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/lit/ - Literature

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22828402 No.22828402 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck I just bought chatGPT4 ($20/mo) on a whim after getting off the waitlist and while tinkering with it I asked it if I can use it for conversation practice in European languages I am learning, and it said yes. Then I told it to end every message with two separate paragraphs: first a list of all the mistakes I made, bolded, and second, a list of all the terms I didn't know so I had to put in English in brackets.

This is the greatest language practice method I've ever seen. I bet it would work with the free GPT 3.5 that is widely available even. I had to recommend it to my /lit/bros since I know we're all too antisocial to get fluid conversational and writing practice.

>> No.22828443

Somebody posted a ChatGPT translation of a French excerpt once. It was wildly inaccurate.

Also kys you AI söyfag.

>> No.22828454

Was it 3.5? I just tested with 3.5 and he couldn't follow the instructions, sadly. I bet he could if you included them with every message though.

I don't care much about AI but for limited uses like this it is basically just a Google Translate you can have a canned conversation with to get some practice. I don't think it'd be any good for Latin though.

>> No.22828479

The luddites on this board will never engage honestly with you, do remember that they're right when they say that AI is still not a proper substitute for a real person when it comes to practicing output, asking questions about the grammar of Russian or East Asian languages in general, and so on.

>> No.22828482

but do remember*

>> No.22828523

Yeah that's a point well taken. I was chatting with it about actual topics I'm fuzzy on, using it as a kind of interactive wikipedia or google, and I noticed lots of little errors or fudging. But for easy languages like French and German it seems pretty good for the basic stuff.

>> No.22828535
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OP I've been paying for the 4.0 model since it was available and it's like night and day from the free version. Don't tell the normies though or they'll shit up the servers and we'll have wait times again. Try asking it to code something for you. (make me a website with an interactive map of *your hometown* using python, for example). it can work wonders

>> No.22829626

How does GPT4 compare with stuff like Google's Bard?

>> No.22829667

Does it say nigger? If not then it's shit for language

>> No.22829669

>paying for chatgpt
why don't you just run llama2 on your local machine

>> No.22829673

You need like $50000 just to buy the GPU to run it

>> No.22829677

Can I get it to program me an anime wife?

>> No.22829695

>Was it 3.5? I just tested with 3.5 and he couldn't follow the instructions, sadly. I bet he could if you included them with every message though.
>I don't care much about AI but for limited uses like this it is basically just a Google Translate you can have a canned conversation with to get some practice. I don't think it'd be any good for Latin though.

>doesnt even post screenshot

>> No.22829739

sure it was, buddy

>> No.22829823

You could literally just talk to foreigners online

>> No.22829838
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>> No.22829915

>robotic, politically correct responses
>pendantic use of language concepts
>will never replace the onner brilliance of a human being
Talking to horny language teachers on Interpals:
>Interesting, evocative discussions about which minority groups are the biggest leeches in X country
>fluid, freeform use of language and texting conventions
>will send boobas and watch you masturbate over skype if you ask nicely

>> No.22829976

You can also use it to flirt with women. I fed what a girl texted to me into ChatGPT and asked for flirty replies, and from my experience it worked well, they never noticed it was AI, and they wanted to continue talking. From what I've heard women have been using Replika for ERP on their phones, so it's not surprising.

>> No.22830006

I use Hello Talk. How does Interpals compare? I rarely get replies on HT because the rare replies I get say they ingore all English speakers because pajeet scammer floods.

>> No.22830461

No shit it's not going to replace language exchange with Pablo telling you about the one time he almost got beheaded by the cartel.

>> No.22830475

>trust me (who cannot speak french) that this robot can speak french
You're meant to do this in Chinese to be on book

>> No.22830498

It can be the anime wife.

>> No.22831836

interpals is pretty much a dead meme, don't bother

>> No.22831847

I tried using this for Tibetan once and it was hilariously off. Not even close. And totally butchered structure even for simple transitive sentences.

>> No.22831850

You could just get a tutor.

>> No.22831905

I've leaned several dead languages. It is very taboo to make fake sentences because it's some modern guy giving a representation of what he thinks the language to be. Instead, one must use example sentences from extant literature. Similarly, ChatGPT is not a real speaker of any language. It isn't really even intelligent, if you ask most machine learning experts. ChatGPT makes mistakes constantly. Once, a friend and I tried getting it to count the number of uses of a word in a paragraph of Cicero we provided, all in the same declension, and it failed to recognize all of them. It couldn't spot a single instance. AI is incredibly overrated.

