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22840126 No.22840126 [Reply] [Original]

Or is /lit exagerating

>> No.22840430

He's no worse than GRRM or Neitzsche.

>> No.22840435

poptimism will be the end of us

>> No.22840475


Early Midborn wasn't too bad a little generic in places but I hate how hIan Brando Sanderson turned it into this massive MCU style franchise now

>> No.22840540

Way of King was pretty kino, but I couldn't bring my self to read Rythm of War, became to boring, Sanderson is the prime example of goyslop style of literature, they can be fun if you read here and there, but making your main reading is setting you up to become retarded.

>> No.22840555

/lit/ is exaggerating . Sanderson is a published writer for a reason and nobody on lit is

>> No.22840557

if we were serious we'd all get together and beat him up at a convention

>> No.22840560

Because he writes pop goyslop tier fantasy, friendo, I'm not saying that is bad per se, like we all like to eat some Junko food here and there, it's fun and tasty after all, but it's not a true culinary delicacy.

>> No.22840573

/lit/ is full of pseuds who can't appreciate simple genre entertainment.

>> No.22840589


>> No.22840604

The fuck, bro.

>> No.22840638


>> No.22841316

His books are fun to read. They're not challenging or philosophical bullshit so /lit/ overexaggerates. It's better than a lot of young adult fiction. Fantasy fiction should not be your main reading though, as an anon said above me.

>> No.22841320

He's much worse than GRRM and Neitzsche.

>> No.22841339

His books are fun, but I fucking hate fun

>> No.22841432

>Fantasy fiction should not be your main reading though, as an anon said above me
why? and what should be my main reading?
what if i replace sanderson with bakker?

>> No.22841436

Ah, from reddit soi to faggot sex. Interesting.

>> No.22841443

They're just very digestible fantasy. Comparison to Marvel in that sense is very appropriate.

>> No.22841614

They are alright. His thing is creating scientific-like magic systems and detailed fight scenes.

The main criticisms I have are:
His work feels repetitive if you have read a few of his books because he is so focused on this magic system thing.
And the thing he is most proud of, him writing 500 words every day, causes several problems. For once his books are full of unnecessary content that should have been edited out. Entire side characters with multiple chapters that did not need to exist.
Also he often clearly doesn't have a grand vision for his long running series, he just does discovery writing. Which results in an unfocused mess: see his Stormlight series.

>> No.22841647

>They are alright. His thing is creating scientific-like magic systems and detailed fight scenes.
which books would you recommend?

>> No.22841662

Mistborn: The Final Empire (maybe stop after the first one)
Steelheart (again maybe stop after the first one)

Be warned it's all YA

>> No.22841688

>And the thing he is most proud of, him writing 500 words every day, causes several problems.
I write over a thousand words a day, is this supposed to be an achievement?

>> No.22841692

Do you publish a book every year?
This is not a good thing

>> No.22841699

I mean for an average YAslop paperback, it's not that much of an effort to write for three months as a full time job then spend the rest of it for editing and there will probably time to spare for all the hyping up and marketing and such. It's not like he's writing anything seep, one book a year for a full time job is reasonable to craft a good enough product without much sacrifice in quality.

>> No.22841705

>craft a good enough product
If you just see it as a job to produce soulless slob for people to consume, then yeah.
You won't write any literature that endures the ages or inspires people.

>> No.22841714

I don't disagree but
>You won't write any literature that endures the ages or inspires people.
Most people don't have that lofty goal, not should you expect it in a ya writer

>> No.22841839

>Be warned it's all YA
and what does that mean? im completely new to fantasy shit

>> No.22841841

I only ever read a bit of TV Tropes or a summary of something he wrote and didn't think it sounded even remotely interesting.

>> No.22841842

>It's not like he's writing anything seep
what ar some examples of "deep" fantasy books?

>> No.22841865

My main reading is 4chan and math textbooks. I can tell this guy is based if it makes all the litfags seethe.

t. agrees with Tolstoy

>> No.22841870

Young Adult. It means no degenerate shit, though that's probably because he is a Mormon.

>> No.22841934

>Young Adult. It means no degenerate shit,
well that's not a bad thing if this is the only characteristic

>> No.22841938

It's aimed at Young Adult (YA) readers. Meaning late teens. Usually means more simple plots and action focus.

>> No.22841963

>Usually means more simple plots and action focus
oh so retard friendly. thats not good. what are some ... normal, philosophical fantasy boojs?

>> No.22841970

It's a term used very loosely, but yes it's mainly used if the book doesn't have any "adult" elements like sex or gore. GRRM for example doesn't fit the criteria regardless of the dragons and zombies because of the tits and wine, even though plot-wise his books are no more complicated than Sanderson's books in my opinion.

