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/lit/ - Literature

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22835640 No.22835640 [Reply] [Original]

How we dreamed of all the great things we would do?

Where did it all go so wrong..

>> No.22835644

>Where did it all go so wrong..
I'm too tired and my mind can't focus

>> No.22835659

I read on the Inequality of the Human Races and became terminally black-pilled.

>> No.22835663

I just wanna die. Of natural causes. Preferably in my sleep. I have nothing to show for. I just wasted away all the precious things I had -- time, money, youth and smarts. Please young anons, don't waste your teenage and your 20s. You'll regret it HARD.

>> No.22835668

I am on the path to fulfilling my /lit/ related new years resolution
I thought it was doomed to failure 5 months ago but miraculously it looks like it's going to be complete and not only might I complete it, I might go well beyond what I had originally swore I'd do
I am so fucking happy

>> No.22835711
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My life sucks.
On paper it shouldn't, I have like 70% of what a 24 year old man could want. I got a well paying job, I live at home with loving parents (normal here), people generally like me, I am physically healthy.
But I missed out on so much, basic experiences. It feels like I'll always be incomplete or playing catchup, only just getting to experience what I "should" experience when everyone else is already moving on

>> No.22835715

I wanted to be a person I could not become

>> No.22835716

I was writing stories for /wg/ 2013-2015. The quality of writing was significantly better back then. Now I'm washed up in retail had a psychotic break ruined my life

>> No.22835723

I was 13 when I decided to give up on life, It was actually some years before that but I told myself that if I still feel the same way when I turn 13 I'll completely go through with it.

>> No.22835724

I never had sex in my 20's. And in my 30's it's not looking good either.

I'll never have sex and I'll die from loneliness, depression, and desperation

>> No.22835727

are you in your 30s?

>> No.22835739

This shit started happening way waaay before 2015, but you were dreaming and laughing the hours away so now it got worse, but don't worry, soon 2023 will look awesome, you are not the first generation.

>> No.22835745

i think the best time and place ever is post vietnam pre gulf war USA USA USA

>> No.22835771

I'd say pre Vietnam or pre oil crisis to be exact. Some things I've read sound fantastic. Like middle class people being able to buy a house in first half of their 20's etc

>> No.22835788

yea but then vietnam comes and you get drafted and then you're fucked. Post-vietnam that's not a problem.

>> No.22835807

You're right only because things will continue to get worse.
There's not actually anything from 2020 onward that people will get nostalgic over. Theres no great books, music or movies. Our celebrities are not impressive. Nobody likes any of our politicians. The best people will say is "my joints ached less".

>> No.22835818

I'm midway to wasting my 20s

>> No.22835824

>There's not actually anything from 2020 onward that people will get nostalgic over.
the pre-AI era

>> No.22835831
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I'm of the opinion that humanity would be better off without internet. People in 1900's didn't know how good they had it

>> No.22835833

wtf did I just watch?

>> No.22835838

the average pvp session

>> No.22835845

I‘m already nostalgic over getting to spend half of 2020 in a drunken stupor and taking a bitchin‘ roadtrip that autumn for cheap because nobody was going anywhere. Then getting great unemployment benefits through 2021 and spending most of that on a job search while going to the parks, the cafes, the gym, and writing almost every day.

>> No.22835852
File: 59 KB, 606x603, 1680931584524998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss 2000-2012 internet like you wouldn't believe. Telephones should have never become wireless. Life would have been infinitely better if the internet stayed attached to computers with cables only. It would have been easier to keep real life separate from it as well.

>> No.22835860

Best time of my life was around 2017 and a few years after when I fell in love with reading and discovered a few books that really made me happy to be alive. Sadly those types of masterpieces are few and far between.

>> No.22835886

Artosis. He's a starcraft player and the person playing against him used cheap gimmick tactics so he lost even though he's the better player
video source:

>> No.22835890

Very true.

