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22834299 No.22834299 [Reply] [Original]

I want to learn about Islam treatment of Christians, Jews and Hindus etc throughout history, Modern ones especially.

>> No.22834375
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>> No.22834629

There should be a Black Book of Islam like there is for Communism

>> No.22834792


Negationism in India: Concealing the Record of Islam by Koenraad Elst

>> No.22835082
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There is a good youtube channel called SHAMOUNIAN he often debates muslims and they often times reveal themselves after he asks them "If your imam commands you to start a jihad and kill non muslims would you obey?" The honest ones answer yes while the cowardly ones try and spin and deflect the question since they know that they would.

>> No.22836124

just contact the us state department and theyll give you a list of readings and the israeli education minister

nigger you can't even save your own dying church how are you gonna save europe?

>> No.22836134

Was it Walter Vieth or whoever it was that wrote a lot about polotical islam and charted the bloody advance of it war after war after war

>> No.22836199
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There's a Green Book that's somewhat related to what you speak of.

>> No.22836203
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Islam is a fucking scourge of just utter banalities. Your entire moral world is just completely owned by decrepit imams dictating the details of how you ought to shit, piss, wipe your hands, what pets you can keep, what music is religiously acceptable, what music isn't, how many times per day you need to bend over toward that idiotic cube, etc.. That's the entire extent of its vision of the world to be frank. Islam produces next to no significant intellectual or artistic output, it has few geniuses outside of its foggy past, and I'd go so far as to say it has outright caused the decline in literal genetic capital in the entire region due to its insistence on continuing the practice of cousin marriage. If there was ever any Islamic golden age, I can assure you it was predicated specifically on a turning away from it's moral religious imperatives, similar to the European renaissance. The Turks carried you fucks so hard, lol.

>> No.22836218

the Quran

>> No.22836235

The Quran and being white

>> No.22836249

>predicated specifically on a turning away from it's moral religious imperatives, similar to the European renaissance.
The Renaissance was literally going back to early Christianity though, going back to Neoplatonism and the Church Fathers instead of hyper-autistic Scholastic logic puzzles.

>> No.22836253

Sex and allah by christian prince

>> No.22836392

>The Renaissance was literally going back to early Christianity though, going back to Neoplatonism
You're right about platonism. The renaissance was however primarily a turn toward the renewal of Hellenic thinking and aesthetics, and as a result found a way to make Christianity amenable to them. This is why you see particularly in Italy at the time such a significant shift toward realism in the arts, whether in painting or sculpture, as well as a renewed emphasis on the human form. It's muscle, strength, and natural virtues, things which are pretty disconnected from Christianity as a 'moral' religion (fundamentally concerned with religious law), but I think fundamental to Greek thought. Along with this you also saw the renewal of interest in the works of Plato and Aristotle most significantly, but also more broadly with a number of ancient Greek heroes. You can see this in Dante for instance.

>> No.22836411
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At a fundamental level, this has a lot more to do with Greece than it does Judea, even keeping in mind the figure it's meant to represent. But like I said, I would consider the renaissance to have been a fusion of Hellenism with Christianity, particularly evident in its attitudes toward the human body.

>> No.22836437

Chemistry 2e
The Anarchist cookbook
The Unabomber Manifesto: Industrial Society and Its Future
The Goat's Gruff: Urban erotica fairy tale collection
tag:shotacon on sadpanda

>> No.22836453
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>you can't even save your own dying church
It is not dying and it will never die. Where do you think all these people are returning to once theyve had enough of these murderous muslims.
>how are you gonna save europe?
A Traditional Catholic Reconquista led by Our Lady the Virgin Mary and all those who pray the rosary

>> No.22836458

hebrew was greek
all these cultures history is very confused and propagandised.
block hebrew script was only invented like 1200 years ago
Gunnar Heinsohn had some theory about what the vatican did to hide the prestigiousness of by diplicating timelines and adding fictitious history to the first millenium including a couple of centuries, this pushing events backwards in time

>> No.22836465
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and its not just Europe.

