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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 226 KB, 1000x676, lit top 100 2023 graphic 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22836042 No.22836042 [Reply] [Original]

-Submit your top 5 books to the linked forum:
-Submission format: Author's Surname - Title
>Kafka - The Trial
If the author is unknown leave the space for the author blank.
> - The Holy Bible
-Forum will be active from 12/16 to 12/26.
-Ties will be broken through a poll from 12/26 to 12/30.
-Results will be posted after my New Year's hangover.

>> No.22836051

We are not this for 2023. Didn't you get the memo?

>> No.22836053
File: 17 KB, 1000x676, lit top 100 2023 graphic 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently you need to sign into a Google account before filling the forum to prevent multiple>>22836042
submissions, I can remove that if needed.

>> No.22836059

Fuck me, off to a rough start. Ignore the formatting errors.
>Currently you need to sign into a Google account before filling the forum to prevent multiple submissions, I can remove that if needed.

>> No.22836180

>.< >.

>> No.22836183

Don't remove it, we should learn from history. Every single time someone does this because of people complaining about needing google accounts, the poll gets spammed.
But thanks for doing this OP, bumping for support.

>> No.22836187

I remember watching the anon that hosted it last year delete 50+ My Little Pony submissions in real time.
I'll keep it locked.

>> No.22836196
File: 111 KB, 1813x728, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor bastard.

>> No.22836323

I tried to find a balance of my literal favorite books and books that have a chance

>> No.22836342

remove it, dude. That's gay.

>> No.22836360

So OP has to wade through a pile of shit and spam?

>> No.22836381

what's wrong with that?
judging by the change of demographics on this board he probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference anyway

>> No.22836397

You’re probably right about the latter but OP is doing a thankless job. Probably better to make it easier for him. If you are scared of an email address being attached to a list of 5 of your favorite books you probably shouldn’t be voting in the first place

>> No.22836400

I pray to God we get some new titles on the top 100. Or maybe we should also make a list excluding past titles.

>> No.22836405

Look for favorites threads instead of a consensus favorite thread if you want more unique answers

>> No.22836416

The list has steadily been getting worse each year

>> No.22836424
File: 1.38 MB, 1280x1005, ape laptop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to leave it on. I'd like to minimize the time I'm sifting through excel documents during the holidays.
>MFW someone writes a script to automatically create Google Accounts and post "My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic" hundreds of times.
When you access the form it notifies you that I won't be able to see the emails associated with the responses. There's no possibility of data collection on my end.

>> No.22836425

hwabag doe

>> No.22836441

can someone post the 101-200 chart from last year? ty

>> No.22836917
File: 376 KB, 1581x2400, Geddy-Lee-Book-My-Effin-Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only 2023 book i read this year. i hope it wins

>> No.22836928

This year's list is gonna be a great list,the best

>> No.22837759

I counted Lord of the Rings as one book.

>> No.22837970

>top books of ALL TIME
>we should make a list excluding past titles
You can't make this up

>> No.22838041

Past titles are all among the Worst titles of All Time

>> No.22838158

What an unhinged take

>> No.22838723

Let's go anons, let's make this the best list yet!

>> No.22838861

I've been waiting for this better be good

>> No.22838897

What if I only have two books that I actually consider to be great enough? Do I leave the rest blank?

>> No.22838937

OP is doing the Lord's work.

>> No.22838953
File: 191 KB, 1280x821, brokeback2-3308763076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, the yearly "/lit/ top 100" list—a tool often utilized by individuals seeking to impress the community of r/books with an ostensible display of erudition. It perpetuates a facade within the confines of /lit/, suggesting that its inhabitants are societal pariahs clandestinely possessing extensive literary knowledge and intellectual depth. What a load of poppycock. There are but 5 literature related threads on /lit/ at any one time and it has been like that for nearly a decade.

pathetic. Utterly pathetic

>> No.22838963

>here's a list of books I have never read but want to read.

>> No.22839097
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>> No.22839108

yes. And so every vote counts.

>> No.22839136
File: 77 KB, 401x498, 1702839919177.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted.

>> No.22839303

Voted for the first time ever, hoping at least one of my picks makes it into the list, more people deserve to know about the novel She, by H. Rider Haggard

>> No.22839320
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>> No.22839332

All Shakespeare votes will count as one book btw (complete works). Reasons:
a) It was first published as a book this way
b) It will leave space for more books.

>> No.22839337

So if I vote for Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, and Henry IV Part 2, will that count as five votes for Shakespeare?

>> No.22839345

Stopped reading there

>> No.22839352

No, spam is not allowed. It's as if you had voted:
1. Homer - Iliad
2. Homer - Iliad
3. Homer - Iliad
4. Homer - Iliad
5. Homer - Iliad
That would be one vote for one book.

>> No.22839358


>> No.22839359

Not him, but I think the whole shakespeare situation is idiotic. I laughed when truelit did it this way, and I didnt expect us to follow suit. Thanks for doing this anyway though, its a thnakless job.

>> No.22839362

I'm not the guy doing this, but I think it's the right move solely because it gives more room and thus more variety. What's the point of doing this every year to get the same list every time?

>> No.22839367
File: 38 KB, 320x283, YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22839406

The main difference I see between the top 100 charts of /lit/ and r/truelit is that The Bible, the Divine Comedy, and Paradise Lost are a lot higher ranked by /lit/.

>> No.22839419

>She, by H. Rider Haggard
Also Eric Brighteyes.

>> No.22839427

/lit/ is Christian. On the other hand, r/truelit is liberal/Jewish so you see different books by mediocre negroes in their top 100.

>> No.22839449

Ok but you should be allowed to do this with the Iliad though. Or better yet just put the bust of Homer above the list, looking down condescendingly upon all the desperate imitators.

>> No.22839466

Not all of Shakespeare's works were first published in the Folio, some were first published before and one or two after, but that's probably a good way of doing it. Bonus props if you list the complete works as something like 'Shakespeare - Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies' in honour of the First Folio 400th anniversary this year

>> No.22839470

>some were first published before and one or two after
weren't those published in pamphlet format?
>Bonus props if you list the complete works as something like 'Shakespeare - Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies' in honour of the First Folio 400th anniversary this year
That would be cool. I hope OP delivers.

>> No.22839493


>> No.22839502

I find it kinda interesting how Shakespeare is mentioned pretty often on /lit/ yet his work itself isn’t talked about too much outside of generalities

>> No.22839534

If you want you can put a single character in those. I'm going to look through it manually before doing the automatic excel voodoo.

>> No.22839560

Yeah, combination of being the most famous author but also being a bit less approachable in terms of form and the cultural landscape he inhabits. But if you want to discuss something specific and you make a thread about it, I pinky promise I will attempt to contribute. Be the change, etc.

>> No.22839581

read the sticky, retard

>> No.22839590

These lists are identical each year, but it's still interesting to see the small differences and new flavor(s) of the year. Thanks for doing it OP

>> No.22839605
File: 102 KB, 897x800, Hitler_books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I voted.

>> No.22839613

How about making a winter list and a summer list, to account for the solstices and our winter depressions because of not going outside enough?

>> No.22839619
File: 4 KB, 150x150, 2ohgg5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing my part!

>> No.22839628

It's not that /lit/ is Christian, it's that there's a good amount of Christians on /lit/ who will consistently include the Bible in their top 5. Add to this the general contrarian culture of 4chan, and you'll have the Bible high up on the chart.

And I know this because I'm among the atheists who included the Bible in my top 5.

>> No.22839634

We'd be too late for winter solstice but I could set one up for February and another for the summer if there's demand for it.
Working on making a system to automate the majority of the work. If it works I'd be happy to host more of these.

