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22818916 No.22818916 [Reply] [Original]

Just read this. Was a cool little sci fi book. PKD has some out there and really fun ideas. The animals. The post-apocalyptic setting. The internal conflict going on in Rick's ever deteriorating brain of the cycle of the android vs bounty hunter, and the questions of when will it be impossible to tell who is an andy.

Don't see the big hype of this over Ubik or A Scanner Darkly though. I guess because of blade runner movie, which I gotta see again soon.

>> No.22818919

scanner darkly movie is p sick too not blade runner tier but it's underrated

>> No.22818927

agreed. was a great movie. although obviously the book was way better

>> No.22819003

Read it last week, wasn’t very impressed. Fun read though. It was very economically ignorant.

>> No.22819052

I love the unconventional worldbuilding in this one (and in many other PKD books as well) Especially the "empathy boxes" and mercerism. That's the sort of thing I would've seen in a dream as a teenager, when I used to watch a ton of scifi films. Most scifi (while enjoyable) simply lacks that incredible dream-like quality.

>> No.22819151

I really think the blade runner movie sucks, which discouraged me from reading this until recently. The entire plot of blade runner is like 20 pages of DADOES, PKD has so much going on in his books it's absolutely crazy. It's not one of his better books but it's a lot better than the predictable, badly paced movie.

>> No.22819155

it's too much IMO

>> No.22819172

I agree but it's the complete opposite issue that the movie has, which is that the entire plot is obvious 10 minutes in but we need to watch Harrison Ford look at rainy japanese neon for 2 hours before the inevitable.

PKD did lots of speed, ridley Scott I would venture did a lot less

>> No.22819178

>tiktok addled zoomer can't enjoy og blade runner
sad, but maybe netflix can do a remake directed by mrbeast that would be more up your alley

>> No.22819190

We can’t even watch the original bladerunner in its directors cut with a 10 minute longer ending, it was shown once in a theater then destroyed

>> No.22819195

Blade Runner just isn't a good movie, it's a dumbed-down PKD book, and not even a particularly good one. Tarkovsky and Kubrick can get away with a meditave pace because there is a lot going on beneath the surface, Redditly Scott is just not as deep as he thinks he is, so it's just japanese neon and rain for 2 hours to tell a readers digest story. Bad film, very redditcore.

>> No.22819218

it's noir not an action flic dipshit
>weird references to reddit
what, did scott say he supports trans rights or something so now you hate blade runner? get a grip kid

>> No.22819270

Redditors heckin love blade runner. Noir movies have things happen in them, plots and dialogue and everything, the Maltese falcon doesn't have a wasted frame. Blade runner is a boring movie, it takes a couple of ideas from a book overflowing with them and proceeds to do nothing much with them, except lots of moody establishing shots. Bad film.

>> No.22819279

how do you even know what redditors like? aren't there like 1000s of different subforums for every topic imaginable? what does it even mean for a site like that to "like" something? you sound like some sad culture war npc.

>> No.22819280

The start was fantastic, then it became slop. A Scanner Darkly is the best Dick.

>> No.22819307

>It's impossible for something to be like something

>> No.22819317

uh oh tarkovsky is reddit!

>> No.22819322

Reddit was created by the cia, any subreddit that isn’t pozzed gets deleted by higher order mods like the incel subreddits

>> No.22819326

Well I guess that makes Blade Runner a great movie then.

>> No.22819327

oh that's when you came to 4chan isn't it? maybe you should go back

>> No.22819333

>defending reddit and telling me to go back
I have never used reddit.

>> No.22819350

then why are you so concerned about reddit? who gives a shit about reddit?

in closing, i will just say if you want to know why you will never have sex, it's because you have no taste. good day.

>> No.22819967

I liked those too anon.

>> No.22819969


>> No.22819983

You've convinced me to watch it. Starting it up now

>> No.22819996

Wait. Do you think the new Blade Runner is what people in here consider "Blade Runner"?

>> No.22820015

I'm 10 min in to the OG blade runner.
Liked the opening scene. This film is clearly worth it for the aesthetic value alone.
op is a homo

>> No.22820038

Lmao the 1980s. Not even twenty min and they have a white man saying nigger

>> No.22820841

The 80s was preferring the book.
The 10s was preferring the first movie..

>> No.22821013

>I guess because of blade runner movie, which I gotta see again soon.
Ridley Scott slaughtered that novel. He sucked all the humor and beauty out of it and shat out typical-for-its-time hollywood schlock. While it was visual fantastic - if you enjoy that, check out the concept art book about it - the rest was crap - the casting, the direction, the writing - all crap (harrison ford is always bad casting).

That novel deserves a better adaptation, but Hollywood is no longer capable, so we'll have to wait until ai-generated video becomes accessible to anons.