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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 147 KB, 970x1024, 2FB97124-A552-4E1C-BCDB-9907A00AE103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22807139 No.22807139 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most humiliated and pathetic character in literature?

>> No.22807148

The same army veteran was probably bayoneting babies and raping innocent women.

>> No.22807183

brutal picture

>> No.22807195

Disgusting behavior, if I were there commanding officer I'd have them hanged. Humiliating a defeated enemy is peak you know what behavior.

>> No.22807198

Leopold Bloom

>> No.22807263

Peak ancient Roman behavior? Peak Mongolian behavior?

>> No.22807273

No no no. The americans were the good guys in WWII. We wouldnt have the wonderful world of today if not for these heroes. Stop being antisemetic

>> No.22807279

you couldn't command a paper bag, bitch

>> No.22807286


>> No.22807288

epilogue excludes him

>> No.22807303

Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov

>> No.22807327

the jew-s-a used flamethrowers on the Japanese and firebombed them before dropping the nuke after the illegal embargo/blockade, etc, etc, etc

Why was Empire OK in the west, but not OK in le east? Japan was left without a chair, but morally far from the least

>> No.22807332

If those were german women and a disabled german vet begging this image would have no impact to anyone, some would probably even find it funny in a karmic way, even though the average japanese soldier was way more brutal towards civilians and prisoners than they were.

>> No.22807344

>even though the average japanese soldier was way more brutal towards civilians and prisoners than they were.
"F" Thesis not supported

>> No.22807348

Stop breaking the conditioning. You will NOT see the "enemy" states in WW2 as just states like any other. You will NOT see the "friendly" states in WW2 as just states like any other, pursuing realpolitik and often doing even worse things than the "enemy."

The Germans were NOT just an organic nationalist state pursuing foreign policy that was consistent for 50+ years of Anglo/American attempts to establish economic and cultural hegemony on the European continent. Germany was a uniquely evil state that wanted to make giant Hungry Hungry Hippos boards and chomp up Jews on them for no reason.

>> No.22807357

See me after class
(rolodex search for retarded parents phone)

>> No.22807361

What is the Rape of Nanjing for $200

>> No.22807363

Cyprian Latewood

>> No.22807366

What is the like yesterday rape of a bunch of dudes in Gaza. I mean I knew the jews were gay but damn! The faggotry wa endless

>> No.22807369

sorry, bro, but you gottta admit it worked ironically too

>> No.22807373

Japan deserved to be nuked infinitely more than any country in the 20th century, but not because of WWII

>> No.22807375

in my diary desu

>> No.22807377

Do tell...

>> No.22807384

Not here it wouldn't. If you were on facebook or something, probably

>> No.22807390
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you're cringe, stop
stop being cringe

>> No.22807397
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Is this my three day warning? kek come at me you fucking tranny faggot jannie pos!

>> No.22807399


>> No.22807411


>> No.22807415

no oilers i'm on part 2

>> No.22807416
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>pic shows Sailors

>> No.22807442

Fuck off Ching, this application of western moral norms in war to a conflict where there isn‘t really any doubt that the Chinese would have done the same if they could in order to browbeat an opponent of anglo-liberalism is pathetically dishonest.

>> No.22807613

The weak must fear the strong

>> No.22807647

The Rape of Nanking is a fabrication. They claim more deaths occurred than there were even inhabitants of the city at the time.

>> No.22807651

>Gay Individuals
Checks out

>> No.22807781

>ARe you hAvInG sEX!?!
>"AHHH as your commanding officer you are to be hanged!!!"

>> No.22807795

1. Miscegenation is evil
2. All normal human cultures view miscegenation as evil
3. Miscegenation is especially evil when normal cultural reactions against it can't take place because of additional factors like military conquest
4. All normal human cultures see (3) as evil and disgraceful

The men in this picture, being normal humans from a normal human culture, know what they're doing at some level is evil (1), AND that the people they are doing it to will see it as evil (2), AND that the only way they are getting away with it is due to being a conquering army (3). They also know they will be seen as evil and disgraceful (4).

