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22826746 No.22826746 [Reply] [Original]

What are the essential works of right-wing postmodernism?

>> No.22826747

Right wingers are left in the past, nothing modern about them

>> No.22826748

Ugly tanned black-eyed whore

>> No.22826751

nice tits. want her milk!

>> No.22826753

What's wrong with black eyes, cunt?

>> No.22826760

He’s a jeet

>> No.22826765

sorry i dont reply to whores and their coomers

>> No.22826777

Everyone is objectively better looking with colored eyes

>> No.22826781

Trips of truth. I’d genuinely be an absolute zero if I didn’t have pale grey eyes. If I didn’t have them I’d just look like Weird Al.

>> No.22826793

I'm constantly told I have nice eyes and they are black.

>> No.22826806
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>> No.22826809

Well they could be nicer

>> No.22826810
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This too

>> No.22826819
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this is a magazine and not a book but is absolutely post modernism

>> No.22826831

I disagree. Maybe you live somewhere where everyone has black eyes so they seem pedestrian and boring to you.

>> No.22826833

I suffer not being comfortably nuzzled in her succulent bosom.

>> No.22826840

Right wingers started postmodernism you retard

>> No.22826865

You are wrong. Color is better than no color.

>> No.22826874

All the girls I've shagged disagree with you mate but okay.

>> No.22826876

I always wanted to smell a womans cleavage.

>> No.22826880


>> No.22826881

woah haha he made boobers in the image, this ensures people click on the thread!

On an unrelated note, many new users don't know this, but if you type the word "sage" in the options field, it lets you reply without bumping the post. I'm not at all suggesting you do this, or that I did this. Just pointing out a feature of this site :)

>> No.22826887

How do you know?

>> No.22826893

They told me kek
Is it really that hard to believe for you?

>> No.22826904

One time a girl said to me: "You have really pretty eyes"

I have central heterochromia.

I think it depends on the woman.

>> No.22826918

>central heterochromia
Unique, girls like unique.

>> No.22826972

You fucking retard. They didn't like your repulsive poop-eyes. They liked their shape.
Attractive with colored eyes > attractive with black eyes > ugly with colored eyes > ugly with black eyes

>> No.22826984

Strong disagree, black eyes are praised in countless songs and poems.

>> No.22826987

Warm brown and hazel maybe. Not pajeet soulless black

>> No.22827002

I rarely use this word but this is an intense cope. I'll trust the women who have actually seen my face and not some anon.

>> No.22827004

Which right-wingers? Please elaborate

>> No.22827007

Are you good looking? Are they pajeet black or some cool shade of brown that changes under light exposure?

>> No.22827014

>Are you good looking?
Not really, no.
>Are they pajeet black or some cool shade of brown that changes under light exposure?
I genuinely don't know because I have never been this autistic about eye colour. They are a dark enough brown that you can only make out my iris if you get very close. I am Mediterranean.

>> No.22827017

Black eyes doesn't mean you're Indian, there are Mediterranean beauties with black eyes that are just mindblowing

>> No.22827063
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Wow I though this was /lit/ in here for a second but it's just lit in here

>> No.22827126

Gig economy

>> No.22827162

Would love to snuggle in bed with her and have a nice cup of coffee with breast milk

>> No.22827175

Most any book by a fox news personality.

>> No.22827195
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>Right wingers are left in the past, nothing modern about them

>> No.22827233

And the art of the deal

Who took my cheese, and bussines self help, the funniest part is when they pretend to read complicated stuff and not paulo coello

>> No.22827249

rightwing people read textbooks on financial derivatives and portfolio management that some leftwing doofus from the english department couldn't parse two pages of. why don't you go listen to a comedy podcast of something.

>> No.22827269

The nig** spotted.

>> No.22827275

how do leftists deal with the fact that they're not the cool kids anymore?

>> No.22827281

kek, same way they deal with everything, double down and pretend reality is something it is not

>> No.22827332

There are countless northern europeans with dark brown eyes too.

>> No.22827412

No there aren't. Dark eyes are rare among natives, and black eyes are so rare that I don't know any native with them.

