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22802567 No.22802567 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he decide to ruin western civilization?

>> No.22802582

He was mad because he couldn't get laid and because his parents forced him to go through a Christian education.

Now that I think about it, Christian education from Germanic countries seem to have a tendency for producing a lot of borderline "fedora" atheists (Thomas Bernhard and Ludwig Feuerbach are another examples). I wonder how shitty the German's take on Christianity has been to make this happen lmao

>> No.22802584

It was a necessity

>> No.22802589

>erm he was an incel chud
Go back faggot

>> No.22802593

Because he's the Anti-Christ?

>> No.22802597

I think it's because Germans generally take things to their logical conclusion. Meanwhile southern europeans are more likely to have sinful fun and go to church and it's no big deal.

>> No.22802604

He was truly an incel, so cringe that even his biggest American apologist and advocator during the early 1900s (H. L. Mencken) didn't bother trying to advocate for his takes on women. Read Mencken's writings on women, and you'll notice how extremely different they are from those of Nietzsche.

>> No.22802610

You have failed.

>> No.22802612

No, Germans are simply jerks who take everything too damn serious, which could maybe fit Protestantism, but (as Chesterton would gladly explain) is a pretty much non-Catholic stance.

"Angels can fly because they can take themselves lightly. This has been always the instinct of Christendom, and especially the instinct of Christian art. Remember how Fra Angelico represented all his angels, not only as birds, but almost as butterflies. Remember how the most earnest mediaeval art was full of light and fluttering draperies, of quick and capering feet. It was the one thing that the modern Pre-raphaelites could not imitate in the real Pre-raphaelites. Burne-Jones could never recover the deep levity of the Middle Ages. In the old Christian pictures the sky over every figure is like a blue or gold parachute. Every figure seems ready to fly up and float about in the heavens. The tattered cloak of the beggar will bear him up like the rayed plumes of the angels. But the kings in their heavy gold and the proud in their robes of purple will all of their nature sink downwards, for pride cannot rise to levity or levitation. Pride is the downward drag of all things into an easy solemnity. One "settles down" into a sort of selfish seriousness; but one has to rise to a gay self-forgetfulness. A man "falls" into a brown study; he reaches up at a blue sky. Seriousness is not a virtue. It would be a heresy, but a much more sensible heresy, to say that seriousness is a vice. It is really a natural trend or lapse into taking one's self gravely, because it is the easiest thing to do. It is much easier to write a good Times leading article than a good joke in Punch. For solemnity flows out of men naturally; but laughter is a leap. It is easy to be heavy: hard to be light. Satan fell by the force of gravity."

Also, Joseph Ratzinger is one of the few Germans that actually understoo Christianity (cf. "Introduction to Christianity").

>> No.22802618

No, I got it right. If you want Nietzsche without the incel cringe, just read Mencken, who was more "Nietzschean" than the same Nietszche just for the fact of not being an over-emotional pussy witj mommy issues.

>> No.22802628

Germans are the world's edgelords. Simple as. Everything a German does is simply an edgier take of something previously existing (eg. Protestantism is an edgier take on Christianity, German Idealism is an edgier take on Nominalism, and Egoism is just pure edge).

Germans should unironically be kept only for manual laboura and far apart from religion and philosophy. Everything they do on this regard is a mere temper tantrum or act of teenage-like rebelion.

>> No.22802631

Using the word "incel" means you have failed.

>> No.22802636

And using a tricode means you're a faggots. Stop defending German faggots who died because they saw a donkey getting beat.

>> No.22802639

More failure.

>> No.22802647

I dare any motherfucker on this thread to name a German contribution to philosophy that history hasn't proven to be cringe and the catalyst of a complete shitshow. Protestantism, German Idealism and Nietszche are pretty much to blame for the current state of Western society. I would also mention Marxism, but people blame that one solely on the Jews.

>> No.22802663

What is done with his writings is the problem of the author of them.

