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/lit/ - Literature

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22809679 No.22809679 [Reply] [Original]

For the discussion of HP Lovecraft, Clark Ashton Smith, William Hope Hodgson, Algernon Blackwood, and all the rest.

People who like Robert E. Howard, Ambrose Bierce fans, and of course Edgar Allen Poe also welcome. Sword and sorcery, and gothic literature may not be quite "weird", but their relations to each other should not be ignored. Pre-Tolkien fantasy also welcome from writers like Lord Dunsany.

Hacks like Stephen King and Michael Moorcock can go die in a hole. Contemporary fantasy literature is an awful, commercialised, creatively bankrupt endeavour and an ignoble end for 'fantastic' literature.

>> No.22809695

>no ETA Hoffmann
>also no Matthew Lewis
I know you don't want swords and daggers but some people were writing weird shit when swords weren't that weird too

>> No.22809712

What’s /lit/ opinion of the Mars cycle, I haven’t seen many people discussing despite being quite good https://youtu.be/CjtinfbnVAk?feature=shared

>> No.22809747
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Not weird fiction in terms of classification, but certainly for lovers of the weird and uncanny.

>> No.22809836

I'm reading Lovecraft's complete works and goddamn this man is the most adorable writer ever.
>whites are hedonists and arrogant pigs
>blacks are uneducated low class
>asians are savage immigrants
>but cats are hecking cool though, let me just randomly describe my self insert petting a stray cat during his quest to find the Other Gods.
>also cats are literally stronger than nefarious beings of the outer world, and their council regard me as an eternal friend of their kind

>> No.22809957
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mark samuels died recently and he was pretty good, certainly superior to some of the better known contemporary weird fiction authors

>> No.22810387

Is new weird allowed like Mieville and VanderMeer?

>> No.22811631
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>> No.22811683

The Hawkline Monster is closer to what weird fiction lovers would want if you like Brautigan. It's part of his genre mashup series, subtitled as a gothic western.

>> No.22812739

I mainly write weird fiction commercially, but it's hard to get in with the amount of ideological bullshit attached to publishing. The only real journals for it are by Hippocampus Press, Grimscribe Press (but Vastarien died), Weird House Press, Centipede Press, and PS Publishing. I think the vast majority are publishing from established writers but check out the local magazines in your area or country as well. Most horror magazines take some form of Weird fiction, but they're nearly all left liberal in the States.
I'm not conservative by any means but libtards have ruined reading for me. They only see art as a tool for pedagogy or subversion.