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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 159 KB, 1080x883, IMG_20230525_223303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22819828 No.22819828 [Reply] [Original]

about to start with the romans, how do i avoid the stoic-to-tranny pipeline?

>> No.22819833


>> No.22819835

For starters, don't take your advice from trannies. For guarantees, be a Christian. Christian thinkers have long studied the Greco-Romans, yet only a minority fall prey to sexual vices.

>> No.22819837

Lucretius, but it sounds like the pipeline is about to claim another one.

>> No.22819838

Commodus was leagues cooler than his dad. I honestly believe Gladiator is directly responsible for causing the Stoic meme. And thus trannies even.

>> No.22819919

Christians are proto trannies

>> No.22819949

we say Five Good Emperors for a reason

>> No.22819963

more people who follow stoics are the HECK YEA EPIC MANLY MAN than literal trannys

>> No.22819970

Nah but see the controlled opposition ((((the algorithm)))) dictates my stance on the matter at the time!

>> No.22820057

This freak has an obvious foot fetish. He's in heels in all of his videos

>> No.22820063

Stoic philosophy is just facebook mom quotes for men

>> No.22820077

not watching breadtubers, for starters.

>> No.22820086
File: 666 KB, 595x797, f1nn5ter gamer girl bulge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching tranny breadtubers and not based femboy F1NN5TER

>> No.22820094

How can stoics be trannies? Doesn't stoicism imply you'd find peace with your own body without resorting to vain and mutilating surgeries?

>> No.22820206

They can't. OP is just a disingenuous little piece of trash that uses the video of one tranny, that happens to reluctantly cover the topic of stoicism, in order to suggest that stoicism leads to abominative trannies.

>> No.22820238

don't start with the romans. Greek stoicism is all about being in tune with and understanding nature. It's basically impossible to troon out if you read that instead of gay self help roman "stoics"

>> No.22820249

The important part of stoicism is that cultivating internal goods of the soul is more important than anything external that happens to you. Luckily Plato already said that before and many said it after so you can just skip the Stoics if you want, although they have some interesting metaphysics if you wanna read that.

>> No.22820254

you don't.

>> No.22820302

It's unavoidable. The only way to escape it is to read Plato instead like a true, virile intellectual.
Commodus was legally a God-Emperor but preferred to be worshipped for his achievements in ancient sportsball instead. Truly embarrassing individual.

>> No.22820320

Why is this thread remade repeatedly? It’s not even interesting. Bots just recycling old threads or a bot-like NPC making the same retarded thread every week or two? I get it, some anons are obsessed with troons and see them as their arch enemy

>> No.22820331

It's a deliberate effort to ruin the board. As thread qualities declines, good posters have nothing holding them here and bad posters are drawn to the trash that they see. This board is already halfway to being /his/, a board that only a retard could be happy to browse.

>> No.22820332

It's just retarded /pol/acks who can't think of anything else but the trannie in the room right now.

>> No.22820334

becoming a tranny is about the least stoic thing you can do

>> No.22820338

That’s what I think
Deliberate sabotage? I’ve always wondered how many come here for propagandistic and agenda driven reasons

>> No.22820682

I only watch Vlad Ncl

>> No.22820708

I'm convinced that Commodus actually breached the limits of stoicism

>> No.22820822


No. The real Christians aren't.

>> No.22820839
File: 69 KB, 637x744, 1686373075242486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting ur own jewtube channel u fucking faggot ur not fooling anyone. Also YWNBAW and you will join the 50%.

>> No.22820963

Truth. Stoicism as usually practiced is just gender-affirming philosophy. Be a man and do this manly stoic thing and you’ll be a real man totally just like this dead roman emperor and not like those weak effeminate men because you’re a manly man.

Sidebar: It’s always funny when /lit/ refuses to acknowledge this kind of thinking — the kind of thinking that’s like “reject effeminacy, be a man.” It’s just gender-affirming selftalk, no different in concept than a trans woman saying “I’m a woman” in a mirror. But these guys seriously think that they’re not affirming their own gender. Like you’re talking yourself into being more of what you think a man is, how is it not lmao

>> No.22821419

hundreds if not thousands of catholic clergy and protestant ministers being monstrous nonces aren't a minority.

fucking christian brain rot.

>> No.22821453
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Where the chin fat go??

>> No.22821495

>tfw he has a stronger jaw as a tranny than he used to have as a "man"
How is this even possible? Do trannies take testosterone injections in addition to estrogen for good measure?

>> No.22821513

Some troons take testerone so they can get boners still. Nasty stuff.