>> No.22802664

Another issue with Germans is they exaggerate. They were very logical (Kant etc.) or very irrational. (Nietzsche etc.)

>> No.22802666

Go larp somewhere else

>> No.22802670

Is this merely German exaggeration?

>> No.22802675

It’s like you got your information on Nietzsche from a YouTube video

>> No.22802719
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>Why did he decide to ruin western civilization?
He remained true to the original home of Hyperboreans (formerly Gamer Israelites).

>> No.22802721

he did not. He was mostly irrelevant in his own time, outside of his earlier works.

>> No.22802732


>> No.22802737

Nietzsche is better understood as a seismograph with a catalogue of readings from across Western history than someone steering the direction that the world turns. If you take his point about will to power more as something like “this is the choice we’ve made for a thousand years now just in various better or worse ways” then he makes a lot more sense. And you know this Nietzsche makes more sense because this Nietzsche finds common ground with the Byzantines of all people.

>> No.22802738
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Is that mustache not a bit ostentatious? Can't feel it doesn't inform his whole body of work in a way

I mean imagine having a furry thing the size of a guinea pig glued to your face all the time.

>> No.22802743

No, I read his books but didn't buy his bullshit because I'm not an eternal teenager, unlike his fans.

The only thing he got right was his criticisms of modern society, but that's all. He was like a chimpanzee mindlessly throwing shit to a target for 30 years - something HAD to stick eventually.

Grow up and read a philosopher who doesn't misunderstands both Plato and Christianity.

>> No.22802753

In twilight's realm where shadows dance,
Nietzsche's pen in a poetic trance.
To honor gods of equine grace,
He weaves verses in a sacred space.

Horse gods, sovereigns of thunderous might,
Gallop through realms of eternal light.
Their manes, a cascade of cosmic flame,
In Nietzsche's verses, they find acclaim.

Hoofprints etched on the fabric of time,
Equestrian gods in a rhythm sublime.
Nietzsche, a bard in the moonlit stable,
Crafts odes to beings both fierce and fable.

Majestic creatures, celestial and bold,
In Nietzsche's verses, their tales are told.
Each stanza, a hymn, a cosmic nod,
To the gods of horses, Nietzsche lauds.

Oh, horse gods, in Nietzsche's lyrical embrace,
Your essence transcends time and space.
In the philosopher's poetic devotion,
Eternal echoes of hooves in motion.

In the rhythmic gallop of time's refrain,
Eternal recurrence, an enigmatic lane.
Nietzsche's quill, a prophet's reflection,
Echoes the cycle, life's eternal resurrection.

>> No.22802754

I thought the whole "Hyperborean" soliloquy in The Antichrist was the cringiest thing ever, until I read the rest of the book. Rest in piss, clown. Glad your only followers these days are faggots.

>> No.22802755

He just pointed at what he saw

>> No.22802756

Doesn't work that well if you're a myopic man.

>> No.22802758

>grow up and become a subservient goy who has his head stuffed up his ass in nonsensical metaphysical worlds that don’t exist
No thanks fag

>> No.22802762

I wish to recover the deep levity of the Middle Ages

>> No.22802766
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>Nietzsche's greeting the long lost Scythian tribes of Hyperborea
>on the background you can see a flying horse

>> No.22802767

I think you're extremely unintelligent.
Your opening statement is enough proof of that, furthermore i think you should kill yourself.

>> No.22802769

>this is what Nietzsche-tards actually believe
Thanks for proving my point that Nietszche-faggots are just eternal teeangers. You niggers are really the Harry Potter fans of philosophy. Read another book, retards.

>> No.22802773

He inspired later thinkers and many, many writers. Nietzsche led to more hedonism and indirectly helped the sexual revolution along.

>> No.22802775

And I wish to recover the burning of heretics of the Middle Ages.

>> No.22802778

Where did the Hyperborea thing even originate? Feel like I'm out of the loop on that one

>> No.22802780

This. Finally somebody understands that Nietszche and his consequences has been a disaster for the human species.

