he's still very much worth reading and reading about. One of the true characters in the history of philosophy.

>> No.22851775
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Schopenhauer. You'll all see soon enough, just give it enough time. Things are gonna turn ugly in the future when the realization hits for everyone, I didn't want him to be right but it doesn't matter what I like.

>> No.22851802

t. has never read Severino and therefore thinks Autisticstein is some hot shit

>> No.22851880

I feel like they were genuinely onto something. They showed up very quickly after the founding of Christianity, spread like wildfire, then were hunted to extinction for "heresy". Big coverup energy by the church.

>> No.22851896

Wittgenstein's later philosophy is basically just finished Kantianism. In his early philosophy he did it within logic, but then realized logic itself needed to be autocritiqued, so "backed up" as far as he could go, into language, or really into our experience of meaningful thought and communication, which for us is inseparable from language. He didn't know where to go from there, he just knew he was right (because he was) that "epistemology" in the modern sense inevitably culminates in the kind of pragmatic scepticism at which he finally arrived, along with several others.

Of course, all this is the result of modern categories of knowledge not allowing for mystical or nondual experience, so one can just begin exploring those while also accepting the humbling of ordinary knowledge undertaken by Kant and Wittgenstein and many others.

>> No.22851925

You are philosophically illiterate. Please go back to Plato and work your way up from there.

>> No.22852220


>> No.22852278

remember that episode of Always Sunny in Philly where Dee couldn't tell if her white rapper boyfriend was legitimately retarded?
I was just xmas shopping at Walmart and half the people there shopping and talking to each other talked like that, I believe peoples natural state is half retarded. everyone was like a mutated form of what a "human" should be
Is it the miscegenation? The GMO seed oils?
I don't know, but "people" are almost all now a mutated form, That I cannot define.

>> No.22852297

Quick rundown?

>> No.22852537

Make a substantive critique or you are a woman. Your post is empty.

>> No.22852540

share some of his predictions

>> No.22852689

My idols in one photo. What a dopamine hit

>> No.22852997

Da Vinci

>> No.22853016

The dead

>> No.22853093

The absolute state of the human condition

>> No.22853366

I have the feeling that it may be Plato with his ideas... that would make the most sense at least...
but who knows

>> No.22853383

I've seen the deepest, after I looked at your mom's pussy

>> No.22853637

Well because of the will that is a unquenchable thirst that can't be satisfied fully, people will go mad and start civil wars, robbing, mental illness and suicide will rise, more aggression towards big superpowers etc, shit thats happening now but on fucking steroids'. I'm fucking scared of his prediction and feel like we can be better than this.

>> No.22853873

He sounds pretty based. I hate philosophical debates on metaphysics and a lot of the time discourse never agrees on set definitions.

>> No.22853932

metaphysics itself is a schizo shitshow anyways, physics is 100 times more believable considering how bullshit it is nowadays.

>> No.22853936

I'm in doubt between Hermetics and Gnostics.

>> No.22853939
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I stand.

>> No.22853941

Notice, thread, how he didnt say verifiable, but whether or not he beliefs it. Like how someone beliefs a snakeoil salesman who made a sale and a friend at the same time.

>> No.22854192

alfred tarski

>> No.22855370


Peter Watts

>> No.22855446

He's good, but the Tractatus is extremely strict in what it allows as "sayable" - basically physics (and kind of math although strictly speaking it's all tautological and therefore contentless). After proving the impossibility of philosophy it proves the impossibility of its own argument about the impossibly of philosophy, and ends with silence. So it's a weird book, and by its own admission you can't take it as an actual argument. To some degree he walked it back later, but the same ideas reappear in his later work, which contains a lot of silence as well.

>> No.22855454

Friedrich Nietzsche