>> No.22821522

You're a sick man who perceives everything through the lens of a tranny. That's why other people don't see what they're doing as "gender affirming" lmao

>> No.22821766

More than half of traffic to pol comes from Israel despite the flag almost never showing up until recently. There is not a doubt in my mind that while the builk of resources go into monitoring pol and ensuring that it's a cesspool which discourages rational thinkers from taking part in legitimate conversation, there are at least one or two individuals allocated to places like /lit/ which would be prone to seeing profound discussions come about. I bet you that the long pasta comprised of prose and segmented with /// is the pasta they use to catalogue threads to be monitored.

"Gender" is not a biological reality. There are sexes and that's it. You will never be a woman. Pull your head out of your ass, anon. You are the soul that inhabits the vessel and not the body itself. That's why there is no such thing as "being born in the wrong body." You chose to come here and you chose this body. I have absolutely zero doubt that if you took time away from modern society (I'd say three months) and went camping with no phone, no internet connection or any other modern electronic technology, fished for your daily meals, and went to sleep and woke up with the fall and rise of the sun each day, you would completely snap out of it and return home urging your former friends (and they will be former friends because they don't like "detransitioners" and you will not like them) to do the same. And they'd be better off for that as well. You are not understanding stoicism if you cannot see that I am right about this. It's about being able to see your place in nature, not about being confident in your ability to subvert it.

>> No.22821781

you fucking nigger i remember this thread from months ago

>> No.22821784

it's not gay if it's me doing the assfucking right?

>> No.22821789

>wanting to appear male is the same thing as arguing that you are truly substantially female
tell me you are not this retarded

>> No.22821898
File: 21 KB, 235x198, lmao_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I was born in the wrong body, I shouldn't have a dick"
>takes estrogen
>"hmm this is nice but I still want to have boners"
>takes testosterone

>> No.22821903

uhm acktually they take viagra or cialis, and continue to use anti-androgens which block testosterone

source: i get tranny dick on the regular and they love explaining this shit

>> No.22821906

He's a tranny. Of course he is retarded. But we're all a little retarded. If he can come to his senses and realize that he will never be a woman and that this supposed battle he is fighting against the system is not actually one meant to be won or lost , then there may still be hope for him when it comes to just being a little retarded like the rest of us. Trannies are nothing but a battering ram. They are but one (of many) means being used to dismantle the family and fragment society so that the masses are more easily controlled, and so on. The sooner he realizes this, the sooner he can actually be a free thinker as anyone who actually believes they are in the wrong body are having their thoughts constrained not by the limits of their language, but by the limits imposed upon them by the intentional designers of this charade. It's amazing that trannies will tell you gender this and gender that but not a single one of them even knows who came up with the term gender, and if they did know, they wouldn't admit it because the man's most famous experiment was one where he took two male twin children and had one raised as a woman and one as a male, and you can guess what happened because the markers of our respective sexes are etched into every aspect of our physical being.

>> No.22821916

for stoicism you just need meditations (maybe seneca?), then jump to the greeks

>> No.22822006

> how do i avoid the stoic-to-tranny pipeline?
Don't read only things that are published in your time.

>> No.22822038

Stop watching this British government plant maybe.
Just don't feel yourself to a cult or religion.

>> No.22822042
File: 1.35 MB, 745x967, F1NN5TER Bulgy Wulgy Pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consider the following

>> No.22822060
File: 101 KB, 960x637, D-G2mb2XsAEMrP9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 pints with makeup, 7 pints without
3 pints

>> No.22822064

Wrong, sorry.
>reeeeee everyone who disagrees with me is trans reeeeeee
>You are not understanding stoicism
I'm not talking about stoic philosophy as philosophy, I'm talking about the cultural, gendered overtones
>Wanting to appear male is the same thing as arguing that you are truly substantially female
Yes. Both are delineating a gender identity. You do manly things because you want to be seen as a man, just as a woman does girly things because she wants to be seen as a girl. Conceptually, this is no different from a trans person arguing they're truly substantially female; your "argument" is actions, is appearance, is how you think of yourself. Think about it anon. When a girl likes stereotypically manly things, does manly activities, she's called a tomboy. When a man wears a dress and paints his nails, other people won't think he's a man even if he thinks of himself as one. There's a common, quiet understanding that gender is just as much what you do for other people as it is what you think of yourself. Of course biology comes into play. But not as much as you want to think.
>reeeeee everyone who disagrees with me is trans reeeeee
Meds. Also John Money.
>where he took two male twin children and had one raised as a woman and one as a male, and you can guess what happened because the markers of our respective sexes are etched into every aspect of our physical being
this does not prove what you think it proves. if anything it confirms that trans people are describing/embodying something true about gender.

Very funny to see you all frothing at the mouth over this inoffensive, anodyne, simple idea. Is it perhaps you're insecure in your own gender? Displaced anxieties about being man enough? It's okay anons. I think you're very masculine and very manly and so big and strong

>> No.22822066

Didn't he do something weird with an underaged kid though? Like phone sex or some shit?