>> No.22841974

>plot-wise his books are no more complicated than Sanderson's books in my opinion
Well, your opinion is wrong.

>> No.22841978

GGRM isn't good but compared to sanderson he's a litterary genius

>> No.22842004

He is fine. A friend of mine once aptly described Sanderson's style as "very workman-like." He writes genre fiction as a job; he does not write literature or make art.

>> No.22842006

>normal, philosophical fantasy boojs
You could have just googled this.
But popular Fantasy writers who target adult readers are Tolkien, Lovecraft, Stephen King, G.R.R. Martin, Le Guin.

Especially early Fantasy classics were aimed primarily at younger audiences though. It's not necessarily a bad thing. Tolkien's The Hobbit was a children's book too. Fairy Tales like Grimm's collection, Arthurian legends and 1001 Nights are probably the earliest pieces of Fantasy.

Young Adult fiction is more of a recent phenomenon though, it's more similar to comic books and manga. You can also find good stories here, but it's not everyone's cup of tea.

>> No.22842012

There's no wrong opinions friend. Literature is art and art is subjective. If you think ASOIAF is the best thing since tits that's cool, keep reading his books. I found nothing new that series though. He didn't invent zombies, dragons or political drama. All of that has been done before and in many instances much better. The only thing that he has got going on the books which is different from other fantasy series is the death and gore, but even that gets boring and you become desensitized by the third book when half of the likable characters are dead and you're following Podrick around and his magical cock.

>> No.22842045

90% of those books are political intrigues, war strategy and people dying because they overlooked other people's schemes.
If you think Sanderson books are "more complicated" then you're just wrong on a factual level.

"Complicated" does not mean "better" by the way.

>He didn't invent zombies, dragons or political drama
That's a different topic.

>> No.22842075

I said GRRMs books are no more complicated than Sanderson's not that Sanderson's books are more complicated. My point was that apart from the death and gore there's nothing new in his works that has not been explored before in YA fantasy since that is what I was describing and I stand by that. GRRM brings nothing new to the table apart from the shock factor. If you think death because of naivety or poor judgement adds some layer of complexity that is unseen in literature before GRRM then you should read more.

>> No.22842083

>GRRMs books are no more complicated than Sanderson
Still wrong for the reasons laid out above. Maybe you missed most of the stuff that goes on in these books, and that's why you think this way? When Martin tells you about the actions of minor characters there is usually a reason.

>there's nothing new in his works that has not been explored before
Like I said, originality is a different issue.
Sure Sanderson comes up with new ideas in his world building, while Martin just works with established fantasy tropes. At the same time his world building is deeper than Sanderson's. Sanderson likes to keep his plots and ideas simple, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Still it is a thing.

>> No.22842249

>>normal, philosophical fantasy boojs
>You could have just googled this.
>But popular Fantasy writers who target adult readers are Tolkien, Lovecraft, Stephen King, G.R.R. Martin, Le Guin.
i'm not interested of asking the matrix what to read. i'm interested in what /lit considers deep and philosophical fantasy

>> No.22842314

I think my favorite thing I've ever seen said about Sanderson was that his emotion fairies were a great example of "show, don't tell."

>> No.22842359

The Dark Tower series is pretty good if you don't mind Stephen King's writing.

>> No.22842391

I like the stormlight series. Heard that his earlier books are a bit weaker. ROW is kinda slow till the very end. Not sure why other anons are calling it YA or goyslop.

>> No.22842440

I don't find his books all that fun and I can enjoy a good slop when I'm in the mood.
They're just extremely dull.

>> No.22842457

>I don't read

>> No.22842461

It's pretty bad, even for schlock. Constant showing instead of telling. Horrible pacing. Every plot twist is telegraphed overtly. Horrendous dialogue and flat characters defined by a single trait. Needlessly long.

>> No.22842469

>is thing is creating scientific-like magic systems and detailed fight scenes.
Funny how bad he is even at what's supposed to be his strength. His magic is some of the most unscientific bro-science level shit, and always pretty much just ripped off from a manga or comic that did the same thing except better.
The fight scenes are some of the worst fight scenes I've ever read. Long, overly detailed with boring descriptions devoid of any sense of tension or speed, more like someone trying to autisitically document every single movement.

>> No.22842480

What's the kino-est Sanderson book, bros? What book he wrote came close to be true literature?

For me, it's Way of King, Kaladin story was pure kino.