What you, a pig-like tranny mongoloid on the internet, happen to think counts for nothing

>> No.22807803

as sad as this is, could there be a more powerful feeling than the contentment you get from the total subjugation and domination over your enemies, taking his land, his women, his honor, conquering him completely, rendering him utterly impotent?

>> No.22807818

Shylock. Or any jewish archtype, deservedly.

>> No.22807820

Are the trannies in the room with us now, lil chuddy?

>> No.22807832


>> No.22807836

Sounds uninteresting to me.

>> No.22807844

what is evil about it? does just having more of the same problem make it specifically evil rather than just misfortunate? what even is your point

>> No.22807850

t. evil faggot

>> No.22807854
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yes, you can stretch your legs but i think they started with your brain

>> No.22807945

This board is full of underaged shitskins now, it's becoming more like nu-/tv/

>> No.22807972

I am

>> No.22807983

The fuck, the woman on the left literally looks like a granny?

>> No.22807986

I wonder why it's always the genetic waste that are so adamantly against race-mixing.

>> No.22807999

This though, it was impossible to fight japanese soldiers without hating them, they were suicide bombers that constantly charged. Hilariously they had some sort of honor code about taking their pants off and running at the enemy with their willy flopping about, they would charge bayonet in one hand and holding out their pants in the other to show they had taken them off. Americans had to go around shooting japanese dead in the head because they liked to play dead and then jump up at whoever tried to remove them, and they would even call for help just to attack the americans who came. Japanese prison camps are the worst prison camps the world has seen in at least modern times, probably worse than a european prison camp has ever been.

>> No.22808049

The women should have been sold into slavery for such treason.

>> No.22808055

I know absolutely nothing about the rape of nanking, but if someone held a gun to my head and asked me if it happened or not (wrong=bang) id say fuck no that bullshit didnt happen anymore than muh six gorrillion.

>> No.22808081
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question, how egotistical am i?

>> No.22808083

>some bad sacred cow didn't happen anymore than all the other bad sacred cows
Safe answer, you're a smart guy

>> No.22808101

Ask your people

The reward for such centuries of inbreeding?
>A review of studies shows that Oriental Jews in Israel have an average IQ 14 points lower than that of European (largely Ashkenazi) Jews.
Real Jews are brown Arabs with <90IQ on average, and the only reason "Jews" were ever successful intellectually is due to breeding with rich Europeans. Luckily that has now stopped and Jews are regressing to the semi-retarded Israeli mean globally.

>> No.22808103

Too drunk to know if youre speaking for or against me but I love Lana so cheers, bro
Thanks brother, once you get through the weeds of lies the rest is easy. These faggots have a roll of red carpet about their coattails.

>> No.22808122

Isn't this the literature board? Why is their so many retarded assholes like yourselves. Who either refuse or not even acknowledge real life accounts and the mountains of evidence proving factually you're dumbasses. Literally read a fucking book not made by a griefer you insufferable illiterate pieces of shit

>> No.22808127

>goverment issue
though tards think it only means army, it doesnt

>> No.22808249
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I have read, but thanks for the advice, goy.

>> No.22808255

Also, learn grammar, idiot.

>> No.22808342
File: 60 KB, 640x640, orange cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to prove racemixing is bad
>posts example of it being beneficial

It probably gets boring very quickly. Which happened after WWII. The initial wave of revenge plus power fantasy only lasted a good year to two, and that's because the personnel was rotating and wanted their turn to do it. By 1948 winners were still interested in extracting war reparations but the complacent humiliation had run its course.

>> No.22808460

The narrator in Hunger

>> No.22808504

being a backstabbing skulk who allied with the red bastards sooner than england (something he explicitly wanted to avoid doing in mein kampf) is pretty unnatural when you claim to be honorable.

>> No.22808513
File: 188 KB, 1212x1600, he9202rghlc41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soviets raped a whole lot of German woman after occupation.

>> No.22808527

Look up 'Rape of Berlin', it was also the other Allied Forces.

>> No.22808531
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Meant to attach picture.

