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/lit/ - Literature

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22844035 No.22844035 [Reply] [Original]

>ummm how come you have no female writers in your book collection anon? I mean like gosh seriously not even one? How is that possible? I'm sensing some misogyny ngl...

>> No.22844045

>Umm... I-I didnt mean i-it ! I am just a meme m-misogynist.(starts sobbing and runs away)

>> No.22844055
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Nu vorbesc un singur cuvânt în engleză, dar am schizofrenie și presupun că fiecare cuvânt pe care îl rostești este într-o limbă secretă privată pe care am creat-o eu însumi și că îmi spui să te violez

>> No.22844057

I honestly live in fear of this happening to me… I really don't have a single female author on my shelf. A girl has never been in my bedroom though.

>> No.22844058

I have Mary Shelley, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Fernanda Melchor, Virginia Woolf. Let me guess, you "need" more?

>> No.22844059

Uhm actually missy I do have Frankenstien.

>> No.22844068

I twist her nipple and this activates her sacral chakra then proceed to to givver a good dickin

>> No.22844069

if she's asking you this she thinks you're ugly so just stop talking to her

>> No.22844070

>Yes, I am a misogynist. What now babe? You gonna cry about it?

>> No.22844080

Ayn Rand is right there

>> No.22844094

Nin, Adler, Brontë, Brontë, Austen, Barnes, Lispector, Shelley, Jackson, Wharton, Yourcenar, O’Connor, Mitchell, Hardwick, Woolf, Sappho

>> No.22844102

Are you blind? Middlemarch, Jane Eyre and Mrs. Dalloway are right there

>> No.22844113

But don't you know both Shakespeare and Homer were actually women?

>> No.22844129

I used to have Yourcenar but traded it in for being a translation and haven‘t found it in French yet.

>> No.22844135

> Yeah, I dont really know many female writers, maybe you could show me some of them? give me your number and we will talk about this, we even could go to a library together someday... ;)

>> No.22844201

I’m in luck because I have Sally Rooney and JK Rowling on my shelves
I haven’t read anything by either of them (let’s face it, there are more entertaining genders available) but I do support Sally Rooney for her virulent anti-Semitism and I support JK Rowling’s trans genocide crusade.

>> No.22844203
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Get pic related. It was written by noted feminist Margaret Atwood but it's not dog shit.

>> No.22844224

I have the bible which has 2 female authors.

>> No.22844239

I want those lips on my dick so bad, bros

>> No.22844251

I have one book by each of Plath, Le Guin, Sayaka Murata, L'Engle, and Donna Tartt and then ten or so non-fiction books written by women. I hope that's enough.

>> No.22844338

If a woman were looking at my book collection then it would mean she is in my room so if she said something like this I would just rape her. Cheers.

>> No.22844345

Get some Evelyn Waugh and George Eliot and see if she picks up on either. If she doesn't, her opinion isn't worth caring about.

>> No.22844370

>nooo.... in fact i don't even read... i just make stupid threads on the internet which is more fitting for my stupid mind

>> No.22844385

>female author
>female main character
>female side character
>female on cover
>female in summary

i haven't read a bad book since i adopted this policy

>> No.22844417

>actually I got one right here
>*pulls out The Manipulated Man by Esther Villar*

>> No.22844509

That will probably make things worse, although I think some lefties like the fountainhead

>> No.22844536

I have a copy of Wuthering Heights that I never bothered to read. Besides, why should I bother if she finds my library problematic? If that's all it takes for her to stop liking me then bullet dodged

>> No.22844540

I literally don't pay attention to the authors of what I read unless they are ancient

>> No.22844552

I don't think you've read many books at all. Barring female side characters rules out 99% of books in the English language.

>> No.22844556

Ummm actually I have a few. Virginia woolf. Ummmm Evelyn Waugh. Rebecca west. Clarice lispector. Marguerite young and Gertrude stein.

>> No.22844558

>name one female Russian author

>> No.22844564

Always with this fucking shit

>> No.22844568

A girl that cute wouldn't come to my apartment. If she did, I would just bust out some Ursula K. Le Guin. EZ.

>> No.22844572

>Charlotte bronte
>Jean Rhys
>Ursula LeGuin

Wrong again roastie

>> No.22844582

I have the preppy handbook on my shelf though

>> No.22844607

>Ah, I keep the Arya Rand shelf over here. Right this way.