>> No.22827424

Pretty much. It's kind of hard to believe people would find dark eyes attractive when the overwhelming majority of art seems to feature coloured eyes.

>> No.22827486

Nietzsche, Klages, Foucault, Deleuze, Sollers, Matzneff, Dugin, Land, Bap

>> No.22827548

I can give you a few examples:
Princess Ingrid Alexandra of Norway
Keira Knightley
Emma Watson
De Witt Brothers
Elizabeth I
Elisabeth of Austria
Christopher Marlowe

>> No.22827561

So when you say "Northern European", you mean "European"?

>> No.22827577

>2/10, would not bang

>> No.22827583

Do you know what Northern European means? None of the listed were from Med countries (where brown eyes are more common).

>> No.22827669

Caffeinated booba.

>> No.22827725

Brown “people” seething at this lmao

>> No.22827730

How can post-modernism be right wing? Eugene Vodolazkin’s Laurus could be construed as “right wing” in a sense but I fail to see how it’s remotely post-modern. The same can be said for Houllebecq’s novels, I think.

>> No.22827763
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- Moldberg - Everything before Gray Mirror
- Nick Land - Dark Enlightenment (despite the cringe name)
- Nick Land - Xenosystems
- Hans-Hermann Hoppe - Democracy: The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy and Natural Order.
- Alain de Benoist - View for the Right
- Dugin - In search of the Dark Logos and Noomakhia
- Guillaume Faye - Archeofuturism and Great Replacement
- Pentti Linkola - Can Life Prevail?
- Tomislav Sunic - Against Democracy and Equality
- Roberto de Mattei - Apologia for tradition
- Spandrel - IQ Shredders

the list could go on, but this should keep you distracted for a while

>> No.22827771

postmodernism is already old faggot

>> No.22827788

nigga modernity started in 1650, it's not that hard to be post-modern, or at least counter-modern, meta-modern, or fundamentally opposed to many of the currents of modernity, pretty much anybody that is not aligned with optimistic technocrats is post-modern in today's politics

>> No.22827798
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>skeptical of utopian modernism
>no truth, only power
>attempts to reinject historicity into art and architecture
It can easily be interpreted as right wing, just not conservative or christian

>> No.22827857


>> No.22827885

Pseud post. Post-modern literature refers to something specific and it’s not anything after the 17th century or whatever stupid shit you think.

Only two of these are true for the book and only one is a common feature of post-modernism. You know what another common feature is? They’re on paper. Ergo all paper is post-modern literature.

>> No.22827927

Why privilege commonalities when asking "how can"? Wouldn't that preclude hows and cans?

>> No.22828066

>Do you know what Northern European means?
I do. Maybe because I live here. You obviously don't.
>(where brown eyes are more common).
And they're rare in Northern Europe. As I said. And black eyes are practically non-existent. As I said.

>> No.22828113

>I do
So why are you stubbornly nitpicking the use of the term to refer to Dutch, English people, Scandinavians and Germans?
>And they are rare in Northern Europe.
What is the proportion of measure that we connote under the term rare?
Anyhow, by my saying countless I don't mean brown eyes are the majority or as common as blue, grey, green eyes in Northern European countries, not as common in those countries as we find in Italy, Greece, Spain, proportionally. I meant that they are not virtually irrelevant, which I think is what the term ''rare'' implies.

Also, I'm not even sure whether you are referring to dark, brown eyes by repeatedly posting about ''black eyes'', because black eyes are basically non-existent or only a thing in sub-Saharan Africans.

>> No.22828120


you gay af

>> No.22828174


>> No.22828193

i clicked for the boobs. ii'm ashamed of myself. sorry.

>> No.22828201

>So why are you stubbornly nitpicking the use of the term to refer to Dutch, English people, Scandinavians and Germans?
Maybe it's because I don't want to conflate Western Europeans or Central Europeans with Northern Europeans.
>I meant that they are not virtually irrelevant, which I think is what the term ''rare'' implies.
Rare means rare. I have no interest whatsoever in arguing about semantics. For your information, here in Finland, 90+ % of the population has light eyes. Some have light brown, but I've never seen a native with dark brown or black eyes, both of which are common in the south and outside of Europe.

