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/lit/ - Literature

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22831991 No.22831991 [Reply] [Original]

Why the millennial generation hasn't produced a single good, let alone groundbreaking, author?
They are already in their 30s and 40s. At that age boomers and gen xers have already made plenty of standout books by plenty of respectable writers.

>> No.22832008

That face is uncanny.

>> No.22832013

She peaked at 11

>> No.22832018

Two words. Ed Sheeran.

>> No.22832031

Dumbing down of youth and culture in general as well as pushing science and math over the arts probably a ton of other various nuanced reasons that can just be summed up by “the jews” also

>> No.22832034

school of resentment

>> No.22832041

is this thread real or the product of artificial intelligence?

>> No.22832046

oh but it has. im right here

>> No.22832153

We are distracted.

>> No.22832173

The latter

>> No.22832178


>> No.22832189

No post 9/11 generation culture will produce anything great until society resets.

>> No.22832192

This, boomers made school easy and turned academia into party time. Boomer parents allowed kids to raise themselves, so no discipline. Millennials cannot even do simple home repairs, do not count on them to write anything of merit. Just imagine what gen z and beyond will amount to.

Social media and netflix fomo are not real distractions. Wittgenstein wrote during WW1 for Christ's sake. Bombs and death are plenty distracting.

>> No.22832221

I guarantee that someone somewhere wrote a classic, epic novel and it was passed over in favor of White Fragility or a gay romance novel.

>> No.22832223

Tao Lin.

>> No.22832245 [DELETED] 
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see for yourself. the revolution will not be televised.

>> No.22832257

1: most great literature is not recognized or appreciated until after the author's death, and the oldest millennials are only in their 40s
2: instead of literature, many made games

>> No.22832260


>> No.22832267

Kys retarded fantashit-lover

>> No.22832280

Why would millennials make a thread about themselves?

>> No.22832287

Only Kuang is a millennial, the other two are Gen X.
>most great literature is not recognized or appreciated until after the author's death

>> No.22832293

Because their ethos is feminine and infantile. Just treat them like a bratty little girl and remember to not hate them for being this way.

>> No.22832295
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>> No.22832298

And current soldiers text and make social media posts on the front line. Technology changes with the times.

>> No.22832403

>Millennials cannot even do simple home repairs,
How is this a measure of intelligence?
You are a tard

>> No.22832411

can someone edit this and remove all the non white authors please?

>> No.22832430


>> No.22832434

>Monkey cannot into delousing
>Expect monkey can into swing from branch
>Ooh ooh ooh laugh

>> No.22832660

>They are already in their 30s and 40s. At that age boomers and gen xers have already made plenty of standout books by plenty of respectable writers.

30 is usutally the age good authors started to write.

>> No.22832683

Where's your book, faggot?

>> No.22832720

No actually. I don’t see why a specialized no one needs to know anymore has anything to with intelligence. I think this is something you (vaguely and poorly) know how to do and it makes you feel special to privilege those tasks.

>> No.22832727



>> No.22832789

Because capitalist realism/neoliberalism/postpostmordernism has foreclosed the avenues to real culture and art. Everything must be a commodity, everything must be derivative, everything must be rehashed. Abandon hope all ye who live in such times.

>> No.22832825


>> No.22832857

I don't think that's true

>> No.22832860

Not a single book worth reading. Also,
>michelle ma

>> No.22832876
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I want to read this

>> No.22832986

done, here you go

>> No.22833026

I'm sitting here thinking of an answer for you but I kind of realize you don't really care, I think that about sums up the core millennial experience. Also a surveillance economy you may or may not be clued into.

>> No.22833029

Internet and video games don’t help

>> No.22833049

Ocean Vuong is male?

>> No.22833051

>we live in a society

>> No.22833069

A big problem is the fact that universities have a stricter stranglehold on who gets published. Nowadays, you almost need an MFA from a particular university just to get read.

>> No.22833076

This brings up a great question: in the near future when deep fakes are near perfected, how will the media consuming populace know what being broadcasted to them is real or artificial propaganda? It will become a schizo Philip k dick world

>> No.22833107

Is any media out now not just controlled propaganda?

>> No.22833134

How will we know when these conversations aren’t even real and just a simulated rehash generated to placate our minds

>> No.22833137

You're wrong, it produced me you fool. The greatest living author

>> No.22833146

We already know that none of it is real. Anything you can consume on the screen has been curated for consumption for the masses and even tailored to specific individuals via algorithms. There is not a chance that anything true makes it to the screen. It's all information filtered into the prevailing narrative and the controlled opposition. If you offer anything else, you simply do not get airtime. This is why control of the media is so important, because it is used to literally shape the perception of reality of those who consume it. I think 2020 was probably the last chance. If you hadn't figured it out by then, you will probably never figure it out.