Some of my nostalgia for that age *is* tainted by youth. But I also feel that some of the ways of relating to people that thrived then are dead. Misanthropy is pervasive now. Men hate women. Women hate men. Whites hate blacks. Blacks hate whites. This is a distorted abnormality. There was not perfect harmony in the past, but everyone living their lives online has made things much worse.

And in my own experience. I feel like in the early 2010s and late 2000s I could meet and bond with new people with ease. Now everyone is quietly seething and defensive: it all feels horrible.

>> No.22835895
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None of those things were open due to democrats closing them down.
People were forced out of work and then placed under house arrest, with the exception of rioting negroids who could do whatever they wanted.
This didn't affect you because you were already an unemployed, shut in loser.

>> No.22835899


>> No.22835910

>I miss 2000-2012 internet like you wouldn't believe.
Same here, it was amazing. I don't think the reasons are technical thou. Any kind of tech is double edged, always.

>> No.22835917

get fit and become a right wing racist (it doesn't matter what race you are, just be racist)

>> No.22835925

I‘m literally recounting a list of fun things I did. I‘m not even following what level of delusional assertion you‘re on to say it contradicts your narrative of those years when, by the way, Trump was president most of the time and responsible for those negroids. Prison reform working wonders, glad I touched grass instead of paying attention to gay politics.

>> No.22835933

In 2015 and 2016 I was the most depressed I had ever been (it was my blackpilled phase), but I got through it and every year since except for 2020 has been better than the last for me personally speaking. The world gotten objectively worse though. Women are trash. Politics is trash. Everyone is getting poorer. Clownworld bullshit, etc. I've just completely internalized the copepill I guess.

>> No.22835935
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You did not touch grass, and everything gets worse due to leftism, because leftism is societal cancer in all of its forms.

>> No.22835940

>Where did it all go so wrong..
It was about when I was three, personally.

>> No.22835944

I'm not that other anon, but go fuck yourself. This guys >>22835925 having a good time and enjoying life and you're being a little nagging doomer bitch on the internet, trying to go around demoralizing people. Fuck you faggot.

>> No.22835946

>cheap gimmick tactics
don't exist. gg

>> No.22835952
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You're a marxist.

>> No.22835954

You jack off to demoralization porn while pretending to be something you're not. I am not a Marxist, however, I just don't like you.

>> No.22835962

>You ever feel like nothing good's ever gonna happen to you?
>Yeh, and nothing did, so what?

>> No.22835964
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>everything is fine and forget what was done to you
I'm an optimist because you're far too gay and retarded to maintain the systems you subverted.

>> No.22836020

Get a life bitch. Touch pussy.

>> No.22836070

Fuck off faggot. He looks like shit. He is weak and skinny fat and sleep deprived. His condition seems far from being admirable or worth defending. Loser para social fuck,

>> No.22836100

despite what doctors say (they're either ignorant or liars) SSRIs crippling levels of addictive

>> No.22836113

It was inevitable. I remember feeling this vague sense of dread since I was five years old.

>> No.22836131

My liver and kidneys are almost fucked. The book is shelved. Reading but working a horrible job. Alone. Life’s good.

>> No.22836145

I know that feeling. Weird how some people seem to be doomed from the start.

>> No.22836153

I said from the start that one of the best things about covid mayhem was getting into the gym almost every day (sans the early period, where the upside was not being in an office gave me plenty of opportunities to do continuous burpees at home while day drinking) Even now that I have to work again I‘m managing about three times a week. I don‘t think anybody buys the contrary take that being a news-riddled misery porn addict correlates with strength and vigor.

>> No.22836192
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You didn't go to the gym because you were legally banned from doing so.
I know because I actually am fit, and go to different gyms six days a week between strength/cardio training and MMA.
But it's obvious that you're lying because you're a leftist, which means you don't work, don't work out, and while living through objectively the gayest and most retarded period of human history living in a crumbling late stage empire ruled by marxist transvestites, are trying to pull some "great news comrades, another record harvest" bullshit.