>> No.22802781

>I'm not an eternal teenager
Let's see:
>he was mad because
>mommy issues
You're right, you're a child.

>> No.22802782

>He was mad because he couldn't get laid

I'm tellin you man he would have done a world of good for himself if he just shaved that mustache

>> No.22802783

You have no point you faggot child. You argue like a redditor. I can just imagine you sipping your hoppy IPA and typing out ,”these dumb incel chuds and their stupid Nietzsche, they need to read [insert gay philosopher nobody has heard of]. These chuds need to grow up.”

>> No.22802786

The Nietszche-tard (just like the average German) is unable to take himself lightly enough to entertain silly lingo for the sake of it being silly, which is why they are eternal edgy teenagers.

>> No.22802789

>like a Redditor
Ah, yes, Reddit, the place known for being extremely Christian. Newsflash, nigger: Redditors love sucking Nietszche's cock.

>> No.22802790

>erm you’re the teenager you incel chud, I’m based epic chungus Christ is king 100 cringe based mommy issues mad fortnite battle pass bruh gyatt rizz
Kill yourself

>> No.22802793

People thought Martin Luther misunderstood Christianity too

>> No.22802794

If a civilization can be ruined by some guy writing a few books then it deserves to get ruined.

>> No.22802796

Redditors only like sparse Nietzsche quotes about God being dead and against Christians, but that’s it. Upon deeper reading they usually abandon him because his philosophy doesn’t reinforce their leftist sectarian circlejerking.

>> No.22802799

It was his way of compensating for his small dick.

>> No.22802800

Okay roastie

>> No.22802801
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It originated from the most primordial source of reality vortex, emanating a (non)place, beyond rotations of time. The Horse is its totem. It is fairly well explained, of course, with cryptic parables, in many Alchemical texts from the 17th century. Those who are attuned to its noumen can 'reach it', i.e. get an influx of the Hyperborean meme mana.

>> No.22802811

There is photographic evidence of his tiny dick thoughever.

>> No.22802815

No, you simply struggle to express yourself. Instead, you choose to feign silliness, but your entire critique of Nietzsche relies on that superficial and repetitive commentary throughout this thread. You appear as someone lacking depth—a Christian who is evidently resentful of Nietzsche, yet lacks the intelligence to formulate a well-thought-out critique. You resort to using simplistic language, a low IQ "lingo", and when confronted, you claim that it was your intention all along, but deep down you know what you are.

>> No.22802816

You seem confused. Jews and commies did that.

>cuh dem muhfuggen incel ahh Nietzsche sho stop with dat weird book shid mang blud finna scare da hoez bruh lil bruh got 0 pussy

>> No.22802825

> Germans are simply jerks who take everything too damn serious, which could maybe fit Protestantism, but (as Chesterton would gladly explain) is a pretty much non-Catholic stance
True, true! Catholicism is when you're Mexican and speak loud and drink red wine xd! Can I get a "based" for this one, my fellow 4channelerinos?

>> No.22802831

He did.

>> No.22802835

Chesterton is Mexican?

>> No.22802836

Most well-read /lit/ user.

>> No.22802838

Oh, look guys, this dude is true intellectual: he uses em dashes and reads Nietzsche.

>> No.22802842

Sorry, I don't have time to formulate a compelling critique of Nietzsche because I'm on my way to bang your mom.

>> No.22802846 [DELETED] 

Both spiritually and racially.

>> No.22802849

>Yo, horse gods, Nietzsche's vibe so tight,
>Your rizz ain't playin', outta sight.
>Der Philosoph is spittin' truth, no fiction,
>Hooves clappin' like a hype addiction.

>> No.22802869

as you can deduct by the chimping out displayed in this thread, the opposition had to be destroyed. it is guaranteed that anyone who finds him intolerable is an annoying hypocrite.

>> No.22802880

bro, obviously these are synarchic neetzhceans boosting their power nod. resistance feeds the sneed.