>> No.22839654
File: 87 KB, 1200x669, hayao mizayaki ngmi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting home from work to see that a third of the entries aren't formatted properly.

>> No.22839662

I hope euclids elements makes the chart. It's time to stop being ignorant of geometry ye philosophisers

>> No.22839665

Just cut them out. Will undoubtedly result in a better list without the "contributions" of low-conscientiousness individuals.

>> No.22839702

Working on formatting the entries as of now. I'll do this anon! Great idea.

>> No.22839712

I organized a poll in like 2019. Votes are a pain the ass to count lol

>> No.22839717
File: 34 KB, 573x580, 61jjuPer14L._AC_UY580_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eco - The Name of the Rose
>Pratchett - Guards! Guards!
>Melville - Moby Dick
>Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo
>Ishiguro - The Remains of the Day
All of them I read this year.

>> No.22839724

Glad to hear my worries were correct. My mate's an accountant and offering to help me with anything that can be done automatically. I'm hoping his excel black magic will keep me from painting the ceiling with my brain.

>> No.22839735

You could do a lot of things with Excel but you would still need to manually correct all the dumbasses that put the author's first name or didn't put a dash or something.

>> No.22839754

I used 'Dante' instead of 'Alighieri', would that be a problem? I rarely see him called by his surname.

>> No.22839758

Yep, I get that. I've been working through submissions for the past 30 minutes. I've already had to reformat five Wallace submissions.

>> No.22839763

Si deve usare "Durante di Alighiero degli Alighieri"

>> No.22839795

This is pointless. The results wont be "/lit/s top books" but "/lit/s lowest common denominator books." There's no point in even participating if the books you read are anything but meme books like Alligator Phone or Infinite Jest.

>> No.22839800

What if the author has two last names? For example García Márquez or Lezama Lima. Just the first or both?

>> No.22839806

Both are added with a hyphen between them.

>> No.22839824
File: 34 KB, 322x500, 44063334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those votes for mlp, mk and /qa/ but not one vote for picrel. /lit/ really is infested with plotfags.

>> No.22839835

Almost like people just mention him for pseud points.

>> No.22839846

why the hyphen?

>> No.22839854

This is true. I tried to give my votes to less popular books I like that might have a chance of actually making the list. Looking at individual anon’s lists of favorites in those threads is a much better barometer as a consensus will always be lowest common denominator

>> No.22839857

That's how you format someones name if they have two surnames. It creates a distinction from their Christian names. I have two surnames myself.

>> No.22839867

Will we be doing the same thing for Sophocles? Will we be allowed to vote for published collections of movie scripts? The "it was all first published as a book this way" excuse isn't even true. So if we are not allowing the above, can you explain to me how this really isn't just a pretext to get Shakespeare higher on the list because some group of people here feel he deserves it? Or could we at least really just admit that is the case here? Not to mention half the interest in the lists like this is seeing what people consider the best work from an author, or how different works from the same author stack up against each other.

>> No.22839868

>That's how you format someones name if they have two surnames.
Not really. That's created a composed surname, which is different form having two last names. Where's the hypen here?

>> No.22839875

I assume it doesn't have to use a hyphen. We hyphenate our surnames so it's viewed as a surname legally.

>> No.22839881


>> No.22839886


>> No.22840009
File: 286 KB, 537x397, kant mentioned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the first batch of formatting, here's what I've found:
1).The majority of submissions with formatting errors contained The Brothers Karamazov or any David Foster Wallace novel.
2).The highest concentration of spelling mistakes were found in The Brothers Karamazov submissions. With multiple people spelling "Karamazov" or "Dostoevsky" wrong.

Also, big day for the autistic people out there. +1 votes for Critique of Pure Reason!

>> No.22840025

The spelling with y is a common alternative (to say nothing of other languages' transcriptions), and many seem to think Foster is part of the last name (including a Spanish publisher on the spine, kek). Chill, autist

>> No.22840047

So, I find that I have little motivation in the winter to program. To be SADS. To be A.D.EFICIT The real askew channeled attention tunaments starts here.

So. With schizophrenia is gold status nonetheless in executive emotive domains, that is, wise of aggregate decisions amongst economies (when I get dig ideas, I will let myself know to act on them, like data decisions along a real line). I will remain to read DDD for now, or architecture, or language immersion activities. But I hesitate to take part in the feign of interest the actual language acts and this appreciable as a an unprodigy. Then, here, I will so very rtfm. I think I need to expand my brain neuron activity, actualized IQ, and knowings.

With no blog, comes frost.

With great forums to post on, comes great posting responsibility.

What is some pop-sci, mental models, psychologies, frameworks to learn? How should I adapt my brain to God-Deity? (I have ideas, magic, music, art, performance, (not programming though for now because of it's toll my inapt), daydreams as mental models or the reverse in it's (syntactical) abstractions connective derivatives etc)

I also must say that rtfm and coding practice itself was a huge mental IQ boost, as a mental model athletic or handy man (person (she/her/herself)) pose. Those sequentiae, for loops, iterations, OOP, etc etc...

I am a proactive image streamer as described in Einstein Factor (mental models for daily living) (sometimes lol). Any books to recommend for other mental models, besides divining how from actual analytical psychology books?

>> No.22840057

I'm likely to reddit the zoo (o'reilly all the animals back fowl etc. For me it's unread).

What I really want is to monitor the threads I'm interested and be inspired to take pencil to notepad.

>> No.22840222

Dostoevsky is also spelled Dostoyevsky btw.

>> No.22840225

All those 5? Congratulations!!!

>> No.22840233

>votes for Critique of Pure Reason
Are we doing non-fiction too? That's a big part of the reason why previous lists were deemed a joke.

>> No.22840240

Not really.

>> No.22840241

>There's no point in even participating
Raising the lowest common denominator?

>> No.22840245

Good then

>> No.22840250

There are coutnless ways to spell: Dostoevsky, Dostoyevsky, Dostojewski (german) etc.

>> No.22840253


>> No.22840272

Yes, this is how he's typically written in german.

>> No.22840291
File: 82 KB, 784x676, 1000007648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting my email address permanently attached to a voting poll where inevitably mein kampf is going to in the top 20

Guess I will have to use a throwaway

>> No.22840309
File: 1.43 MB, 860x860, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dumas - The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.22840327

Why are you so anal about this?

>> No.22840360

It is just my autism going into overdrive due to the transparent special pleading. Just ignore me.

>> No.22840370

>s how he's ty
lol you said "Show he sty"

>> No.22840461

>transparent special pleasing
Don't say Shakespeare doesn't deserve it.

>> No.22840565

voted and bumped. thank you for your service anon

>> No.22841198

If you niggers vote for the Bell Jar again I'm going to get mad.

>> No.22841210

Nice try at reverse psychology, roastie. I won't vote for that reddit shit.

>> No.22841348

just vote for your 5 favorite books, this isn’t hard

>> No.22842356

Ted Hughes is that you?

>> No.22842387
File: 127 KB, 900x572, Wagner dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22842404

Seconded but it doesn't deserve to be top 100.

>> No.22843038
File: 3 KB, 415x34, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly made it to 100 before our first Mein Kampf!

>> No.22843045

post the sheet

>> No.22843056

Tempted not to. Responses have been shockingly diverse so far. Assuming blindness may play a part in that.
I'll post both the edited and raw answers with the chart.

>> No.22843081

Good decision anon, thanks for your work.

>> No.22843098

You should post the spreadsheet when it’s over though

>> No.22843102

I will, raw and edited.

>> No.22843118

Lewis - Abolition of Man
deserves a place somewhere on this list

>> No.22843124
File: 119 KB, 570x855, 0149012984821489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leo Tolstoy - Anna Karenina
>James Joyce - Ulysses
>Cormac McCarthy- Blood Meridian
>Raymond Chandler - The Big Sleep
>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
I hope someday to see Chandler climb the rankings but I won't hold my breath.

