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22835578 No.22835578 [Reply] [Original]

Literature on the evils of modern life and the joys of a simpler existence?

>> No.22835631

The Thin Red Line (movie)

>> No.22835672

Thank you anon, that's very helpful.
I thought I had the Malick Plummer pasta saved but I just can't find it. I'm slightly annoyed now.

>> No.22835802

Marshall Sahlin's short article The Original Affluent Society
James Scott's The Art of Not Being Governed and Seeing Like A State
Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh by Helena Norberg-Hodge
The Post-Development Reader edited by Majid Rahnema
The Connected Discourses of the Buddha translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi
The Middle Length Discourses of the Buddha translated by B. Ñāṇamoli and B. Bodhi
The Tao Te Ching and the Zhuangzi
The chapters on the Cynics and the Stoics in Diogenes Laertius' book Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
Any manual on Catholic aseticism
The Triumph of the Farmer or Industry and Parasitism by Timofei Bondarev with the essay Industry and Idleness by Tolstoy
Question Concerning Technology by Heidegger

As a general rule, stay away from meme books like Kazacynski or whatever the fuck people read these days.

>> No.22835817

it's strange how it feels like everyone has given up on everything. instead of confronting evil and creating an utopia we've collectively decided we should go back to being literal apes because it's simpler

>> No.22835834

>we've collectively decided
That's cute.
>stay away from meme books like Kazacynski
It's actually a decent read, but thanks for the recommendations anyway anon.

>> No.22835850

that's because every attempt to change something for the better is roadblocked by super rich, all powerful dickheads that don't give a shit about the future because they'll be dead by then.

People want to run into the woods to live like monkeys the same way animals run when they sense an earthquake. You can't change it, so you get out of the way and hope you and the people you care about survive.

>> No.22835861

it's easy to blame the super rich. they're not all powerful and painting them in this reductive "they're pure evil" way is stupid. everyone has a part of responsibility, if normalfags weren't total retards the super rich wouldn't have many ways of comitting evil. there's plenty of rich people who genuinely believe they're doing good

>> No.22835894

You could fix every single thing you regard as a problem to your liking, economic, political, social, what have you, and you'd find that nothing has fundamentally changed, because you weren't addressing the core issue.
Going back to being literal apes, as you put it, does.

>> No.22835896

I disagree

>> No.22835903

You can disagree all you want, but it's been tried before, see the French and bolshevik revolutions.

>> No.22835905

Sure, the common folk can do stuff, but what's the point of never using plastic straws and buying local if BPD is just going to fuck up an oil pipeline and dump millions of tons of oil into the ocean? Why can Bill Gates have any say in who gets vaccines and how much they cost? Why is Elon Musk allowed to just keep shooting million dollar rockets over towns and letting them explode?

My mom buys only local, goes to specialty stores where nothing is in containers, avoids all plastics. She does literally everything a single consumer can do to avoid pollution and reduce her footprint, and it's just painful to watch. It's like watching someone trying to save the titanic by scooping water with a spoon.

>> No.22835907

incremental progress. revolutions fail, but then succeed in some small way.

>> No.22835909

>incremental progress
To what?

>> No.22835911

>Why can Bill Gates have any say in who gets vaccines and how much they cost?
because the government hates spending any money so the bulk of scientific and technological progress has been spearheaded by corporations
>Why is Elon Musk allowed to just keep shooting million dollar rockets over towns and letting them explode?
see above

>> No.22835914

Ah, so it is the super rich that are the problem.

>> No.22835915

>because the government hates spending any money so the bulk of scientific and technological progress has been spearheaded by corporations
>He doesn't know about the Musk government gibs

>> No.22835916

improving the human condition

>> No.22835920

Unironically, read Notes from the Underground and then Demons, after that get back to us.

>> No.22835928

How much technological, economic and social improvements do you need before you reach the mythical endpoint of Utopia?
Cause you're living better right now than any peasant or plebian through out history, and yet clearly it's not enough.
Perhaps the UBI meme will finally save the day?
Does anyone here actually read anything?

>> No.22835932

what about the oil thing?

>> No.22836055

answer the question.

>> No.22836084

>lived entire life in 1st world luxury
>wants to READ about how life was better as a peasant/nomad

>> No.22836112

i don't live in the ocean so i can't say, sorry

>> No.22836157

I meant the 1964 version

>> No.22836689
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Uh oh.

>> No.22836706

Walden by Thoreau
The best book on this topic. The champ.

>> No.22837612 [DELETED] 

>26 posts and nobody posted Uncle Ted
What the fuck are you guys doing in here?

