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22842329 No.22842329 [Reply] [Original]

Good post marxism books for someone that never read a post marxism book?

>> No.22842341

Hegemony and Socialist Strategy

>> No.22842342


>> No.22842345

Capitalist Realism and Ghosts of my Life

>> No.22842351

good lad
let's get to the wage cage together

>> No.22842354

durrduhh hurrdurr dummmm uhhh i dummmm socialist duhhdurrrduhhhh so dummm i cant think good i socialist durrrrr

>> No.22842375

Take your antipsychotics

>> No.22842425

Critique of Economic Reason - Gorz
Farewell to the Working Class - Gorz
The Mirror of Production - Baudrillard
An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx's "Capital" - Heinrich

>> No.22842463

Thanks, bro.

>> No.22842683
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>post marxism
good enough?

>> No.22842992

You sound like a retard who has read very few books to begin with, so start with Marx before you start reading post-marxists

>> No.22842997

postmodernism/anarchism and thats it
he was still a marxist when and after he wrote that
>a gov that is explicity open about being anti commie
finally, some good fuckin recs

>> No.22843015
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Cry more, dyel fatty

>> No.22843016

>believes whatever a government says openly
holy midwit.
nice job replying to half the posts itt.

>> No.22843024

idgaf about them, or the others, or u
fuckin moron
funny youll spend the rest of your life either being your current level of stupid or only getting stoopider

>> No.22843028

Post Marxism you need books like
>how to make a fire without tools
>what berries can you eat
>how to not die of diarrhea in your 30s
>scrounging useful materials for your hut from the ruins of your formerly technological society
>your kids: should you eat them, prostitute them or just kick them out of the house

>> No.22843048

>t. Dyel fatty
What’s it like being winded from stepping up a curb

>> No.22843058


>> No.22843090
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Hegemony and Socialist strategy by Lacleau + Mouffe (1985). Classic. The daddy of post-marxism. moves beyond Marx's often simplistic models of power and economics

Sublime object (1989) - Zizek. moves beyond traditional Marxism by critically engaging with theories of Lacan, to explore the intersections between ideology, subjectivity, and desire. Expands on how ideology shapes our perception of reality from what MArx wrote.

Empire (2000) - Hardt Negri - responds to the changing nature of power due to globalization (diminishment of the nation-state) and promotes the idea of "the multitude" instead of the marxist proletariat.

The Limits of Capital (1982) - David Garvey - focuses on a reappraisal of MArx's critique of capitalism, bringing it more up to date and streamlining it a touch. very good.

These are 20-40 years old but I still find them relevant and i'm glad I read them despite not being a marxist.

>> No.22843104

>repeating the same failed material

>> No.22843115
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Uhhh huh, cry more fatty

>> No.22843120

What’s the deal with the anon with pics of dead soldiers saved? Pretty weird

>> No.22843159

its your fantasies that are proven to fail and here you are crying over a few shitposts.
nice projection

>> No.22843167

Bro, you’re literally a fat ESL topkek

>> No.22843190
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lol. you gonna keep raging? is it that ez?

>> No.22843203

Empire by Hardt and Negri is a good intro

>> No.22843294
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Mein Kampf

>> No.22843327

Göran Thernborn has a good book on the history and development of post-marxism, simply titled "Post marxism" if i remember correctly

>> No.22843602

my brother in christ prove that the current russian federation is marxist or even claims to be, ill read no matter how dog shit your response it i promise

>> No.22843608

>bunch of ad hominenms that doesnt actually critize the dialectical, ontological, economic, or ethical notions of marxism, simply attacks about what its "WIRKLICH!" roots are
guys... i think hitler might not be a good source for literally any kind of critisim of anything, heartbreaking i know but im sure you can keep calm and carry on

>> No.22843613

>Göran Thernborn
if its the book I'm thinking of its quite short and concise too. Good place to start

>> No.22843614
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Russia won.
Antivaxxers won.

>> No.22843624

No, Fisher was a cult leader. Anything but that.

>> No.22843628
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Communism is a Satanic cult. Read Saint John of Kronstadt.

>> No.22843670

he's not a cult leader, he's just a bit rubbish. People got a bit over excited with their obituaries after he died and over emphasised his importance. Left wing politics loves a good martyr.

>> No.22843834

Negri and Hardt's Empire. I'd also really recommend Nick Land's early easays. Kant, Capital and the Prohibition of Incest is pretty damn good.

>> No.22843835

The God That Failed - Richard Crossman
Against Fragmentation - Alvin Gouldner

>> No.22844105

>I'd also really recommend Nick Land's early easays.

>> No.22844134

why do people kerp recommending negri
and hardt? they are just autonomist marxists. that isn't post-marxism
is it cause negri died and now everyone is reading him now?

>> No.22844178

Negri was involved with politics in a much more tangible and consistent way than most leftist thinkers(he even went to prison for it), it's part of his charm. His ideas about globalism and multitudes now seem anacronistic though.

>> No.22844307

yeah but how does that make him post-leftist

>> No.22844310

er post-marxist

>> No.22845139

He gave up on the notion of the nation state, plus the influence from the likes of Deleuze and Guattari is pretty evident

>> No.22845371
