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/lit/ - Literature

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2282795 No.2282795 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this? Seems pretty accurate.

>> No.2282798


seen it before. not accurate in the slightest

>> No.2282796
File: 59 KB, 866x645, 1321656734172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayn Rand

>> No.2282805

The Trial is by no stretch of the imagination a mediocre work. It's more original than anything Tolstoy and Dostoevsky ever put out.

>> No.2282803
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>100 years of solitude
>low tier

>> No.2282801
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>> No.2282810
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>shit tier

>> No.2282813

>not in god tier

>> No.2282814
File: 20 KB, 385x383, 1324548122360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ayn Rand in the same tier as Kafka and Sartre

>> No.2282815

why only include 35 books?

>> No.2282820

No, no, and no.

>> No.2282819
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>people disagreeing with this

>> No.2282821
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>God tier

>> No.2282822

>don quixote


>> No.2282825

Hamlet shouldn't be god tier?

>> No.2282827

wat a piss list!

>> No.2282831

This. I'm not sure where and when people started believing that Don Quixote was good literature. It's an important book, but it's shit writing. I think our school systems are perpetuating this lie.

>> No.2282833

>high tier
>not low tier
I don't understand how can a self respecting individual can catalog that novel at that level. In other words, your tier list is shit.

>> No.2282834
File: 181 KB, 455x638, tier list ultimatum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2282837

>reading translations
That's why you half witted cock muncher.

>> No.2282839

get off your high horse

>> No.2282842

how about instead of me coming down there, you and everyone else come up here?

>> No.2282843

I've read Cervantes in Spanish, you meat-headed shitsack. It doesn't hold a candle to Borges or, indeed, most Spanish literature.

>> No.2282844

Well, you obviously read an english translation. The original uses a complex lexicon of spanish, but still I wouln'd consider it god-tier. The book was important, don't get me wrong.

>> No.2282846
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you're missing tao-lin from the god-tier

>> No.2282847

how about you shampoo my crotch? tier lists are harmless fun. Not even that prevalent on /lit/, especially in comparison to the "What should I read next?" threads.

>> No.2282852
File: 47 KB, 700x600, Susie Dirkins lolipop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tier lists are harmless fun
>posts a troll tier list

>> No.2282853
File: 103 KB, 1200x801, 10364222-closeup-of-classy-gentleman-smiling-while-smoking-cigar-on-couch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creative & intellectual insults general?
Creative & intellectual insults general

>> No.2282851

You fucking read a simplified version you dipshit. Also:
>Borges or, indeed, most Spanish literature.

That's like comparing Shakespeare with Heller or Fitzgerald, makes no fucking sense at all. Cervantes was a writer from the XVII century and Don Quijote is considered the first modern novel, and I'm not even mentioning how influental he was/is.

>> No.2282865

>Don Quijote is considered the first modern novel
Just like The Tale of Genji, Robinson Crusoe and Madame Bovary. So many firsts.

>> No.2282874

>Don Quijote came out in 1605
>Robinson Crusoe came out in 1715
>Madame Bovary came out in 1856

The only one that came before Don Quijote is The Tale of Genji, but it can't be considered a modern novel, because, guess what, it came out in the 11 century (middle age). It's actually considered the first novel.

TL;DR learn2argument

>> No.2282879

I forgot to mention, the modern age started in the 16th century, that's why Don Quijote is considered the FIRST modern novel.

>> No.2282881

I thought Twilight was the first modern novel.

>> No.2282894
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I often find myself appalled by these two way trolls.
It's like, you get mad by the lazy trolling, but perhaps that's the point. Fuck you, go lick the sweat of an armpit.

>> No.2282902

>implying earlier means greater claim to the title
Earliness is only one of the criteria.
>prescriptive view of history divided into "ages"
Sure is high school in here.

>> No.2282921
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>implying earlier means greater claim to the title
I never said one was better than another, you have no reading comprehension, I said that Don Quijote came way earlier, and it should be considered the first modern novel.

>prescriptive view of history divided into "ages"
>ad hominem
History IS devided in ages, are you fucking autistic? Your idiocy baffles me.

>> No.2282923

Dorian Gray too high. I don't get the hype.

>> No.2282939

>ad hominem
How is it "ad hominem"? Classic "map is the territory" basket case here.

>> No.2282959

1984 above anything that James Joyce wrote... bullshit.
also the Count of Monte Cristo... not god tier at all. its good, but wouldn't rank it above even catch 22.

OP loves the cock

>> No.2282979
File: 27 KB, 314x295, 1323487822001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sure is high school in here.
>ad hominem

And again, another ad hominem in your current reply.

>Classic "map is the territory" basket case here.

You're just tossing insults instead of elaborating. You're not even trying. I won this argument.

>> No.2282982

>shit tier

>> No.2282988

>obsessed with "winning" the "argument"
That is why you are a loser.

>> No.2282989


tbqh commenting on somebodys tier list doesnt exactly reflect well on either of you

>> No.2282996

>'"implying" my only "concern" isn't "using quotations" for "everything"'

I seriously hope, etc.

>> No.2282998

lol, i always love it when people try to treat talking about shit on the internet as some kind of logical, philosophical discourse. its rad.

this is true too, esp when its a noted troll list

>> No.2283001

By the way, hijacking this thread. Anyone have a good link for a must-read list that is around 100ish books? Just starting to get into reading again and want to go through the classics and great books of literary merit.

Half the links on the lit wikia don't work, and are in a picture instead of a txt.

>> No.2283008

>implying "quotations" aren't a "signpost" for "discussion" of "language-games"

>> No.2283009

this "thread" has already been "hijacked" for talking about "things" with "quotation marks" "around" them


>> No.2283010

It's like i'm really in high school

>> No.2283011

The "sticky".

>> No.2283013

i liked the font you chose

>> No.2283015

>no one flew over the cuckoos nest

>> No.2283022


Some appropriate capitalisation would have saved that sentence from becoming a nonsensical statement.

>> No.2283023

>mid tier
>lord of the rings
>shit tier
confirmed for retard.

>> No.2283026

confirmed for you being a retard, since OP pic is a troll that's been around forever

>> No.2283045 [DELETED] 

I disagree with the Catch-22 placement.

>> No.2283048
File: 85 KB, 228x226, 42097245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn Rand being anywhere on this list. Obvious troll is obvious. Could someone actually make a /lit/ Tier List of decent, non high-school tastes?
I'm looking for some new books to devour before the world ends in a year.

>> No.2283050
File: 31 KB, 1155x911, 1323809655727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2283051

Turn that list upside down and remove Mockingbird.

>> No.2283054

ITT: Stagolee posts his 2 year old tier list without using his trip.. everyone get's trolled. God damn it /lit/, surely we are passed this. I blame Christmas break.