>> No.22836193

Hey arty, maybe you should listen to the advice of cleverstarcraftguy instead of complaining and also cum in my ass,bich boi.

>> No.22836230

My bjj gym wasn‘t closed after the first few months during which time I already said I was doing continual burpees at home. A quick google search shows that even ultralib NYC (not where I live, just the VPN redirects there) opened back up in August 2020. It‘s weird that you would accuse others of lying when your claims can so easily be disproven.

>> No.22836237

Waste your 20s? How does that even happen? Like even if you work a dead end job you can still save up some money. Sounds like libshit productivity bias.

>> No.22836239

Shut up. You are a dyel and an incel unless you are a based racist. Racists are chads. Becoming racist will solve all loneliness and incel issues.

>> No.22836248

I know these picrel articles from /pol/ are all fake but holy shit, it does perfectly portray the level of dellusionment many people live in nowadays
Feudal lords were right when they said that giving political rights to plebs would have detrimental consequences
Some people simply aren't wired for participating in politics and they drive down the level of the discourse to subterranean levels

>> No.22836260
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>26 and a half
>obese (105 kgs at 1.85 m); every time I go down to 90 I stuff my face and go back to 100
>hair's thinned to the point of ridiculousness, none of the sprays and minoxidils and fins and skin doctors and whatever help much
>rather ugly
>friendless KHV
>haven't graduated yet; pass maybe a class or two per semester, been here 7 years and I still have 20 out of 30-something classes to pass
>even if I do graduate, I'll be a mid-level "physicist" who's too retarded to do anything
>actively feel my mind going
>cannot even understand if I want anything, as most days I just feel a sort of apathy
I just don't know anymore. I always knew that I was not made for having tons of friends, being the centre of attention, all that stuff. The thought of a gf never even entered my mind until I just got too horny. But regardless of all that I thought that I was still smart enough to do something, to find some meaning. Turns out I'm retarded, lazy and weak. I haven't opened a book in years. The worst thing is, when I do study, I actually enjoy it. But I'm too scared to try, so I don't. Why try and fail when you can just do nothing and fail utterly?

Lately I've been having pretty bad dreams and thoughts. I have this urge to pluck out my eyes, to cut open my face, to break my fingers, things like that. I'm worthless objectively, but I don't really have an urge to kill myself or to hurt others. I just want to break myself. I won't do it because my parents would be sad, but I just feel this burning urge inside me sometimes to run head first to the wall, plunge a knife into my calves, things like that. It passes then, and I look outside the window and I see some kittens playing and I get a smile on my face and I'm happy again, so it's not that bad. But I don't like it when I feel these things.

Honestly, I just don't know. I've lost every chance. I'm not going to say that everyone outside is a sex god, but even during my time they were starting to fuck around and from what I'm hearing outside, the younger gen's even more promiscuous. I'm a virgin at 26. Even if I found a gf how could I ever cope with being last? I can't. So that's out. What else remains? I'm not talented enough at anything, and whatever I was good at was ruined a long time ago. I collect things and that gives me some balance, but with how slow the entertainment industry is and how bad the collecting community's gotten Post-Covid, it'll take me another decade to complete my collection.

It's funny, when I was a kid I'd go to bed sad at all the suffering in the world, and I'd get "devil" stuck in my head because I was so afraid of him. I still am, but in an effort to make myself feel fulfilled, I've started having this fantasy that I am a sort of failed demon. I'm retarded and lost and I use fantasies to cope with how much a failure I am. It's a defense mechanism. If I keep telling myself that I'm evil and if I go forward in life I'll be a demon, it's easy to excuse doing nothing...

>> No.22836268
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This but unironically.

>> No.22836274

James Ball sounds like a total simp.

>> No.22836292

So make yourself less worthless.
You can always be better than you are now.
If you obsess over some external standard you don't meet, you're never going to improve.

>> No.22836305

ITT: Fragile ego, fragile body, weak mind, weak spirit.