>> No.22802885

This post says more about your intelligence than his tbqhwy

>> No.22802899
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You people understand that Nietzsche did not cause the "death of God", but he merely foresaw that Judeo-Christian worldview was becoming outdated in the western world.
And you can see by the christcucks that it still rings true. God is omnipotent, except when some German writes a couple of books it destroys the religion. Seems sure like that religion does not have all the answers like the flock likes to bleat.
Also, the Bible is full of contradictions and absurdities, lmao if you believe that shit is divinely inspired. Giants walked the earth, Adam names every animal on earth, God mauls 42 children with 2 bears because they made fun of Elisha's baldness. You guys are retarded, get over this silly book.

>> No.22802917

Once again Chesterton turns profound ideas into a silly witticism.

>inb4 you're being too serious bro, just be a silly butterfly because God has a plan!

>> No.22802930
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Analytic Philosophy

>> No.22802932

It's not about God retard but the individualism, moral relativism, hedonism Nietzsche and others inspire. He is not only describing a decline, people now use Nietzsche as inspiration to fuel their narcissism.

>> No.22802941

had no influence whatsoever. if you disagree you should go outside.

imagine how much better this board would be if they banned all philosophy and political literature from being discussed and all the posters were banished to /his/

>> No.22802949
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>Uses AI to create a painting of Nietzsche in the style of Edvard Munch
>Doesn't know that Edvard Much painted Nietzsche

>> No.22802962

Munch was a coomer of course he liked Nietzsche.

>> No.22803027

What most people seem to miss is that educated Christians rarely ever take Nietzsche seriously. You're never going to see a Christian who has read and properly understood Aquinas, Augustine, Maximus the Confessor, the Nicene Fathers, the Spanish Mystics, etc. get "his faith shattered" by reading 'The Antichrist' or 'The Geneology of Morals'. Nietzsche really doesn't build any case against Christianity that can face in a equal confrontation the whole tradition of Christian theology in general and apologetics in particular ---which is why his writings can only appeal to people who already felt some discontent with Christianity (similar to modern atheists like Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, who, at best, convince backwater Evangelicals from America).

Which is part of the reason why this thread is such a shitfest: most Christians would rather just take the piss our of Nietzsche and his followers than try to defend Christianity against Nietzsche's attacks. At the end, Nietzsche's appeal is much more emotional than rational, so I agree that trying to defend Christianity with well laid out arguments against the Nietzsche's readers is pretty much pointless, which is probably why G. K. Chesterton simply mocked him, and Edward Feser, William Lane Craig and C. S. Lewis not even acknowledge him and would rather focus on more logical arguments against Christianity (eg. Bertrand Russell and Bradley Dowden).

>> No.22803083
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>> No.22803110

That story was faked years after he died.

>> No.22803124

Nietzsche himself was against pure hedonism. Next you're going to say that the same man who said anti-semites should be rounded up and shot was a fascist.

>> No.22803164

The prostitute I go to loves Nietzsche. Leftist Nietzschean of course.

>> No.22803170
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Nietzsche warned against the Last Man, perhaps you should read him.

>> No.22803184

No serious person takes the dying cult called Christianity seriously, let alone what "educated Christians" think. Again, "logical arguments" against frantic metaphysical masturbation are a waste of time or, at best, amusement.

>> No.22803192

Embarrassing reply and I’m not even that guy nor do I necessarily agree with him. You just reinforced his whole assertion.

>> No.22803199

He is intolerable. The guy did not even do philosophy. That’s just a fact. What he did is something more like prose poetry dressed up as philosophy. That’s why he’s the most admired philosopher among people who barely read philosophy.

>> No.22803259

This. He's probably the least "philosophical" of the big "philosophers of history". He kinda just makes assertions that sound nice, but doesn't really presents them in a compelling way as logically valid arguments.

>> No.22803265

Reason and logic is just like made up man.

>> No.22803282

> Mr. Ritter suggests that the inhabitants of this mysterious and vast northern empire may well have been Herodotus's Arimaspes.
> I would allow myself to defend the opinion of the great German scholar, who only offers this solution without seeming to be convinced of its value himself. To stick to it, it seems to me that we would have to force the text of the father of history. What does he say? He says that above the Hindus remain the Arimaspes, and he describes the Arimaspes; but above the Arimaspes reside the Gryphons, further still the Hyperboreans. All these peoples are the same half-fantastic nations with whom the poets of India populate the Uttara-Kourou (2). I don't see any reason to attribute to these ghosts, who also hide real and, undoubtedly, white peoples, what must be attributed to real men. One would be closer to the truth by seeing in the Issédons, the Arimaspes, the Gryphons, the Hyperboreans, but fragments of the ancient white society, peoples apparent to the Zoroastrian Aryans, the Sarmatians (1). What supports this view is that until now geographers had placed these tribes in a circle around the Sogdian and not in northern Siberia. That's the true meaning of Herodotus, and there's nothing unfaithful about it. Moreover, the accounts of Aristaeus of Proconnesus, as reported by Herodotus, relate to a time when the white nations of Asia were too divided, too pursued in order to be able to found great things, and leave traces of a civilization spread over such immense lands.

>> No.22803295

Not if you’re a Christian, it’s not. Reason is a faculty inherent in man and logic is an uncreated energy of God.

>> No.22803313

Exactly. Nietzsche had a way with words. People cling to his “philosophy” because of the aesthetics of his work (a fact which comes close to justifying his “philosophy” but falls short) but ultimately everything he says is mere assertion, and unjustified assertion at that. You take the short phrase “God is dead”, for example. It might be aesthetically compelling, but logically? It’s just an assertion with no justification, no elaboration, no nothing. What exactly he means by that is not even clear. So what Nietzsche did was in reality a lot closer to poetry than philosophy, given that it fails to do what we have always taken philosophy to do. I guess he imagines he shares something in common with the pre-socratics but he doesn’t because where you could say the pre-socratics were aesthetics as philosophy, Nietzsche is aesthetics as criticism of philosophy. He never paints an original picture in its own right and in fact, he never really escapes the Christian worldview, which is extremely ironic as is the failure to recognize the temporarily of the pre-socratics. He just wasn’t really a philosopher, but was rather a poet unique to his time but not all-time.

>> No.22803318

he didn't ruin it since nobody is doing what he wrote, the western world is still christcuck without a god

>> No.22803334

He masturbated too much to think of real arguments. I wonder what Nietzsche could have done were he not a compulsive wanker

>> No.22803336

I think he purposely avoided these sort of arguments. Smart Nietzscheans get that. They just don’t seem to get that it matters though.

>> No.22803339

>What exactly he means by that is not even clear.
the absolute state of newfags, why are you here? you clearly don't read, so I will ask again, why are you here?

>> No.22803344

He didn't, he fixed it. Maybe not yet. The ones who ruined western civilization are christians and their decendant who are seething in this thread. Truly lost degenerate creatures.

>> No.22803351

There was no Western civilization before Christians. If you think the pre-Christian Ancients were “Western” then you’re just an idiot.

>> No.22803353

> noooooo it wasn't the atheist coomers who killed the French King and abolished religion who ruined the West
> it's the Christians who care about tradition and normal life!
> nooooooo! Not my Jacobin utopia noooooo!

>> No.22803360

De Sade was so close to saving the west bros...

>> No.22803376

>pre-Christian Ancients were “Western”
They were the european branch of aryans, therefore western. But you are omitting the obvious fact that christianity wasn't as widespread in the north as it was in the south. You are also assuming that "christian" part of Europe was always completely christian as it is now and not semi-pagan.
The atheist coomers are just another branch of christianity. No christian ever cares about tradition, only about the perceived morality of the "tradition" christians believe to be natural. Christian tradition is already becoming the tradition focused on tiktok lesbians as pastors.

>> No.22803382

Christianity gave both the reason and the solution to Medieval European politics. Without Christianity, no reason to fend off the Muslim invaders. Without Christianity, no reason to build solid empires and, although failed, attempts to conquer Constantinople and Jerusalem. What would we be, if our ancestors hadn't been enlightened by the one and true religion.

>> No.22803412

Western only in the sense of relative geography and not culture were they Western. But I can see that you are /pol/brained and appeal to retarded dichotomies by saying things like “semi-pagan”. For a Christian, the pagan gods are basically nothing more than principalities, real things, with real power and influence over the world, which nonetheless should not be worshipped. To be a pagan means nothing more than to worship them in spite of the Christian God, but you didn’t even know that because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

By the way, you have nothing in common with the ancient Greeks or Indo-Aryans. You barely even have race in common. Just wanted to make that clear.

>> No.22803420

And herein lies the major problem of modernity. As it puts forward merely the denial of Christian faith (misguidedly I might add), it offers no particular reason to do anything at all other than resort of what is merely habitual for a time.

>> No.22803431

. A people is likely to change it's faces ten times or more in the span of a century, and that's what explains false decades and false regenerations. In an interval of a few years, it shows itself able to conquer it's neighbors, then to be conquered by them; loving it's laws being subject to them, then breathing only revolt to aspire a few hours later to servitude. But, in discomfort, boredom or unhappiness... we hear it constantly accusing it's rulers of what it suffers; clear proof that it has the feeling of an organic weakness that resides in it, and that comes from the imperfection of it's personality.

>> No.22803455

Ancien France had massive corruption rackets and institutionalized miscegenation for claims on Haitian property while steadily bringing the mongrels back to France.

There‘s your sacred tradition and representative on earth to guide it bro.

>> No.22803470

What is your objection to being /pol/minded? Can't you just voice your opinion that opposee this particular mindset? I think you do not gave the courage because political opinions informed by your religion are not defendable.
>For a Christian, the pagan gods are basically nothing more than principalities, real things, with real power and influence over the world, which nonetheless should not be worshipped. To be a pagan means nothing more than to worship them in spite of the Christian God, but you didn’t even know that because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
Oh I see, you're a protestant, probably an anglo too. Pure arrogance and ignorance. Your god is Luther's god, not even the god of the Vatican, never the god of the apostles and never the god of israelites. You should go sing in a church for lgbt rights.
You're stirring into alternative history. Majority of empires that have existed in history weren't christian. And claims that Reconquista was motivated purely by christianity is baseless.

>> No.22803474

Of course things were wrong in Ancien France and politics needed to make perhaps rather massive changes. Does that justify the massacres done by the Jacobinians? Does it justify the destruction and robbery of so many castles, so many historical objects, so many documents?

>> No.22803479


>> No.22803484

So you are positive about the destruction of Europe?

>> No.22803760

My objection to /pol/mindedness is that it’s predicated on these sort of half-educated, half-truths. I mean, I get it. I don’t as in that phase when I was younger. But eventually, as you read more and developed more nuanced takes on things you have to conclude that these sort of /pol/takes are pretty bad. And it’s bad for the right too actually. Right wingers are hopelessly trapped in this sort of ineffectual semi-intellectualism online that in the end is just flatly retarded. And it always resorts to ad hominem, like you did just now. Oh, you’re dumb because you’re Protestant. Christianity is wrong because it’s Jewish. It gets old. Right wingers could learn a lot if they read through Nietzsche and then Aristotle and Strauss but they almost never do. That’s really the issue.

>> No.22803764

By the way, what you greentezted is a summary of the dogmatic position of both the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.

>> No.22803850

haha lmao bro incel chud sex grass fedora xD

>> No.22803883


>> No.22803896

That‘s a full 180 from being in favor of destroying the plagues on Europe, which is what I said.

>> No.22803901

Feudalism was based, seethe and cope as much as you want about it.

>> No.22803929

yeah but that's bad now

>> No.22803963

>inspires hedonism

>> No.22803989

Christianity is faith. Anyone spending the time and energy on reading those tomes is doing so in affirmation of their already held religious belief.
It is not a revelation that religious people engage in bad faith thinking. Christian thinkers always tried to make some sense out of things from WITHIN that framework. Their philosophizing didn't lead them to Christianity. Rather, their philosophizing was done with the implicit aim of justifying the faith they already held beforehand.

>> No.22804011
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Just wanted to drop in to post the genetics on the aryan question.

>> No.22804021

>Anyone spending the time and energy on reading those tomes is doing so in affirmation of their already held religious belief.
Tell that to Edward Feser - a guy who went from being a naturalist atheist to a Catholic Thosmist by studying philosophy.

Atheist love to claim that theology is just the re-affirmation of already hel beliefs, ignoring the whole concept of "apologetics" and pretty much outing themselves as never having read Christian literature besides a Jehovah Witnesses' panphlet.

Read Edward Feser's 'The Last Supperstition' or William Lane Craig's 'Reasonable Faith' and tell me again that bs - you won't, because you hold to your anti-Chriatian rethoric as fervently as a backwater American Evangelical from Atlanta.

>> No.22804038

>those tomes
lmao. many of those are philosophy books more well-contructed and with arguments more logicall valid than anything Nietzsche wrote. Nietzsche just shout "Christianity is stupid!" and their readers adopt it as a dogma while negating the fact that it's a dogma and never actually asking for a compelling explanation -through logical arguments- to why it is fake.

>> No.22804051

Tradbabies reverting to memespeak when roundly shown that their fantasy past really was that bad. Nothing ever changes.

>> No.22804059

Top 10 Western man no doubt. He cannot be defeated and this makes many angry. Imagine making people seethe uncontrollably from the grave 100+ years later.

>> No.22804063

> he never dreamed of being a knight mounted on his horse in a medieval tournament
Why live?

>> No.22804070

Again, Nietzsche-niggers want people to engage in serious debate with them while they:
>don't have any compelling arguments for their positions
>based their entire stance of bold assertions with no foundation
>beg the question for anything they said

Nietzsche was just shouting stuff and giving to foundation for that whatsoever - not so different from an anom typing "Christ is king and Nietzsche is cringe!". Actually, this anons pretty much are lowering their stance to the same level of those of Nietzsche - just say shit that boldly affirm something, don't prove it.

>> No.22804074

If you can't get what you want with it, Nietzsche would have a view. But if you don't know if you can get what you want then there will be someone to tell you if you are doing it right.

>> No.22804080

What the fuck does this even mean? Sounds like a King Crimson lyric

>"if you can't know how to get what you want to know to get then Nietzsche will get what he wants you to know how to get through some one else"

>> No.22804086

Real. Calling Nietzsche out for being a sickly man, lacking any real vitality and that his writings are basically just ravings of a lunatic locked to his room is just how Nietzsche would criticise himself.
Remember, being ugly is very important to why Socrates supposedly ruined classical Greece

>> No.22804088

I gave my reasoning in brief a few posts up and am not asking anybody to seriously debate with me. Take your imaginary frameworks elsewhere.

>> No.22804102

Did you miss the part when Nietzsche-tards were losing their shit over some anons simply taking the piss on Nietzsche instead of "properly debating him" or whatever?

>> No.22804115

Evangelists are basically jews posing as Christians

>> No.22804125

Nietzsche was pretty much just a mantra-making machine. "The X that does Y is a Z that As their Bs..." "Someone who Xs is a Y of the Z in the A of existence."

No argumentation (because dialectics are stupid, apparenlty), no rationalization; just say stuff and some people will feel like it's true.

He isn't some "wacky madman" either; he's pretty much akin to DJ Khaled saying "WE THA BEST MUSIC!!" and "THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN US!!".