>> No.22843127

I'll vote for the Space trilogy

>> No.22843136

i love chandler, not top 5 of all time for me but i enjoyed long goodbye and farewell my lovely

>> No.22843356

Yes, that's exactly what I said, genius.

>> No.22843577

>Nabokov - Lolita (obviously)
>McCarthy - Blood Meridian (obviously)
>Bronte - Wuthering Heights
>Wharton - The Age of Innocence
>Woolf - To the Lighthouse
Don’t worry OP I put the diaeresis in on my ballot ;)

>> No.22843605

I made an announcement on r/trueliterature so we can get more votes

>> No.22843611


>> No.22843699

I'd be happy to see him break the top 100 for any of his books just one year.

>> No.22843704

Those books are usually always in the top 10-20. With McCarthy’s death BM will probably be even higher

>> No.22843739

Keep it like that.

>> No.22843749

Good idea.

>> No.22843761

does that explain >>22843577?

>> No.22843777
File: 46 KB, 640x628, IMG_7616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me that predditors know how to format their submission.

>> No.22843785

He's lying.

>> No.22843975

There should be a check option for each book the recommender HAS READ

>> No.22843994

The musical work? I don't see why.

>> No.22844498

Agreed. The music is better than the story anyways.

>> No.22844512

I feel like he's trying to tell us something but i'm not sure what.

>> No.22844522

>books of 2023
>they're all old books
Why even make this list? It's going to be the same generic litfic that always dominates the board consciousness.

>> No.22844523

Go make a “5-10 favorite books” thread if you want to see new titles

>> No.22844524

To see how the taste and priorities have change. If you want modernslop you can just check out Goodreads' best of the year or whatever.

>> No.22844561

The poem is a great work of art, and as a Gesamtkunstwerk it's drama equal to Aeschylus or Shakespeare. No one who really knows it thinks the music is the most important part.

>> No.22844746

If spamming is allowed I'm going to spam The God Delusion until it's #1

>> No.22844826

If King Lear doesn't win over Hamlet I'm going to be ashamed of /lit/.

>> No.22844829


>> No.22844838


>> No.22844848

Are you also upset when The Lord of the Rings is treat as one instead of three books?
Or the Beckett Trilogy?
Cause last list did this.

>> No.22844855
File: 36 KB, 541x540, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22844859

I am always upset at The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.22844861

Doesn't quite live up to Lolita eh?

>> No.22844982

Tolkien saw LOTR as one book. Publishers decided to split it in three

>> No.22844991

That’s so stupid.

>> No.22844994

And Beckett?

>> No.22844999

What idiot counted the Beckett trilogy as one book?

>> No.22845004

No. Shakespeare clutters the top 100.

>> No.22845005

I don't know. It's part of why I asked.
Here it is as number 67 in 2020. It's happened multiple times.

>> No.22845009
File: 3.76 MB, 3500x7700, 1609171124505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image

>> No.22845011

You know the kind of people dumb enough to manage these lists have to be super autistic, right? They’ll have some halfbaked, midwit reason why that only they care about.

>> No.22845015
File: 91 KB, 600x315, Dems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shakespeare-King Lear
>Jonson-The Alchemist
>Gogol-The Government Inspector
>Plautus-The Rope
>Hearn-Japanese Ghost Stories

>> No.22845019

Most of Shakespeare's works are not connected, meanwhile the LOTR books are direct continuations of each other.

>> No.22845020

64 in 2022

>> No.22845024

Would be pretty funny if Reverend Insanity is top 100

>> No.22845026

>a trilogy is the same as 30 unrelated plays.
Totally retarded.

>> No.22845027
File: 2.38 MB, 2550x5250, 1672366364056489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it. I forgot the image again.
I'm going to stop now.

>> No.22845028

Very nice.

>> No.22845030


>> No.22845032

I've also noticed everyone is commenting on only Lord of the Rings. It makes me suspicious Shakespeare and Tolkien are as deep as they go and don't know Beckett. Especially since it is the more egregious example.

>> No.22845043

>Beckett Trilogy
>directly above is Gormengast trilogy
>directly above that is Book of the New Sun (four books/ two books if you are generous)
This shit has been slowly seeping in

>> No.22845046

Not everyone gives a shit enough about Beckett to vote him in.

>> No.22845049

>4 Dostoevsky
>4 Joyce
>3 Pynchon
>2 Shakespeare
Why is this list cluttered with Shakepseare.

>> No.22845058

Divine Comedy is also three works Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso.

>> No.22845064

It’s one work, originally published under the title “Commedia”, divided into 3 parts.

>> No.22845069

1. LOTR, who cares, practically the same book, one series and a direct continuation.
2. The Trilogy, the plays are related as they are thematically similar and were written directly after each other, but characters and plot are not revisited.
3. Shakespeare's Canon, ridiculous, the entire corpus of the most significant English author ever, which have no connection to each other as part of a grander work and a very varied. While I might forgive groupings of the Minor and Major Henriad, maybe Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra together, the Complete Works is stupid to be included as one book.

>> No.22845176
File: 78 KB, 550x550, wagner leest boek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one who really knows it thinks the music is the most important part.
you're so utterly wrong. Wagner is in the first place the music, if you'd actually listen to it (a real performance, not youtube) you would immediately realize that. The story is always extremely simple except for the Ring, but that is because the story is being told though the music. You hear the feelings, the events, the landscapes presented, it is all there in the sound, and no other classical composer even comes close to the absolute power of it. No other composer comes close to the way it touches ones soul. His stories on the other hand are also good, but not nearly as genius as the music, and cannot really stand on their own. The story, poetry and music are complementary of course, but it is by a very wide margin the music that is the most important part.
>drama equal to Aeschylus
I actually agree on this part. Wagner aimed to create a tragedy like the Greeks.
His poetry doesn't even come close, but that is only natural, since it still needs to be sung, so he was limited in his choice of words.

>> No.22845391

The chief means of expression IS the music, yes, but that does not mean it is the most important thing in the artwork-- that is just opera. For Wagner the drama was always the most important thing, in the Gesamtkunstwerk. The music is nothing but the drama, and vice versa, as well as the poetry, scenery, acting, etc. That is what distinguished his music from opera music.

>The story is always extremely simple except for the Ring
This is such a simplification it's almost a lie. It can be debated how simple the stories are, but the drama and characters, as expressed through the words, are the furthest thing from simple and it is what inspires all of the complex psychology and mood in the music. I challenge you to find something in his music without a basis in the text. As one example, Wagner boasted in a letter how good of a job he did at showing King Marke's entire character in one written scene.

>His poetry doesn't even come close, but that is only natural, since it still needs to be sung, so he was limited in his choice of words.
Only rarely does his poetry equal Shakespeare, or any of the great poets, in wit or poetic mastery, but as an expression of the drama his poetry very regularly does. And one of Wagner's major breakthroughs in the libretto was to allow a free choice of words and as such a quality work of literature to be set to music, he was not limited at all.

>> No.22845515
File: 10 KB, 300x300, wagner profiel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we actually agree on the first point, that it is a dramatic work and the music is only part of it, and that all are supposed to be regarded together. But the point was that the text in itself is a great masterpiece is not something I can agree with, it cannot be regarded on its own, while the music (at least for me) can be done so. One example to support is the Henk de Vlieger arrangement, especially the one of Tristan und Isolde. The music is still incredibly powerful, even if you do not know what was the original text for the part.

>I challenge you to find something in his music without a basis in the text.
you can also reverse this challenge, find me something in his text without a basis in the music. Like you stated yourself, both of them are inseparable and part of the greater drama.

