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File: 16 KB, 182x242, Ted_Kaczynski_drivers_license_Illinois_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22797178 No.22797178 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do if your'e literally ted kaczynski plus arthur schopenhauer combined. The world ain't made for us le based misanthropic geniuses

>> No.22797184

Pynchons better

>> No.22797185

I wouldn't make that bomb and end up in supermax, that's for sure.

>> No.22797187
File: 118 KB, 900x800, 1685884406128635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or just don't use your own handwriting

>> No.22797191

You must be retarted to even think you can compare to uncle kaz. He was teaching math at a graduate institution in his 20s. You're posting on this dumbass thread.

>> No.22797197

is that how you think he got caught? You know it was the one of the longest manhunts in history

>> No.22797198

Are you a brilliant mathematician that has seriously considered becoming a woman?

>> No.22797199

He was a smart guy no denying it, but quite literally everyone who worked with him said he was a bad professor and hated talking to students

>> No.22797201

He got caught because his brother recognized his ranting when they published his manifesto. Wasn't anything to do with his handwriting though

>> No.22797205

Biggest snitch since Judas?

>> No.22797206

Canada's a scary country. Just for speculating in a back and forth I could get put in the clown car

>> No.22797210

I don’t feel bad for Ted at all, had his dream life and he went out of his way to fuck it up, he also mostly targeted literal who’s
>inb4 they were destroying his forest
He lived only 5 kilometers from towns

>> No.22797215

Ted aside, imagine snitching on your brother to the feds for literally any reason. It genuinely makes me sick.

>> No.22797219

Ted's a fucking loser man. He's incredibly smart and has some of the best writing regarding the nature of modern problems I'm ever read, and then he made the classic loser move and went "the solution is to burn it all down" and added on a nice hot slice of "I have the right to kill other people for the shit thats in my head" pie to eat on the side. Everyone who does this is a loser who thinks they are way too fucking important. I take the good with the bad. I like some of his essays. He made the wrong decision, and didn't seem to have much remorse for it even decades later, or an understanding that it wasn't the right thing to do.

>> No.22797226

>I have the right to kill other people
we all do, you could probably get away with it if you did it just once

>> No.22797230

>snitching on your brother to the feds for literally any reason. It genuinely makes me sick.
>we all do, you could probably get away with it if you did it just once
Didn't realize we had so many porch monkeys here.

>> No.22797233
File: 28 KB, 474x371, th-4053419416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted apparently wouldn't even leave the supermax cell during his one hour of exercise. You've got nobody to really socialize with, people are making noise all the time and many are crazy. Some cells stink. It's torture, I don't care how smart Teddy was ending up in a place like this made a mistake

Bring North America Siberian gulags. They were nicer

>> No.22797237

Very true. I was pondering the innercel phenomena of spreekillers the other day and musing on how fucking stupid they'd have to be to throw it all away. People do things like this for vanity reasons, nothing related to the real state of their lives

>> No.22797238

What's the smallest offense you'd snitch on a family member for?
Drug use?
Drug sale?
I genuinely want to understand what the normie threshold is.

>> No.22797241

You're 100% correct. Haha.

>> No.22797247

I think a lot of people do it because they genuinely convince themselves about the validity of their cause or whatever. Whether its Ted doing this terrorist bullshit or just a guy who decides to rob a liquor store, people do genuinely snap and idk. I'm pretty forgiving and empathetic or try to be, I always feel defensive of the victims but also understand the pressures of our fucking ridiculously corrupt and shitty world that drives people to do shit like this, in a sense everyones a victim. But in that sense that everyone is a victim, the answer to the worlds problems, even if the big ones elude you and even if it frustrates you, are to remember that everyone around you is also suffering the same way you are and youve no right to put them in harms way and claim that youre trying to help anyone. Youre full of crap if you do that.
And the goal should always be to try and help everyone.

>> No.22797263

I love my brother to death but if I found out he raped and murdered kids I’d turn him in

>> No.22797264

glad the midwits could make it to the thread. Did you guys even make it to the end of ISAIF? I should have used schop for the thumbnail

>> No.22797266

Ok how about non-fatal arson? Drug sale?

>> No.22797268

Uhh >>22797263

>> No.22797272

i wrote both those posts.
>Did you guys even make it to the end of ISAIF?
yes. the Neatest Trick is better.

>> No.22797274

Both instances I’d tell him to cut that shit out before he ends up getting caught or hurting himself

>> No.22797277

And if he didn't? I'm not just shitting on you the normie mind terrifies me and I want to map out its boundaries

>> No.22797280

are you implying that people are "normies" for turning in one of their family members if they're committing crimes that are hurting other people, like murder?
What are your boundaries? I want to map those out.

>> No.22797282

You think reasoning that you shouldn't end your future for fifteen minutes of fame and a couple dozen dead ants is a midwit take?

>> No.22797294

>are you implying
>What are your boundaries?
I would never report a family member to the feds for any reason unless (a) they fucked me over, (b) I could not maintain plausible deniability and was at risk of getting caught up in it
Why anyone would act differently is a mystery to me.

