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/lit/ - Literature

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22814153 No.22814153 [Reply] [Original]

What language has the LEAST lost in translation to English?

>> No.22814158

Scots and Ebonics

>> No.22814162

> we live by the same core themes, emotions, feelings and values
, said the anthropophagous Botoendo

>> No.22814164

humanities people are so unfunny

>> No.22814187

Girls arent like that by the way,I hate schizophrenic edit

>> No.22814193

Why the fuck have I started getting recommended stuff like this on Instagram? Who does this long winded "I'm so introspective let me ramble out something that just totally, like, understands your SSRI taking soul" appeal to? I bet those NYC podcast faggots are behind this somehow.

>> No.22814215

Kek and fpbp

>> No.22814245
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Lmaoing @ languagelets.
t.Perfectly fluent trilingual nigga that picks one of his three languages that is closest to the original
I also default to English when I read chinklit and stuff like that.

>> No.22814351

why not say cannibalistic?

>> No.22814569
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Do you actually mean "perfectly" fluent or are you being playfully hyperbolic, anon?
>I am a native Dutch speaker but I wouldn't call myself "perfectly fluent" there, as my Dutch has significantly atrofied and has always been coupled with English for me.
>I would say that I'm "perfectly fluent" in English.
>I can read Pali
>I know some ancient Greek (I did mastronarde's first year college textbook in a month and a half at the start of this year, but I've not interacted with it since then, and in any case the vocabulary was murdering me).
>I can read German, albeit a bit choppy when it diverges from Dutch too much, and I could make myself understood, but since I've never had any need to speak it I'd have to reach quite a lot.
>I'm currently learning French.
i.e. I'd claim to speak only one language "perfectly fluently" and it's not even my native language. I honestly doubt it's possible to speak "perfectly fluently" any language you don't think in or speak extensively on a daily basis.

>> No.22814578

>>I am a native Dutch speaker but I wouldn't call myself "perfectly fluent" there, as my Dutch has significantly atrofied and has always been coupled with English for me.
Is there any worthwhile dutch lit?

>> No.22814589

French. There is nothing to be lost in that joke of a language. The French conception of reality is nothing more than shit smeared on a wall. It's easy to get creative with their shit, but it is nothing more than shit and will forever be shit.

>> No.22814686
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When I said perfect I meant "as good as an native speaker". I can speak and read perfectly Greek and Czech and I can also read anything in English. I can communicate just fine in English but not on the same level as an native English speaker. Of course I can read some ancient greek. I also have command of the math, physics vocabulary of each of those languages
I never had to actually "learn" any of these languages because I spoke Czech with my family, Greek in school and English on the interwebs. If I wasn't a lazy ass and my French teacher wasn't useless I would have also known French kek.
Planning on learning either Russian or Chinese, to experience how it's like to learn a language the hard way.

>> No.22814698

also of course I can read and understand Slovakian easily too. I have had semi successful attempts at communicating with "Macedonias", Russians and the like.

>> No.22814701

Too much words.

>> No.22814738

sir this is a thread where we flex our languages

>> No.22814931

>i'm le quirky WEIRD autist because i put a literary shower thought that many a readers come to in le funny contrived schizo meme

>> No.22814992

>im le CYNICAL OBSERVANT when i exhaustively explain a piece of humour in the effort to make it seem less amusing than it really is

>> No.22815105

probably German.

>> No.22815110

Dutch or French

>> No.22815130

Unironically Norwegian has certain strong similarities to English due to areal effects across the North Sea even post viking. The answer would depend on type of writing and author though

>> No.22815166

i can kill both of you faggots in a fight

>> No.22815215

You did not laugh at this image

>> No.22815505


>> No.22816045

The original is superior but sure, the slightly obfuscated translation can have some merits in terms of forcing the reader to do the work themselves to understand the underlying concepts trying to be conveyed. Similarly english itself has some beauty in its vagueness

>> No.22816245

>Is there any worthwhile dutch lit?
lmao I asked this myself in a thread a few days ago. I have no idea. All the literature they had us read in highschool was crappy post-war angsty pervert boomer stuff. I remember being mildly entertained by stuff from before the 20th century, though.
Our culture bloomed 400 years ago and we've never done anything worthwhile since, or so it seems to me.