>> No.22833155

It's been like this for the last twenty years, it's more of Brave New World more than anything.

>> No.22833157

Its already happening my friend. Hopefully the spell will break soon and there are reasons to be hopeful that it is

>> No.22833159

because you are retarded

>> No.22833183

Are you a millennial?

>> No.22833187

based. i'm 29 and about to start getting into writing. haven't written since i was 10.

>> No.22833196

Lol. Well I feel smart for predicting that. Also I have zero hope for the future, all I know is I have to power myself up. Whatever reason for hope you have I’m skeptical of, but I don’t know what you know. Just be careful of believing what you want to believe. <3

>> No.22833456

Are you living under a rock?

>> No.22833457

Take this one step further and realize you are already living in such a world and are part of the naive media consuming world unaware of the fact that it is artificial propaganda.

>> No.22833483

>there's just nothing interesting going on that is worth writing about, the west has been dying a slow motion death for more than a century now
>also millennials don't read
>those who do so regularly are predominantly city-dwelling upper middle class people, that is to say, people who can't possibly have anything interesting to say
>those who do read are also predominantly ideologically blinkered retards with nothing unique or interesting to say
>publishing as an industry is extremely contraselective, people who don't fit either of the aforementioned two groups are consciously gatekept from mainstream publishing
>even if you do get published, the book-reading public who will be reading your work has never been less cultured as it is now, and a great work requires not only a great author, but a suitable audience as well with the capability to recognize and appreciate greatness

In other words at practically every step that it would take to create a "great work" millennials fail or are failed by the system they live in.

>> No.22833501

>This, boomers made school easy and turned academia into party time.
My gen x parents clearly got a vastly superior public education than I did, they know things like the basics of zoology which I was never taught

>> No.22833511

Lol lmao. This is a problem BECAUSE the media is controlled retard. The airwaves are public property leased out to media companies in bed with the government, and the fcc enforces rules for the media over the airwaves.

>> No.22833589

This. It starts with the absolute state of the traditional publishing industry. Every major, traditional media outlet is compromised.

>> No.22834305

>haven't written since i was 10
We can tell.

>> No.22834308

We truly live in a new dark age, it's depressing

>> No.22834318

>Just imagine what gen z and beyond will amount to.
Absolutely nothing.

>> No.22834339

That’s not remotely true. Most if not all of your favorite authors were publishing stuff before they left college. They just didn’t have success until they were in their 30s so you think that they didn’t start writing seriously until their 30s. Take McCarthy for example. Everyone pretends he just up and wrote a novel at 31 and published it at 32. In reality, he had published short stories in his university’s magazine years before. The guy wrote for 10 years before he wrote his debut novel.

>> No.22834342

Only retards care what Hackcarthy did, you fucking loser

>> No.22834355

Never heard of an example? McCarthy was mentioned as one example of a general rule and the point was not even about him in particular.

Some of you are so dumb and dishonest it’s painful…

>> No.22834356

The post you responded to did not mention hackcarthy. Get better taste in literature, plebbitor.

>> No.22834481

For the love of God, improve your reading comprehension

>> No.22834878

One big reason is because at a certain point, so many great books (fiction) have been written that the marginal value of adding one to the pile approaches zero, and the marginal value of taking a chance on an unknown new book vs a time tested classic goes negative. The market is pretty well saturated at this point, unless you really have something unique to say it's probably already been done better.

The market for landfill genre fiction is infinite, so that gets pumped out of a firehouse.

>> No.22834894

For the love of god, shut the fuck up and read better writers and stop shoehorning your retarded plebbitor-hack-of-a-writer into a post in which the poster did not mention him. Legitimately kill yourself and your retarded and useless “example.”

>> No.22834971

> t. pseud

>> No.22834999

because the milennials are busy making AIs capable of writing in the style of any groundbreaking author

>> No.22836234

They're too busy raising ipad "e-pacifier" kids and making the worst generation afterwards. Seriously, those Gen Alpha kids are the fucking most rudest and most vile shits I have met yet, and I thought Gen Z was bad.
Millennials really are the worst generation.

>> No.22836747

Funny way of saying the boomers had the best of everything and set society on a downward trend after them

>> No.22836763
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and how often are good writers recognised in their lifetime?

>> No.22837004

Our great art is vidya, unironically. Sadly some of the best vidya is very wicked.

>> No.22837027

Ive said it before and i'll say it again. If James Joyce was born a milennial he would never had written a single word, instead he'd spend all of his time watching sissy hypno porn.