>> No.22844609
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I do though

>> No.22844614

All the of the female writers on my shelves are such red flags I think I might try to convince her Evelyn Waugh was a girl as the least problematic option tbph

>> No.22844632

>"Oh never mind, I see you have Mary Shelley's Frankenstein"
>"Actually that was written by a man too"

>> No.22844634

>Missing out on Anna Karenina

>> No.22844639

I got...uh... Sappho, Christine de Pizan, Helena Blatavsky, and Aphra Behn. See. Women.

>> No.22844653

incredibil de bazat dar nu mai da reply la threaduri de tot cacatul
condimente in bara de optiuni

>> No.22844785

I don't think you've read many books at all.

>> No.22844806
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anon... oryx and crake is utter dogshit. hamfisted metaphor after heavy-handed analogy after sledgehammer after sledgehammer banging you upside the head yelling DIDJA GET IT DIDJA GET IT? THEY'RE LIKE ADAM AND EVE DIDJA GET IT? AND MADADDAM IS LIKE GENESIS DIDJA GET IT? so fucking tiring, amateurish, not something I'd expect from a writer of Atwood's caliber. go with picrel instead

>> No.22844821

>I'm sensing some misogyny ngl...

Girl you ain't seen nothing yet. I'm the CEO of misogyny

>> No.22844839

> O’Connor

>> No.22844921
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This can't happen to me for I have absolutely zero physical books. Also it's been 2 months since I have talked with a foid.

>> No.22845007
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Think again ho.
I've got a whole stack of Kim Stanley Robinson

>> No.22845010


*Whips out The Lightning & The Sun*

Pfft, nothing personal sis.

>> No.22845017

Why does no one include Christie? She has to be one of the most basic authors every bookshelf should have.

>> No.22845073

I have Jane eyre, it was ok

>> No.22845101

practical man, gets right to it
good on you

>> No.22845108
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>Whips out 30 pages paperback of Ursula K. Le Guin's The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

>> No.22845325

There is no other explanation to why these threads are still being made other than that /lit consists of attention starved trannies and incels

>> No.22845328

I keep all my female writers in my bed.

>> No.22845335
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Show her this and ask if she wants to re-enact some of the scenes.

>> No.22845339
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>I honestly live in fear of this happening to me…

>> No.22845342

No one walks away from a good omelette, fucker.

>> No.22845352

I think you have accidentally confused the word "female" with the word "Arabic," anon.

>> No.22845361

I can’t even read other languages but that looks like Romanian

>> No.22845748

Go for Shirley Jackson. Good stories and quite the shelf-filler

>> No.22845753

I’m not into mystery. I did read some Dennis Lehane like 15 years ago when I was getting into reading, that’s it, but not exactly a mystery genre

>> No.22845765

>”That’s fine.”

>> No.22845766

>Barring female side characters rules out 99% of books in the English language.
I.e. the proportion of books in the English language that aren't worth reading.

>> No.22845770

No woman had the guts to call me out on my clearly male-centric shelf until AFTER they had sex with me.
It's a quite funny situation.

>> No.22845791

There are almost zero women in the things I write, realized it quite recently

They are mostly background characters or not present at all. There's a tomboy character which I only wrote in as a red herring so I can kill her off

>> No.22845824

>They are mostly background characters or not present at all.
Kind of like in real life. Superficially they seem important because they're noisy and attention seeking, but they're the conformist sex. Everything they think and do comes straight from the laws and culture dictated by the elite men running everything.

>> No.22845833

Have an interesting story and I don't give a shit who wrote it.

>> No.22845937

She's so hot.