>> No.22836345

The thing is that I‘m very racist but I want people who use this serious position as a flourish for trump-tier republicanism and rage at the fact that they had to wear disposable gloves at the Shoney‘s buffet for a few months humiliated out of participating in discourse at any level.

>> No.22836348

Life is great and full of blessings. Enjoy it while you can instead of e-whining. Also I’ve seen 3-4 posts of this sort on /lit/ now in the past few times I came here, why do depressed retards feel they’re welcome here?

>> No.22836367

Just so you know, I would kill you if you said this in front of me.
Countless people had their lives completely destroyed by leftist lockdown policies, and entire generation has a massive learning gap that isn't going away due to useless school closures, and people were prevented from even visiting their dying parents in the hospital, all for the sake of the largest wealth transfer from the middle to billionaire class in the name of "covid relief".

>> No.22836394
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Cost of living skyrocketed and incomes stagnated. This trend shows no signs of slowing.

>> No.22836417

The explicitly Marxist state of China is currently taking over as the top economic power in the world. The Marxists are literally winning.

>> No.22836696

The nearing of the middle of a decade constitutes a miniature version and preambular glimpse of the same harvesting protorsion unto finality that characterizes the nearing of the end of one.

>> No.22836779

that's just the business

>> No.22837125

>make no fiends
>talk to no girls
>neet away
>don’t study or practice anything for new skills
>let your body waste away so you have a 40yo’s body in your 30s.
It’s very difficult to pick your life back up afterwards. Not impossible, but very difficult, especially if you have no outside help (like family) or something giving you hope (like Christianity)

>> No.22837156

0.00005 seconds on google

>> No.22837299

Im 33 years old. I’ve been betrayed, abandoned, humiliated and suffered losses that in my younger years I thought would kill me or convert me into a loser. I really thought back then, that in life there are winners and losers. Perhaps I was right, but if I were, I am not one. I’ve collected all my defeats and fears and now wear them as badges, death will one day come one day and perhaps I can ward my fear from it by remembering that I’ve died plenty of times already.

>> No.22837320


>> No.22837324

Explicitly marxist in terms of rhetoric. Observably fascist in terms of behavior. And implicitly satanist, like all power hungry regimes.

>> No.22837516

Marx is required reading for every government official. It's not about whether they act as Marxists, but rather that they have learned the lessons of Marx and that power is sufficient to dominate capitalist nations politically.

>> No.22837517

Pretty much what this anon says >>22837125
On top of that, I actually had help but I had to ruin my prospects by being a /tv/ and /mu/ ,/lit/ fag instead of working at my prospects. I'm not very smart but I could've made something of myself. Time doesn't go back one sec. Now I only have regret at hand and lady Death waiting for me to consent. Forums and anything virtual is all a nothing if you aren't exerting yourself into a concrete, fruitful goal. You will never be a writer or musician or a director or anything. Virtual is not real. Don't ruin your life.

>> No.22837526

It's perfectly fine to waste your twenties.

T. Coping massively

>> No.22837539

>I miss 2000-2012 internet like you wouldn't believe. Telephones should have never become wireless. Life would have been infinitely better if the internet stayed attached to computers with cables only. It would have been easier to keep real life separate from it as well.
No people were bored before internet, and all women and orbiters they did is drink and have sex.

Now they do the same thing but they talk about it in public

>> No.22837632
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i have this problem too. we need to get more sleep, really discipline ourselves. i have written a notice board of things like that to follow. it helps me do them.
>go to bed early
>read even if you're tired
>listen to your gut
>lay the foundations of the future you want.

>> No.22837642
File: 849 KB, 800x800, marble and sculptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh but you know what else helped me a lot? regaining purpose.
it wakes you up like nothing else. i am an artist, so now I'm dedicated to making traditional cedltic art that promotes the good christian values that people have lost, leaving us so miserable, even though I'm not christian.
inspiring music and a purpose, meditate on it, whatever it is, make it your new religion and suddenly you find clarity.
sidenote: I have met MANY people over the course of my life, from all different walks of life, from drug dealers, to homeless to millionaires, to hippies living in vans- and the happiest, nicest and people with the best lives, were the devout christians.

