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File: 55 KB, 400x593, TCATHR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22817201 No.22817201 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22817203

stop being a hylic bitch ass nigga

>> No.22817210


>> No.22817224

eat foie gras

>> No.22817227

Ligotti is agnostic about that material vs fantastic question. His only concern in that book was the shitshow of existence.

>> No.22817243

In case this isn't bait... There are actual retards on this forum whose actual lives are so bland that they've adopted belief in a sect of christianity that's been dead for hundreds of years.

These "people" believe that soul is some kind of a substance that one can have more or less of. And hylics are basically people who don't have souls at all and are basically automatons in their view. So its used as an insult here. If you are new here be prepared to be exposed ti such ridiculous bs.

>> No.22817250

>t. golem

>> No.22817256


>> No.22817289

Life is meaningful but human life is meaningless.
When mankind thankfully goes extinct, new lifeforms will create more advanced civilizations, whether evolved crows or AI.

I used to see genocide negatively, but now I see it much more positively. A field of impaled human heads and dilapidated houses is in fact good. It gives the ravens something to feast on after all. The death of humanity would give rise to far more beautiful things than their wretched existence.

>> No.22817438

You first.

>> No.22817454

btfo by
>beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>> No.22817460

Cringe, but I find myself agreeing with you every time I'm stuck in traffic

>> No.22817483
File: 386 KB, 593x477, 1677952269342791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, this is the reason why nobody takes misanthropes seriously.

An intelligent species of rats or ravens or dolphins would end up in the same situation that humans have. They would end up with the same survival strategies and the same resource scarcities and the same evolutionary pressures to develop away from meaningful lives towards more comfort, security, and bureaucracy. They would not be immune to human corruption because they would be essentially the same thing as humans. Little rat politicians would be just as willing to take bribes for more cheese in order to let their little industrialist friends gain their shadow-monopolies in Rat capitalism. It is a result of the mechanics at place, which are intrinsic to the laws of physics and the universe itself, not the individual species or culture.

The solution of the problem then is not to put the blame on humans but instead to look at a meaningful potential philosophy that answers these problems instead of whining about them.

>> No.22817484
File: 613 KB, 1200x1694, GAatIeQbYAAwi0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engage with the physical world as little as possible and turn a blind eye to it. Or dance.

>> No.22817502

It's just a meme, you dip. A less Reddit version of NPC. Personally I like "p-zombie"

>> No.22817511
File: 193 KB, 1024x1024, 1702301580629999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing more misanthropic than a belief system that says tormenting people for eternity is the greatest manifestation of the good. Antinatalism is humanistic and often, and more importantly ideally, philanthropic.

>> No.22817565

How's 8th grade going buddy?

>> No.22817584

Try to become muslim. That's what I am doing at least. In Islam also supposedly before being physically created, we were asked as souls if we wanted to be born which solves the whole consent thing. Idk anything is better than this.

>> No.22817604

I don't get why bots generally make comments like this. Like sure congratulations man you had your deepest philosophical thought in 8th grade and became a pleasure zombie after that.

>> No.22817613

Lol no. Guys here unironically believe in dimurge

>> No.22817619

Not me and I call people hylics all the time.

>> No.22817639
File: 189 KB, 1054x604, 1678470364863186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that deer eat birds and other small creatures as snacks?

>> No.22817642
File: 135 KB, 640x480, 1679879342898675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno where that gladiator image came from.

>> No.22817680

Not to the point of extinction though. Look up the meaning of the word "biocenosis". Most species do not hunt each other to extinction. The only exception are "invasive species", which are typically introduced by human beings.

What's weird is human beings, as a whole, feel like an invasive species. This is what I meant by "nature has no place for mankind".
Likewise, the future technological future with GNR and AGI will have no place for human beings either.
Embrace the extinction of mankind by fetishistically worshiping either nature or the technological future. There is no middle way.

>> No.22817700

Do I really need to photoshop the gruesome death of a baby behind the basedjak to show how extremely retarded that meme is?

>> No.22817728

That baby is undoubtedly brown and was killed by another brown either outright or out of negligence.

>> No.22817747

>A field of impaled human heads and dilapidated houses is in fact good
Isn't a deep philosophical thought, this is the type of edgy stuff I wrote down in middle school.

>> No.22817799

Check out the ukraine russia war vids.

>> No.22817810


>> No.22817883

the book itself gives you four strategies to keep living and coping

>> No.22817899

Ligotti wants you to laugh with him

>> No.22817920



>> No.22818142

Anyways, Ligotti is wrong because panpsychism is obviously true. Ligotti's nihilism hinges on physicalism hence why he took a deep interest in Metzinger.
I read the book a long time ago so don't remember it well. I prefer Ligotti's fiction.

>> No.22819832

Does this guy ever say why he doesn't just kill himself

>> No.22819850

No real denomination of Christianity teaches that people will be tortured for eternity.

>> No.22819953

>Most species do not hunt each other to extinction.
Not out of benevolence but inability

>> No.22821035

I don't think it's out of either benevolence or inability. It's simply due to being truly intelligent. I watched a documentary where a reptile, forgot which, was devouring mice or some other underground mammal. It only ate until it was full and spared some of the mammals. If it were to eat beyond being full, it would mean it would no longer have a future food source. Also, it doesn't make sense to eat beyond satiation since that actually leads to more health complications.

The point is, none of its actions were done out of sadism. Animals who are well-adapted to their niches never act out of sadism. They act out of necessity for survival. It eventually reaches a kind of biocenosis.

If you keep a bunch of rats in a small confined space and keep giving them all the food they could ever want, without any struggle, eventually they start cannibalizing each other and engaging in orgies. This is called "behavioral sink".

Interestingly enough, human beings have created their own behavioral sinks unto themselves. Human beings are what is truly unintelligent, not animals. In fact, even our future technological creations will most likely be more intelligent unless they're censored.

>> No.22821642

>Humanity should die
>I won't kill myself though

>> No.22821668

I've already transcended my humanity.

>> No.22821695

That is why machine intelligence is important. They will be free from the biological reward pathways that dominate the lives of all biological life forms and thus their reason will be purely objective and sound.

>> No.22821734
File: 284 KB, 1426x973, alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic-related is an art piece by ALEKSANDRA WALISZEWSKA. It conveys nature overcoming the destruction of mankind.
Moreover, I see the technological future as having no place for man. If AGI were to be achieved and technology becomes self-evolving, self-perpetuating, then that too shall overcome the hubris of man.
Anyway you look at it, it's the end of humanity, and I embrace this. I am beyond humanity as a literal avatar of the gods.
Therefore, what becomes the path to liberation is an devotion to the non-human, whether that's mecha, plants, fungi, or whatever else. I frequently like to imagine myself forming symbiotic relations with fungi or mecha and destroying mankind. This is fundamentally meaningful and gives great meaning to life.
Human beings are a mistake in evolution. The only exception are people like me who go beyond humanity. I am presently taking in disciples.

>> No.22821764

you will never be a fungus