>> No.22838070


>> No.22838083

Hesiod Works and Days
Ovid Metamorphoses

>> No.22838093
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>> No.22838099

wanting to quit modern life to a simpler existence already makes your life very complicated
how do you overcome this dilemna

>> No.22838125
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Anon, literally all of these people can be killed
Yeah, yeah, and so they continue their evil...

>> No.22838169

Yes, exactly. The glowies will kill prominent BLM protesters like they're flies, and they'll destabilize 3rd world country for bananas, but suddenly oh no, they couldn't possibly kill even one oil CEO. I'm terrible at killing people, and I can't afford a decent assassin, so all I can do is sit here and seethe about it.

>> No.22838174

Simple Life by Charles Wagner
This Ugly Civilization and Flight From The City by Ralph Borsodi
The Nature of Order by Christopher Alexander

>> No.22838246

>muh pollution
Kill yourself goypig

>> No.22838288

In order to become "super rich", one HAS to be pure evil. Only by vampiricly siphoning off the surplus value of the labour they exploit can one become "super rich". To maintain their position, they MUST suck the planet dry. They could be satisfied with merely being rich, but instead they choose to be evil. There is no redeeming quality, no progress sponsored, no charity given that can compensate for the evil done by the "super rich" by merely existing.

>> No.22838305

>kill prominent BLM protesters like they're flies
like who? the paranoid delusions of nazi leftoids are so strange

>> No.22838310

>these people are more successful than me...how DARE they
to be a leftist is to be a loser, if not in material terms then at least in spirit

>> No.22838318


>> No.22838328

And in brain

>> No.22838335

revolution solely worsens the problems. what say you a restoration?

>> No.22838345

>all those billionaires told me if I just work hard I can be just like them!
to be right-wing is to be a beaten, drooling dog licking the boot that kicks him

>> No.22838352

You are so fucking stupid. Equality isn’t even an end in itself.

>> No.22838365

Who said anything about equality, bootlicker?

>> No.22838375

>>all those billionaires told me if I just work hard I can be just like them!
This literally implies equality is the goal, goddamn you really have to be slack jawed stupid to be a leftist don’t you? And you are the biggest bootlickers of all as well, wanting to be the boot doesn’t change that.

>> No.22838395

>This literally implies equality is the goal
No, it implies that you're a dumbfuck that believes all the bullshit about how billionaires are hard workers who earned all their money and deserve all their tax breaks, so don't think about it like a good dog. Just attack people who think things should change. Just hate immigrants and black people. Trannies are the problem. It's definitely not the mentally twisted billionaires exempt from consequences and any kind of social obligation. Anyone who thinks otherwise is just a stupid leftist. OBEY OBEY OBEY. CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME.

>> No.22838410

lol you sound like a schizo. billionaires drive humanity forward. companies are at the forefront of scientific innovation. meanwhile, your leftoid tranny friends are nothing but parasites. you benefit from all the genius of these investors and inventors, you live comfortable existences, and you call for their death out of nothing but jealousy, because being a loser in a free, just society is too much for you to bear. a totalitarian shithole like a muslim theocracy or a stalinist dictatorship would be more bearable because you would then have an excuse for being an abject failure.

>> No.22838422

>billionaires drive humanity forward.
This is so fucking stupid, I think you just gave me a stroke.

>> No.22838423

we were never apes, you imbecile. the antediluvians were more advanced than we are. good thing we traded intergalactic civilization for drag queen story hour

>> No.22838494

keep living in denial of reality. humanity has never made so many advances in medicine, technology, astronomy than under capitalism. the standards of living of the entire world have risen. even third world countries, supposed "victims" of white people and their evil capitalism, are now more prosperous than they ever were.

>> No.22838496


>> No.22838514

so what year are you from time traveller? we aren't in the days of carnegie, rockefeller, ford, etc anymore. i guess there's musk at least but beyond him they're just the same ol mongs like the rest of us these days, doesn't make too much a difference if ya got more 0s to shuffle around.

>> No.22838535

It literally did imply that equality was the goal, you literal and intellectual faggot. Also I am fine with immigrants, it isn’t a free market without open borders. You trannies are certainly a problem everywhere you go and everything you think and say, but not really the problem as it were.

>> No.22838546

yep, the glory days of capitalism are probably gone, mostly because leftists have successfully suppressed free entreprise.

>> No.22838588

Nah, can’t give them that much credit, central banking is the main evil.

>> No.22838604
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/leftypol/ are not sending their best today