>so he was limited in his choice of words
I meant that in the sense that he can't just start a monologue like in Hamlet. He was constrained, but we seem to agree on that point. Now compared to other librettos I do not know if he actually was better, I've only seen three other non-Wagner operas so I cannot judge. Maybe I'll read Rigoletto, in my memory it came close in terms of dramatic power. Now the fact that he revolutionized the libretto doesn't automatically make his librettos great masterpieces, but it does make them important historically speaking.

thanks for effortposting

>> No.22845821


>> No.22845823

>equal to Aeschylus or Shakespeare
Well, no, not that. It is some of the best drama from the 19th century, however.

>> No.22845846

>the Complete Works is stupid to be included as one book.
His work was first published in book form under the title 'Mr. William Shakespeare's Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies' in 1623.
>B-but my wife's boyfriend told me about the quartos!
Pamphlets without binding meant to be read and disposed or used as wrapping paper, worse than pulp fiction mags. NOT books.

>> No.22845878

>/lit/ creates a list of books that they've never read to impress Reddit

Why not make an Am,azon wishlist?

>> No.22845909
File: 159 KB, 528x785, 1692361416761463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude just link your google account to a document that advertises itself as originating from 4chan lmao

>> No.22845912

LOTR is really meant to be just one book, unlike Ghormenghast.

>> No.22845959

I really hope this year we choose more female writers. The morons from /r/books always laugh at our lists because it's only dudes. It really takes away from the legitimacy of the list.

>> No.22845963

Well, this just makes it even more egregious then.

>> No.22845966
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who gives a shit what reddit thinks, faggot?

>> No.22845989

He's just trying to help.

>> No.22845992

There's nothing with having few or zero women in our list. Keep your forced diversity for leddit.

>> No.22845995

I’m still pissed fucking Othello made it on the list last year but not Macbeth. Can I get some anons to vote for the Scottish play with me and see if we can get it up there?

>> No.22845996

nothing wrong*

>> No.22845997

Anon, I...

>> No.22846002

I don’t get it

>> No.22846012

Stoner in the top 10 made me ecstatic last year.

>> No.22846017

our worst top 100 in years

>> No.22846021

I don't think regarding Wagner's dramas as brilliant literature negates the fact that they can't be fully appreciated as literature alone. Since their own day, by Baudelaire, Nietzsche, Mallarme, Liszt, Bruckner, Eduard Devrient, Joyce, Jung, even Whitman, and countless others, they have been regarded as works of genius. Wagner himself thought so and would give dramatic readings of them. The ending 'soliloquy' to Gotterdammerung was not set to music, because it detracted from the drama, but Wagner said it was the true ending in literary form and included it in the published poem.

>you can also reverse this challenge, find me something in his text without a basis in the music.
That's a lot easier because the nature of words is to include all sorts of abstract content. And often a single motif, or motivic group, will be sounding while a considerable lot is spoken of or happening on the stage. Take for example Walther's introduction in Meistersinger, Pogner is describing where he has come from and Beckmesser is worrying about this newcomer, but the only music playing is Walther's motif. Most importantly the music is inspired by the poetry, one can assume an infinite amount of motifs could have been written for the different events and themes of the text.

>I meant that in the sense that he can't just start a monologue like in Hamlet.
The only thing restraining him would be the stylistic choice of mythic symbolism. Everything in Wagner usually has some mythological significance, which the realism of Shakespeare is not suited to. But often his characters do freely go off on a monologue, take for example Wotan's lengthy narrations in act 2 of Walkure, the like of which opera had never seen. If we refer to Wagner as a librettist then undoubtedly he was the greatest librettist to ever live. But that does not seem intelligent because, in his maturity, he wasn't following operatic conventions. He was not aiming for the simple beauty of Da Ponte, which is unique to opera.

>> No.22846050

>Dostoevsky - The Brothers Karamazov
>Murakami - Coin Locker Babies
>Schulz - The Street of Crocodiles
>Salinger - Nine Stories
>NisiOisin - Kizumongatari

>> No.22846142

>McCarthy - Blood Meridian
>Mishima - Sailor who fell out of grace with the sea
>Shakespeare - Julius Caesar
>The Holy Bible
>Peter II Petrovich-Njegosh - The Mountain Wreath

>> No.22846274

chart-anon said he would count any shakespeare vote as a vote for shakespeare’s collected works, which is, of course, extremely retarded

>> No.22846278

please stop falling for bait, you fucking retard

>> No.22846288

I went with

Tropic of Cancer - Miller
Van Gogh’s letters
The Rainbow- Lawrence
Leaves of Grass - Whitman
Les Chants de Maldorer - Lautreamont

I’d be pleasantly surprised to see any on the list

>> No.22846330

are you Milleranon?

>> No.22846339

I am

>> No.22846748

Just make a burner? I'm rather into Stallman's philosophy myself but I don't see any reason in not making burner accounts over a VPN.

>> No.22846752
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We all know that the entire list will be a Wagner sweep.

>> No.22847027

Why don't jannies sticky these threads?

>> No.22847030

Name 1 Wagner book that is widely read

>> No.22847040

uhhhh ummmmm uuuhhhh fuuckk uhhhhh uummmm

>> No.22847064

I went with Critique of Pure Reason on all five

>> No.22847067

ring of the Nibelungs

>> No.22847072
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>> No.22847084

>933 ratings on goodreads

>> No.22847089


>> No.22847169

178 editions

>> No.22847209

>Hamsun - Hunger
>Mishima - Confessions of a Mask
>Mann - Doktor Faustus
>Cervantes - Don Quixote
>Macpherson - The Poems of Ossian
Before you ask, yes I am a flaming homosexual

>> No.22847225

I expect Blood Meridian to reach 5 this year

>> No.22847238

How is the Iliad number 5? I highly, highly doubt many anons who currently use this board have read it. It's long and quite boring, especially compared to The Odyssey

>> No.22847253

Huh? It's pure kino and one the most beloved books ever.

>> No.22847269

Being disliked by reddit is a good sign, moron.

>> No.22847271

Seethe harder

>> No.22847273

Judaism in Music

>> No.22847280

>Passenger/Stella Maris, Corncob
>The Shards, Bret Easton Ellis
>Tomás Nevinson, Javier Marías

>> No.22847336


>> No.22847506

There was literally a literary /lit/ reads threads this year for it.

>> No.22847541

Why are Shakespeare’s works being counted as 1? That’s so stupid?

>> No.22847608

I could see his 8 Henry V plays being one. Kind of like some other works but it is odd.
Does it include his sonnets too?
Then again some guy above already included the complete Van Gogh as one so I think I'm arguing a lost cause.

>> No.22847617

That's been explain to death. Read the thread.

>> No.22847629

So it isn't his complete works just his plays?

>> No.22847630

First the OP said it was because Shakespeare was cluttering the list, then some anon pointed out there were a couple of authors with way more books, so then she just started answering with reddit tier responses so now nobody understands why she's doing it.

>> No.22847634
File: 435 KB, 800x1289, William_Shakespeare_-_First_Folio_1623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Published in 1623 as a book.

>> No.22847637

Wait, are you serious? They're being counted as one work? That's so fucking retarded. Why would anyone do that.

>> No.22847639


>> No.22847642

That’s impressive, shows how shit this board has become in recent months, doubt most people would read it now

>> No.22847645

A legit girl or tranny?

>> No.22847648

I don't see his sonnets there. You DO know Shakespeare wrote more than plays right?

>> No.22847660

Tranny. The one who posts about sylvia plath all the time based on their lack of literature knowledge.