>> No.22836470

The vatican literally created Islam though? It needed a way to control the nestorian chrsitianb church

>> No.22836483

At least according to Walter Veith and a few others

>> No.22836811

I honestly just wish Cyrus the Moron (Kourosh) did not free such vermin from Babylonian captivity. He should have eradicated all of that vermin in ancient times. This means Pisslam, Christcuckery, and Jewdaism all wouldn't have existed then. They are all more similar than different, worshiping an angry, jealous god. They all impose their ways onto people leading to loss of indigenous traditions, which ultimately serves the interests of Semites. Their views are philosophical nonsense obsessed with divine revelation rather than finding the truth within, without a reliance on dogma or "holy chosen" people nonsense. At the very, least it is their proselytizing nature that disgusts me.

>> No.22836818

Islam isn't good or bad. It's the cultural union of a people. His little critique applies to every ideology and every group of people on Earth. When outnumbered, people behave. When together, and threatened, they show teeth. The Christians did it, the Jews did it, the Muslims do it.
It's not the ideas, that's cheap, it's the dynamics. People become zealous and bigoted and violent in response to zealotry, bigotry and violence.
70+ years of occupation and regular killings.
Over 2 million dead in Iraq alone, over two decades.
Libya destroyed for politics and bankers missions.
Syria raped and pillaged for a proxy war between Russians and Western elites.
Do the math, you fool.

>> No.22836831

Reminder that all middle eastern religions (Christianity included) are unnatural and abominable on European soil.

>> No.22836844

>Didn't conquer the world.

>> No.22837215

>"If your imam commands you to start a jihad and kill non muslims would you obey?"
Anyone who answers yes is misguided and personally I think this takes you out the fold of Islam (makes you kafir). Disclaimer I'm muslim. Random people from the mosque have no religious divine authority in that sense.

>> No.22837221

Lol @ the hamfisted propaganda itt. Just lol

>> No.22837258

Some basedboy at the JIDF created this thread to impress the local Jew-slut in his department with his epic 4chan hacker skillz! Both are being paid 1.15 shekels per post.
She wont sleep with you Chaim. Fuck off back to Poland or Germany or wherever the fuck you people are from.

>> No.22838013

Try to look up Sam Shamoun. TheArchive on youtube has his debates with Muslims in distilled form. I haven't seen him lose a debate yet. The man has a photographic memory of the Qur'an (and the Bible) and knows their religion better than they do.

>> No.22838036

>murderous religion gets exposed
>"umm ackshually that's islamophobic and not cool. we must do better"

>> No.22838090

islam did much worse than that, you only play the victim when you're on the losing side lmao

>> No.22838098

Do you have any proof of that?
Reminder when Muslims conquered byzantine lands they were seen as liberators. Muslims laws were pretty liberal for the majority of christians that lived in the middle east. The middle was majority christian until later in the middle ages btw

>> No.22838109

>It is not dying and it will never die.
wake up.

>A Traditional Catholic Reconquista
how is a virgin going to lead the army? i bet you havent even read the bible you brain dead faggot.

why should I watch some fool soapbox preacher? seriously. its easy to make videos showing you destroying a food cart vendor or cab driver with le ebin facts and logic but if hes so good why doesn't he debate serious intellectuals? if I wanted catholic critiques of islam theres no shortage of quality theology texts on that. gtfo off /lit/ and go poop up some other board.

yeah the pure europeans who worshipped obsese fat bitches and sacrificed people in bogs and marshes nice. since you hate the middle east so much, you should stop using phonetic alphabets, using the zero, and stop reading greek philosophy inspired by the egyptians and kick out all the domestic cats too. what is it that hitler said about you people? "i really wish himmler would quit this germanic shit because all it proves is that we were living in caves while the mesos were building ziggarauts." embarassing.

nah he's clearly a schizo catholic who made this thread so he could spam propaganda in the vain hope of converting the /pol/chuds and houllebecq loving chimps.