>> No.22831951

>I've leaned several dead languages
name them

>> No.22831963

AI fails at task far outside training data. I can’t believe it. I also asked it to prove the Collatz conjecture and, lmao, it fucking failed. Lol.

>> No.22832042
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>> No.22832055

>Please write me a sample text in Latin. Are you familiar with the myth of El-ahrairah in Watership Down? Try writing that in Latin.

Certainly, I can create a sample text in Latin inspired by the myth of El-ahrairah from "Watership Down." However, please note that this will be a creative interpretation, as the original text is not in Latin, and my training doesn't include translating modern literature into classical languages. Here's a brief passage inspired by the character El-ahrairah:

In pratis viridibus, ubi lepores libere currunt, fuit olim lepus callidus nomine El-ahrairah. Hic lepus non solum velocitate, sed etiam astutia sua notus erat. Innumeris periculis se et suos salvabat, semper adversus hostes ingenio praeclaro pugnans.

Die quodam, cum silva densa periculis plena esset, El-ahrairah consilium audax cepit. Hostes, qui lepores captare volebant, arte sua eludebat. Furtim ad castra hostium accessit, et, omnia callide observans, viam invenit suos ex periculo educendi.

Sic El-ahrairah, non solum fortitudine, sed etiam sapientia, suum populum protegebat, semper memor quod verus dux non solum vi, sed etiam mente victoriam assequitur.

>> No.22832069

>Now please write a myth-like story, in German, about two ancient Slavic brothers entering a barrow together to see if an ancient king is buried there. They don't intend to rob it, in fact they intend to restore the barrow if the legends prove to be true. Make it 6 or 7 paragraphs long please.

Certainly, here is a myth-like story in German about two ancient Slavic brothers exploring a barrow:

Es waren einmal zwei Brüder, Ivan und Petr, die in den alten Slawenlanden lebten. Sie hörten Geschichten von einem sagenumwobenen Hügelgrab, in dem ein uralter König ruhen sollte. Von Neugier getrieben, beschlossen sie, das Geheimnis des Grabhügels zu lüften.

Eines Morgens, als der Nebel noch über den Wiesen lag, machten sich Ivan und Petr auf den Weg. Sie wanderten durch dichte Wälder und überquerten wilde Flüsse, bis sie schließlich den Hügel erreichten, der in alten Liedern besungen wurde. Der Hügel, umrankt von alten Eichen, stand still und geheimnisvoll in der Landschaft.

Die Brüder begannen, den Eingang des Grabhügels freizulegen. Sie arbeiteten sorgfältig, um nichts zu beschädigen. Nach Stunden harter Arbeit fanden sie eine schmale Öffnung, die in die Tiefe führte. Mit Fackeln in den Händen stiegen sie hinab in die Dunkelheit.

Im Inneren des Grabhügels entdeckten sie eine Kammer, reich verziert mit uralten Symbolen und Runen. In der Mitte der Kammer lag ein steinerner Sarkophag. Ivan und Petr näherten sich vorsichtig und öffneten den Deckel. Zu ihrer Verwunderung fanden sie darin die Überreste eines Königs, gekleidet in zerfallene Gewänder, umgeben von kostbaren Beigaben.

Die Brüder erkannten, dass die Legenden wahr waren. Sie beschlossen, das Grab nicht nur zu bewahren, sondern auch zu restaurieren, um den alten König zu ehren. Sie verschlossen die Kammer sorgfältig und begannen, den Hügel mit Respekt und Hingabe wiederherzustellen.

Als ihre Arbeit vollendet war, kehrten Ivan und Petr in ihr Dorf zurück. Sie erzählten von ihrem Abenteuer und dem uralten König, dessen Ruhestätte sie entdeckt hatten. Die Dorfbewohner waren erstaunt und dankbar, dass die Brüder den Geist der alten Traditionen hochgehalten und den alten König geehrt hatten.

So wurde die Geschichte von Ivan und Petr Teil der Legenden ihres Volkes, ein Symbol der Ehrfurcht vor der Vergangenheit und der Verantwortung für die Bewahrung alter Schätze und Geheimnisse.