>> No.22808653

japan had flamethrowers too, retard.

>> No.22808656


>> No.22810126

>Miscegenation is evil
define miscegenation
pro tip, you can't
no one is 100% a race, where do you draw the line?
German with French? German with half black? What about german with quarter black?

>> No.22810130

Not literature

>> No.22810139

Fantine comes to mind.

>> No.22810154

Mixed people are generally socially dysfunctional. Ask me, and I'm half German half Slav.

>> No.22810190

It's OP for posting an image wholly unrelated to literature, but to history.

>> No.22810213
File: 6 KB, 208x242, 1000007214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mixed people are generally socially dysfunctional. Ask me, and I'm half German half Slav.
I have met a half Bulgarian half german and half black, half polish.
both very functional
can you provide any concrete evidence to support your claim?
also you didn't answer my question
>chuddies project self hatred onto everyone around them
many such cases

>> No.22810214


>> No.22810247

Post nose

>> No.22810250

>mountain of evidence
Have you ever actually listened to the first hand accounts of Jews lying about the Holocaust? It’s fucking hilarious the audacious bullshit they made up. Even “lauded” survivors like Elie Wiesel are nothing but grifters. Try reading the early editions of his novel where a bunch of Jews started an orgy in the train car to Auschwitz because that’s something normal people do when facing death.

>> No.22810260

>started an orgy in the train car to Auschwitz because that’s something normal people do when facing death.
But it is.

>> No.22810282

that image is of French civilians shaming collaborators though

>> No.22810298

I hate rape

>> No.22810559

>"Private Tom this message is to notify you that you along with private harry are being court martialed for the crime of walking past a Japanese beggar with a woman next to you please report for your trial at 0800 tomorrow"

>> No.22810578

>women shame men to die in a pointless war
>women sleep with the enemy occupying force voluntarily the second the country loses

It's obvious pointing this out on 4chan, but how are normal men so blind to the true nature of women?

>> No.22810588

this will sound crazy but i think the gubernamental threat of imprisonment and forced labor led men to die in wars a lot more than some girls who would just fold for a guy with a cool haircut

>> No.22810628

Women were the IRL jannies enforcing conscription and the ones who the loudest blew the trumpet of mass hysteria in Imperial Japan. Who do you think prevented people hiding from conscription?

It's more the unbridled hypocrisy. They were the ones bleating on the homeland loudly about how Japan would fight to the last person, and losing this war meant the extinction of their race. And then the second the surrender happened they just fucked white men.

The ancients were literally right about women.

>> No.22810629

I hate how the world can be so vile.

>> No.22810631

Associating with local women at all would be a crime. You're an occupying force, not a cuckolding Mardi Gras visited upon a random unfortunate country whose interests didn't align with the business interests of the men who own you.

>> No.22810635

If you're interested in nobility as an actual political principle, and not just occasional window dressing and propaganda for a fundamentally cynical realpolitik headed by oligarchs, become a fascist.

>> No.22810660

Damn, people like you must be totally lost and deluded in the modern world of images and media. You do realise the tone of this scenario is entirely manufactured by the photographer and the caption writer? Like an unthinking animal you immediately accept the seed planted in your head and lash out.

>> No.22810661

US military is still there and from what I've heard still taking their women.

>> No.22810664

It makes my dick hard

>> No.22810666

>become a fascist.
You're retarded anon, fascists treated women just as badly as the Soviets did, if not worse.

>> No.22810675

Feudalism is the answer. That's where the idea of chivalry was born.