you watch hes gonna pull up some crappy self published book by a wannabe daniel pipes and then go on a rant about how the "real facts" are being hidden by [insert boogeyman] who controls academic history

>> No.22838138

>Islam treatment of Christians, Jews and Hindus etc throughout history
Relatively very good. Christians eradicated all non-Christians from Europe, culminating in the Holocaust.
Meanwhile, Muslims still allow tens of millions of Christians to live in their countries. There were millions of Jews in Muslim lands as well before Israel formed (they got kicked out directly because of Zionism which was in response to European anti-semitism, so again ultimately Europe's fault).
You Islamophobes are all projecting. An objective observer can see that Muslims have been more pluralistic and tolerant than Christians through history.

>> No.22838160

No one's good or bad. But the measure of a man is what he does when the ball is in his court.
What our civilization has done while its been in ours is unleashed a terror campaign across the planet, steal people's resources, destroy their countries, and reduced the value of human life to money. People in the west don't even love their children and their children don't love them. Our boomer fathers look at their sons and literally decide whether or not to encourage or value them based on how much money they make, instead of their character. Our society, in ways so subterranean most people don't notice, is fucking disgusting, an amoral monstrosity full of cold blooded murderers and thieves.

>> No.22838166

I say all that knowing it's not unique to us; but again, the measure of a man is what he does with power, and you've got a lot to say about others, so I figured a reality check might be in order.

>> No.22838167

>when Muslims conquered byzantine lands they were seen as liberators
lol, lmao

>> No.22838171

The History of Jihad by Robert Spencer

>> No.22838173

>What our civilization has done while its been in ours is unleashed a terror campaign across the planet, steal people's resources, destroy their countries
the west has probably been the kindest "master" humanity has ever had, muslims are still stoning people to death for misspeaking about the prophet or committing adultery, or being a fag. cry some more about how oppressed you are, you don't believe it yourself

>> No.22838183

>socialist calling others cold blooded

>> No.22838202
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>disagrees with me
>yup must be a socialist

De las Casas would disagree with you and he was a devout Catholic bishop. And sure, lets assume they do all those things, Westeners nuked two cities, genocided the yids, drop 400kg bombs on apartment buildings etc. you don't see Japs calling for the mass deportation of whites or saying the white race is evil or whatever.

>> No.22838206

Omg are they stoning people to death? That's crazy. I once heard a legendary tall tale about an industrialized people who sent their sons to southeast villages to slaughter the people who live there, and drop chemical death on to their fields to prevent them from eating. It didn't work too well, as far as that went, but it did give people a crippling painful disease, so they still got to keep their master's pride! I also heard they crafted a jellied form of gasoline that they used to drop on these same people, spreading fire everywhere and burning them alive. The reason they did this was because those people wanted to set up a legitimate government of their own. But that was just a legendary tall tale, thank God that never happened. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to feel comfortable when I celebrate how kind a master I've been, I'd feel way too much shame for that.

>> No.22838298

>you don't see Japs calling for the mass deportation of whites or saying the white race is evil or whatever.
there are almost no whites in japan but they would be right to hate us if we started colonizing their country the way muslims do
nice fanfiction retardo. islam commits genocide wherever it goes. the "crimes" of the west are always some small irrelevant shit "oh boo hoo they killed 20 farmers in that remote area!". i don't give a shit. be quiet.

>> No.22838327

They do plenty of violent things too. I'm not blind to any of that or think they'd be some peaceful kings were they given reign over power in the same way. But I can see through everyone's eyes, which is why the truth is so sad, so funny. They think the exact same way about you. But you refuse to see what they see, and fairly put, many of them probably do the same to you.
The reality is, our governments and this system we have on Earth is completely evil and tries to undermine life with its built in assumptions about the value of it.

A man sits on the street, penniless
No one cares, he has no money, he's worth nothing
Yet no one who has money ever has enough
Must be hard to get enough of it to finally be considered human.