>> No.22847670

>lack of literature knowledge.
I seriously hope OP didn't make some rule about Shakespeare not knowing he wrote sonnets. I keep getting replies to my questions on the sonnets with a book of his plays as if that includes everything.

>> No.22847671

I think so.
He's doing emasculating tactics. Very low T.
>then some anon pointed out there were a couple of authors with way more books
Those are individual books. Shakespeare's plays are one book, not 36. They're missing the point.
Yes. But I don't like your condescending tone. It's aggressive. Come up with a new act or I'll terminate the poll.

>> No.22847676

>'ll terminate the poll.
Do it faggot

>> No.22847679

I'll do the opposite of what you ask just to spite you.

>> No.22847680
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>> No.22847682
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Some literal nigger ITT thought The Divine Comedy was 3 books.

>> No.22847684

>Those are individual books. Shakespeare's plays are one book, not 36. They're missing the point.
Yes, you can't find Shakespeare's plays as individual books. Just how stupid are you? Seriously, kys. Just get the rope.

>> No.22847686
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>> No.22847691

You obviously can but that's not how it was originally published. See >>22847686


>> No.22847696

>Why would anyone do that
Imagine the kind of autistic loser you'd have to be to put time and effort into running a 4chan poll. There's your answer.

>> No.22847698

>inb4 muh quartos!
See: >>22845846
The list is for top 100 books, not top 100 pamphlets.

>> No.22847699

don quixote was originally two different books, published more then a decade apart. why aren't they split?

>> No.22847706

I'm so confused. Why are Shakesepeare's plays being counted as one book? Was there a reason given?

>> No.22847707

Moby Dick is the greatest work of literature of all time.

>> No.22847709


>> No.22847711

>The list is for top 100 books
Ok, so then count the votes for these books: Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello

>> No.22847717

The person running the poll is a redditor

>> No.22847723

On the Shakespeare thing: Let's do it like OP suggests this time around and see what effect it has. Perhaps Shakespeare won't even be no1 with this. If it sucks we can do it differently again next year.

>> No.22847728

It's one book split into volumes, thus, one book.
They're included here >>22847686

>> No.22847730

>Those are individual books. Shakespeare's plays are one book, not 36. They're missing the point.
No they're not. Go through the thread. OP was talking about how Shakespeare would clutter the list up, and wanted to have more space for other books.
Then that anon pointed out other anons had more books. Then the nigger OP changed his reasoning. Don't be a stupid nigger--actually read through the read so you can understand the context of what's being discussed.

>> No.22847739

So you can't have votes for those individual books? So it's not a poll for books, just arbitrarily chosen books. Real stupid.

>> No.22847740

The Shakespeare thing has derailed the thread. I, for one, am in favor of including complete works and omnibuses. Plato should also count as a single book. Everyone has a complete Plato and Shakespeare, I’d hope. The basic writings of Nietzsche is another good choice. Some of those Library of America’s have multiple good books in a single volume.

I’d be surprised if Shakespeare landed high in the ranking. All I see of him on this board is debating his status

>> No.22847741

cervantes had no intention of writing part two when he finished part one. its a sequel, not a second volume.

>> No.22847742

Those authors having different books is justified. Shakespeare isn't.

>> No.22847745

Can I get a serious answer?

>> No.22847751

It's been explained to death. Read the thread. ctrl + f 'shakespeare'. Not hard.


>> No.22847752

It's standard academic opinion but War and Peace and Anna Karenina really are the 2 greatest novels ever and any list that doesn't have at least one of them in the top 10 is just silly.

>> No.22847759

Why not? I have multiple books by him.

>> No.22847763

I've always seen people whining about variety and whatnot in /lit/'s top 100. "Where is the Decameron? Where is Orlando Furioso? Where is bla bla?" Then now you're whining and acting combative when someone provides a simple little measure to give a few more spots.

>> No.22847767

Really because the author of those two books disowned them and called Resurrection his masterwork. Why should I dick ride academics who make careers out of dick-riding Tolstoy when he just calls them dumb and wrong. Also unless you read it in the original Russian then you didn't even read it. Learn to enjoy reading and some academic affirming insufferable faggot with zero taste.

>> No.22847769

All this bickering just to see Shakespeare end up at 18 on the list

>> No.22847770

I don't get it. Something about his first book? What about his other books? Like the arden vs folger editions.

>> No.22847773


>> No.22847777

Since this is now a Shakespeare thread anyways. How many of his plays have you read, /lit/? 30+ amd you're a chad.

>> No.22847778

That post lists two reasons
1) his complete works were originally published as one
This was proven wrong as it doesn't have any sonnets
2) make room for other books
This was proven wrong because he only had two on the list

>> No.22847779

I have different versions of his books. I have an arden hamlet and folger hamlet. I have an arden macbeth and folger king lear. I can't vote for the books? I can only vote "Shakespeare"?

>> No.22847780

He also became a schizo with an obsolete Christian anarchist worldview so his views on art later in his life have to be taken with a grain of salt. Nobody on this planet thinks that Resurrection is better than Anna Karenina, only Tolstoy did. Why should the opinions of an author define how we judge art? Retard

>> No.22847783

Not only is the Shakespeare ruling correct, it is in fact only a half-stride in the direction of what is right. The list should simply be a top 100 authors list. There is no true distinction between an author's works. Each man's opus begins when he pens his first word, and ends with his last. To claim that they are different works simply because a few laminated covers an large-type words stand between them is silly when they are born of the same mind. Shakespeare is Shakespeare. Faulkner is Faulkner. There is no further distinction to be made.

>> No.22847790

>top 100 authors list.
I've wondered why /lit/ doesn't do one of these.

>> No.22847791

I’d like to vote the metaphysical poets as a group. Can I do that? There are compilations

>> No.22847795

>This was proven wrong as it doesn't have any sonnets
Complete plays, then. Have the sonnets ever made it to the list? I don't remember.
>This was proven wrong because he only had two on the list
That's only the 2022 list. What if this year people choose 3 or 4 plays?

>> No.22847797

I'll be voting The Norton Anthology of English Literature

>> No.22847798

This. There should be multiple top 100’s. Do best 100 individual chapters too

>> No.22847799

>Nobody on this planet thinks that Resurrection is better than Anna Karenina, only Tolstoy did
Aside from the man who wrote them. lol.

>Why should the opinions of an author define how we judge art?
Why should the opinions of critics define how we judge books.

You admitted that your only metric is scholarly consensus, no commentary on prose, nothing. You are incapable of forming your own opinion and much like a woman you need to defer to popularity and fame. This is embarrassing. Just pure academic circle-jerk, and your whole 'define how we judge art' to describe two fucking novels shows the type of pseud head canon you are stuck in. The eternal midwit.

>> No.22847803

>That's only the 2022 list. What if this year people choose 3 or 4 plays
Like 4 Joyce? Or 4 Dostevski?

>> No.22847804

then there were 3-4 great plays. i don't want to vote for hamlet and give my implicit approval to fucking troilus and cressida

>> No.22847805

The top list is for books, not editions. Shakespeare Plays are one book. The fact that modern publishers sell them individually as books for ease of reading or whatever is a different matter.

>> No.22847806

>the great books of the western world series

Someone do it

>> No.22847810

Finally someone with brains.

>> No.22847812

That would honestly be better than the retardation OP is performing.

>> No.22847817

You are the biggest pseud in this thread for being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian and acting like you're some rebel going against academic tyranny. W&P and Anna K are considered better than Resurrection because they are better. They are richer in detail, far less didactic with their politics and morality, more expansive and flow easier. Tolstoy only preferred his later works because they were essentially propaganda that shoved a message down your throat which is what he thought art should be in his later years. You are a senseless crybaby faggot and I would appreciate if you don't reply to me again

>> No.22847820

I don't have one book though. I have multiple ones. I can't vote for those books? I'm confused. I want to vote for Hamlet but not the Taming of the Shrew.

