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/lit/ - Literature

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22797116 No.22797116 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ is at its slowest rate in recorded history. Despite the reduction in the quantity of posts, the quality has seen no noticeable increase. Threads stay up for days with no substantial discussion. Without novelty or substance, the board will only fall further into decline.

>> No.22797118

cucked opinion
slow boards are good boards

>> No.22797119

I suspect this trend holds for all of 4chan. This site is actually showing signs of dying outside the core periphery of pol, and even they're shit

>> No.22797121

I've noticed that whenever I'm posting the quality shoots up by roughly 50000%

>> No.22797126

its a chilling effect. this is the "bad boy" website in the eyes of most people and with what's going on in the world today, people don't want to get in trouble. govts are very paranoid rn. not that we do anything worth getting in trouble over but ppl still avoid trouble if they perceive it. long term i suspect the site will simply be gone.

>> No.22797130

Probably this. But it especially makes sense with /lit/, since the guys that've been around for ever are getting married and having kids and getting over this website and zoomers don't read.

>> No.22797131

This is true of all imageboards
The three main English speaking 4chan alternatives (ZZZchan, 8moe, and Kohlchan) are all bleeding users, it’s a dying format. It doesn’t help the mods and hiro are complete retards
I still use this site and the farms because I hate social media

>> No.22797135

I think this is probably the best explanation. 'Chan got big doing social media stunts and nobody really cares anymore. I don't think I'd like hanging out with retarded zoomers glued to tiktok in any case

>> No.22797137

F Gardner Tuesdys

Every tuesday we discuss a different book in the Call Of series. That wil attract users

>> No.22797140

/sp/ is the same since 2014
/tv/ has the highest activity since 2018
People are reading less

>> No.22797146

For some perspective for how shit 4 is in 2024, the alt right characters don't even post on pol anymore. They just don't, nobody even knows who most of the people who were big just 5 years ago even are anymore

>> No.22797147

the post is 4 sentences long and you managed to miss 3 of them

>> No.22797148

>/lit/ is at its slowest rate in recorded history
>started recording in 2018
>but has had a rich history for years before that
Nice one

>> No.22797150

What happened in early 2019 that caused that massive spike of posts? My first thought for some reason was Harold Bloom death but he died late 2019. I can understand COVID being responsible for 2020's rise in posts.

>> No.22797154

Peterson–Zizek debate

>> No.22797160

that was just one guy posting a lot

>> No.22797167

I’ve realized this. It’s always been slower than other boards, but some threads will be the hot topics that go up to 300+ and beyond the bump limit, and you can except a few threads you like to have interesting replies readily that you can check up on every once in a while.

Now, the threads I find interesting, I see them, chip in a piece if I can, come back 5-6 hours later or after being at work or school all day and about 5 responses have been made.

The internet is largely a waste of time and drains your life-energy and attention, anyway, unless you’re using it for something productive, watching good documentaries or pirated movies, or getting PDFs/e-books of good works. If we were wise, we’d realize how sad socializing on the Internet so much is.

>> No.22797169

Ah interesting, thanks anon

>> No.22797171

who were they? /pol/'s traffic is around the same as it was in 2019. The board will have a resurgence next year because it's an election year with Donald Trump, and I personally think engagement could be increased by small numbers of people. All it takes is some autist on a mission to start publishing pamphlets regularly or whatever. There's a noticeable lack of alt-right content that's begging to be filled

>> No.22797179

The TRS podcast crew have mentioned numerous times that they feel that /pol/ is basically pointless now due to boomerization. A similar phenomena is observed with /his/ being taken over by christfags: they don't really want to talk about a topic, they just want to get off by slinging zingers and slogans at eachother. It's more like they're casting magic spells than arguing because they aren't really concerned with truth or information but rather trying to bully and abuse someone into kowtowing to their frame and vibes.

>> No.22797180

Like Spencer, Casey, Anglin, Ryan Faulk, any mention of Jared T.lor, the Infowars people. They're gone man, all the organic celebs who were affiliated with pushing narratives have been rolled up. I don't hear anything except agenda-driven vaporware and gaslighting these days. Have you noticed nupawul hardly even fits the definition of what was witey nat at all?
>fill that gap
lol, I'm not jumping on that cross

>> No.22797182

Is this just some schizobabble or is it supposed to make some sense?

>Kohlchan) are all bleeding users
KC seems stable enough to me.

>> No.22797188
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Only one man can save this board

>> No.22797189

I've never seen evidence of /his/ ever having been a good board. They've been haplogroup autists for as far back as I can remember.