>> No.22838474

In the Shadow of the Sword: The Birth of Islam and the Rise of the Global Arab Empire

>> No.22838505

What can Mary do for you?

>> No.22838524

Im seeing this pattern of turks turning up with their braindead history classes where they are taught that every conquered nation applauded their occupation because they were so "liberal and advanced"

>> No.22838538

>dying on a hill that islam isnt violent
Please, just give up

>> No.22838589

>lol, lmao
The Christian peasants in anatolia were largely serfs, barely a step above slaves. Being free and paying jizya was a vast improvement

>> No.22838603

We did still enslave many Christians. But Muslim slavery is way better than Feudal serfdom imo. If you convert to Islam, your freedom is basically guaranteed, you have actual social mobility, many cases where sons and grandsons of slaves become scholars, ministers. One such example is Ibn Jurayj, which is an Arabization of George, he came to be one of the greatest early hadith scholars

>> No.22838606

Islam is degenerate sex cult

>> No.22838612
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>Islam is degenerate sex cult

>> No.22838618

This doesn't seem relevant to my post.

>> No.22838628

you're on /lit/, you are expected to use your brain

>> No.22838632

>they got kicked out directly because of Zionism which was in response to European anti-semitism, so again ultimately Europe's fault
Lol this is some high quality jewish thought

>> No.22838633

Dude, spare us the turkish revisionist drivel, i've heard it million times already and you're not convincing anyone, especially not me whose ancestors hated your rule with every fiber of their being

>> No.22838639

I clearly wasn't talking about turks, much of their practices were against Islam. spare me of your balkan bickering

>> No.22838643

I'm not a Muslim and I'm not defending Islam, I was the one who posted the book in this thread about Muslims killing millions of innocents in India. It's just a factual matter though that the conditions for Christian anatolian peasants were awful and that as a result some preferred Islamic rule. It's not so different from how Christian minority sects being oppressed by the Byzantines also welcomed Muslims in certain cases.

>> No.22838649
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Idgaf who you talked about, you are tumor on the face of the earth, arabs weren't better in any way. Your pedo prophet hinself was a warlord, need there something more to be said?

>> No.22838680

Watch David wood videos. Start with the islamic fun facts ones.

>> No.22838708

I'm the one who said all that shit and I'm clearly not defending Islam either. Just pointing out what basic human hypocrisy says about any religion or idea. The Muslims view their violence as defensive. So do the West and when the West was Christian, it viewed its acts as righteous and often defensive.
Everyone is full of this hypocrisy and I can't look at Muslims and agree with sentiments like the one in the OP based on my understanding of that. We kill children everyday, right now. We do it to maintain control over resources, period. Not me and you, the peasants anywhere don't participate in the real reasons for power and control and violence. Instead, we do shit like say "I have zero respect for anyone who identifies as a Muslim," or, "kill the infidel." Thats how we do our patriotic duty to help the cause that's killing all of us and keeping us all in perpetual slavery.
For my part, I'm tired of it. Idrc if I'm the only one.

>> No.22838730

based Avdullah Yousef enjoyer

>> No.22838760

>if it weren't for kikes, niggers and sand niggers would be innocents being used actually
progressives and wignats are literally the same people, shitskins have agency too y'know

>> No.22838784

correct, Hebrew is Greek and the Bible is true. The vatican is the most evil organization in the multiverse

>> No.22838796

The Vatican, and really all organized religion, is clearly the opposite of everything Jesus stood for and spoke about.
"The Temple of God is within you. Having said that, you do need to build a palace near the seat of Rome made out of gold and put a king in there. He's kind of like, the king of God. So the temple of God is within you but only a little bit you know"
"No man can judge, all judgement is God's. But if you ever need clarification on my words you can ask the king of God at the palace of God or one of his regents and they'll judge them for you"
How do people believe this

>> No.22838932

Hey we follow the same e-celeb on Twitter

>> No.22838982
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Here's what you're looking for, in order of publishing, all by Raymond Ibrahim:
>Crucified Again
>Sword and Scimitar
>Defenders of the West

>> No.22839169

Counter-Jihad movement is Jew'd psyops.