>> No.22842486

lmao, that's about the level of intelligence you'd expect of anyone enjoying this trash
>GRRMs books are no more complicated than Sanderson's
Can't believe these books went that much over your head, even when they're not that complicated either. Does explain why a retard like you would try to defend him. There's nothing remotely complex in Sanderson's garbage whiles there's plenty of events and characters constantly in the background doing relevant but minor things in GRRM's books.

>> No.22842487

>You are wrong for reasons.

I mean alright. You agree that he relies on unoriginal tropes. Where does the complexity come from then?
War strategy?

>Castle between two rivers therefore difficult to invade

>Castle very high in the mountain with only a goat path to take you there, therefore difficult to invade

>Rob Stark knows how to flank, military Genius

Political intrigue?

You summed it all up in yourself, people pretty much die because they overlook other people's schemes and the schemes are not very elaborate quite honestly. If you've read Shakespeare none of that shit should surprise you.

And by the way you can find all of this in Brandons books and it's just as complex and elaborate. What separates the two is that GRRM is a horny motherfucker and Sanderson is a Mormon motherfucker.

>> No.22842488

Elantris, his first book still had some soul I thought. It was originally a short story I think.

>For me, it's Way of King, Kaladin story was pure kino.
If only the other PoV characters weren't so dull, that book would be decent.

>> No.22842506

You love reading about cocks and it shows.

>> No.22842512

And boy does it show. Like a robot wrote it. Completely passionless and soulless. Super formulaic. Boringly inoffensive lowest common denominator crap.

>> No.22842516

What do you call true lit, also its oathbringer by far. Dalinors journey is very well done.

>> No.22842535

This is how I know Sanderson fans have negative taste. I read the first few pages of Elantris and it was all about how the main character woke up in the morning yawning and blinking. It was possibly the single most cliched, pedestrian opening to a book I have EVER read, no joke, and then slop-eating fags like you turn around and unironically recommend it. Fuck off.

>> No.22842592

Prince Raoden of Arelon awoke early that morning, completely unaware that he had been damned for all eternity. Still drowsy, Raoden sat up, blinking in the soft morning light. Just outside his open balcony windows he could see the enormous city of Elantris in the distance, its stark walls casting a deep shadow over the smaller city of Kae, where Raoden lived. Elantris’s walls were incredibly high, but Raoden could see the tops of black towers rising behind them, their broken spires a clue to the fallen majesty hidden within.

Why do you lie.

>> No.22842684

Just read Berserk. Fantasy pretty much peaked with that story. I might read that book Bakkerfag shills so much to see if its any good

>> No.22842693

Honestly waiting months for updates is tiresome. The story should have been concluded by now.

>> No.22842742

Idec about the latest chapters or ending anymore. The author is dead anyway and his legacy cemented in Golden Age and Conviction

>> No.22842761

The first 3 Mistborn books and The Emperor's Soul are the only good things he's even written. I tried reading one of those Stormlight books after like 10 years and it was insanely bad. Bad YA-tier writing.

>> No.22842769

>you're lying that the opening is cliche and pedestrian
>you're lying that this plate of shit I'm eating tastes and smells bad
What do you mean I'm lying? If you don't think it's bad I don't know what to tell you. I can't convince you that shit doesn't smell good if you think it does. This is what I mean when I say you have negative taste.

>> No.22842829

For people that actually write consistently hitting 500 words per day is not crazy at all. Anyone with a decent bit of practice can produce 500 words of prose with 1 hour of work.

I have a fulltime job, kids, and competing hobbies and like the other anon usually meet this goal when I'm not solely editing. I expect any fulltime author (except GRRM) meets that target whether they plan to or not.

>> No.22842899

Holy pseud

>> No.22842931

I dont even think people genuinly think he is awful to begin with. He writes enjoyable books which are about stephen king tier in terms of being "Literature".
Personaly I liked Mistborn it was fun and the ball room scenes in first one were the best parts of it too.
Dont give a fuck about Stormlight past Way of Kings, sharp decline in quality after that. Only other thing I read from him was Warbreaker and hated it, after that I havent read a word and moved on to better authors.

>> No.22842934

What exactly is pseduointellectual about applying a common term to critique prose to prose the deserves the term? Or are you just assblasted that someone pointed out that Sanderson isn't that good?

>> No.22843033

he is the definition of fantasy slop
there will always be a better fantasy book than any by Sanderson

>> No.22843055

Never read nor will read his works, but I know leftists tried to cancel him for being mormon but failed to find anything controversial about hin.

>> No.22843062

wow you really showed the 'leftist' menace with that comment you farted out, based defender of civilization.

>> No.22843364

mormon slop and something about a shitplate

>> No.22843400

Then you'd be based instead if cringe, Bakker is King

>> No.22843404

Never read this guy but he's basically R.A Salvatore but in his own universe universe instead of DnD, am I right?

