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22800974 No.22800974 [Reply] [Original]

>major in classics
>other educated people automatically assume youre racist gay and high iq
>never have to get a job since hr people dont even know what classics is

is this, dare i say it, the way?

>> No.22800981

boomers start with all that. yeah. then some boomers found most of it useless, yea. but the way to get there is still the best way to make it, uh huh

>> No.22801241

Lol at theology below computer science and fucking botany. Christcucks tremble before the STEMlords

>> No.22801487

>people who pursue coursework that involves lots of test-taking score well on intelligence tests
>people whose coursework involves more essay writing or practical work score lower
what a shocking result

>> No.22801605

philosophy and classics chads always win

>> No.22801613

whatever makes you feel better anon
my condolences btw

>> No.22801623

i'm a cs/philosophy double major, but all these "intelligence tests" are obviously biased in favor of students who practice taking tests, cry about it

>> No.22801666

So people who study Isaac Newton in the original Latin are supergeniuses?

>> No.22801668

The amount of American people who have even read Principa in translation is probably less than a hundred.

>> No.22801832
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I have a degree and math and another in classics and I'm a loser.

I work a shitty low paying job in construction and spend my free time working through math/physics textbooks and reading Latin and Ancient Greek texts. I amateurly muck about with astronomy, having wasted a paycheck on a 8" dobsonian. And of course I lurk /lit/ and the generals on /sci/. I don't socialize with anyone outside of a work setting or the 3-4 times a year I see my family for holiday celebrations. I want to end it everyday.

Not a day goes by where I dont consider going back for graduate school but I fear it may have already been too long now. Most of my old professors have retired and I haven't spoken to them in years. And besides, i don't think theres really a point. I'll just be stuck in the academic rat race i've heard awful things about. I didn't really socialize all to well in undergrad, spending most of my free time in the library reading classics commentaries and journals I picked out of the stacks. The few friends I did make are off getting phds or having kids now in separate states/countries.

But on the brightside people do find it mildly interesting when i translate some random piece of Latin we happen upon in the wild.


>> No.22801870

being will hunting must suck
have you considered getting a job in security?
>paid to sit on your ass
>plenty of spare time
>nobody expects much from you

>> No.22801920

nobody over 25 cares about your degree

>> No.22801978

Nonsense. Some of the best people I know are Classicists - they aren't even remotely racist.

>> No.22801981

Think again atheistlet, you've fallen for the Rick and Morty meme. I'm in physics, friend in math, cousin in physics, two other cousins in chem, friend cardiologist, friend podiatric surgeon, friend engineer - I could go on, but you get the point. We're all Christians.

>> No.22802025

You need to meet some better classicists, then.

>> No.22802060

>Philosophy that high.

Lol what?

>> No.22802365 [DELETED] 

like most charts on 4chan, that one is stupid. the supposed intelligence rating is just from gre scores. if you notice the list is basically ordered by enrollment count with the most popular fields at the bottom and the least at the top. you think history of science is all the most smart people on campus? no. it's because probably two people in that data set did it and they both happened to score well. meanwhile there were probably hundreds of people doing pharmacology which naturally would trend towards the mean as the set expands. also, most people do not take the gre for business administration, they take the gmat, so including that doesn't even make sense. if you look at that guy's substack, he's some kind of scientific racist, but before you chuds shout "based!" his scientific racism is all about justifying why a certain group should get all the money and you should get nothing which i don't think you're gonna like.

>> No.22802368

>essay writing

>> No.22802375 [DELETED] 

do you understand how "or" works? review the notes from your discrete math class you did in undergrad. you did do discrete math right?

>> No.22802486

All those stem chads and classics chads and nobody asked what the hell does "having -0.3 intelligence" is even supposed to mean...

>> No.22802501

It’s flawed data because GRE test takers are those seeking graduate school admission. Since only a small number of elite R1s even offer a classics program, all of the applicants are highly intelligent. Classics and Ancient Language students probably are smarter than average, but not so much so and not across the board. Keep in mind that this is mean and not median.