>> No.22810686
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>Another important point which has now become well established in the historical literature is that despite the official National Socialist ideology on woman's role in society, girls and young women in the youth movement gained new experiences and responsibilities very much outside the domestic sphere. The experience of exercising authority within the organisation collided with the official image of women as mothers, tied to church, children and the chip-pan.
>In this context the HJ generation also argued that there had been a stronger 'social side' to National Socialism than later generations and most outsiders have been willing to acknowledge. Such things as the training competitions, for example, the fact that there were no school fees for the poor, the introduction of coeducation, competitions for the most social factory or more generally working for 'the community' were cited as examples.
>What was the psychological state and social condition of German youth as the war came to an end? There is little doubt that the Nazis' comprehensive youth programme had left a deep impression. More than any previous regime, the Third Reich had created a unified youth, with mentality, attitudes and values that transcended differences of class and region
>Many of the respondents - and not just the enthusiasts - dwelt on the fact that they had been involved in useful and socially meaningful activity. They helped on farms or in land reclamation or collected metal for recycling; they looked after elderly members of the community, collected for the Nazis' 'winter help scheme', knitted for the poor or sent parcels to soldiers at the front. Because of the blanket condemnation of the HJ in the post-war period, our interviewees were at pains to emphasise this positive useful side. Respondents of both sexes believed that their HJ activities had been a lot more worthwhile than the activities of modern youth who 'just hang around outside discos' and did nothing useful.
- Alexander von Plato, "The Hitler Youth generation and its roles in the two post
war German states," in Mark Roseman, ed., Generations in Conflict: Youth Revolt and Generation Formation in Germany, 1770-1968 (Cambridge, England, 1995), 29

>> No.22810689
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"In fact, the legacy of the HJ experience was ambiguous. On the
one hand, the HJ had encouraged many members and particularly
those who had taken on significant responsibilities within the move-
ment, to be very active. It had conveyed the powerful experience
that for those willing to put in the effort to the collective, the reward
could be considerable personal advancement. The dissolution of the
HJ consequently left a vacuum in the post-war period that cried out
to be filled with new activity ...
The resulting ambivalent outlook was probably extremely significant
in explaining the particular pattern of behaviour which emerged in
both Germanies after the war. Both societies seem to have been
characterised by a willingness to put in enormous effort in return for
recognition and personal advancement.
The lesson the HJ generation drew from
the past, then, was Pflichtbewusstsein, a willingness to do one's duty, or
better Leistungsbereitschaft, a willingness to give it everything one
had, largely irrespective of whatever state form or political system
happened to be in operation at the time."

>> No.22810691
File: 634 KB, 2000x750, codreanu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Codreanu’s most effective propaganda in these years was to be work, action, and [leading by] example. Hundreds of voluntary labor camps of the Legion, then called the TPT Party, dotted the map of Romania, repairing village bridges, roads, and churches, building dams, digging wells and working “for the collective and national solidarity.” In these camps, the boyar son worked side by side with the son of the laborer and the peasant, creating a powerful feeling of national unity and renovation. If the new intellectuals who graduated (or failed to graduate) in increasing numbers from the universities and joined the ranks of the Legion were strongly anti-Semitic because of the Jewish middle classes blocking their way, the lower classes came to the Legion because they hoped to fulfill their desires for a social justice on a national rather than a Russian Bolshevik platform.

>As the Legion increased in importance, it had to take a certain number of stands on practical issues of the day despite its acute revulsion to dealing with the problems of the sordid twentieth-century industrial age. These stands and attitudes were taken on an ad hoc basis when the Legion had to face them, and the result was a curious mixture of their ideology and more realistic considerations. Although it concentrated its activities in the villages, the Legion formed the Corps of Legionary Workers in 1936 and in addition to the dozens of labor camps, Codreanu ordered the Legion to enter a very new field for Romanians, commerce. He wanted to prove that not only Jews could be successful in this area. "In less than a year, the Battalion of Legionary Commerce founded a chain of Legionary restaurants, groceries, and repair shops covering Bucharest and the provincial towns. The income from these establishments financed vacations for underprivileged children and provided funds for the movement.” Besides the commercial establishments, there was a Legionary welfare organization, and steps were taken to organize Legionary cooperatives. At the opening of the Legionary sanatorium in Predeal, different payment rates were established. Everybody was to pay according to his conscience; the poor were not to pay at all.

>> No.22810692

Very nice. Now, how did they treat Slavic/Jewish/Gypsy women?