>> No.22837648

Define "wasted"

>> No.22837651

Speak for yourself. I didn't waste shit. Every moment you're left breathing is a moment you can use to take your accumulated experience in life and use it to produce something. If you die without doing that, it's your own fault. You decided to give up.

>> No.22837707
File: 313 KB, 731x567, crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say I worked hard in my 20's but saved about 400k by my 30's but then I lost it all in crypto. It's over for me

>> No.22837712

just learn to daytrade on futures. with ES 8 ticks =100 usd. The trick to trading is cutting the loses at -5% and cutting your gains by taking partial profits all the time, and leaving a runner with a trailing stop because you never know.
Trading is more about psychology than tools.

>> No.22837755

Based. He had already given up deep down.

>> No.22837767

>he was happy once in his conscious life
I haven’t been happy since I was 10 years old.
My friend recently mentioned the good old days in high school and I reminded him that even back then I had said these are not good times for me.

>> No.22837768

The stock market is worth more than double the gdp, you never know when it will all collapse and never recover

>> No.22837801

I considered falling for the travel meme like some dumb roastie but immediately I realized how pointless it is.

>> No.22837804

Making hyperborea edits on /wsg/ isn’t really “waking up” bro…

>> No.22837820
File: 544 KB, 750x711, they dont know hyperborean mysteries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to clarify, i didn't make that image, and that's not the art I'm talking about. but you are also wrong. no one mentioned hyperborea edits, but you saw that art and knew of them. you know what they are- they are doing thier job. seeding an idea through art. keeping it alive. thankyou for proving, that HYPERBOREA EDITS ARE WORKING.

>> No.22837851
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It’s been downhill since middle school no cap.

>> No.22837870

Bitte schön? 'In nuce' pic rel is Nietzsche's philosophical program in its entirety

>> No.22837944

1. switch majors. maybe something where you can use your credits or something that's easier than physics.
2. or do something completely different.
3. or change your entire system of habits and approach to learning in general.
I went to school with someone who started studying physics in 2008. He's still studying, fucked in the head, semi-homeless, doing his M.Sc.

>> No.22837959

Actually you're right I do enjoy that stuff and even the kind you posted originally although they're cringy half the time. I just wanted to make a meme comment. Keep making stuff that breathes life in you obv

>> No.22837979
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pro tip: do not give a shit what other people feel, or think about you.

>> No.22837991
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>Where did it all go so wrong..
We got flooded by election tourists, reddit refugees and /pol/cels

>> No.22837992

kys socialist

>> No.22837993

see. We used to talk about literature now its /pol/ shit

>> No.22837994

They have the least regulated market

>> No.22838002

kys socialist

>> No.22838031

So you have a perfectly good life, and your only "problems" are made up shit that you created in your head because you lack the capacity of reasoning like an adult man. Damn, man, that sucks!

>> No.22838067

>basic experiences
>playing catchup
to what? You type as if there was a single determined road for every person and if you don't follow it you are doomed. It's unbelievable how brainwashed you are.

>> No.22838077
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It's not like 4chan was ever a place for enlightened, high-brow discussion but the quality was far superior to what it is today. There was actual OC and more often than not it was even amusing or clever in some way, nowadays you're lucky if you get another repulsive variant of *jak or whatever the fuck that gets spammed all over the entire site, even in totally unrelated boards and the politically incorrect but funny image macros about niggers being thieves and stealing bikes that you'd see on /b/ or wherever the hell have turned into traumatized faggot retards crying about their nigger trauma 24/7 and all over the place, on pretty much every board they touch. It should never have been permitted.

There is a difference between the site being a """cesspool""" because it was entirely irreverent and disrespectful of everything that "should" be taken seriously and as such repelled normalfags who couldn't take it and the state it's in today where most of the user base seems to use the site as the place to empty their night pot because they took the "cesspool" allegations for the truth. You should know how it goes, if you pretend you're an idiot you'll attract actual idiots who believe they're in good company. The problem is they were never kicked out, now it's mostly just the actual idiots left.