>> No.22828203

This. What is it like 80 percent of the worlds population has dark eyes. If you have dark eyes you're in the same league as nigs and pajeets.

>> No.22828206

You have no clue what you are talking about

>> No.22828210

You are 100% correct and the people responding to you are ignorant.

>> No.22828271

Reading i am a strange loop right now. Is it worth it to go back and read this after

>> No.22828278

If we're talking about fiction, it doesn't really make sense to categorize post-modern writers into left versus right. Those terms are way too broad and way too vacuous to say anything meaningful applied to authors writing books that aren't just political programs. Pomo novels have elements that are likely to garner sympathy among "left" and "right" both, especially in light of what appear to be current trends, as well as the new-ish right populist movements in the West.

Speaking from experience, it's easy to find very clearly expressed sentiments that resonate with my beliefs in the works of Gaddis and Pynchon and DFW, and I think most would consider my beliefs right-wing. I wouldn't consider them right-wing authors or their books right-wing books, but I think the light they shed on man and mankind is in many respects the same sort of light some elements of the right-wing seize upon to build their case.

For fiction it's a little different.

>> No.22828282

>For fiction it's a little different.
For nonfiction it's a little different*

>> No.22828295

That is only half true. The brain doesn’t register facial features properly if the person they are looking at has lighter eyes and hair. That’s why when lighter eyed and haired celebrities are edited to have darker features they look uglier; their features pop out more. Therefore, it is more difficult for someone with dark eyes and hair to be attractive. They have to rely solely on harmony and having nice features. However, when they are attractive I find they are almost always more attractive than those with lighter eyes and hair.

>> No.22828303

We are talking about genetics and phenotypes. People from England are much closer to Germans and Dutch people than to Portuguese people, even though Portugal, Ireland, England would be part of the same Western hemisphere. Besides, Western Europe is a much debatable division than North-South divide.

>Rare means rare
Yeah, I agree that in Norway, Sweden, Finland brown eyes could be considered as indeed rare. I would agree with you saying that roughly 10% of the population have brown eyes. But then this is not the case in Netherlands, Germany, England. In these countries brown is not the commonest yet not rare.

>> No.22828305

Can you please stop claiming the culture of brown eyed people like Italy, Greece then?

>> No.22828310

Modern day Greeks are not the same ethnic group as the ancient Greeks

>> No.22828324

Why doesn't my mother love me

>> No.22828338

Yeah they are slightly different because of medieval slavic influence in Greece from then on. Minoans and Mycenaeans were closely related and the share of EEF they had continues to be relevant in Modern Greece though.

>> No.22828342

Bronze Age Mindset

>> No.22828353


>> No.22828406

Anything Hoppe

>> No.22828698

>Post-modern literature refers to something specific
that's a very modern point of view, you failed to grasp the true core significance of postmodern literature

>> No.22828706

>"left" and "right"
left and right are modernist globalist terms, postmodernity is the dissolution into a myriad of identity politics factions

>> No.22828825

don't put too much weight on identity politics, it's an academic thing

>> No.22829191
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Mmmm...boobies. Say what you will about men, but at least we're easy to figure out.
Re: the actual question posed by OP...how about cyberpunk? It's very postmodern, and generally set in a world where central authority is weak or nonexistent (i.e. far more oriented toward the individual than the collective).
By acting out in public, throwing temper tantrums. Leftists suffer from arrested development; they want to live at home with mommy and daddy forever, and when they can't, they try to make the government take over that role. Collectivism is just wide-scale parental authority.
Own it! They're very nice breasts. Here are some more.

>> No.22829356

>Collectivism is just wide-scale parental authority.
this is based though

>> No.22829365 [SPOILER] 
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The true dichotomy needs to be described by their terms and not this "right/left" thing.