>> No.22843415

If you remove all storylines except the fighter guy from the way of kings it would be pretty good untill you get to his 16th im sad arc

>> No.22843469

Is the fighter guy the spear guy or the sword guy?

>> No.22843481

I've never read Sanderson's original work. I did, however, read the last few books he was contracted to write for Wheel of Time when Robert Jordan died. Now Robert Jordan wasn't the best writer ever, but Sanderson definitely didn't live up to Robert Jordan.

>> No.22843629

Can I get a QRD on the emotion fairies?

>> No.22843658

shilling my one and only goodreads review

>> No.22843664

he wrote quite possibly the worst character ive ever experienced in fantasy: Lift, who refers to her magic as "awesomness."

>> No.22843669

>Fantasy fiction should not be your main reading though, as an anon said above me.
>having a "main" reading

>> No.22843672

>His books are fun
Are they? I just finished the third in the stormlight book and it was so boring

>> No.22843682

I got about 50 pages into Way of Kings before quitting. It was really fucking bad, I think AI could probably do better

>> No.22843683

why even bother writing this post when your opinion on the matter is so useless to anyone

>> No.22843689

>"very workman-like." He writes genre fiction as a job; he does not write literature or make art.
Damn. Ive had trouble putting my thoughts on his writing into words, that sums it up perfectly.

>> No.22843736

im not entirely sure what its referencing but i believe its referring to the 'spren.' Spren are like... physical maniferstation of emotions? Like if a character is angry, they attract "angerspren." There's also some for natural phenomones like windspren and rotspren. They have more significance to the story but thats the general jist of it.

>> No.22844065

That sounds so fucking gay and autistic. How could so many people utterly worship this dreck?

>> No.22844306

I mean, don't judge it just because of my shitty explanation. That said, I do find myself not liking the concept because a lot of the time it just kinda fills in holes for lazy writing. Instead of coming up with a neat way of saying "he's mad" it often resorts to "angerspren boiled around him" or something like that.

>> No.22844593

he can shit out a functional novel real fast which i have to respect on some level. he clearly does not give a shit about writing good prose or deeply exploring a theme. he seems to be a man without emotions who compulsively writes stories in the genre of his childhood. in a recent magazine profile his wife describes him as eating spicy foods and riding roller coasters and experiencing life milestones all with zero emotional reaction. he says himself he writes to feel things because he can't feel things himself. it's frankly just bizarre to me that people are so engrossed in his work. if he did a shitload of editing (instead of none) he could probably put out a decent book. personally i still wouldn't buy it because he tithes millions of dollars to the mormon church.

>> No.22844718
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Should I read the last 3 Wheel of Time books? The first 6 I've read and re-read a few times over the years, books 7 to 10 I've read once or twice and just read 11 for the first time, last Robert Jordan book while he was still alive. Figured out I'd ask here since Sanderson co-wrote those last 3 books.

>> No.22844766

my favorite wheel of time books are 2, 3 and 4. which isn't to say there aren't some excellent parts of some of the others, but those are my favorite. I would do so simply to get some closure on the story plotwise. I wish Jordan had been alive to finish what he started but it work out that way.

>> No.22844779
File: 27 KB, 746x512, a3c2e230c2fb6350160c28a3a6846abf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my favorite wheel of time books are 2, 3 and 4. which isn't to say there aren't some excellent parts of some of the others, but those are my favorite.

>> No.22845830

Ive heard that the WoT books are boring and no characters make decisions, is that true

>> No.22846370

The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills...
So the philosophy is that the characters' destiny is predetermined by the wheel of time. Maybe not entirely but they cannot seem to escape their fate when they try. They do make decisions, but do their decisions matter?

I don't want to spoil this for anyone. It is not boring but it is a very long journey.

>> No.22846388

Not at all. The first 5 books are great, 6 is good too but it's were it starts to slow down. 7, 8, 9 is what people call "the slog" good thing is that some of these books are short (or short by the standards set by the series) 10-11 is where things pick up again.

>> No.22846973

>Podrick and his magical cock

If you're gonna complain about ASOIAF you should probably read the books first.

>> No.22847021

Not bad but not great.
Hilariously the Robert Jordan books he wrote they launched him to fame are his worst efforts (tempest, cough).
Mistborn is okay if you aren't totally over girl boss characters and way of kings has some interesting ideas but is currently getting lost in repetitiveness.

>> No.22847305

He means you devalued your opinion by outright lying about the opening of the book.

I haven't read it and I have to discount everything you're going to say because you lied. Doesn't matter that you are backpedaling now because it just comes off as hatred for hatreds sake.