>> No.22838128

Just by reading your post i can guarantee you're not worthless. You're articulated enough and more intelligent than most people. You're also not worthless, and your heart is in the right place; your mind isn't, however, but that can be worked on.
I'm no position of giving advices, given my circumstances, but you can change, little by little, by taking small steps, stuff like changing your course in college or make an extra effort to finish and then find a general source of income. That will make you feel more valuable, i believe.

>> No.22838179

The issues in society got worse and the internet simply reflects that. I got news. You were always just as much an idiot.

>> No.22838187

You are not a failed demon, but a son of God who lacks proper motivation through a proper aim. Actually, I guess you are a failed demon; and thank God for that!
Our society literally measures the value of human worth through money and it has caused everyone to feel like something is wrong with them when really, nothing is. It's a disgusting curse set upon men by cynical beasts who embody hatred, mostly of themselves.
Clean your mind of these unworthy thoughts, they are not your own.

>> No.22838192

You know what you need to do.

>> No.22838211

easier said than done being a social animal. how does one do it?

>> No.22838405

it is difficult. but when you fully understand the concept of disregarding what people think, then it becomes easier. one day it just clicked for me.
a stupid bullshit opinion made in bad faith, etc? disregarded, i feel nothing except a desire for those people to get out of the way of actual discussion.
I care what my friends think, but they don't think badly of me even when we disagree or they don't like what I'm into.

>> No.22838437
File: 431 KB, 640x478, integrity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is what should be a great insight for you:
stupid people are not aware that they are stupid.
evil people do not care about the evil they do.
demons have no qualms about being demonic.
You are really a good boy, and with a little luck and effort you will find a good girl. You are acutely aware of what good and evil is, what the devil is; start fighting it. find some way to and do something and your life will change forever.
also remember; you can only be courageous, in the face of fear. courageous people do not feel confidence, they feel fear, and do things anyway.

>> No.22838707


>> No.22838761

All the years of no sex were certainly painful but now that I've managed to get a gf that wants to move in and even have kids with me I don't seem to be able to commit. I'd like to keep degeneratemaxxing, if I am truthful. I wish it was socially acceptable to have your wife and kids but to see escorts on the side.

>> No.22838835

This hombre underestimated the power of sexo.

>> No.22838839

already wasted half of my 20s bro

>> No.22838853

I can go to my local retailer and find this level of dismissal about a few months at home almost four years ago within ten minutes if I wanted to; you‘re not killing anyone, tubby. And the fact that you feel the need to inch toward the fedpost level on /lit/ when your clown behavior is exposed shows the pathetic ineptitude at the heart of this discourse. Strap on the goyfeed bag and get ready for the next election cycle you pathetic mutt. I‘ll keep having fun riding the cultural shifts.

>> No.22839094
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>I can go to my local retailer and find this level of dismissal about a few months at home almost four years ago within ten minutes if I wanted to; you‘re not killing anyone, tubby. And the fact that you feel the need to inch toward the fedpost level on /lit/ when your clown behavior is exposed shows the pathetic ineptitude at the heart of this discourse. Strap on the goyfeed bag and get ready for the next election cycle you pathetic mutt. I‘ll keep having fun riding the cultural shifts.

>> No.22839228

>Please young anons, don't waste your teenage and your 20s. You'll regret it HARD.
Too late. Now all I can think of is killing myself, just can't cope with the amount of sadness and regret I feel.

>> No.22839271
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>> No.22839385

I bet you dont even know what that word even means .

>> No.22839416

how 'bout you socialize with some bitches.

>> No.22839431

kek, im halfway through 18 already. My score? 0 friends, 0 job (but 1k saved, I never go out and spend), 0 sex, 0 kisses, 1 (rather pathetic) hug, probably flunked out of college, and I can count on my fingers the number of times i've been out with friends throughout my life. What I can't count is my hours spent on 4 chins.