>> No.22810709

and adolf's best pal was a faggot. progressive! he ended up in the camps anyways. no matter how much you larp about still protecting some freedoms in your fasho system, you will always have gremlins committed to the real truth of your ideology: restriction, restriction, restriction
>inb4 they're not real women

>> No.22810724

On the Western Front, well, on the Eastern Front, far less well due to the brutality of conditions and repeated violations of Hague/Geneva conventions by both sides, especially as the war worsened. Gypsy women were treated the same as all gypsies, put in concentration camps and given the choice to work and enter society or stay out of it. Ask people who live with gypsies today how they feel about this. Ask a gypsy how they feel, they will openly tell you that they will never stop stealing or living like degenerates and everybody else exists to provide targets for them to steal from.

Jewish women were treated same as all Jews, encouraged to leave for nearly a decade and then put in concentration camps, where several hundred thousand died of diseases and occasional programmatic killings particularly at the orders of Himmler, who was a psychopath and madman.

Slavic women fared like anybody else in the West, mostly fine, but obviously there are depredations in war. What is Israel doing to civilians in Gaza right now? It has an official civilian shock doctrine (one of this doctrine's leading formulators' sons just died in Gaza). What did America and Britain do to their imperial and colonial conquests? War is not a normal state.

At the end of the day, a fascist state is just an organic nationalist socialist state with all the heritage of European decency behind it, plus the will to defend itself against Anglo finance imperialism, plus a basic dedication to honor and nobility. That dedication only acts as a seed of something that has to grow, just like the democratic impulse took centuries to grow in Europe and is now much more than a theorem or a line in any Declaration of the Rights of Man or the Bill of Rights. Fascist states are as fallible and human as any other, but they start from moral principles instead of amoral principles. That is the key difference.

>> No.22810751
File: 68 KB, 667x1000, 71JxafEFpWL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fascist states are as fallible and human as any other, but they start from moral principles instead of amoral principles. That is the key difference.
Pic related

>> No.22810785


>> No.22810791

My German grandmother who was 11 in 1945 told me stories about how every girl in the neighbourhood was warned by their mothers never to open the door for American GIs, especially not for niggers.

>> No.22810814

> unironically arguing in favour of nazism in a politically centered (meaning inherently biased and double-think) type of way and on top of that claiming that it has any resemblance with chivalry and feudalism
Cringe beyond belief.

>> No.22810845

I don't understand your post. You just accuse me of being biased (couldn't I just make the same accusation back?). I also didn't say it resembled feudalism or feudal chivalry specifically. Although it does attempt to sublimate what was valid in feudalism, namely corporatism (the dialectically balanced autonomy of sectors of the economy with their integration into the greater society), something Hegel also tried to do when balancing Civil Society and the State. The rehabilitation of the "State" as a meaningful entity was a big part of Italian Fascism in particular, as was the assimilation of corporatism (often through syndicalism).

Again the ideal is a social organism, in which neither the parts nor the whole are sacrificed to one another, becoming either an atomistic society of disparate parts (Anglo post-liberal mass society; I say post-liberal because Anglo "national liberalism" of the 17th-19th centuries was actually highly aristocratic and agrarian, and didn't survive the advent of mass society - instead if transformed, via Lippmann's and Bernays' "public relations regimes," into modern totalitarian biopolitics) or a totalitarian managerial society (Stalinism, pure technocracy, also converging on totalitarian biopolitics). Fascism, the ORGANIC society rather than the mechanical or the atomistic, predicated on aristocracy rather than oligarchy or ochlocracy, is the only one that has ever worked.

Modern fascists simply want to raise the organic society to self-consciousness and self-evidence. In this they are in a lineage extending back to Fichte's ideal of a corporative state, Friedrich List's "national economy," etc. Autonomy must be balanced by responsibility, and responsibility can never fundamentally eclipse autonomy. "Trust in the human" and "faith in the good" are necessary fascist principles. That's also why fascism tends to converge upon a kind of Platonic republic.