>> No.22847824

>Like 4 Joyce? Or 4 Dostevski?
Was Ulysses published in the same book as Finnegans Wake and Dubliners back in the day? Shakespeare's plays are one big book.

>> No.22847831

How many people are even going to vote Shakespeare? I know he has a few big fans around these parts but this controversy is going to end up being a big nothing. Much more controversial to include religious texts imo, bc then you get anons voting for the wrong reasons

>> No.22847835

So then the actual number of plays wouldn't be a problem if they could be voted in individually?

>> No.22847839

You can't vote for individual parts of a book. I don't care what you have or don't have. Please get off my dick.

>> No.22847842

>contrarian for the sake of contrarian
Rather, I think Tolstoy is completely worthless, I think War and Peace is vanity slop for retards, who want to be exotic by pretending Vanity Fair from Thackeray doesn't exist and appealing to the curious 'Russian Intellectual niche', Anna Karenina is psychological garbage, with banal prose that is ugly translated, worse than say Middlemarch or The Egoist, and you calling them the 'greatest two novels ever' because some academics told you too, and even the author himself agrees with me that they are worthless kind of shows the peak stunted intellectual that you are. Admit you hate reading, and just want this weak 'in' by saying you like Tolstoy or whatever.

>senseless crybaby faggot and don't reply to me again
Lol, pathetic.

>> No.22847845

What? I'm just trying to understand. Can I vote for the books on their own or not? And if I can't, why not?

>> No.22847854

You can waste your 5 votes on different Shakespeare plays that will end up being counted as one, yes. Have fun.

>> No.22847855

>includes all of the plays generally accepted to be Shakespeare's, except the following plays which are believed likely to have been written, at least partly, by Shakespeare; Pericles, Prince of Tyre, The Two Noble Kinsmen, Edward III, and the two lost plays, Cardenio and Love's Labour's Won.

>> No.22847858

Why would they be counted as one?

>> No.22847859

What about series? Admittedly there aren't many series with literary merit, but Updike's Rabbit novels certainly warrant a few votes, and people who have never had sex will probably vote for LotR / BotNS / Harry Potter and the like.

How are they handled?

>> No.22847865

originally half of the books on past years lists weren't written in english. everyone who didn't read them in their original languages should have their votes discarded, as they did not read the text as it was first published.

>> No.22847873

Dune would be the one to benefit most from that.

>> No.22847874
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Bloom's list.

>> No.22847880

Wasn't he in Infinite Jest?

>> No.22847885

Lotr is one book

>> No.22847888

we all were

>> No.22847896

> Sounding rather suspiciously like Professor H. Bloom's turgid studies

>> No.22847899
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>> No.22847901

7 of them

>> No.22847902

Time for OP to move goal posts again from all complete Shakespeare to all his plays to all his plays he was exclusive writer for.

>> No.22847908

Kek, bloom absolutely bitched out

>> No.22847915

>Professor H. Bloom's turgid studies
That's actually hilarious. Is that really in the book?

>> No.22847925

I guess OP got too upset because I asked, but can anyone explain why Shakespeare's works are being counted as one? No one has explained it to me yet.

>> No.22847926

Yes. DFW makes Stephen King look like Cervantes btw

>> No.22847930

>vote for books
>the works of shakespeare is a book

>> No.22847931

Yes, Bloom threw a hissy fit about it and never forgave DFW

>> No.22847936

At this point, OP is only doing it because he is entrenching himself and digging his heels in refusing to admit he made a bad call. Every attempt he's made to justify it has been shot down as he responds with insults and moving goal posts and shifting the logic.

>> No.22847937

But I have more than one book

>> No.22847940

>as been shot down
lol in your dreams, maybe. See >>22847634

>> No.22847944

>the works of shakespeare is a book
Would you mind posting the book that has all of his works so people know what to write in the voting?

>> No.22847946

Good. I wouldn't either.

>> No.22847948

>doesn't have all his works
>doesn't have all his plays even
Like I said. Shot down.

>> No.22847949

I think we should lay off OP. If you read his posts it's clear he's esl and is having a hard time with reading comprehension. Just give him a break. He's running the poll when no one else would.

>> No.22847961

Someone else ran it last year and if OP fucked off someone else would replace him just like the last year OP.
I do find it funny the ESL didn't know Shakespeare wrote poems thoughbeit. This thread has be fun.

>> No.22847969

>doesn't have all his works
See: >>22847795
>doesn't have all his plays even
So? A few more plays were added to the corpus later. It doesn't negate the fact his plays were published as a single book.

>> No.22847970
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One book, many edtions

>> No.22847972

>Come up with a new act or I'll terminate the poll.
kek OP was bluffing like a baby as I thought

>> No.22847973

>didn't know Shakespeare wrote poems thoughbeit.
That was never the case. You guys just like to have your way in the most Jewish way possible: lying.

>> No.22847974

But why did he do it in the first place? No one's explained it.

>> No.22847975


>> No.22847977

>kek OP was bluffing like a baby as I thought
You newfaggots didn't get the reference? Sad!

>> No.22847984

>Quarto is the format of a book or pamphlet produced from full sheets printed with eight pages of text, four to a side, then folded twice to produce four leaves.

>> No.22847986

let's get it to number 1, anon

>> No.22847992


>> No.22847994

They were also published as multiple books. They were not originally all published as one book. So why make it all one entry?

>> No.22848001


>> No.22848007

Bloom's quote.

>> No.22848012


>> No.22848018

hoping i'm not the only one who put Leibniz - Monadology
leibniz deserves to be on this list

>> No.22848020

Someone should help this anon >>22847974
and answer his question for the sake of the thread

>> No.22848022

I voted for waldun's opus btw

>> No.22848031

stfu samefag

>> No.22848039

Thank you. It's sad how no ones answered my question. I just want to know, that's all. I don't care about the poll, I'm just confused.

>> No.22848041


>> No.22848042

Do you actually have an argument at this point other than sperging out and pretending everyone disagreeing with you is one person?

>> No.22848045

>They were also published as multiple books.
Pamphlets are not books... the list is top 100 books, not top 100 documents/pamphlets/magazines/toilet paper.
>They were not originally all published as one book.
"All". Jewish lawyer language. A few plays were added and the corpus grew. So what? It's still one corpus.
>So why make it all one entry?
Because it's one book. Not hard to understand. Are you on your period or something?

>> No.22848048

You're welcome, anon. I hope someone answers your question. I think it's a very valid and pertinent question in regards to this thread.

>> No.22848051

He's right and you're wrong.

>> No.22848054


>> No.22848055


>> No.22848056

>A few plays were added
They were never added.

>> No.22848061

lol it's already been answered.
Later, niggers.

>> No.22848065

You think so? I think you must be a very intelligent person if you see it the same way as I do. It's nice to see a kindred spirit on here.

>> No.22848066

>less than 30 seconds apart

>> No.22848071

>posts with computer and phone

>> No.22848075
File: 2.72 MB, 923x1559, shakespeare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One book.

>> No.22848078

But I have multiple books. Look, I don't care about the poll. I just want someone to answer my question.

>> No.22848082

>I have multiple books
Pic with timestamp, bitch

>> No.22848087

Publishers sometimes split books into different parts and sell them to make more money an/or add notes.

>> No.22848088

Will you answer my question first?

>> No.22848091

But they're not one story or related. Unless I missed something.

>> No.22848094

What's your question?

>> No.22848095

Yes, they were added to later editions of the same book. Not uncommon.

>> No.22848100

Why are Shajespear’s stuff being counted as one?

>> No.22848104

Who's Shajespeare?

>> No.22848108

I meant Shakespeare.