>> No.22845940

There is like one writer i don't even remember her name but she made pretty good book about space station that was invaded by aliens, pirates, rival organisation, goo hive mind and how 4 people survived.
It is unique that those are not your typical aliens/pirates/rival org and hive mind.
For example Aliens don't want to eat you or kill you if they don't have too but if you are near their source of energy (it is like something like gel fuel that is toxic to crew if touched and it spils because for aliens it is buffet and aliens will attack if you are near pipes not outright kill but serious injure you.
If it comes for pirates they want to steal all digital data every account of crew and only few hardware like guns or ammo so they mostly kill only those who fight and are armed.
Rival org is actually the worst one, they want extract info directly from brain killing few crew and have hit list what worse it is situation both parties crew and rival org are evenly matched but there is traitor in theri ranks same with rival org.
Goo hive mind is interesting one it eats freaking alloys that are inside ship but doesn't eat hull because it is semi space resiliant goo like hibernates in space and shit so it tries to eat via pipes vents and other tight passages, crew is in danger of dying because life suport and shit is destroyed and stuff.
And funniest thing is all of those happen at same time.
Like ship is massive so pirates and rival orgs meet only few where situation starts harash but they team up eventually goo and alien fight each other because goo traps some of gel fuel inside itself as like warming substance.
Eventually half station is ruin where 1/4 is open to space and another 1/4 is with destroyed life suport that works on minial efficiency other 2/4 are livable but shits hit fun in different way too.
it was good book but sill i won't check author, she still included romance stupid bitch, what worse it was forced.

>> No.22845954

Develop standards.

>> No.22845960

>dust off some old book from the back of the bookcase
>"Flannery O'Connor? Never really heard of her, is she good?"
>*looks at the titles*
>"uuh, The Artificial Nigger? Really Anon? I think I'm going to head back to my place, I don't date racists..."

>> No.22845968

No, I'm a simp and there's nothing wrong with being a simp.

>> No.22845993

I have Rosalia de Castro, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, and some pdfs and e-books.
But I just checked and I actually only have 2 books by females, and the Rosalia one is a compilation of poems and critical study made by a man.
Maybe I should get something by Saint Teresa de Jesús or some other mystic like Hildegard von Bingen.
I've read more female authors, there's quite a few in the English language, I just don't have their books in my house, certainly have some in my parent's house that I left there.

>> No.22846048

I dont understand this. I have a cute gf and I'm openly sexist and racist when with her.

>> No.22846066
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Jokes on you bitch, like 80% of my YA/middle-grade/children's fiction books are by female writers. Now gtfo.

>> No.22846236

>flat midface
>upturned nose
>low nasal bridge
>thin upper lip (she's puffing it out slightly in the picture to try to compensate for this)
>small eye opening (trying to compensate for this, too, with the oversized glasses)
>almost smooth philtrum

She has Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. She doesn't just have the usual brand of female mental retardation, she was literally born with permanent brain damage. Opinion discarded.

>> No.22846256

Why does FAS make women hotter?

>> No.22846283 [DELETED] 

It makes the facial proportions a fair bit more neotenous. The same reason a lot of people are more attracted to Oriental women.

>> No.22846304

I wouldn't say it's that deep they just never play a prominent role in my daily life. Don't factor in and have no reason to put them in

>> No.22846310

>but I have Harry Potter right there

>> No.22846316

Last year I read a lot of female authors that are highly respected, relatively recent award winners and they were all terrible. The number of female authors worth reading is minuscule and they're all from the 1800s or the early 1900s.

>> No.22846338 [DELETED] 

It makes the facial proportions more neotenous, which means that they are more similar to infant proportions. The head-to-body ratio, the flatter and shorter nose, the fatter cheeks and less prominent cheekbones, etc. This all triggers your 'cuteness' instinct, making you feel more protective of her, and attached to her.
This is also the reason a lot of people are more attracted to Oriental women (and, in turn, are less attracted to Oriental men, since women are obviously less attracted to anyone they feel they need to protect).

>> No.22846350

It makes the facial proportions more neotenous, which means that they are more similar to infant proportions. The head-to-body ratio, the flatter and shorter nose, the fatter cheeks and less prominent cheekbones, etc. This all triggers your 'cuteness' instinct, making you feel more protective of her, and attached to her.
This is also the reason a lot of people are more attracted to Oriental women (and, in turn, are less attracted to Oriental men, since women are obviously less attracted to anyone they feel they need to protect).

>> No.22846436

I still have all the Harry Potter books my parents got me in elementary school. Does that count or is Rowling not considered an 'ally' anymore?

>> No.22846440

Why are you gay?

>> No.22846453

I have three. Mary Shelly, Toni Morisson and Ayn Rand.

>> No.22846463

i want an art hoe gf so bad bros

>> No.22846473

>Who are you and how did you get into my room you idolatrous crystal and astrology worshipping wench?