>> No.22804157

>You take the short phrase “God is dead”, for example. It might be aesthetically compelling, but logically? It’s just an assertion with no justification, no elaboration, no nothing. What exactly he means by that is not even clear.
I can tell you did not read anything he wrote and just gawk at video essays.

>> No.22804161

Yes. Tag who you mean to reply to next time.

>> No.22804165

Anon, have you actually read what he wrote?

>> No.22804187

Yeah I did, what happens is that you haven't been exposed to proper philosophical argumentation, so you believe that was Nietzsche did was actual philosophy and not just glorified prose poetry. The fact that you simply accept what he wrote (with all of it's contradictions like the whole "dogma" ordeal) because it feels like it is true doesn't make him a proper philosopher.

Also, don't come here saying "you say Nietzsche is X because he did Y, because Nietzsche himself said that he would never do Y or be X". Stop pretending that the little nigger had a cohesive philosophical system and wasn't only shitposting.

>> No.22804190

*"you say Nietzsche is X because he did Y, but Nietzsche himself said that he would never do Y or be X"

>> No.22804198

>Why did he decide to ruin western civilization?
How much do you know about western Civilization?

>> No.22804222

The whole "Nietzsche's assertions aren't dogmatic because he himself was anti-dogmatic" issue made me thought about something...

>Nietzsche: *very clearly burying a knife on someone with the intend of killing him*
>A passerby: Wtf! There's a murder going on! Somebody call the police!
>Nietzsche fan: *pops out of a nearby bush* What? You know who that is? He's Nietzsche! He can't be murdering someone! He clearly was anti-murder and claimed that the act of murder was "slave morality"!"

>> No.22804300

Did Nietszche-fags finally accepted that their master is nothing but a glorified mantra-maker?

>> No.22804366

Why are Germans so subversive? What anon will write "The German Revolutionary Spirit?"
Three prominent krauts that unleashed chaos.

>> No.22804391

You can pretty much add both Marx and Engels to that list, but anons will whine that "NOOO!!! MARX WAS A JEW AND MARXISM IS 100% JEWISH. also, Engels didn't exist, apparently."

>> No.22804413

That's because white people good and jews bad. The /pol/-rotted mind cannot conceive of any fact that goes against this black and white narrative which is why their cognitive dissonance is absolutely unparalleled in the online space.

>> No.22805904

>No argumentation (because dialectics are stupid, apparenlty), no rationalization; just say stuff and some people will feel like it's true.
>he's pretty much akin to DJ Khaled saying "WE THA BEST MUSIC!!" and "THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN US!!".
Anon we already love Neech you don't need to oversell him for us.

>> No.22805975

So, Nietzsche is a white shaman, buffing the Hyperborean race. And in that, he is very Christ-like: through the heart, not the head.

>> No.22805986

Rabid anti-Nietzscheans cannot forgive that someone could find inspiration, freedom and love in old Friedrich.

>> No.22806078

hold the fuck on, are you that wrist retard that murdered that other thread? you post in exactly the same pattern

>> No.22806104

iirc Pindar mentions it a few times, so does Hesiod.
Claims hercules was gifted the first olive tree from them?
This article collates the immediately observable sources, there's maybe more...
It's a place like Atlantis, everywhere and nowhere, or just perhaps Sweden.

>> No.22806112

Lmao imagine missing the point so fucking much you blame him for what he predicted you fucking christcuck decadent otherworldly craving faggots were gonna do to the world!
Indeed Christians again displaying the eternal feminine by having no fucking accountability.
Kill yourself.

>> No.22806202

Most Christians lived their lives the best they could and didn't worry about the platonic realm that much. Nietzsche is projecting when he assumes everyone is a fanatic denying reality.

>> No.22806233

>Most Christians lived their lives the best they could

>> No.22806309

>Christian education from Germanic countries seem to have a tendency for producing a lot of borderline "fedora" atheists
Possibly because it's unnatural for Germanics to practice a foreign religion.