>> No.22822093

Gender isn't real and you will never be a woman. It is not an "inoffensive" issue. It is offensive by the very definition of the word. The concept itself is an offense against nature. Anyways, enjoy your battle against nature. No need to let us know how that turns out because it's already set in stone.

>> No.22822100

Christianity is the superior version of stoicism anyway

>> No.22822102

gay fur fat roleplay over discord with a 16 year old who we wanted to fly out to come drink with him.

>> No.22822107
File: 153 KB, 1459x1813, sonic concern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22822108

If you are truly worried about this and it's not just a meme... you will never be a man.

>> No.22822114

>Yes. Both are delineating a gender identity. You do manly things because you want to be seen as a man, just as a woman does girly things because she wants to be seen as a girl.

You're retarded because the tranny is making a truth claim about whether or not he is a woman and using his outward and inward actions to substantiate it. The former does no such thing.

>> No.22822115

Which denomination?

>> No.22822128
File: 2.92 MB, 4096x3273, F1nn5TER Nothing Gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads five pages of Meditations*

>> No.22822202

Stoicism is gay.

>> No.22822303

Start with Livy

>> No.22822416


>> No.22822482
File: 143 KB, 1241x920, cheesecrumbles artist gay muscular sissy crossdress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peak RVME performance

>> No.22822483

it’s normal to have anxiety about your gender anon. you’re reacting so strongly. is there something you don’t want to admit? even to yourself?
same thing, anon. your actions and your speech are your claim to masculinity.

>> No.22822540

You sound like a coping tranny desu

>> No.22822792

And you sound like you will never be a woman. Tranny is a misnomer because it implies that you can transition to anything but an early grave thanks to puberty blocking pills which are all produced by a single company based in Tel Aviv. But go ahead, take your meds tranny. I'm sure a company based in a highly religious country has no ulterior motive for giving you a product that under no circumstances would they give to their own people.

>> No.22822861

I really wish that didnt turn me on

>> No.22822887


Oof moment.

>> No.22822893

you're very, very angry. do you sometimes feel as if you're not man enough?

>> No.22822927

Yeah sometimes I like to dress up in girls clothes and it kills my sense of masculinity so I compensate by emotionally overreacting to minor situations

>> No.22822972

Now you sound like you aren't even a tranny. Sound more like you are being paid to post here, moshe.

Oh look, Ruben has joined the chat.

Neither one of you had anything to say about where the meds are made, because you know it can be googled in a second, otherwise you'd just call me a liar. As if a tranny would even continue posting. We all know that it's too demoralizing for them to continue posting in threads where their delusions are exposed for what they are. But you guys are still here, which means you aren't actually trannies, but are heavily invested in the concept. Enlighten the thread as to your religious backgrounds, if you please.

>> No.22822981

>making a claim is the same thing as not making a claim

>> No.22822984

projecting pictures of my anus onto your screen, sure. but what does that have to do with the present argument?

>> No.22822988

Why can't we have an actually good, productive thread about Stoicism?

>> No.22823021

Because stoicism allows one to avoid succumbing to the influence of their external environment and conditions. There only way you can have a discussion about stoicism on 4chan is if there was some agreed-upon codeword for the concept beforehand, because the people paid to monitor this site have all sorts of keywords they use to find those threads and derail them. This one, though, was probably started by those people because who the hell begins a thread on stoicism with anything even remotely related to trannies. They are the antithesis of stoicism. In any case, if you want to discuss stoicism, it's better done offline. It's not happening on the honeypot that is 4chan.

>> No.22823046

The real Christians were kikes

>> No.22823054

are you even surprised at that point? someone who can make his fetish his sexual and even social identity will have boundless fetishes he doesn't reveal.

>> No.22823186
File: 490 KB, 449x401, girls laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds. So tedious to deal with these types.
admittance is the first step
one says they're a woman with their dress, preferences, actions, and words; one says they're a man with their dress, preferences, and actions. this is a simple idea anon. not sure why you can't follow it, this is very 101 level stuff.
it really is projection all the way down with these types, isn't it?

>> No.22823199

Now go look into the figure for public school teachers and trannies, faggot.

>> No.22823212

>Meds. So tedious to deal with these types.
And yet you replied.