>> No.22848113

His Henriad plays are related. Also, they don't have to be related directly. Short story collections aren't related either most of the time yet people vote for Ficciones as a whole not the individual stories.

>> No.22848115

What about him?

>> No.22848116

But I have the books

>> No.22848123

>I have the books
Pic with timestamp or gtfo

>> No.22848124

Why are his works being counted as one?

>> No.22848126


>> No.22848133

Ask the publishers of the First Folio. Oh they're dead? Use a Ouija board. Not my problem.

>> No.22848134
File: 3.71 MB, 1228x1559, shakespeare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is one book being counted as one book? Because it's one book.

>> No.22848137

Can you answer this question first: >>22848124
If you can’t, just say so

>> No.22848141

we already did, honey pie.

>> No.22848142
File: 43 KB, 499x178, Screenshot 2023-12-19 202357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the answer.

>> No.22848145

Sorry, I don’t click links on 4chan. Do you know what url spoofing is? If not, I suggest you learn.

But I have a hamlet book, a macbeth book, etc

>> No.22848154

>But I have a hamlet book, a macbeth book, etc
I doubt it. Pic with timestamp

>> No.22848155


i don’t get it. there’s one book? but i have more than not in a compilation

>> No.22848156
File: 716 KB, 2552x660, You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go, bubble butt.

>> No.22848162

That sounds like your problem

>> No.22848164

>but i have more than not in a compilation
Prove it. Pic with timestamp.

>> No.22848167

I’m not sealioning. I’m diagnosed autistic and can’t socialize well so maybe it seems like i’m trolling but i’m not

>> No.22848169

thats 16 books, retard

>> No.22848171

>he still hasn't posted a pic with timestamp

>> No.22848174

prove what?

>> No.22848175

Do you think 1+1=2? Would you agree with that?

>> No.22848181

>lost the argument
>proceed to troll
Kek you niggers never change.

>> No.22848184
File: 275 KB, 2230x190, Screenshot 2023-12-19 203015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove picrel

>> No.22848187


>> No.22848193
File: 415 KB, 1600x1600, 213123231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you have pirated editions (tip: those don't count). Pic rel is what I have from a real publisher.

>> No.22848194

Edward III was not added

>> No.22848202

I bought the arden shakespeare

>> No.22848201
File: 2.64 MB, 1124x1169, shakespeare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 20 copies of one book

>> No.22848207

Arden is a notorious pirate publisher. You got scammed.

>> No.22848208

>Why should I prove my arguments?

>> No.22848215

How do I prove it?

>> No.22848219

Pic and timestamp

>> No.22848224

Ok, fine. I’ve never done this before. How do I upload the picture?

>> No.22848238

Give me your address, and I'll come over and show you.

>> No.22848243

be serious

>> No.22848244

>more than not

>> No.22848247

Anyways, OP, if you're reading this thread, I support your decision to count the Works of Shakespeare as one book.

>> No.22848253


>> No.22848255

>take photo
>have photo on phone or PC
>make post
>select browse button on post box
>select photo
>submit post

>> No.22848260

I don’t have a smart phone. I took it on my point and shoot.

>> No.22848263

Me too. It's a wise decision. OP has the right idea. Shame about the annoying retards.

>> No.22848267

So transfer the file to a pc or whatever device you are posting with

>> No.22848270

>implying it's not one samefag

>> No.22848274

Do I use the cable?

>> No.22848280

Look, just give me your address, and I'll drive over and show you.

>> No.22848281


>> No.22848292

Post a picture of the ports so we can see which cable you need

>> No.22848304


>> No.22848312

I'm fine with it. It is funny he had to start lying because he can't phrase his reasoning well.

>> No.22848314

Get the Complete Works of Shakespeare, the instructions are there.

>> No.22848319

What lies?

>> No.22848322

I pointed out some plays weren't in the book.
You lied saying they were added later.
They weren't. In fact several are lost to time.

>> No.22848327


>> No.22848332

Amazon dot com

>> No.22848337

In all seriousness, Shakespeare has so many great plays, 'Hamlet', 'King Lear', 'Othello', 'Macbeth', 'Henry IV Part 1', 'Henry IV Part 2', 'Henry V', 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', 'As You Like It', 'Twelfth Night', 'Romeo and Juliet', 'Julius Caesar', 'Antony and Cleopatra', etc, more than the five votes allowed, so I want to vote for all of them by voting for 'The Works of Shakespeare'. In previous years, however, I knew it would be a wasted vote because no one else would be voting for 'The Works of Shakespeare', so I voted for 'Hamlet' last year. I suspect that it's the same for most everyone else who voted for 'Hamlet' or 'King Lear', that they would rather have 'The Works of Shakespeare' on the top, but simply didn't want to waste their vote. OP's decision rectifies this paradox. It does leave out the ability to vote for 'Hamlet' without voting for 'Henry VIII', but those who want that are few and far between

>> No.22848341

ok. then?

>> No.22848344


>> No.22848349

I like how no one addressed this point.

>> No.22848361

Irrelevant because no one would vote for Sophocles.

>> No.22848373
File: 247 KB, 594x520, 8344328823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't talking about the lost ones. But some of the so-called problem plays have been added to later editions of the complete works. There's no denying that. The RSC Shakespeare includes Pericles and The Two Noble Kinsmen.

>> No.22848378

That's like saying a new introduction makes a different book.

>> No.22848387

Not true, but even if that were the case, I think there is an argument that plays shouldn't even be included here. Treating them like books is a bad idea for many reasons, even ignoring the fact that it derailed this thread. It really is no different than picking a book of movie scripts from your favorite movie director.

>> No.22848392

What? I can't even tell which side of the argument you're on.

>> No.22848396

>Will we be allowed to vote for published collections of movie scripts?
It's disingenuous.

>> No.22848399

You really are autistic

>> No.22848404

civil war

>> No.22848411

What about Faust? That's a play.
What about the Iliad? Should it not be voted for since it wasn't originally a book? Nearly everyone knows the Iliad by reading it as a book. I think that's ground enough to consider the Iliad a book. It's the same with Shakespeare.

>> No.22848416

True. Here are some actual grey areas
>letters of heloise and abelard
>encyclopedia britannica
>the penguin book of modern speeches (or a book of one person's speeches)
>conan the barbarian

>> No.22848429

>It's the same with Shakespeare.
The Illiad has primarily been enjoyed as a book for millenniums now, people still perform Shakespeare and that is how you should enjoy his work primarily today.

Faust probably should not be on the list either.

It really isn't

>> No.22848437

I want you to articulate the difference between a play script and a movie script that justifies this absurd differentiation.

>> No.22848439

>It really isn't
It actually is. Screenplays have never been part of the /lit/ Top 100. He's only bringing that up to attack OP.

>> No.22848443

>Screenplays have never been part of the /lit/ Top 100.
That isn't a counterargument to the idea that playwrights have been wrongfully included this whole time.

>> No.22848447

>Faust is not a book
Now I know you're a retard

>> No.22848451

But you are allowed to vote for tv and movie screenplays. Of course, since movies are a waste of time, there's none to vote for.

>> No.22848453

Didn't say it was.
He thinks Faust was a play meant to be performed lmao
Hey faggot. Read: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Closet_drama

>> No.22848459

I'll elaborate on one.
Robert Howard originally write Conan the Barbarian short stories released in serials or magazines. Later they were compiled into a book similar to how Shakespeare's plays were originally on loose paper quattros them later compiled and published as a book.
The major differences are Howard's works were short stories not plays but they share the same protagonist and setting while Shakespeare's are mostly unconnected narratives.

OP what do you think about this? Robert Howard is a popular writer here and I personally would not mind if this Shakespeare ruling extends to him to and gets him on the list as a big Conan fan.