>> No.22810888
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>> No.22810899

Thank you for actually posting an answer

>> No.22810904
File: 80 KB, 703x1024, anon-does-a-zoomer-remake-of-full-metal-jacket-v0-6gdt41doa6x91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just coincidental that they're passing the beggar

>> No.22811169

Malvolio from Twelfth Night

>> No.22811201

It works, but only if the head stewards are men of God. Feudalism quickly falls apart without divine right.

>> No.22811209

The Chinese try to use it in Japan like the Jews use the Holocaust in the West. The problem they face is that no one likes Chinese people so no one cares if anyone publicly denies the claim that such an event happened.

>> No.22811222

The chinese use that reasoning in the west to gain sympathy but when you take a look at chinese history it's all just multiple nanking moments between warring states. Doubt they care themselves tbdesu.

>> No.22811240

Why are women so evil lads. French whores also fucking Germans who killed their brothers / fathers

>> No.22811255

The idea is to have the strongest man as the main male figure in their life. Usurpers are hot. Be a better, stronger man if it bothers you so much

>> No.22811258

The Japanese deserved to be humiliated.

>> No.22811261

This, kill a dude and fuck his females to be a true alpha.

>> No.22811268

I probably make 5x your annual salary and can buy and sell you like a commodity FAGGOT

>> No.22811283

Lol no. You would not be getting so worked up if that’s the case

>> No.22811291

Have sex (with each other)

>> No.22811326

that's a cute cat

>> No.22811328

Yet here you are, bitching on 4channel about women

>> No.22811355

> Although it does attempt to sublimate what was valid in feudalism, namely corporatism (the dialectically balanced autonomy of sectors of the economy with their integration into the greater society), something Hegel also tried to do when balancing Civil Society and the State
Lol, feudalism wasn't centered around the economy at all.

>> No.22811361

I know, I have a girlfriend too, but some things are just too fun to stop

>> No.22811371

>1. Miscegenation is evil
Not when I'm doing it.

>> No.22811372

Many pathetic characters in literature but Bloom is not one IMO.

Harold Bloom on the topic: "Joyce knew very well that Leopold was more than a person, but only in the sense that he was a humane and humanized God. Leopold is not a person if God is not a person, and the god of the Jews, for all his transcendental sublimities, is also very much a person and a personality, as befits immanent sublimities. Yahweh is the complete God as Leopold is the complete man, and God, after all, like Leopold, is Jewish.

>> No.22811468

you're like the
>ya i have a gf she just goes to a different school
kid in middle school

>> No.22811517

>she just goes to a different school
Show me where I said this retard. She doesnt even go school

>> No.22811607


>> No.22811608


>> No.22811655

>it's ok to rape and murder because..... they would have done the same!

Don't care gook.

>> No.22811662

The lust of Mongolic women for the BWC cannot be understated

>> No.22812222

more than you'd think retard

>> No.22812535

I'm not in muttland, so no.

>> No.22812539

Based quads.

>> No.22812781

>Germany was a uniquely evil state that wanted to make giant Hungry Hungry Hippos boards and chomp up Jews on them for no reason.
this but unironically

>> No.22813304
File: 186 KB, 1280x440, IMG_20231210_133923_826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ignore equivocation and obfuscation squad

>huh yeah is it miscegenation if two almost genetically identical populations interbreed?
>mh yeah is it miscegenation of two populations at almost three times the subspecies distance interbreed?
your argument is not compelling at all

>> No.22813320

You're mixed between two cultures; genetically speaking, while they are distinct, they are irrelevantly so in comparison with extra-european populations. You shouldn't consider yourself "mixed" at all.
Although I don't expect you actually do this seriously.

>> No.22813424

They deserved it

>> No.22813631

Well, when I was younger I saw more the similarities than the differences between the two cultures but the more I grow up the more I see the differences. And I don't even mean the genetic differences although they are quite considerable, not even the physiognomies between the two peoples are, although sometimes parallel very different from each other. But the main difficulty is a societal one. As a mixed, I am neither fully part of one society nor the other, meaning that I'm as much a peripheral German as much as I am a peripheral Slav. You can compare it to two countries bordering each other and the mixed people would be, in the map of the societal maps, the ones right in the border between each other.