Autonomy/freedom versus conformity/order. It is a yin/yang in human nature to need a balance of both, but the whole "civilizational" project, with or without religious institutionalization has been resisted. Despite its seeming global dominance for generations now, people still want out from under its thumb.

>> No.22829374

>Collectivism is just wide-scale parental authority.
Is there something wrong with parental authority at the family level?

>> No.22829392

I can't answer that question because I just received GEB as a gift and it's sitting on my bookshelf. I've heard it explained independently as
>hyper modern
>post post modern
>straight-up aristotlean modernity
>not anything related to modern wtf are you talking about it's meta physics

I don't like that last answer: because of all it's references to previous texts it has to be at least Modern in some way. If it's trying to be a reference book or physics treatise or something then that's something else but for now I'm just treating it as literature.

>> No.22829395

by the way this is a correct answer to to ops question

>> No.22829400
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>Collectivism is just wide-scale parental authority.
This and it is part of a fundamental misanthropy inherited from christianity. They see a world of contemptible sinners that they need to save.

>> No.22829420

guenon and evola

>> No.22829440

I neither want the government to forcefully become my surrogate parents, nor do I want to pay for such a government. Why is this difficult to understand?

>> No.22829467

the state is an organic result of human nature, misarchy is like wanting to cut off your own head

>> No.22829535

I never said I disliked all forms of government. But the modern state, run by the rich for their own interests, is little more than the nation's largest criminal syndicate.

>> No.22829545

holy shit I want to tie her up and whip her tits with a flog until she cries

>> No.22829606

>living with parents is…le bad
ok fake conservative

>> No.22829632

Idk what to say to this except that I want to hear more of your theories. Because when I believe shit like this I know everyone thinks I’m retarded, but regardless I know I’m right, as you are here.

>> No.22829662

Are you deliberately missing the point, or are you really this clueless?

>> No.22829703

I'm not him, and I agree that he's being facetious, but I think you're missing something too in that regard.

There is an issue with not wanting the state to fulfill the same role as the parent, because our social organization has been systematically eroding the institution of the family for almost a century, way longer in some ways. Modern living and occupational standards make it impossible for the family to fulfill roles it traditionally filled. The extended family household gave way to the nuclear family household and now the nuclear family is giving way to the two-worker household. So the parents have to figure out what to do with kids (first step: have fewer), and that involves giving the state functions that the family used to perform. Education, moral education, playtime, socialization, etc.

In other words, to realize a world in which the state does not increasingly fulfill the functions of the family would take profound social reorganization

>> No.22829744

I don't want the state to be my surrogate parents, and I don't want to pay for others to indulge their mommy/daddy issues. Period.

>> No.22830030

It’s not really a theory. I believe there is an actual industry term for women dyeing their hair blonde in the cinema/modelling industry but I forget. They do it because it distracts from your facial harmony and people don’t register it properly. I’ve trained myself whenever i encounter a blued eyed lighter haired person to focus on their harmony and features and they always are uglier. It’s actually a bit crazy. Imagine every blue eyed person you meet having dark eyes and suddenly you realise how ugly they are.

For browned eyed people their eyes merely blend in with the rest of the features, meaning your facial features actually have to be harmonious in order to be good looking. Francisco Lachowski is a good example of this. His beauty comes from his facial harmony and when you edit him to have blue eyes he actually looks worse.

That’s why I think brown eyes and brown hair is a prerequisite for truly being beautiful. Like if you encounter a person with brown eyes who is good looking they are actually good looking. Sorry for rambling I woke up mid sleep swear I’m more articulate than this.

>> No.22830046

Also, I forgot but facial asymmetry is a big part of this. Most people have asymmetrical faces but unless you train yourself to look for it you won’t notice it. However, you will have this general vague feeling that they are less attractive even if you don’t fully register it. It’s easier to notice asymmetry for brown eyed people compared to blue eyed people.

>> No.22830058

It’s difficult to understand because A) they think they should be the parents and/or B) they have low self esteems and don’t believe they can make it on their own

>> No.22830335


>> No.22830572


>> No.22830576

A joyful reply. Truly bacchanalian!