In my completely anecdotal experience, the smartest people on campus at R1s and R2s are in the engineering, physics, economics, and mathematics departments. I hesitate to admit that classics and philosophy students are particularly smart because while I’ve known a few who were extremely intelligent obviously, many were also obviously not very bright.

>> No.22802502

Joint honours in (studio) Fine Art and Philosophy ... am I smart?

remember that most philosophy departments in the anglosphere are analytic, and so not awash with continental wordceldome. I can only assume that proficiency in formal logic makes up for the expected intelligence gap.

>> No.22802505

>engfag and classics major
i actually only like the classics part

>> No.22802506

How long has it been? If you can matriculate in your 20s then it’s indisputably not too late. I know a professor who spent a while as a lowly paid staff accountant before he decided to go back and now he’s one of the more distinguished professors in his field and has tenure at an R1.

>> No.22802507

Psychology; the ultimate midwit degree.

>> No.22802508

Probably half of philosophy departments in the U.S. skew towards formal logic and mathematics. The other half are critical theory or race and gender, which, as retarded as they are, demand a high verbal IQ and strong reading comprehension at least.

>> No.22802513

You might all be Christian but you’re also clearly smart enough not to study theology.

>> No.22802516

I studied economics. Economics is a painful subject to study because about half of the students don’t give a fuck and just want some corporate finance or consulting career. It’s painful to go through university studying a topic you don’t really care about. The other half are sincerely interested in economics, but you can’t actually get an economics education in the United States. The field is too tinged by physics and mathematics envy and where you escape that you find yourself just drowning in the personal and highly subjective dogmas of your boomer professors who in truth know nothing. When I read that Vladimir Putin wrote his PhD in Economics thesis on nationalization of the natural resource economy, I was shocked because you could never write a paper like that without tenure in the United States.

>> No.22802519

Theology is one of three of the higher faculties that have been around in the university system since the Middle Ages. It’s arguably a more robust and developed field of study than classics and mathematics. It’s one of the best subjects for a smart person because it touches every single topic, every mode of thinking, has an endless pool of literature and logic and debate, and basically offers more than any other field.

>> No.22802536

In my country, you can't even study 80% of that list unless you're willing to move to a handful of the most expensive cities, which would require you to either be a trust fund babby or work two part-time jobs just to pay the rent, and if you do that or your parents have enough money, you're not eligible for a student loan of any kind either.

>> No.22802539

>We're all Christians.
tell me how the jewish god created plants before the sun again

>> No.22802544

>Theology is one of three of the higher faculties that have been around in the university system since the Middle Ages.
Because universities were literal religious institutions in the middle ages, retard, with the notable exception of the University of Naples

>> No.22802559

Do graduate. Move country or state if it helps in one or more ways, that's what I did
What he a professor in, business or other field?

>> No.22802566

>racist gay and high iq
One out of three clearly shows the high iq is a dud
Gay, gay, and gay it is. They don't call it Greek love for nothing. Plus only sissies spend their lives sucking cock for academic promotion

>> No.22802570

Probably 0.0 is mean which in the US which is where these statistics are from is 98 IQ. I'm gonna assume 0.5 is 98*(1+0.5) so 147, 1 is 196, and -0.5 is 49. However that seems really low. It would be saying PE's average intelligence is around 39.2. Which is far below retarded.

>> No.22802571

As a fellow computer science undergraduate, this is pretty cringe, mate. I hope you're a 19-year-old freshman, and not someone far older saying this stuff.

>> No.22802693

How old are you and where do you live approximately?

>> No.22802707

unless you got a 2:2 at some garbage tier university this is 100% a mindset issue. haven't you applied for any white collar jobs? do you have extremely poor conscientiousness or zero social skills or something?

>> No.22802710

He was a professor in law and also in economics. Currently, he’s distinguished in the economics faculty.

>> No.22802713

First of all, that’s wrong. Second, it’s an irrelevant point anyway. Schools that offer a degree in theology are also religious institutions.

>> No.22802720

>other educated people automatically assume youre racist gay and high iq
idk dude. of the classics departments i've visited, most of the students are 'dark academia' girls who read percy jackson / harry potter as a kid and decided to LARP it into a lifestyle

>> No.22802740

>law and economics

>> No.22802977

Why is philosophy always so high

>> No.22802980

I've started getting leary about these things. If we take the IQ-to-major scoring at face value we end up with nonsensical ideas like Trudeau having an IQ of 119. Nobody could make such a mistake

>> No.22803030

It's just an average

>> No.22803159

>I'm gonna assume 0.5 is 98*(1+0.5)
Why the fuck would you assume that?
The units are obvously standard deviations

>> No.22803197
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>> No.22803205

These are pretty much the most highly sought after (and most highly paid) departments right now…

>> No.22803221

I had a tendency to apply the scoring rather literally rather than assuming a bell curve distribution where nearly half are below the given number

>> No.22803238

Not sure about IQ but whenever I see GRE scores ranked by discipline I always remember that Philosophy departments in North America and Britain are analytic philosophy departments, and analytic philosophers place a high premium on mathematical ability, and the GRE has different scores for quant and qual. At least some of the rankings I've seen like this have been combined GRE scores. So let's say Philosophers get high 160s (out of 170; I think the scoring is different now but this was the scale I knew) in both quant and qual, it's going to look like they are the most "generally intelligent" if you aggregate their scores.

>> No.22803275

>most highly sought

>> No.22803291

Correct. Law was one of the original three higher faculties and that has never changed. Universities are dominated by their law schools and medical schools.

>> No.22803311

If you don't know what you're talking about don't post about it

>> No.22803324

Outside of the internet e-celeb world, a law degree is prestigious.

>> No.22803330

>STILL no optical engineering but fucking nuclear is on here
We truly are the rarest breed. I hate it

>> No.22803340

Classics at universities are pozzed as fuck, giving time to academics who research the queerness of Iliad or whatever. If anything, normies will think you're a pseud.

>> No.22803418


>> No.22803426

Damn, I hate maths

>> No.22803430

how pozzed we talking here

>> No.22803450

>degree mills
HAHAHAHAHAHA I have my JD from a T14, but let’s not pretend law, today, even in the last 10 years, “is prestigious,” you utter retard

>> No.22803451

10 years ago it wasn’t so bad but nowadays classics really is about reinterpreting classics through a feminist, queer, or black lens at basically every half-decent school. The progressive domination of universities was completed in the last 10 years and you can’t even achieve neutral scholarship anymore if you’re a young guy. I wouldn’t even consider it. STEM is still mostly reasonable. It won’t be in 10 years, but it is now. So young guys should pursue STEM degrees and if they want to do humanities scholarship then do it in their personal time. They’ll still be able to publish to journals if they want.

>> No.22803467

It's honestly insane to think about how quickly it happened and with such little resistance

>> No.22803472
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It's probably weighed down by all the low quality fundy programs. For actual graduate degrees theology tends to be one of the highest.

Philosophy and theology are also extremely competitive due to an incredibly low number of seats for PhDs.

>> No.22803483

It's worth noting that fields that can actually make money as essentially trades are far more common and so the average will tend to get pulled down. Many state university systems don't even offer philosophy PhDs. Only certain types of people apply to jobs with no economic application as well. But tons of people plow into applied STEM for jobs.

>> No.22803485

It had been bubbling beneath the surface for a while but the Trump years and subsequent Floyd riots gave them the excuse for the final push. That’s personally what I saw at my R1 and what others I know saw as well. But we shouldn’t ignore the fact that women and black faculty have made careers pushing critical theory for decades now. That’s how it works in academia. It simmers and it simmers and it simmers and then it boils over and once it boils over there’s no hiding it anymore. The real tragedy is the universities have gone from focusing on this stuff but sort of tolerating people who disagreed or subtly trying to weed them out to outright witch hunts. And now that the people that disagree with them have been purged they’re already starting to turn on each other, as we’re seeing with the Israel and Hamas stuff. It used to be that although a department focused on critical theory of race and you had to too if you wanted a tenure track job, you could at least get your degree and publish some research if that wasn’t your thing but now you can’t. Now they make you demonstrate your commitment to diversity before you can even get admitted.