>> No.22823247
File: 166 KB, 619x599, 48046_-_SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what you were expecting given the OP

>> No.22823265

tedious, yet entertaining. what can I say. I like to throw peanuts at pigs and watch them squabble over the shells

>> No.22823280

>Truth. Stoicism as usually practiced is just gender-affirming philosophy. Be a man and do this manly stoic thing and you’ll be a real man totally just like this dead roman emperor and not like those weak effeminate men because you’re a manly man.
that's not what stoicism is though

>> No.22823281

What's the purpose of this thread ? Is the op suggesting that a single tranny posting a video on stoicism means that all stoics are trannies ?? What kind of inferences are these ? Isn't it more probable that OP has some hate boner against stoicism for some reason and he is "memeing" things which aren't even real ? And if you point out such threads being nothing but politicisation of 4chan the newfags here claim that we are le unique contrarians don't call us out for our beliefs we are just memeing ! I guess neefags who can't even accept their motivations are biggest trannies on the planet , imagine hiding your own thoughts and biases with memes and claims of meta-irony.

>> No.22823295

What's the proof of your claim ? We have public data available that shows us that 60-70% of the posters are from North America. Why do you guys don't get it that the Jews and tranny part was supposed to be a meme. The day you realise that you are the cancer that destroyed this site we will have some chance of improvement.

>> No.22823311

Just because peanuts can be thrown does not mean they must be thrown. Everyone has a choice, moshe.

lol give it a rest Reuben. Haven't you been paying attention? We're in the end game now.

>> No.22823318

>Stoicism as usually practiced
>I'm not talking about stoic philosophy as philosophy, I'm talking about the cultural, gendered overtones
>back to screeching about da joooooooooos
Go back to your containment board, the adults are having a discussion about philosophy and gender

>> No.22823327

>tranny accuses you of projection while projecting trannyism into whatever they view.

>> No.22823335

What the fuck is that image

>> No.22823336

Trannies are mentally invalid.
They can never have an adult conversation because they were never mature enough to confront their own state.

>> No.22823403

Yes, actually it is a minority, even more so once you include Protestants. Lie to yourself if you must.

>> No.22823435

It's the only way i get (You)s. Picture this:
>make thread about author, culture (in relation to literature), etc.
>thread gets archived with no replies or gets cleaned up for being "low effort" or "off-topic"
>make low effort ragebait with a tranny
>thread has nearly 100 replies by the time i come back
>doesn't get cleaned up despite being almost an exact repost (>>/lit/thread/22668632))
You're kinda asking for it if you're gonna bump my thread.

>> No.22823458

Trannies get skinnier because they think no muscle = feminine, but women actually have more fat.

>> No.22823463

>the real Christians are the guys who killed Christ!!!

This shithole is getting dumber and dumber every year

>> No.22823474

wow you're so cool for trying to ruin /lit/, the smallest and slowest board on the website.
What was the last book you actually read? Because right now reading this thread it seems like you're paid to do shit like this.
Which would make sense because nobody except a self obsessed retard would do what you do without being paid for it.

>> No.22823498

Are you retarded? I literally said replies like these are why I do it. As long as my posts get bumped they will stay up.
And btw, the last book I finished was ironically Seneca's letters.

>> No.22823502

He is a "classic contrarian" who believes himself to be some kind of giga troll. While in reality he came onto this site post 2016 and can't even speak up in a group of 5 people

>> No.22823505

And learn to read my name you spastic. I'm not bumping shit kek. You're such a paid shill newfag you don't even know what a sage is. Fuck you for being another cunt in this world that looks at it and says "I hate myself. I should make everybody else miserable too!" You literally have no life and that "book" is like 50 pages long you adhd ridden zoomer cunt. And I bet you still have nothing interesting to say about it. Back to /pol/ you waste of space.

>> No.22823580

You're giving me exactly what I asked for, if this thread truly bothered you so much you would have reported and hidden it by now, but you're still here. Also, you're supposed to put that in the options field, and I can still bump my own threads after each reply, newfag. Not my problem jannies don't delete these threads.
I don't, really, I've ben reposting this image for months but it still works. Like I said, I'd love to have actual discussions here, but that's cleary not what this place is for.

>> No.22823587

Sage in all fields you fucking retarded newfag. Imagine how pathetic you have to be to read my post and think "this is what I want!!!". Reporting doesn't do shit (i already have, and I reported your last post too) because the jannies don't care, but mentally damaged sociopaths like you just look at it as an opportunity.
Surprise surprise. You had fuck all to say about the book you just mentioned. I bet you don't even read and you just scroll tiktok all day. If you're going to be a paid shill tranny troll then do it, but don't act like you have anything interesting to say about literature because you don't.

>> No.22823600

words words words, thanks for the attention newfag

>> No.22823610

I can't believe the Germans would just turn on the jews like that. How the hell does something like that happen?

>> No.22823614

And there it is. For all your posturing and ostensible superiority over the incels in this thread when it comes down to it you have nothing to say at all, let alone about literature. Enjoy your empty life, I'm going to go and actually read a book.

>> No.22823619

Kill yourself retarded tranny faggot

>> No.22823621

Kill yourself retarded tranny faggot, you will never be a woman.