>> No.22797297

>(a) they fucked me over, (b) I could not maintain plausible deniability and was at risk of getting caught up in it
ohhh, criminal ethics. got it

>> No.22797302

>I attach word to thing, I dismiss thing

>> No.22797311

You and I would be unaware of ted if he had kept to himself. He wasn't caught for 20 years. It was a good value bet, he explains his reasoning in the book,

>> No.22797313

>attach word to thing, dismiss thing
>normie mind

>> No.22797315

Not that anon but I honestly doubt Ted actually believed in his anti-tech revolution. It just seems like one last act of revenge against a system he hated.
It’s like dying for another man’s dream

>> No.22797316

>It just seems like one last act of revenge against a system he hated.
>It’s like dying for another man’s dream
ding ding ding we have a mutha fuckin winner folks bring out the fuckin dancin lobsters

>> No.22797318

Nice try equivocating retard, I named the thing because I'm trying to understand it. Now I'm going to rape you.

>> No.22797322
File: 105 KB, 655x559, Andrés Gómez Emilsson on Kaczynski.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Pearce is better

>> No.22797329
File: 180 KB, 1067x851, 1700213402373102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obviously fixable with neurotech
who else hyped for next-gen manmade horrors?

>> No.22797333
File: 516 KB, 652x593, dad mocking son getting circumcised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vast majority of American parents are guilty of raping kids.

>> No.22797334

Reminds me of the pleasure cube

>> No.22797338
File: 203 KB, 825x960, hedonistic imperative bingo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetically engineering people to always be happy is LE MANMADE HORROR because IT JUST IS OKAY?!


>> No.22797349

The part about this story that's impressive is the 20 year part. But If you're able to do this for that long clearly you weren't influencing anyone of real significance.

>> No.22797361
File: 48 KB, 500x500, 1673158452583386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just trust a man or manmade system to manipulate your consciousness it'll have a good outcome
>what could go wrong

>> No.22797367

read a third book and become a third someone else
Or maybe try developing... your own personality?

>> No.22797373

Do you think that with the development of technology powerful enough to modify brain chemistry at will, power will end up in the hands of the user?

>> No.22797378

I'm gonna hack your neuralink and play crazy frog all day in your head

>> No.22797484
File: 391 KB, 1200x1675, eye evolution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro just trust blind natural selection and random mutation to give you good biology

>> No.22798288

holy shit why are you even pretending to know what the fuck you are talking about? retarded redditer piece of shit

>> No.22798320
File: 81 KB, 196x1564, Fate of Humanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pleasure cube
is this what youre talking about?

>> No.22798374


>> No.22798382

>ayo I know the guy is a serial child rapist but I can't rat out my bro!

>> No.22798395

>unless (a) they fucked me over
Putting a family member in the position of being an accessory to murder, rape, etc doesn't count as fucking someone over?

>> No.22798576

You're the fucking retard for not being able to sense the meaning behind my reply. >>22797197
>is that how you think he got caught?
I'm asking in earnest here, of course I knew already it was the brother and his cunt wife

>> No.22798638

He tried to blow up a plane full of random people including children. His acts obviously weren't going to cause any sort of larger social change and deep down he knew this.

He was doing it for his ego. This makes him a degenerate.

>> No.22798645

He was doing it to get published and it worked.

Simple as.

>> No.22798656

this, >>22798638 and the plane would have been awesome, it might have sealed the deal and taken his notoriety to the next level, I wish it blew. Look up a live map of all the fucking planes zooming around. If one blows up and normies learns something new, its worth it.

>> No.22798895

kys shill

>> No.22800021

>I genuinely want to understand what the normie threshold is.
>Look at me I am on the pretty internet hate machine and I am dangerous and shit

This train has left almost 20 years ago. You weren't even born then. You are as boring as it gets.

>> No.22800070

That was just an excuse, he literally said in an interview he just wanted revenge. Most of the people he attacked (expect for like the one CEO) were literal nobodies, in fact the computer store owner was a former student of Teds

>> No.22801788

But didn't the plane one allegedly come with a note that made it clear it was meant to be a dud? If it was his only dud I'm more convinced that he just did that to prove that he could've blown it up had he wanted to, thus forcing compliance to properly publish.

>> No.22801798
File: 752 KB, 684x3336, the happy face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another comic with a similar theme

>> No.22801802

Damn I've never heard that

>> No.22801816

He often made fake evidence to throw off feds. The best was when he sent them an envelope with his demands and had written a fake letter between fake people on top of the envelope so it left indentations that the feds could use forensics to uncover and start looking for these fake people.

>> No.22802173

I bet half of you dont leave your room to exercise in the free world

>> No.22802246

Ted was a faggot, for all his blustering he just comes across as the most depressed leftist trying to distance himself from the degeneracy. His philosophy was utterly temporal and he said as much himself that he didn't care about the future. Haven't gotten to his third book yet, not yet sure if I will, who doesn't love endless shitting on leftists but he is just so lame himself.

>> No.22802281

oh look, he's being sarcastic guys

>> No.22802284

americans are cultural jews lol

>> No.22802292

If you really were Ted Kaczynski you would already know what to do
That's exactly what separates Ted from people like you

>> No.22802402

>porch monkeys
cooperating with feds and glowies is fucking evil 90% of the time. they do not have our best interests in mind and they've proven themselves to be murderers throughout history.