>> No.22837039

Wait some hundred years. Novels aren't the main medium for mainstream writing expression anymore - I'd guess screenplays are. So you gotta wait until the niche that cares about writing finds worthwhile authors or untill a novel reinassance.

>> No.22837425

Retard. He was a good writer because his distractions were mindless and numbing, and you can get away from the front line to think. We're fighting a war where the enemy is in everyone's pockets

>> No.22837429

I thought Americans had mandatory African studies class though

>> No.22837446
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>Why the millennial generation hasn't produced a single good, let alone groundbreaking, author?
You haven't read Selfie, Suicide and it shows

>> No.22837450

>dumbing down
>pushing science and math over the arts

>> No.22837462

Oh no, it will be just like two hundred years ago where no one could take a picture at all and the news was garbage that most people couldn't read anyway. Humans didn't even know how to wipe their own ass back then and truth was all subjective! Whatever man, learn how to stop paying attention to it.

>> No.22837515
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very rarely, i often wonder what scholars will make of my life and work after i'm gone. I've instructed my wife to be careful with would-be biographers, make sure she gets paid for everything.

>> No.22837527

listen you cunts
I'm working on it
But you need to be patient

>> No.22837537

He's right, STEMfags are obtuse, overspecialized morons.

>> No.22838068

it's easier to bs your way through arts
and they have more money and power

>> No.22838091

I wonder what it's like being a brown poorcel chaperoning subpar white celebrities around. It's like taking care of a child.

>> No.22838132

very often

>> No.22838136

Theres no more literary culture and educated public

>> No.22838189

Quite often, there have been many authors who become celebrities in their time.
Some examples that come to mind:
Goethe used to complain non stop about all the visitors that came to his house and all the young academics that would pester him.
Rousseau used to get tons of fanmail (that he'd answer) and they used to sell drawings of him, which were quite popular.
Tolstoy was unimaginably massive in his time, more for his religious writings though. It got to a point that his existance was a threat to the tsar and the tsar was afraid of doing anything to him because his millions of followers could topple Russia. It's telling that after the revolution the Soviets protected Tolstoy's estate (remember he was a nobleman) and turned it into a museum, and when the Germans were closing in, the Russians took a bunch of Tolstoy's stuff to take to a safe location and protect it from the Germans.
Everyone knew who Lord Byron was and were always up to date on what he was up to at the time.
Romanticism made a lot of authors celebrities.

Back in the old days, STEM students got a broader education, they came from high schools with better programs, and they knew a lot about literature and philosophy.
Talk to any 80 year old Engineering, or Physics professor and compare his level of culture to a 30-50 year old and you'll notice some very extreme differences.
I remeber once talking to my 80 year old grand uncle who studied sciences, he asked me what I was reading so I mentioned a medieval poet and I kid you not, he could quote verses he had memorized back in school from that poet.

>> No.22838297


>> No.22838302

No one cares, retard.

>> No.22838312

I do.

>> No.22838317

Tao Lin.

>> No.22838798

I believe the idea that artists are overlooked during their time is a modern one. Sure, you have artists like Sandro Botticelli or Bruegel the Elder who were kinda forgotten and rediscovered later, but that doesn't mean they were overlooked, otherwise they wouldn't have produced their works to begin with. Then you have "tragic figures" like Van Gogh or Sylvia Plath. Those weren't overlooked during their times either; Van Gogh had exhibitions with the great impressionists of his time, he was just overshadowed by such great artists and the idea that he was boo hoo le sad only came after his dead and was pushed by his sister and later his cousin to sell his paintings at exorbitant prices. Plath, on the other hand, was a literal mental case that was already a respected author before she even meet Hughes, who milked her state dry after her suicide.

>> No.22838847

>pushing science and math over the arts
this. science is the new god. there has never been a time in history where literature has been given so little importance in education as now

>> No.22838864

Science is so important in our contemporary liberal age that is based upon the completely unscientific belief in the equality of the sexes and races. Sure, anon.

>> No.22838871

We sure are lucky that science always agrees with the pope. What a happy coincidence!

>> No.22840026

>Wittgenstein wrote during WW1 for Christ's sake. Bombs and death are plenty distracting
No, they actually bring you back to reality.

>> No.22840048

it's lack of curiosity, which is related to intelligence
curious/intelligent people are interested in how things work and what made them break and trying to fix it is humbling. I can't imagine some people haven't had that experience. It's like an isolated setting, just you and the machine, and your task is to revive the machine.

Of course there are times when you should call a professional, but if you have time on your hands, not even attempting to fix it is a sign of low IQ