>> No.22797192
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>/lit/ is at its lowest popularity
>catalog is still clogged with shitty threads every day that die instantly and get no replies
Most common problem across 4chan for the past couple years. Tons of threads yet no one actually posts in them. The interesting ones end up getting archived quickly because there's so much new shit flooding the catalogue. It's a disaster.

>> No.22797194

>I've never seen evidence of /his/ ever having been a good board.
I was shitposting on it the day that it opened, it's always been trash.

>Spencer, Casey, Anglin, Ryan Faulk, any mention of Jared T.lor
They're all either gay or on twitter.

>> No.22797196

the moment when they were doing bomber harris memes and hatebonering Germany actually involved the practice of debating history

>> No.22797202

I started using in 2019. What compelled me, I'm not sure. I just felt the urge to read more books and since then I've read dozens and dozens

>> No.22797214

About 70% of the threads on the catalogue right now were made today. I checked.

>> No.22797228

Don't worry, I'm going to start posting again. /lit/ will be alright.
>Verification not required.

>> No.22797249

You now realise that news stories about x being the biggest or smallest they've been in recorded history is bullshit.

>> No.22797254

If good posters have no peers to talk with, they will stop coming here. you can't complain about post quality if you aren't trying to engage with them when they happen

>> No.22797286

This is a good thing. /lit/ is still too fast. It's about three times as fast as /diy/ and when it was at it's faster speed, threads would die in a single day. /lit/ refuses to make generals like /diy/ and /out/ and every thread on this board dies with 10 posts.

>> No.22797290

/lit/ needs a "Stupid questions that don't deserve their own thread" thread and less posters in general.

>> No.22797360

The worst part is that the topics from the poltard invasion have stuck around so it's still all christlarping and 5 year stale natsoc drudgery. No one is talking about actual literature

>> No.22797459

agreed, in fact someone should just regularly make those threads every other day so that less trash is one this board and we can have some good discussion going in the existing threads

>> No.22797461

The issue is that there is a concerted effort to destroy /lit/, and 4chan in general from the inside. Three remarks:
>1. The pace at which threads are made has not decreased, only the number of replies. Its also been noted that many of these threads are recycled from the catalogue. This implies that there are a substantial amount of bot threads, which act to slide quality discussion while filling the board with highly reptative topics. So we do not benefit from the expected reduction in speed that slow imageboards historically benefit from.
>2. There is a dedicated core of agressive shitposters who attempt to derail productive discussions through argumentative tactics, harass users who post identifiable OC, and generally drag down the quality of the board. These are the people telling you to "kys" in every thread, who take interesting topics and derail them into /pol/ shitflinging.
>3. Poor moderation. Novel topics and unique threads which generate lots of creative OC have generaly been tolerated in the past, even if they arent entirely focused on literature. Now these threads, even ones that are focused on literature, are generally taken down. Personally Ive experienced this posting about controversy concerning famous authors, but also consider posters like Londonfrog. At the same time, garbage topics, mostly focused on psychosexual or racial themes, are allowed to hit their bump limit before being deleted.
Im not sure what the solution is, but its clear there needs to be a migration out of 4chan and towards greener pastures. Ill discuss possible solutions in a later post.

>> No.22797493

thank you please leave

>> No.22797499

mods don't create anything, they just destroy communities by restricting the content and who can post. Case in point is nu/k/

>> No.22797549

So i see several courses of action:
>1st would be to actively colonize an existing forum. This would be preferable for several reasons (it avoids the drama/infighting of establishing a new board, it comes with an already active userbase, and webforums are largely from the same generation of the internet as imageboards) it also has some drawbacks, notably that good literature forums are few and far between, already have a established board culture, and sites like reddit are as much fed-controlled honeypots as this place is. Best course of action would be to decide on a format first, then look for potential dead/dying corners of larger forums that might be attractive canidates.
>2nd would be build a new imageboard. I dont think this is possible for the chessepizza factor, since it only takes a couple posts for feds to seize the doman and turn it into a new honeypot. We'll see the fall of /lit/ play out in accelerated motions without achieving any substantial victory.
>3rd position is a textboard. Its basic, stripped down, but avoids the pitfalls of imageboards while peserving their essential character. There are already some decent /lit/ textboards out there, but a textboard devoted entirely to literature, humanities, etc might be fun.
For all these options, the biggest question would be recruitment. Obviously advertising on /lit/ will attract the same negative elements, so word of mouth would probably have to spread through other means. Namely twitter and email. This wouldnt be so hard, since a lot of classic /lit/ posters can still be found if you know where to look. It could also provide a chance for a kind of rebirth, by bringing in new blood from the internet and real life. Of course, that would require an active recruitment campaign carried out by a vangaurd of users.

Final thoughts: in imageboards, as with everything, the medium is the message. The medium of this site has contributed to its culture immensly, and if we want to meaningfully change the nature of the board, we will need to meaningflly change the medium of interaction. What does this mean? I'm not sure yet. Some sites like twitter seem to do 4chan better than 4chan does itself, but is this what e want? Other sites like substack provide a platform for long-form writing, serialized novels, essays, etc. but it also is lacking a certain elan vital that imageboards have. Forums have their advantages, namely a lack of trolls and higher quality posting in general, but theres a reason we are all here and not elsewhere. Maybe the future of /lit/ is a browser compatable MMORPG. I dont know. I think literature itself is undergoing a period of change right now. Until long form writing can find a medium by which to achieve relevancy in the modern world, literature as a whole will decline.

>> No.22797598

God i hope so. I hope it dies to 1/20th of the userbase.
Then the bunkerchanners, the redditors, the athiests, the BBCspammers will all see it as irrelevant and go shill some other place.

>> No.22797601

Expecting any kind of collective action out on 4chan is too much. "Build it and they will come" in that people will only go to places that are already established. No one wants to be on the mayflower.

>> No.22797614

I have some ideas. But it seems like any great websites needs to offer something.... truly original. Thats where I'm stumbling. What is that je ne sais quoi that could make literature as a medium atttractive to a dedicated base? Make it exciting? Make people see it through fresh eyes? Its not enough to simply clone another imageboard, there has to be something genuinely exiciting to the website. Thats what I'm hoping to find bouncing these ideas around.

>> No.22797639

All we need are non-retard jannies that get rid of low quality threads immediately, ones that have no potential for generating good discussion or any discussion. Either that or the owners of this site should experiment with limiting how many threads can be made by users in a day.

>> No.22797660

>Its also been noted that many of these threads are recycled from the catalogue. This implies that there are a substantial amount of bot threads, which act to slide quality discussion while filling the board with highly reptative topics.
At first I immediately thought of calling you schizo, but then I remembered this is absolutely true and I noticed it myself within the last two years (leading to me drastically reducing the time I spend here, among other factors). However, most of those threads (and some comments) are most likely human, not bot-made, which admittedly doesn't make the situation any better. E.g. there was a guy who posted about "complex vs. simple" writing with DFW images for months on end. I truly don't understand how can a human being be so braindead to post like that.

>I dont think this is possible for the chessepizza factor, since it only takes a couple posts for feds to seize the doman and turn it into a new honeypot
No wait you are indeed a schizo.
I think the textboard idea is the best. Or just make an ordinary forum. But nobody would join because the jannies will remove any mention of alternatives to 4chan (e.g. you can't even explicitly mention 8ch, even though it's been dead for years).

Man, they let /vr/ die a horrible death in shitposts. There are no non-retarded jannies, just stop expecting anything from them beyond removing porn and gore.

>> No.22797661

> long term i suspect the site will simply be gone.

Where will we rendezvous when they shut it down? Serious question. Should we start a group on faceberg? A twatter community?

>> No.22797665

Just let it die.

>> No.22797673

Why? This is the only internet community I have where I still learn new things.

>> No.22797680

What do you think, where do the people that you learn from learn?

>> No.22797683

You think /vr/ is wrecked and it isn't the abusive janny running that board whose the problem?

>> No.22797690

QRD of what happened there? I’ve heard other people mention this

>> No.22797695

probably me. I've been banned just for discussing street fighter and disliking mortal kombat. I've been warned for posting religion threads on /his/. I've been repeatedly banned just for disagreeing with ukranian shills on /k/. The Jannies are the fucking problem on this site not the people, we are only a stone's throw from reddit at this point

>> No.22797702
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why do I feel like I'm in a /biz/ thread right now

>> No.22797715

I'm talking about how they allowed the discussion of non-retro games some time ago which turned the board into a shitfest for months at a minimum (I stopped visiting it so idk what's the current situation).

>> No.22797721

Lit is and has been the beach head and FOB for commies on 4chan, they've been losing interest lately and prefer to just sit on discord and twitter now

/his/ just has a literal 65 iq eurojanny. he's the least consistent of any board. you can have 15 jervaischizo threads up, or post 5 cunny threads, and at all times there are 30 yhwhjak threads.
but if you make one post targeted at libs or the history of science, he'll have your post down and a ban in hand for you in 10 mins flat.
he's always watching, it looks unmoderated but it isnt
/his/ shit as it is, is exactly the way he wants it.

>> No.22797731

It isn't the his janny, it's typically when I post on /k/ aggroing their blanket ukraine censorship that I'll start getting these bullshit reports. I assume a mod is crawling the post history looking for something bannable