>> No.22803514

The key to understanding it is realizing that the actual internal structural damage to people's ability to think took place via TV, internet, and successive waves of Laurel Canyon-style "junk culture" between 1965 (when the establishment really started freaking out about yippies/hippies being communist fifth columns) and 2000. Everyone became a dumb typical checked-out asshole in that time, but they still residually maintained normal human culture, which is why people in the 90s still feel "level" when you watch them in videos, and they were still basically competent enough to keep infrastructure running. Starting from that point, some kind of accelerated controlled demolition took place in which not just the form but the actual content of people's consciousness (and basic ability to form thoughts) was attacked. And at the same time, the white middle class was replaced systematically by immigrants (15-20 lower avg IQ in countries into which they were imported) and mixed race retards. I think it was meant to be done more slowly, but the Occupy stuff may have triggered some kind of spasm at an outer layer of the inner party and they upped the ante on "identity politics" (basically narcissism cults for de-cultured urban serfs with no real identities, whose conception of "society" is government handouts paying for grocery store junk food and gasoline)

Around 2010, the system also converted its legacy elite institutions into managerial training daycares for the mixed-race retard class, and started encouraging them to be gay and neurotic

But the essential damage was done since television. Something very very deliberate happened or began to happen in the '60s. I think it has something to do with the old anti-commie blueblood WASPs of the Whittaker Chambers / W.F. Buckley generation creating structures and programs like Operation Gladio that were then co-opted by neocon Jews who were purely interested in them as biopolitical apparatus, not even afraid of commies or anything overtly political anymore. More or less the emergence of a post-political totalitarianism

>> No.22803519

Always funny when these threads are posted and a bunch of pseuds will come out of the woodwork, attempt to boast about their intelligence and immediately out themselves as not having the first idea what they are talking about.

>> No.22803531

Uhhhh huh keep crying, little bitch

>> No.22803540

very similar to my case

>> No.22803579

Very simple - plants don't need the sun, they need light. He created light first. Poor atheists, they can barely even read, it seems.

>> No.22803600

this is pretty much the most interesting post I've read on 4chan in days. post more about whatever, you have received 1 (one) cringe-allowance pass.

>> No.22803621

There hasn't ever been a period in human history when the average person in the west had cultured opinions. But TV absolutely did destroy critical thinking in a way newspapers didn't

>> No.22803627

What does classical language mean? Latin and Greek?

>> No.22803711

USAnians only read YA or books about cardboard cut-outs disguised as characters having sex.

>> No.22803735
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>majoring in a recreational activity
>going into debt to read books available for free

>> No.22803736

There was resistance but the corrupt authorities (jews) supported leftoid violence and criminality. It's all rigged.

>> No.22803742

Uncle Sam has paid for my three degrees. Now I am a NEET and simply read getting paid zogbux to use my knowledge in my own home, rarely going outside.

>> No.22803747

You guys have degrees?

>> No.22803821

I have a friend thats busy doing a Masters in Mathematics at Cambridge. He matriculated when he was 28, if you're bored it means you have potential you're not using. Lazy neets are never bored, no matter how mind numbing their occupation is. You have clearly identified whats holding you back, so why not work to develop your shortcoming ie your social skills? You can't think your way through a conversation you simply have to be just brave enough to start it, especially in a group. I also struggled with socializing, most conversations were boring and eventually I couldn't help but lose interest and the conversation would end awkardly. Eventually I realised it's up to me to bring up intersting topics and I found that people really liked it surprisingly. Casual chit chat became easier as well. You've got one life dude.

>> No.22803836

>classical language
Tamil, Sankrit, Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Chinese and Persian

>> No.22804050

Yes, but really - Latin and Greek. No one says classics and actually means Chinese.

>> No.22804551
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> “TV is for niggers”

>> No.22804603

Yes. Fat lot of good it's done me finding a job.

>> No.22804605

theology is full of atheists lol

>> No.22804614

Theology from my experience is filled with "dry drunk" ex-evangelicals and lapsed Catholics who think they're EPIC and PROGRESSIVE for not being like their parents

>> No.22804620

Theology is such a joke even the people studying it don't believe in it. People that believe in God are truly pathetic.

>> No.22804660
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Ok, to be honest, I'm in classics and I don't feel particularly smarter than most people, besides some obvious dumbfucks. Most people in classics I have met aren't much smarter than average either.

>> No.22804696

>Data from GRE test takers

Not a very good metric
Way too much selection bias going on here

>> No.22804706

Theology is made up of progressives that want to own the fundies by backing "Jesus/Moses/Muhammad/Buddha really taught moralistic therapeutic deism" with credentials.

>> No.22804712

Classics is full of former tumblr shippers that got into the classical world through Percy Jackson fanfiction

>> No.22804719

This is true. Theology hasn't been an academic field since it was shit on during the Enlightenment. Fundies only trot it out in a desperate attempt at some type of intellectual respectability.

>> No.22804742


>> No.22805070

if you can do calculus and greek grammar without great hassle, you are smarter than 99% of the population

>> No.22805085

a lot of classicists unfortunately struggle with grammar. They usually can't even sightread something they've never seen before. That's the absolute state of classics professors and why I consider average classicists the biggest jokes in academia. Imagine being a professor of German literature and not being to hold a conversation in German.
Of course, there are brilliant classicists too who really do have a good command of the languages but they are few and far between. Most universities had none and some have one and only the most prestigious have multiple.

>> No.22805131

sounds dreadful desu.
been a couple years at this point. I think I would struggle to get into a math graduate program being out of school this long and having no undergraduate research experience like a REU. Or I may get in, but I would have to pay for every second I spend there, not being competitive enough for scholarships. I would probably have an easier time going into Classics, but I don't know if I could part ways with math. I also found most classics professors to be the most insufferable kind of midwit. I find I was genuinely better at the languages than my professors simply by virtue of being able to sightread while they had to have a commentary in one hand and a dictionary in the other. That said, intelligent Classics professors are an absolute pleasure to be around. I do have a rough drafts of several papers I would have liked to worked into published papers. The fruit of all that extracurricular reading in undergrad is I formed strong opinions on some niche yet somewhat controversial areas in scholarship
did you find it difficult to get recommendations? Also, did you go back for a humanities field or a STEM field?
>dox yourself.
No, it was a slightly above average state school. I had enough AP credits from high school to skip most gen ed requirements and was already at a very advanced level for Latin. Most of a typical semester was spent on math classes and I only needed to take one or two classics classes a semester to get a degree. I did also average about 18 hours per semester though.

I have applied to some basic white collar jobs but either were offered shit pay or was not offered anything. I've kind of given up on that at this point. I do still have a profile on indeed and get offers for interviews from schools but I know they would also pay even less than I already make.
that's unfortunate.
At work, people just don't seem interested in having conversations with me desu. i don't know if it's just because I'm a boring person or because my interests are just so different from my coworkers. I definitely feel there's a subtle cultural difference between me and them too. They tend to have a much more round about way of saying things while I tend to be straight to the point. I fear that sometimes they mistake my straightforwardness as aggression. And some dudes are just fucking retarded - sleep deprived, overworked, alcoholic retards who can't even shit/piss in a hole correctly.

>> No.22805137

oh fuck me why do I feel like I'm looking at myself through a crystal ball. I'm doing mathematical physics and classics and I'm just about to finish undergrad.

>> No.22806077

Anon I think you should go to art school. I'm being serious. Check out MFAs in your country. If in the UK, go to the RCA.

>> No.22806100

no, they aren't. that's the entire point. you can train for one specific IQ test but you can't appreciably raise your IQ by training "test taking skills" in general.

>> No.22806193
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>special education
>the educators are special

>> No.22806215

Thanks Anon, I shall aspire to do this now.

>> No.22806257

> Around 2010, the system also converted its legacy elite institutions into managerial training daycares for the mixed-race retard class, and started encouraging them to be gay and neurotic
This rings so true. I made the mistake of looking up Harvard Law on YouTube recently and it’s all gay, ambiguously ethnic, theater kids with bizarre and tacky taste. I recently had an interview with an another Ivy League school and they told me about how they had Kim Kardashian as a guest speaker. I just said “oh wow” but what I really thought is “what the fuck”. That is a perfect example of what you said here imo.

>> No.22806269

It’s one thing to have a mass of rural and urban peasants who are not particularly cultured or well-educated but it’s another to have a whole mass of people who have been systematically socially engineered into anti-cultural activists who can’t even think for themselves or be self-sufficient. If you got into a Time Machine and transported yourself to the late Roman Republic, you’d find a whole bunch of people in the city and the countryside who were basically uncultured, uneducated, and often without any concern for virtue or anything like that. But many of these people lived natural lives, they still knew things. Many would have been self-sufficient, skilled workers. They may not be smart, but they could be wise. The people we’re talking about are good at nothing, know nothing, aren’t self-sufficient, have no virtue, are in fact anti-virtue as well as anti-educated and anti-cultural. What social engineering has done to people is sheer evil, the likes of which has never been before seen on this earth and we just let it happen.

>> No.22806274

True, but academia selects for these people across all disciplines.

>> No.22806279

At some point, you’re going to have to identify an endeavor for your life and just go for it, and see it through. You’ve got to decide what kind of man you want to be when you die and do what it takes to get there. If that’s a Math degree, it’s a math degree. If it’s a white collar job, it’s a white collar job. Most people find themselves on a treadmill you know. It’s actually a gift to be in a position to think about this. You’re free to choose what you want from your life. It’s just a matter of making a choice and then doing the work. You can’t let yourself feel paralyzed by choice.

>> No.22806281

So if Harvard, Yale, et al. are just full of neurotic gay mutts now and not particularly smart or capable ones, where are the very few smart and capable people going? Good state schools like Virginia and Ohio State or something?

>> No.22806299

Just make sure you think well about your choices so you wont regret them haha crazy concept I know, couldnt happen to me haha

>> No.22806358

Hey fren, if you have the time I would love to talk to you. I'm ME undergrad who loves philosophy and classics more then anything else and I'm haunted about a similar stinking predicament closing in on me. hippocleides0fucks on disc if you want to talk

>> No.22806428

>racist gay and high iq
>Cant get a job
So this is the power of Starting with the Greeks.
Power... overwhelming. The transcendence of man beyond the limits of the material.

>> No.22806576

Every IQ test I've ever seen is multiple choice. Process-of-elimination has a tremendous impact on your final score in a multiple choice test. We can show this mathematically.

Suppose three students take a 100-question exam, where each question has 4 choices. Both students know 60 of the answers. Student A doesn't write an answer when he doesn't know the answer. Student B guesses randomly when he doesn't know the answer. Student C eliminates 1.5 wrong answers on average -- half of the time narrowing it down to 1-in-3 choices, and half of the time narrowing it down to 1-in-2.

Student A gets 60/100.
Student B gets 60 + (40)(1/4) = 60 + 10 = 70/100.
Student C gets 60 + (20)(1/3) + (20)(1/2) = 60 + 6.6... + 10 = 76.6.../100.

All students are "equally smart," in that they know the same number of answers. But students B and C perform differently because they've memorized a simple test-taking strategy.

One possible counterargument is that "if students A and B were really smart, they'd be able to figure out the process-of-elimination strategy." This may be true on the high end of the spectrum, meaning the measured difference between top students who do/don't learn test-taking strategies in school or tutoring will be less than the math would indicate.

But if you're looking at the full range of students, as this graph does, then you'd expect a pull to the right as students take increasingly more tests, and therefore learn more test-taking skills.

I should also point out that this graph is (1) taken from GRE scores, not IQ scores, meaning test-taking skills are inarguably applicable, since they're taught with the ACT, SAT, and GRE in mind, and (2) the GRE score range is from 260 to 340, meaning a difference of 0.5 is less than 1% of the overall range. That's negligible, even without the presence of confounding variables like prior exposure to multiple choice tests.

>> No.22807773


>> No.22809147

i can't draw for shit.
yeah I know. No one told me freedom was this hard.
nope. all you need to know is to avoid my situation.

>> No.22809562

What do you mean by physics envy? That the economists want very badly to have some very mathematical theory that really works, like the physicists have ? That they want to be as successful in explaining phenomena as physicists? That they want more experimental confirmation for their silly games?

>> No.22810106
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>> No.22810166

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.22810269

do you think programs like(lingua perse ilustra) had anything to do with it, ive talked to some of my classics professors and they've told me that their "actual" goal is in-depth translation and not general communication in ancient languages. i venture to guess that speaking latin is really not that important to them, but translating works with as much clarity and being able to reference the large pool of thinkers with them is seen as their actual job

>> No.22810278

they died long ago, smart people dont fuck. unironically evey societies elite tend to be picky whith whom they breed, hirersrchical structures used to be filters for whom they could and could not marry, with the modern notion of destroying such places, the inteligencia have become an endangered breed

>> No.22810353

Nice cope, did you hear the Pope say transgenders can be baptized? Oh also gays don't go to hell it turns out, surprisingly the scriptures that were retranslated multiple times were actually translated wrong.
Incredible data, glad theology is filled with intelligent Buddhists and Atheists.

>> No.22810359

First off you're wrong. Second you're irrelevant. Have fun sucking your pastor's dick faggot.

>> No.22810384

Attaining a law degree varies by jurisdiction, but is generally synonymous with a successful educational "career" (i.e. people associate having one with success and intelligence). Arguably, it remains in the same realm of prestige as being a doctor (a medical one - not the fake PHD ones).

>> No.22810393 [DELETED] 

i'll just say the law subreddits are infested with retarded nigger/zoomer speak deadass frfr, which is how I know lawyers are getting dumber and dumber

>> No.22810492

Computer science is too high
>t. CS graduate
I agree IQ scores are retarded (pattern matching != intelligence) but the graph generally correlates with intelligence in a field.

>> No.22810508

>>dox yourself.
I'm 23 years old, I live in detroit, I got a beard, chubby, and wear a baseball cap and glasses. If you see someone who looks like a schizophrenic retard that's me.
You still can't dox me based on this alone. If anyone can, feel free to post it so we can laugh at me.

>> No.22810521

>I have applied to some basic white collar jobs but either were offered shit pay or was not offered anything. I've kind of given up on that at this point. I do still have a profile on indeed and get offers for interviews from schools but I know they would also pay even less than I already make.
Right now it'll suck but the goal is to job hop/break into an industry and get better pay.
>At work, people just don't seem interested in having conversations with me desu. i don't know if it's just because I'm a boring person or because my interests are just so different from my coworkers. I definitely feel there's a subtle cultural difference between me and them too. They tend to have a much more round about way of saying things while I tend to be straight to the point. I fear that sometimes they mistake my straightforwardness as aggression. And some dudes are just fucking retarded - sleep deprived, overworked, alcoholic retards who can't even shit/piss in a hole correctly.
You seem like a very cool guy (I hope you typed desu and not t b h, otherwise I'm taking back my post) but you gotta realize that people are selfish. They really DO want to hear themselves speak, and want a listener. If you start talking about Moby Dick, I would listen, but nobody else in my family would.
So use that to your advantage. When you """talk""" to people, just let them talk about themselves. After a while you can get your word in. Hell I networked with the sound engineer at an Arab film festival just by letting him talk about his work.