Ah, you grew up with them, that explains it.
I also learned English naturally from the internet when I was around 8 years old, so just about the same thing goes for me in that case.
idk about going with Mandarin, anon, that's such a tremendous pain in the ass it's liable to turn you off entirely from learning languages. I've heard that Slavic languages are all still fairly close together, so maybe learning Russian would be relatively easy for you (probably like German for me, I guess).

>> No.22816246

Don't you think some of that might be because you plagiarized half their language, rather than because of some lack in French?

>> No.22816250
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díky anone

>> No.22816251

How long would it take to learn Norwegian purely in order to read?
I am happy if I need to search up 2-3 words a page

>> No.22816683

just use a pop up dictionary and youll learn the more you read

>> No.22816715

Pseuds love the thesaurus

>> No.22816880

I hate this brand of "positivity" and "niceness" seems so insincere and patronizing

>> No.22816992

Spanish asides from gender neutral pussyhat retarded English teacher readings

>> No.22816998

an animal that eats the flesh of animals of its own type.

>> No.22817188

Norwegian is apparently one of the very easiest languages to learn for an English speaker, very simple grammar and so on.
>How long would it take
Fully depends on how much effort you put into it. However, vocabulary will remain an annoyance for a long time in any case; only having to look up 2-3 words per page would take a fairly long while, I think.

>> No.22817217

This will sound crazy but Latin.

>> No.22817310

The application of a language is also dependent on how you communicate an idea, bitch.

>> No.22817362

Germanic languages
English is a Germanic language with heavy influence from French and Latin.

>> No.22817382

Norwegian is hard because it's so localized to the regions because there's no standard Norwegian. Also the slang and tones are ridiculous.

Swedish is much easier.

>> No.22817398
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never claimed that I am not retarded

>> No.22817423

Milton proves otherwise

>> No.22817648

Yeah you can really smell the stink of twitter on images like this, any time someone posts one I can tell where it's from. I can't explain it exactly but it has a specific vibe of "boomer trying to be cool doing something that was cool 4 years ago," but it's being done by a millennial or zoomer. My theory is it's more millennials trying to remain hip than zoomers. It's a little too affected.

>> No.22817901

It’s the <3 at the end that really seals it.

>> No.22817927

What a retarded post. Pure cope for monoglots. Learn a single language and see how much is lost in translation.

>> No.22818789

the idea that
are universal across cultures is a cancer killing liberal thought. Without missing a beat, the modern idiot has regressed to an ethnocentric absolutist perspective based on historically liberal values. Tolerance and understanding are out the door, human values are universal and they include the elimination of ethnic identity, mainstreaming of progressive gender and sexuality norms, elimination of formal class and sex distinctions, so on and so forth. In their minds these values are universal, so anything that fails to share them must be subhuman, elemental evil, unworthy of understanding.
So many tradfag anons think relativism is the problem, but the death of relativism is what's really destroying their niche.
And it's objectively wrong. You don't even have to read other languages to glimpse the rich spectrum of values people have historically held. You just have to care or even try to understand what other people feel and think.

>> No.22819823

Yes, I agree about the regional issue, but I think anon just wants to use it to read a book, which basically just requires you to learn bokmal, right?

>> No.22819843

I am C2 proficient in 3 languages and B1/B2 in two more. It's not difficult to master a language, it's just very time consuming.

>> No.22820541

The only one I know is Willem Elsschot, especially Kaas, Lijmen en Het Been. If you want to start reading him, read in the previously stated order. His other works are also pretty good, but wouldn't generally recommend them. There is also de trein der traagheid which is very good (but the other works of Johan Daisne are shit).
(Willem Elsschot may have boring titles but do not be misled)

>> No.22821043

Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek