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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.48 MB, 1724x3246, Dark & Disturbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22799069 No.22799069 [Reply] [Original]

How many of these are worth reading besides American Psycho?

>> No.22799122

I really enjoyed Blood and Guts by Acker and Death on Credit by Celine. Naked Lunch and the work of Sarah Kane are some of my favourites, too.

Although I am yet to read Perfume, Crash, In the Miso Soup, I have heard good things about them all. Same goes for Blood Meridan, but that goes without saying. End of Alice is genuinely one of the most grotesque books I've tried reading. Imagine if Lolita meets Silence of the Lambs. It wasn't for me but someone might think its trangressive content is worth checking out.

>> No.22799129

Whoever made this chart has not read 95% of the books listed

>> No.22799152

It was suggested by anons

>> No.22799162

Point stands even further

>> No.22799181

120 days gets repetitive and boring. He's that self-indulgent that all the shit and piss becomes pedestrian and a slog.
Blood meridian is blood meridian.
Crash is worth it. If you're looking for disturbing and literary Ballard is always worth a try.
I hated Hogg, but I think that was the point. If you're looking for the edgiest and most disgusting thing possible, the thing that jumps over the boundary and makes a beeline for the cliff edge then read Hogg.
The Girl Next Door is good if you're looking for something that is highly disturbing but won't challenge you from a literary perspective.
I haven't read it but I've heard that The End of Alice is trash.

If anybody has read The Torture Garden or Maldoror I would like to hear your opinions.

>> No.22799188

Read them for yourself, ya retard. They’re just books.

>> No.22799191

>don't talk about literature on /lit/ - literature

>> No.22799192

Death on Credit didn't feel so edgy. It's depressing but not edgy

>> No.22799195


>> No.22799206

You're on 4chan where everything from armpits to inanimate objects in video games are sexualized but can't understand why Crash has literary validity? If you're only looking for superficial "disturbing" scenes then read Hogg.

>> No.22799255
File: 152 KB, 1024x797, geek_love_by_avatarrutger_d7v4ci8-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geek love was a real page turner. Once you start reading it you can't stop.

>> No.22799258

>literary validity

>> No.22799269

You are a bot. Goodbye.

>> No.22799271
File: 1.67 MB, 1724x3246, Dark Chart 2.10 jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22799280

Be honest, is this actually a good book or just some gay meme like Call of the crocodile?

>> No.22799292
File: 104 KB, 580x580, m_6309183556b2f8d5e8436dd9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think books about ghetto life should be added to this list. Pic related has:

>crimes of all stripes including many murders

>crackheads, prostitutes and pimps babysitting children

>a pimp getting shot in the ballsack

>a daughter selling crack to her mother

>a crackbaby

And it's all real, making it more gruesome than the fictional shlock suggested here. Maybe we should make a list of edgy nonfiction books?

>> No.22799295

I don't care to read about black people

>> No.22799303

Ghetto niggas come in all colors, anon. In Appalachia they do meth instead of crack but it's the same thing for the most part.

>> No.22799314
File: 213 KB, 905x1340, IMG_7566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ghetto niggas come in all colors, anon. In Appalachia they do meth instead of crack but it's the same thing for the most part

>> No.22799409
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>Implying that most /lit/ users actually read

>> No.22800063

to be completely honest
it's actually good

>> No.22800071

kek, is this doom patrol?

>> No.22800377

Anon who made that chart here. I've read seven of the works on the chart so far, and I can recommend six of them.
The only work I actively hated reading was Naked Lunch. It had some great and disturbing ideas, but the way it was written made it an absolute drag to get through.
Maldoror is very surreal, and has some cool ideas. I didn't find it too bad.
Sarah Kane's plays, especially Cleansed and 4.48 Psychosis, are fantastic. If you want more, definitely also check out Blasted.
American Psycho is great, and at times absolutely hilarious. Some people find it difficult to get through the insane amount of consumerism in the novel, so be prepared for that.
Blindness is also phenomenal. I read it a long time ago, and it's probably not as disturbing as other works on here, but definitely worth reading.
The Wasp Factory was also great, disturbing at times and well written.
Perfume might be my favourite on the chart so far. It's not the most disturbing one, but the main character is completely insane and very uncomfortable at times. Beautifully written, and the ending will not disappoint you.

>> No.22800709


>> No.22800916

I have read The Maimed
It has fantastic atmosphere of unease and neurosis which ramps up until the end.Not a thriller in that aspect.More psychological in nature.

>> No.22800936
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Yes, but with incest.

>> No.22801512


>> No.22802001

What's the torture garden like?

>> No.22802063

except the massive violent crime rate, that is

>> No.22802112

I avow eall things Céline

>> No.22802324

Sodom probably, anons are very mixed on it
Story of the Eye
Miso Soup
Wasp Factory
The Girl Next Door
Naked Lunch
Blood Meridian
These books won't challenge you (maybe blood meridian), but they're fun or edgy reads

>> No.22802330

proxy is on the chart

>> No.22802357

This + Obscene Bird of Night, which possibly the best one on the bunch next to Blood Meridian. Heliogabalus is another onr with genuine artistic merit.

Haven't read Blidness, The Way for the Ladies and Gentlemen lor Maldoror, but I've heard really good things about them.