>> No.22839185

didnt oriana fallaci spend her entier career on that

>> No.22839233

islamophobe is a gay term. Just call them Kuffar, that’s what they are. I don’t want to be lumped in with fags and troons with the phobia thingy.

>> No.22839248

Fuck off kike. Go die for Israel

>> No.22839266

I always correlate "redpill" to propaganda

>> No.22839272

>unironically believe schizo shit like this
THIS RETARD’S VOTE IS WORTH THE SAME AS ME LMAO. This is why democracy is gay.

>> No.22839300 [DELETED] 

>t. never interacted with one of these bacon gargling shitskins in real life
It's always the sheltered leftists who make vague and inaccurate historical claims.

>> No.22839843

>that image
This is ironic right

>> No.22839973

I don't trust that meme psyops graph. Pompous faggots like you think you're so smart but never bother doing any research into methodology. You just take meme diagrams as absolute.
Cousin marriage was going on before Islam btw.
I can hate Islam without dehumanizing large swathes of people.
I hate Islam for philosophical and metaphysical reasons; not for retarded humanist reasons as you faggots.
Both European and Islamic cultures do not personally resonate with me btw.

>> No.22839987
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>> No.22839996
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>> No.22840020
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>Robert Spencer

>> No.22840401

>What other religion than Islam will kill you for not believing in their god?
Literally every other religion before liberalism

>> No.22840963

this if facebook boomer-tier meme, if you're not a boomer please off yourself for believing that retarded shit

>> No.22841053
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>> No.22841181

>On June 26, 2013, both Spencer and Pamela Geller were banned from entering the UK.[11] They were due to speak at an English Defence League march in Woolwich, south London, where Drummer Lee Rigby was killed by an Islamist. Home Secretary Theresa May informed Spencer and Geller that their presence in the UK would "not be conducive to the public good".[38] A letter from the UK Home Office stated that this decision is based on Spencer's statement that Islam "is a religion or a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers for the purpose of establishing a societal model that is absolutely incompatible with Western society. ...Because of media and general government unwillingness to face the sources of Islamic terrorism, these things remain largely unknown."[39] The decision was to stand for between three and five years. The ban followed a concerted campaign by the UK anti-racism organization Hope not Hate,[40] which said it had collected 26,000 signatures for a petition to the Home Secretary.[41] Spencer and Geller contested the ban, but in 2015 the British Court of Appeals dismissed the appeal, arguing that "this was a public order case where the police had advised that significant public disorder and serious violence might ensue from the proposed visit."[42][43]

>> No.22841194

Muslims in Europe overplayed their hand, or perhaps they misjudged the situation. 2023 Europe is not 2016 Europe, and European Islamism is living on borrowed time. Mark my words, we'll see a voluntary hijrah back to MENA for most European Muslims as Europe becomes more and more anti-Islamic.

>> No.22841217

>The Turks carried you fucks so hard
The turks wouldn't be there without islam. You can look at nomadic hordes in europe who converted to christianity, hungarians, finns and bulgars, no grande empire, no changing the course of history. Your other criticisms apply partly in my opinion, as they are only relevant to today's society

>> No.22841219

the byzantines preferred muslim rule to catholic rule and that's a fact. the catholics were ones to destroy the greek empire in the first place

>> No.22841222

that will happen if europe fixes its demographic problem

>> No.22841229

Islam commands its followers to kill infidels. The only exception is taxing them for the "privilege" of living near Muslims.