>> No.22810613
File: 990 KB, 2550x3506, MurgiaBeingUselessAsAlways.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they've told me that their "actual" goal is in-depth translation and not general communication in ancient languages
'tis cope, sir.
Anyone who can sight read Latin can explain to you that the gerundive in this or that sentence is part of a passive periphrastic showing need/obligation.
Being able to sight read means you can read much, much more pages/hour than some fag limping along with a dictionary. In my classes in university, it would take us AN ENTIRE SEMESTER to do TWO (2 - DUO) books of the Aeneid, and 70% of that time was translating in class and the other 30% was actual literary discussion. I read the entire Aeneid in 3 weeks on my own. Language classes in Classics programs are jokes.
And besides, when you start journeying through the scholarship on your library's stacks, you'll find Classicists making arguments of style (see pic related. Murgia is arguing that the Helen Episode can't possibly have been written by Vergil because *gasp* *clutches pearls* there's repetition. As if a Roman reader would have even noticed that while reading the climax of the fall of Troy.) but I maintain that you can't appreciate the style and diction of a language if you can't even hold a conversation in it. You simply can't "hear" it.

>> No.22810641

Most of that other half can just be summed up with “kill white men because they created civilization”

>dad went out for a pack of smokes and never came back

Good to know females and nogs are intersectional slave moralists

>> No.22810648

>dad, where are you?

>> No.22811335

How do you know if it correlates with intelligence if you don't have a measure of intelligence to correlate with? Are we just going off vibes? If so, how is that different from astrology?

>> No.22811508

Lmao no

>> No.22811582

The quality of lawyers is rapidly declining. I remember sitting in a final year jurisprudence class with Crito being one of the assigned readings for that week. For about 80% of the lecture hall it was the first time they had read Plato. You sit down at lunch at work and the conversations are just as banal as those with your average zoomer - holidays, Netflix, muh dog, muh weekend, muh bf/gf did this etc. The legal profession is now a good landing spot for midwits who are effectively party functionaries
>t. lawyer

>> No.22812880

Great point anon. I'd like to see if there's some sort of study about this.

>> No.22812899

Classical languages is third, above mathematics, and Classics is ninth, above most STEM.

>> No.22812921

Becoming an academic is a one way ticket to hell
Either study practical things at college or don't go. You can become a major in the classics with a library card, and a little free time.
Fuck that actually. We have the internet. You can become a major in the classics in between jerking off to port.
Lol holy shit liberal arts school is such a fucking scam

>> No.22812945

to be fair, it can be hard to study things on your own when you dont have a peer group to study with and sharpen each other. That's the good thing about university. You can meet a bunch of other like minded people and study the same subject together.

>> No.22812957

I guess, but I think that's a tad overblown. I can't dismiss the discussions I had with good profs, but they were few, and I failed out early, idk. I'm probably just being arrogant, but I feel like I got my philosophical education on my own. And it was difficult, I had to read a lot. And constantly look up terms as I went. But that method, laborious as it was.m, worked, so I kinda feel like for literature or philosophy, as long as you're literate and dedicated, you can do it yourself.
For what it's worth, I have had far more productive and insightful discussions on these things with you fucking idiots here, than I ever did in school.

>> No.22813042

Yea maybe at the graduate level, but these GRE takers are BA grads. At the BA level, you’re not doing much math in philosophy. I had to take a class in Logic, and it was very slightly math oriented, but not enough to influence GRE scores. I think the easier and more probable explanation is that philosophy BAs are just higher IQ to begin with.

>> No.22813197

Similar to me, studied phlosophy in a catholic university (focus on greeks/latin/chruch doctors and fathers) but I work in software development. I make good money so I cant complain, so wouldnt consider myself a loser exactly, but it is pretty hard to relate things or to talk about any interest with colleagues since the average dev tends to not know shit about anything outside coding.