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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 357 KB, 1200x1709, 1200px-Jorge_Luis_Borges_1951,_by_Grete_Stern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22803000 No.22803000 [Reply] [Original]

While I love this motherfucker to death, recently I have began to think things from another side
His stories are extremely well crafted, but he deals with concepts, not with life. This much is obvious
But also, I began to realize that this type of writing is a sign of decadence of a society, a sign of a time when academics play around with glass beads within their ivory towers
It doesnt have the vitality of true poetry
Its like a ghost, sometimes even a parody of more vital writers (and a self conscious, winking one)
The meta themes, of stories within stories, of writers writing about writing, they are only possible in a culture tired of itself, being rapidly replaced by progress, having left tradition behind, which culminates later, after fully embracing consumerism and mass culture too, in writers like Pynchon or DFW
He cites a lot of people but he doest engage with culture at large. He creates puzzles to be savored, but thats it. Sterile mind games
He is clever, extremely clever, too clever for his own good, but there is no wisdom in his pages. You cant build a culture with his books, only a frustrated, alienated aristocratic class
That makes Borges a defective writer in my view. He cant produce a flower, only a tumor like funghus attatched to it. A beautiful, intricate funghus, for sure, but a parasite nonetheless, feeding from the remaints of a dying culture

>> No.22803029

His whole shtick was literature as literature. He didn't think about art in its relation to life, but in its relation to literature. But you're 100% right Op. I just read Borges for an escape, entertainment of the imagination.

>> No.22803114

>The meta themes, of stories within stories, of writers writing about writing, they are only possible in a culture tired of itself
You pulled this out of your ass without any historical knowledge about literature. Borges for me is a writer who wrote One Thousand and One Nights but for modernity. Pre-modern literature was nothing but a pastime, ironically it is only with modernity certain hack """artists""" inflated their own bullshit as the social doctors with """the hand on the pulse of society""".

You're nothing special, you're a faggot modernist with the common fetish for economics, sentimental slop, politics and materialism. Just fuck off, reading is entertainment or it's nothing. Art isn't special and you're not special either for consooming it. You have millions of other "socially aware" nasty fags, go read them if you don't enjoy Borges.

>> No.22803126

>ironically it is only with modernity certain hack """artists""" inflated their own bullshit as the social doctors with """the hand on the pulse of society""".
Yeah Homer totally was just a pastime for the Greeks... Not even Borges would agree with your retarded and ahistorical opinions.

>reading is entertainment or it's nothing. Art isn't special and you're not special either for consooming it.
Lol there it is, the resentful pleb motivation.

>> No.22803276

I knew this criticism was coming
The worda that used frame stories used them as devices, means
Borges used them as aims in themselves
But in older stpries it always serve life
In 1001 nights, its about prolonging life, storytelling as a way to postpone death
In the Decameron, its about passing time when a plague was outside, an affirmation of life
In Canterburys Tales its about a contest, a vivid scene with food and song
In Borges its just a clever trick from a professional magician
>You're nothing special, you're a faggot modernist with the common fetish for economics, sentimental slop, politics and materialism
I dont know how did you get this from my OP. If anything, its the opposite of that