>> No.22847340

They are generic fantasy. Lost interest about half way though.

>> No.22847354


>> No.22847420

I have a grudging respect for any prolific author, especially one who can churn out passable work as quickly as Sanderson does.

>> No.22847423

I've never read them and I have no intention of reading them.

>> No.22847808

he's not great in any aspect. His whole magic systems having rules means asspulls are less likely, but his magic isn't magic, it's science. all the magic has rules and thus, its not magic.
Way of Kings is his best book by a mile and it's cause he spent years working on it.

I read his Steelheart book and Skyward, and they are some of the worst shit I've ever read in my life. Trite, trope-y, beyond YA, and just overall cringe. The dialogue, the relationships of characters are probably novel for someone who has never read a book in their life but they are so obviously put together in a week.

If this guy was forced to write one book every two years, it would be a good book. But he believes in quantity over quality, and will dish out drivel because retards keep eating it up.
He also is so mormon that he refuses to write anything in anyway that could be perceived as dark or gross or horrible. God forbid he uses a curse word, so instead he invents a shitty term like "STORMING" to say fuck.

>> No.22847827

i dropped the first stormlight archives book after the first 10 pages, the writing was that fucking bad
it literally opens up with something straight out of a shitty anime

>> No.22847864

Stormlight is great until Jasnah is revealed to be alive at which point it goes downhill. I dropped shortly afterwards.

>> No.22848606

>Everything about her "death" pissed me off. She was murdered and no one seems to care. Dalinar barely gives it 2 thoughts. Elhokar doesn't seem to care either even though he is hyper-neurotic about being assassinated. Then she just returns and everyone moves on like nothing happened. Its the same thing with when the Assassin in White returns at the end of Book 3. You know, the dude who murdered hundreds of people including Dalinar's brother- and now he is just accepted into as his bodyguard because erm Knights Radiant

>> No.22849150

If you sound mad you've already lost

>> No.22849254

I just skipped all the PoV characters besides Kaladin in WoK.
Was a half-decent story then.

All of his books have this insistence on giving equal screen time to unimportant side characters or villains. One of them is usually strong independent waman who has to fight against the local fantasy patriarchy.

>> No.22849285

He has a talent for effortlessly writing a lot of YA fantasy without much substance. He's like the top tier of LN spergs. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.22849346

Yeah I hate the Navani chapters. He tries so hard to make her useful to the plot but it just ain't working.

>> No.22849641

i joined the book club at my university after seeing the list of books they read in the first semester. the first book of the second semester, and the first book i read with them was mistborn. it was dogshit. they then chose another sandy one and then two other ya fantasies. i stopped showing up after half of the second sandy

>> No.22849881
File: 288 KB, 1200x1920, The gambler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You won't write any literature that endures the ages or inspires people.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote "The Gambler" in less than a month to quickly pay off some debts he owed.

>> No.22850180


why does he dress so shitty

>> No.22850202

He's a mormon fantasy book author, what do you expect?

>> No.22850270

>writing a book about gambling addiction to pay off debts from your own gambling addiction
kinda goes hard ngl

>> No.22850394

Lmao queer

>> No.22850408

No, they're not awful.
Not the absolute greatest, but can be fun and enjoyable if you don't exclusively get your opinions from cynics of /lit/.

If he was an obscure author from the 50s that was discovered by /lit/, he would be adored around here.

>> No.22850902

there are all sorts of prolific, but not exactly talented, fantasy authors that remain, and will continue to remain, wallowing in obscurity
take something that was kind of a big deal when it was first published, The Sword of Shannara. extremely well selling, actually. as mid as mid gets

>> No.22851173

As many have said, the books are not quite awful, but they are honestly just way too fucking long for what you get. The characters are typical YA lit morons which can be at times infuriating. In stormlight archives men are retarded and women are always right. Except that the women are also individually mostly retarded because the plot requires everyone to be mostly dum dum. In general I just never really liked any of the characters, they are just pretty bland and uninspiring. I don't fully hate them, I just don't care.

There are some pretty neat hype scenes, but having to read 1000 pages of mostly uninteresting book just to get some 10 pages of anime fighting in the end is not really the payoff I'm looking for. Also all love related stuff is YA PG-13 safe for kids clumsy high school anime romance slop.

>> No.22852584

Anon, Miura is fucking dead.

>> No.22852938

He's left notes and panels for his team to continue the manga. There has been releases after his death, though not many.

>> No.22853168

>I read the first few pages of Elantris and it was all about how the main character woke up in the morning yawning and blinking.

Theres the lie you emotional tampon