>> No.22848467

>Robert Howard is a popular writer here
Lurk moar

>> No.22848471

Was something stopping you from voting for Conan in the past?

>> No.22848488

I fucked up with the Faust determination and admit it. It is hard when you guys avoid the main point so much, which still hasn't been disproven. Shakespeare not being a closet drama, unlike Faust, serves my point extraordinarily well in fact.

>> No.22848493

Never considered compilation works.

>> No.22848496

LMAO, they are not allowed.

>> No.22848498

>Didn't say it was.
OK, so you have no ability to debate logically. Thanks for playing.

>> No.22848502

Is it even allowed? Anon asked if it fine and you don't give an answer just act coy and answer a question with a question.
If someone asks a question if something is allowed answer it

>> No.22848510

>30 generally unrelated play works are somehow equivalent to the LOTR trilogy when it comes to how to decide what is "one work".
The IQ on this board is dropping.

>> No.22848519

Well, I'm not OP, I was just curious. People vote for short story compilations all the time.

>> No.22848521

One work and one book are different things.

>> No.22848530

Then consider it.
If they've been published in book form, then they are allowed. But I defy you to find a paperback copy of 'Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The Screenplay'.
>Is it even allowed?
>30 generally unrelated play works
Ted Hughes proved that all the plays constitute a single narrative. Read 'Shakespeare and the Goddess of Complete Being'.

>> No.22848533

We destroyed all your points about Shakespeare already. This conversation about movie screenplays is just a decoy.

>> No.22848549

It doesn’t matter. All the time and effort he’s putting in for a chart a few people may look at for ten seconds is kind of sad, so let the little autist find enjoyment where he can. It’s not like these charts are important anyway. Just chill.

>> No.22848562

I only joined the argument recently with the Sophocles and the screenplay example, but your arguments against other anons earlier in this thread are just as embarrassing.
Yeah, I should have just continued lurking. I was enjoying the shitshow more when I wasn't in it.

>> No.22848566

I still think it'd be cool if someone started another poll that was 100 Greatest Writers of All Time. It wouldn't really step on any toes with this and would be something different and new too.

>> No.22848569

>I was enjoying the shitshow more when I wasn't in it.
The story of 4chan

>> No.22848576

>but your arguments against other anons earlier in this thread are just as embarrassing.
Such as?

>> No.22848580

The other anon made me realize this is a waste of time. Let's just agree to disagree. Even though I maintain my arguments, your way will probably be just as fun. Maybe next year we could even do something new and divide it between a books and author list.

>> No.22848589 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.20 MB, 1656x1320, 43434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, whatever. But...

>> No.22848609

So what’s the consensus? Did we decide if Shakespeare is one book or not?

>> No.22848968

I concur. It’s a good idea to save space on the list for other works.

>> No.22848986

The general concensus seemed to be most people wanted it separate, and the op never gave a good reason why not, then resorted to samefagging and reddit-tier responses while arguing with trolls, but one anon pointed out it’s kind of sad for a person to run a poll on 4chan so maybe leave them alone and that’s what looks like happened.

>> No.22849043

Shut the fuck up. There's no 'consensus', it's just you samefagging. And now you accuse OP of being a samefag? You should kill yourself.

>> No.22849052

Is this going to be how it is? OP ignores everything he disagrees with and calls it a samefag?

>> No.22849068

What's hilarious about it is OP's been so obviously samefagging (as he just did). He's legitimately on the spectrum, possibly fully autistic.

>> No.22849071


>> No.22849074

OP, how many times did you samefag this thread like you just did and have you been professionaly diagnosed with autism?

>> No.22849076

With this much autism, it is probable OP is rigging the results and just tossing out votes he disagrees with.

>> No.22849084

>14 seconds apart
It's really pathetic that you use both your phone and computer to samefag.

>> No.22849087

How many times did you samefag, OP?

>> No.22849091

>he doesn't deny rigging the votes

>> No.22849093

OP, whatever you do, you better not count those shitty meme books that talentless /lit/ fags wrote and shill on here. I better not see any Gardner or whatever the fuck his name is on the final list because I just know he'll spam his shitty books in your poll.

>> No.22849097

>145 seconds apart
>after I accused him of samefagging with phone and computer
Looks like I hit too close to home

>> No.22849105

>avoids topic of his samefagging
Looks like that topic hit too close to home for you, OP

>> No.22849107

>no u

>> No.22849109

As cringey as your samefagging?

>> No.22849112

Look OP. I'm going to be straight with you. Do you think people reading this thread are believing your random accusations of samefag? Do you think it is winning people over to your argument?

>> No.22849115

Even more cringe

>> No.22849118

I want it to be seperate. i'm no samefag

>> No.22849120

Oh ok. So why did you samefag?

>> No.22849122

Why did you?

>> No.22849126

>no u
Bit cringe, isn't it? Tell us why you samefagged, OP.

>> No.22849132

The same reason you did.

>> No.22849140

True. Only real books should be allowed.

>> No.22849146

Just spell it out clearly if I didn't make you seethe too much. If you need to cope, just let me know.

>> No.22849148

I'm on the side of OP. I didn't see any good arguments from the other side. They had to deflect attention to movie scripts.

>> No.22849155

I samefagged for the same reason you did.

>> No.22849168

Why did you samefag, OP?

>> No.22849173

I already told you, I samefagged for the exact same reason you did.

>> No.22849178

Because he called everyone samefag?

>> No.22849181


>> No.22849191

Why did you samefag, OP?

>> No.22849210

The same reason you samefagged.

>> No.22849215

Shut the fuck up, nobody cares.

>> No.22849231

Jesus cares

>> No.22849239

Nah, you have to admit it's pretty hilarious OP was accusing others of samefagging while being so blatantly and pathetically obvious with his, and then getting bitched the fuck out and confessing to it.

>> No.22849250

>he thinks he's been replying to OP and not a troll
>he thinks the troll was sincere about claiming samefaggotry
You really do have autism

>> No.22849257

Don't listen to this guy. Anon is correct. I'm OP and I'm a samefag. I'm also autistic, and I like to suck dicks.

>> No.22849261

>no guys! I was just trolling!!
Sure, OP.
>no u, u have autism!!

Are you going to tell us why you samefagged? Or was getting bitched the fuck out like that enough for you? Seriously, I can stop if you're going to keep crying about it.

>> No.22849265

I haven't responded to anything about the collection besides agreeing with the fella that suggested it initially. I think it's a cute idea to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the original publication.

>> No.22849269

I already told you why I samefagged. Stop asking me the same question.

>> No.22849282

Or you're responding to the person that originally suggested it. I just got home from a Christmas party so I'm not at my most literate.
There's a handful of other people submitting collections which I've left as individual submissions along side the novels/plays. I've assumed it's best to leave the non-Shakespeare submissions untouched. If anyone wants to post feedback on the topic I'd love to hear it.

Got gifted a copy of The Atrocity Exhibition at the party, I'm a very happy lad.

>> No.22849290

Stop seething and answer, OP.

>> No.22849291

I think it's a great idea to conglomerate Shakespeare into one book.

>> No.22849297

I told you, I've been samefagging for the same reason you've been samefagging.

>> No.22849298

Are you esl?

>> No.22849299

No, I'm Henry.

>> No.22849310

Oh, ok. I thought if you were a native speaker it would be embarrassing to write a run-on sentence like that. But you're obviously esl, so whatever. No one should expect you to have more than a rudimentary handle on grammar.

>> No.22849319

>you're obviously esl
No, I'm Henry!

>> No.22849328


>> No.22849367

kill yourself

>> No.22849369

no u

>> No.22849373

>no u

>> No.22849374

kill yourself