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22814065 No.22814065 [Reply] [Original]

>one dimensional saintly farmers vs one dimensional le evil corporations written by a silver spoon socialist retard
Remind me why you pseuds like this book again?

>> No.22814170

We don’t lmao

>> No.22814175

that book was so fucking boring
yeah I got "filtered"

>> No.22814178

Everybody here dislikes this book anon.

>> No.22814190

The thing I remember most looking back is how they were often described as “sitting on their hams”
Pretty off-putting.

>> No.22814192

farmers are all awful people

>> No.22814519

It's not that simple. Joad is a murderer rapist and he is in no way painted a hero against the big bad banks. The Great Depression was a faceted event that the entire country suffered from.

I liked it. The thing that sticks with me most is the ending. The nature of woman to always preserve life regardless of circumstance is powerful.

>> No.22814532

kill yourself. You don’t speak for us, and what kind of faggot uses “lmao”

>> No.22814534

you're trying too hard to fit in

>> No.22814536

No we don’t. You are an edgy fag with no taste

>> No.22814545

Never been a fan of grapes to be honest.

>> No.22814546

>t. Farmer

>> No.22814630

not a fan but I would rather reread this than sit through hemingway slop

>> No.22814638

Yes yes little brocolli head half niglet over here hates honest white workers.

>> No.22814896

No, it’s actually the opposite, you’re trying way too hard to belong to the “edgy” I’m so much smarter than the “normies” and their taste in lit crowd

>> No.22814907

Does zoomzoom's virtual schooling still pretend to read this? It was so boring. They've probably replaced it with skibidoo toilet videos.

>> No.22814910

Secondly, as IF I would want to “fit in” with you absolute fucking loser impotent tryhard white male “iamverysmart” cuck weirdos with your incredibly entry-level knowledge of lit

>> No.22814959

Apparently they showed the movie of this in the soviet union but they had to stop it because the people were getting too excited that their lives might be improved to the level of the homeless bums in it