>> No.22839462

>can't cope with the amount of sadness and regret I feel
Muchacho it's winter and the end of the year, it's almost funny if you think you're the only one doing this.

>> No.22839481

I don't understand this chart but I remember boxxy so it's okay.

>> No.22839484

Why have you established parasocial associations with twitter cartoons from five years ago?

>> No.22839514

I've been in this situation for more than a year now though.

>> No.22839515
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>> No.22839540


>> No.22839556

i am proud of you

>> No.22839561

do leftys really think like this?

>> No.22839562

So we’re all noticing that this board has been insanely shit for a while right

>> No.22839571

>became terminally black-pilled

>> No.22839583
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i hope everyone realises that this is what happens when you have no barrier to entry, no gatekeeping, when you just let in lots of people from other places. it changes everything, and what you once liked goes away forever. you starting to get it?

>> No.22839588

this nigga counts hugs

>> No.22839598

There was never any barrier to entry on 4chan

>> No.22839621
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yeah and that's how we ended up with idiots like you here

>> No.22839635

Post books

>> No.22839707


>> No.22839727

Just don't tell them?

>> No.22839734

came here from r/4chan in 2016, ama

>> No.22839883
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I know, I know, but my fantasies are all I have. And if I try and fail, I'll forever know I'm nothing. However if I don't try, I'll certainly be nothing. I'm too cowardly is all. And there's a self-destructive tendency in me. I suppose because I'm scared. Whatever I was good at as a kid was eventually taken from me. So I ruin it all before factors outside my purview can do it for me first.
I can't do that. In my cunt you take your finals and after your score comes out, you apply for a few schools and a specific subject. Once you're in, that's it. You can't change what you study, you don't even pick your classes. You either do it, or you give up.
Thank you for the kind words anon. But it's hard, you know? Take today. I studied. I didn't over eat. I run an hour on the treadmill. I felt light and better about myself. Night came, I got the yearning for a pizza. I resisted. I ended up paying 30€ for a "gourmet" dish that was basically beef with tons of pasta. Now I'm bloated, feel fat again, my hard work went down the drain, and I'm back to where I was in the morning. I'm incapable of doing well because the moment I make a single good decision, however insignificant, I walk back on it and make the same mistakes.
I wish I knew what thoughts were my own. I've become so indecisive I cannot figure out what I like on any given subject. I'm empty and open to everything. I feel no pulls, no genuine desires, nothing. It's all equally nothing. I don't even know what, I don't know, colours I like, or music, or any other basic piece of identity. I used to be steadfast, now I'm a feather in the wind, being carried to nowhere.
Yeah, but it's hard...
>also remember; you can only be courageous, in the face of fear. courageous people do not feel confidence, they feel fear, and do things anyway.
Thanks anon. I've always felt very cowardly. Far too often I'd go to the cinema and they'd play a horror trailer before the movie I was there to watch, and I'd slump over, close my eyes and put my fingers into my ears. Loud noises startle me. Most days I don't feel like a man, more like a mockery of it. I go to the supermarket and while the butcher's cutting the meat, if I'm close, my body involuntarily flinches. I can't help it, it's there. But I've been doing better. Managed to watch some horror flicks by myself. I await the butcher's knife and brace myself. Small things, really, but hey.

I just don't know. Half the time I'm so angry, at myself, at certain elements; and the other half I'm hyperactive. But it's all hollow. An act I'm playing, because I'm too scared to try and find out who I am in the real world. I wish I was a better person, but these days I don't even feel like I exist.

>> No.22839941

>And if I try and fail, I'll forever know I'm nothing. However if I don't try, I'll certainly be nothing.
Just passing through but this is textbook covert/introverted narcissism. You need to try no matter what Anon. This mindset will rot your soul away.