>> No.22847046

my gf has never bitched about this you fags could never

>> No.22847051

one of my female friends gifted me this a year ago for my birthday. i haven't read it let alone skim the blurb. how is it anon?

>> No.22847055

This scenario doesn't make sense, /lit/cels would never get a girl in their room for this to happen anyway.

>> No.22847069

see >>22844806, very much "baby's first symbolism/allegory"

>> No.22847724

Same, Anon

>> No.22847747

let's see, I've got...
Two Serious Ladies
Eleanor Hull's translation of celtic myths
With the Wild Geese by Emily Lawless
Artful Sentences by Virginia Tufte
uhhhhh the trial of joan of arc
so basically fuck you

>> No.22847789

I have R.F. Kuang. Does that count?

>> No.22847800

I actually happen to have quite a few Virginia Woolf books, madam. Now, as for that thing about drinking your spit for thirty consecutive minutes...
Evelyn Waugh is a dude, anon

>> No.22848190

That's a keeper. My gf is even more racist and sexist than me.

>> No.22848355

>Evelyn Waugh is a dude, anon
That's the point

>> No.22848422

my wife likes shirley jackson so i gave her a shot and she's the first woman writer i ever read. it was a short story collection and the very first short story was this strawman drunk middle class fuck being snooty with a teenage girl who predicts the end of history and chastises his generation for not thinking enough of the future and he's so shaken he has to leave and rejoin the party.

it read like my internal fantasies of constructing a perfect comeback long after a conversation that didn't go my way took place. the kind i had when i was 14 or so. like someone told this girl to stop watching the 6 o clock news and she seethed about it forever. probably the last time ill read anything by a woman

>> No.22848434

>Doesn't balance his long high intensity reads with Agatha Christie whodunit slop
Do people really live like this?

>> No.22848450

if you have no Natsuo Kirino or Barbara Gowdy or whoever, you're cheating yourself.
if you have no poetry by women, youre just being stupid.

>> No.22848906

>*desperate for pussy voice* damn you're right I never noticed, maybe you could recommend some I'd love to get some good female authors on my shelf

>> No.22849926

Buncha fuckboys on this board

>> No.22850115

What are you talking about woman? My copies of Esther Vilar and Camille Pagila are right there...

>> No.22850468

This but with black people

>> No.22850474

I have Sapho and Jane Austen on my shelf so this arthoe can't say anything to me. Used to have Ayn Rand but those books are at my dads house rn.

>> No.22850476

Girls will not notice or care what books you have on your shelf. Unless you’re actively trying to pick them up at English departments of local colleges that is. Still, you’re limiting yourself by not reading any women, some are quite good.

>> No.22850489

My copy of Wuthering Heights and The Case Against Sexual Revolution is right there, though.

>> No.22850506

Of course I'm picking them up from colleges. I'm not marrying into a poorfag parasitic family. And STEM "women" are just dykes

>> No.22850509


>> No.22850521

Based. Do not read works written by females, also avoid non straight white male authors and libshit authors.

>> No.22850623

>He hasn’t read Oscar Wilde

>> No.22850640

>I honestly live in fear of this happening to me…
> A girl has never been in my bedroom though.
These statements are related.

>> No.22850716
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>they may have been men, but the muses and asters that guided them where anything but masculine in essence

>> No.22850965

>I didn't bring you over here to have you talk about books, I brought you here to fuck you.
>Now leave, I have no more need of you.

>> No.22850976


>> No.22851183 [DELETED] 
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Maybe because roasties shouldn't be going to school at all simp

>> No.22851615

>not turning a qt 3.14 dyke straight with your dick

>> No.22851633
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I had some college girl over once last year who said something like this about my bookshelf and she spent the rest of the night on her knees in my living room by my bookshelf full of male authors with my belt around her neck throating my dick calling me daddy and getting spanked and slapped around and coomed inside of. All of these faux-intellectual girls are just begging you to fill their mouths with your dick instead of their retard tier philosophy they got from their female dyed hair profs.

>> No.22851639

No, I do.