>no false religions permitted
>promoting romanism (idolatry, ancestor worship, paganism, and queen of heaven worship)

>> No.22841236

Why are people so convinced that people are inherently bad or that their ideologies are inherently bad, when it's so clear to me that people are basically the same, and have the same negative responses to the same set of provocations? It's so clear to me, that ideas, like religions, manifest according to circumstance. In conditions of peace, a religion will reflect peace, and in conditions of war; war.
It's obviously not Islam or "the browns" themselves. Look at the history and the dynamics. You'd be pissed too; in fact, you are, because they're coming here and pissing you off.
You're no different, men are men.
Everybody lmk when you're ready to accept brotherhood so we can live in peace. It's such waste.

>> No.22841260

There should just be an uncensored AI that places people into castes based on their artistic sensibilities, weltanschauungs, metaphysical sensibilities, etc. There should be some kind of impartial arbitrator of one's value in life rather than a hypocritical economic system that rewards whores and grifters.

>> No.22841268

I mean there already is one that does that. God. It's just that no one wants to get to know him. They rather LARP.

>> No.22841288

I am God.

>> No.22841289
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Robert Spencer and Bernard Lewis have much to say

>> No.22841295

In a sense. But in a bigger sense, no.

>> No.22841309

I disagree. I am most certainly God.
Ideally, I would prefer all laws to be reconstructed into worshiping me, but I doubt the insipid rabble would embrace the Truth. It's a shame, really. The Abduls, Davids, and Shlomos all after each other's necks when all of that could easily be rectified via the worship of God Men like me. It's quite a shame really. The arrogance of man knows no bounds.

>> No.22841332
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>> No.22841349


You use the word warlord but what makes a warlord? You wouldn't call Alexander the great a warlord despite the number of wars he fought. You describe him in a positive light because he's not foreign.

You wouldn't call some of the old testament Prophets warlords despite them giving orders like: "go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” in 1 Samuel 15:3

Christians wouldn't call Jesus a warlord despite believing that he revealed the verse I just quoted and that they believe Jesus will come back with a sword and spill blood in his second coming.

Using words like "warlord" is just xenophobic language and your usage of it is unjust.

>> No.22841381 [DELETED] 

Spoken like a true ego-obsesed demon of his realm. As your religion dictates, I suppose.
>What can a deity do for you
You already EXIST you subhuman nigger, you've been granted the highest gift of them all and you're asking for more.

>> No.22841670

No brozzer, you need optics. You can't reveal your mean cards to the infidels yet =)

>> No.22841687

Banality is the least egregious of Islam's offences. The fact that muslims want to kill me and rape my family is a bigger issue

>> No.22841693
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Yeah the answer is right here baby >>22835082 a Traditional Catholic Reconquista. But we must first reject the novus ordo and Vatican II and return to pre 1955 Traditional Catholicism.

>> No.22841694
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Whats the problem bro you arent a racist bigot are you? Thats problematic, you wouldnt want to be labled an islamophobe would you?

>> No.22841696

What's hilarious to me is how many black Muslims are in the USA to "escape a white god" when the Quran made it clear that Muhammad despised black people and a lot of Islamic countries to this day still call black people "slave".

>> No.22841701
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they are muslim so we already know they are dumb as pig shit. You expected them to have reason?

>> No.22842061
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Prayer beads were adapted from Islam, cultural transfer following the crusades.
Probably not the best example there friendorino.

>> No.22842074

Islam is more than a thousand years old and spans three continents. Sometimes they were tolerant to non-Muslims, sometimes they weren't. What level of chudbrained retardation must you be operating on to actively seek out confirmation of your reductive redpilled bollocks? You are an idiot.

>> No.22842388

>I hate Islam for philosophical and metaphysical reasons
Such as?

>> No.22842730


Ahmad (22978) narrated from Abu Nadrah: Someone who heard the khutbah of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) on the second of the days of at-Tashreeq told me that he said: “O people, verily your Lord is One and your father is one. Verily there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab or of a non-Arab over an Arab, or of a red man over a black man, or of a black man over a red man, except in terms of taqwa. Have I conveyed the message?” They said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) has conveyed the message.

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in as-Saheehah (6/199).