>> No.22840076
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i can't go on like this. 8 whole fucking years searching for a sliver of hope, meaning, anything. no friends, no money, parents believing in me, and forced to go through my day like a worker in some kind of absurdist post modern novel. this is wake up at 6am, while the darkness still makes me want to believe i can go still lie in my bed, safe and warm, dreaming as its the only thing left, yet i must make myself to get up. clench my teeth, take a hour long ride to a place where my uni classes take place. im a med student, so what is expected to me to do is either
a) listen to a doctor talking about some illness in excruciating detail, down to international standards for lab results and such
b) talk with patients about their time in hospital and everything related to it, no sidetracking or doing anything remotely interesting
c) (by far my favourite) stand behind surgeons back as hes doing his cutting and sewing
then, after 4 hours, i get back to my rented room, as i cant even say im going back to my rented flat. 95% of the time im sitting right in front of me screen, waiting. the games are not fun, the music is not fun, the reading is not fun, the drawing is not fun, youtube is not fun, internet is not fun, 4chan is the last remaining place i can feel my words might have even the slightest weight of importance. then, i go to sleep
shouldve went stem, but now ive fucked up and parents wont give me money for another few years in education. its either go down this path of oblivion or go for some shitty wagie job and simultaneously study
just wanted to say it, if you dont care, dont, i would like to not care myself too

>> No.22840104

Go to a nice escort.

>> No.22840119

i have gf, i love her, but shes not "my-way" intelligent. shes very emotional, lovable and cute, but she cant quite grasp the weight of life, or any more abstract concepts. were've known ourselves for quite some time, so were attached to each other, yet the novelth has worn off. she does makes it better when i can see her, but shes oftentimes at her own schedule. my trad parents despise the idea of me living with her, so im stuck alone for now

>> No.22840137

when i first ended up on /pol/ during ron paul era there were bunch of people defending muslims, so I thought 'what is this libtard place" and left.

>> No.22840601

How do we save this board? Every day the catalogue is mostly comprised of new threads and the ones from the day before are dead.

>> No.22840635

I want to make real threads about art and literature but I refrain from doing it because I know that it'll die right away. Sad state of affairs

>> No.22840659

All my friends are progressives, but before covid they never really talked about politics at all so it was still fun hanging out. Since covid, all they talk about now is politics and girlboss shit the entire time we get together. I'm on the vege of cutting all contract with them. I try to talk about sports or something that we have a common interest in and the wokest bitch in the group instantly switches the conversation to how hockey culture is toxic masculinity

>> No.22840670

This is ultimately the biggest problem. The board is comprised of a majority of retards or people who don’t care about literature, that majority make the most threads because their threads are low effort and bait of some sort, and the majority go towards those threads that are being created more rapidly than good threads. There is little incentive to post or make threads because of this, coupled with the fact that many worthwhile anons left. I most stick to general type threads based around legit literature so more anons can join.

>dude, if you don’t bump your thread every 12 hours before it dies, you don’t deserve to have it up

For the anon that will say this, this isn’t how /lit/ works, or shouldn’t in theory. People have lives. People read. /lit/ is supposed to be a slow board with incentive for longer, more effort posting.

Ultimately, /lit/‘a problem is a demographic problem, the anons here now are trash, and too many shit threads are made. Even if post number is the same as years ago, I’d bet there are more threads made today but more threads dying with few replies compared to the past. Until /lit/ gets a better demographic who respects /lit/, it will continue to be trash. Creating a philosophy and a religion board would be a fine start but it’s clear the powers that be want a hands off approach, I mean, /lit/ moderation is terrible compared to the old days, I can’t blame them though because it would take so much effort to clean the board up

>> No.22840679

>hockey culture
I’m not even a woketard but junior hockey culture is pretty terrible. Idk if it’s because they don’t go to school, travel the country, have rich parents, and are minor celebrities in small towns, but they have a serious grub culture. So many rapes, gang rapes, date rapes and retarded players

>> No.22840693

the fuck is "grub culture"

>> No.22840717

Meant grug

>> No.22840800

the fuck is "grug culture"

>> No.22841116
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move to japan

>> No.22841484

Why is life so sad