Mouchette was written by the same guy who wrote Diary of a Country Priest, so perhaps is good. Leon Bloy is a really appreciate Catholic writer who was been praised and quoted by respectable Catholic figures (eg. the two last popes), so there must be at least something good in his Sweating Blood short story collection.

The Consumer is okay-ish, perhaps some Swans/Michael Gira fans would like it.

>> No.22802359

>Anon made the chart
>has only read 7 of the books
Fucking retarded board

>> No.22802363

I'll eventually read it. It has been on my "soon-to-read" list for ages now.

>> No.22802370

Is the concept of "collaborative work" really hard to grasp for your low-IQ nigger brain? If we consider the opinion of many anons who had read at least a couple of these books we can see that the general agreement is that all this books are indeed "Dark & Disturbing". I've read many of the books the anon hasn't, and I can confirm that those are indeed "Dark & Disturbing".

Stop being a whiny little girl. This is the reason novody likes to hang out with your pretencious ass.

>> No.22802380

>I’ve read many of the books
Sure you have, Samir.

>> No.22802388

I've read many of the books from the chart that you haven't, and I can confirm that those books are indeed disturbing. Overall, it's a solid list, and those who whine about these books have been chosen by people who haven't read them, unironically proving that they haven't read most of them.

>> No.22802394

Damn, Samir, this truly is an ESL post

>> No.22802395

I'm not wasting my time on adjusting the sintax of my sentences to your shitty vernacular, you faggot. I bet you're here on /lit/ whining for no reason because in real life everybody finds you unbearable.

>> No.22802401


>> No.22802418

Well, anon, from now on, I'll write as American as possible just to satisfy you:

Well, partner, this + Obscene Bird of Night, it's like the finest steed in the herd, right up there with Blood Meridian. Heliogabalus, now that's another one with true artistic grit.

Can't say I've ridden through Blidness, The Way for the Ladies and Gentlemen lor Maldoror, but I've heard folks talk real highly 'bout 'em.

Mouchette comes from the same quill as Diary of a Country Priest, so it might be a good ride. Leon Bloy, now he's a respected Catholic writer, hailed by the likes of the last two popes. His Sweating Blood short story collection's gotta have some gold in them pages.

The Consumer, well, it's alright I reckon. Maybe them Swans/Michael Gira fans would find somethin' to fancy in it.

>> No.22802515

Every post you've made in this thread implies that you are the person who cannot speak English. You are retarded and you are indistinguishable from a bot. That's pathetic and you should consider killing yourself at the soonest opportunity.

>> No.22802522

Samir, why are you still seething?

>> No.22802523

>Fucking retarded board
why don't you contribute, then? Fucking spastic esl retard.

>> No.22802526

>I am such a loser I have to bring my /pol/ shit onto every other board because I demand more attention than an only fans whore
unironically kys

>> No.22802673

Chart anon here, thanks! It was a collaboration that took a few weeks, gathering convincing opinions/reviews of people, as well as doing my own research.
Which of the novels have you read, and what did you think of them?

>> No.22802676
File: 31 KB, 563x460, 1693247151915568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up faggots

>> No.22802684

Samir, why are you bringing up /pol/? Samir, your name and identity has nothing to do with /pol/.

>> No.22802685

Unironically kys, also see

>> No.22802723

Obscene Bird of the Night is my favorite one of the bunch. It almost reads like a fever dream that starts kinda weird but gets more fucked up with each chapter - but, to its core, is a story about a character whose inferiority complex reaches to a unhinged level.

Death on Credit are the quasi-schizophrenic rantings of a man who seems simply deranged and bitter but it's actually a disillusioned romantic at heart.

Those two are my favorites. Don't really have time right now to write much about the others, but I also liked Naked Lunch and Blood Meridian. The Consumer isn't great, but has its appeal.

>> No.22802733

>like a fever dream
Are you capable of writing in anything other than the most mediocre cliches imaginable?

>> No.22802745

NTA but holy hell just get the fuck out of my thread already. Go back to sucking dick, midwit cunt. You just keep looking for arguments like a woman or homosexual. Unironically I think you may have too much estrogen in you.

>> No.22802750

>midwit cunt
>has only read six of the books from the chart he can’t stop bragging about making

>> No.22802752

I just said that wasn't me, I am the dude who made this thread. I'm sick of your faggy ass trying to derail the thread, fuck off already. Go have gay sex with the ESL guy or something.

>> No.22802768

Chart anon here, just let him be and don't feed the troll.

>> No.22802774
File: 487 KB, 499x442, 1681668836424639.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make a thread on /lit/
>It gets derailed by a bunch of retarded faggots and their babble
It never fails

>> No.22802924

The Samir posting ESL retard is the gypsy shill. He lost his mind after his campaign failed to take off on this board.

>> No.22802946

>sar, sar, I-I-Im not an ESL
>You are
Why are ESLs like this?

>> No.22802968

Also, forgot to mention this in my post, but I'm trans btw so stop being mean to me you ESL

>> No.22803280
File: 1.63 MB, 1724x3246, Dark Chart 2.6 jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kindly eat the peanuts outta mai sheeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.22803289

i have read-
a season in hell
naked lunch
story of the eye
blood meridian
the tunnel

quite enjoyed all of them with my favorites being the tunnel and story of the eye. OP if you havent read a season in hell or story of the eye go for those first because they are short works.

i have a copy of das parfüm so will probably get to that one next on this list.