>> No.22851650

I hate hearing "dominant" men recount their brazzers porn fantasies, real or otherwise. Nobody cares that you put your willy in a woman and dumped candle wax on her forehead or whatever. It comes across more like "Guys, let me show you what my arbitrary collection of weird sadomasochistic fantasies look like, guys, guys let's all jerk off together inside my mind" than "I am based"

>> No.22851706

Welcome to male spaces. Men talk about sex and scoring. If you weren't a virgin with no friends this would be fairly normal banter for you.

>> No.22851729
File: 6 KB, 429x241, intelligence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women cluster around the median intelligence.
The ratio of above 120 IQs is dramatically lower in females.
I only genuinely like to read texts by people around 120+.
A female author I recently read and very enjoyed, and who clearly was 120+, is Christine Korsgaard (animal ethicist).
Before that, I liked the novel Piranesi.

>> No.22851731

>Guys guys, I use a BELT. Do any of you use a BELT? Fuck! Cunt! ThroatFUCK that CUNT! I PISSED on a BITCH! Jerk off with me, guys!
Yeah you're a real "man's man" if you know what I mean

>> No.22851743

Don't generalise anon, you can find well rounded individuals in stem too. I am in stem and regularly exchanged/discussed books with female colleagues

>> No.22851746

I do have female authors, you've just never heard of them, because you don't read scifi novels.

>> No.22851749
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>> No.22851771
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>animal ethicist
>high IQ

>> No.22851807

Reflect on why you want to tell random other men you make random women call you "daddy." Nobody cares. Nobody cares what you wrote on their tits with a marker either. Nobody cares what subtle variations on boring pornsick BDSM fetishes you have.

>> No.22852171

If you don't have stein on your bookshelf you must be retarded

>> No.22852542

Holy Based

>> No.22852552

seething femoid/male feminist (likely rapist)

>> No.22852629

NTA but it seems like you must be a foid or a virgin. Bros share their experiences and high five over them. You being seething mad instead of high fiving anon for his conquest is pretty cringe and reveals more about you than him.

>> No.22853087

I track the gender of the author (amongst other things) on my spreadsheet I keep of everything I read and it's about 2:1 men to women ratio. So although they are not the prevailing books, there are plenty of female authors I like and have books of on my shelves

>> No.22853098

You should quite literally pull down your pants and fart in here face

>> No.22853161

She is definitely interested. There's a whole mutual maturation plot line hwere two boys come home from school and jack each other off to snuff vids. Either that or she thinks you're a homosexual.

>> No.22853177

Underrated. :^)

>> No.22853225

The reason you guys suffer is because you have awful taste

>> No.22853239
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pic related is female authored books i've read and are on my shelves from this year alone
if i showed this spreadsheet to a woman i'm sure she'd be attracted to me. women love spreadsheets right?

>> No.22853255

I've read To the Lighthouse and Atlas Shrugged, I think they're literally the only two foid books I've ever read outside of the mills and boon tier books my mom has.

The first was FREUD FREUD, DO YOU SEE THE FREUD. The second was literally just a libertarian longpost intermixed with mills and boon tier romance.

>> No.22853266

Wittkop, Shelley, Hooks, Morrison, Babitz, De Beauvoir

There's tons of great shit out there, man. Don't not read good books because they're authored by women.

>> No.22853326
File: 27 KB, 480x480, IMG_5938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got this on my shelf, along with a plethora of other primary source text translations from Sumer, Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece, Rome, China, the Maya Lowlands, etc. that were very possibly authored or otherwise approved/authorized by individual women (Hatshepsut, Lady Six Sky, Sappho and Eritha are some I know have texts/inscriptions directly attested to them in my books).
Wouldn’t expect contemporary blue-haired college dipshits to appreciate or even recognize any of that though, save for maybe Sappho, but only in the context of her being some “super progressive queer lesbian butch-dyke”.
(Conveniently ignoring, of course, the fact that the earliest preserved descriptions and examinations of Sappho’s life/work were taken as entirely heterosexual, with later Alexandrian chroniclers, in possession of her complete works, dismissing the idea of herself and her poems being predominantly homosexual as unlikely and unsubstantiated speculation).

>> No.22853332

I need better, yeah.

>> No.22853339

Oh man we’re just gonna have this thread 500 times over the life of /lit/ aren’t we?

>> No.22853367

*removes the fake cover of my 10th dracula edition to reveal Frankenstein*
Now fuck off femanoid

>> No.22854844

yeah, I agree with you; how he described sex is really corny.