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/lit/ - Literature

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2279478 No.2279478 [Reply] [Original]

Haiku thread?
Haiku thread

riveted from start
In an meaningless system
crashed down from blue sky

>> No.2279492 [DELETED] 

Eating Out My Butt
The Girl Tickles My Balls
Oh yeah, girl. Damn. :)

>> No.2279496

Eating Out My Butt
The Girl Tickles My Balls
Oh yeah, girl. Damn babe. :)

>> No.2279499

I used to come here
for the delicious cp
now I talk bout books

>> No.2279766

Bro, most of 4chan
started on /b/, but then they
realized it was shit.

On that note, is there anyone here whose first 4chan board was something other than /a/, /b/, /v/, or /r9k/?

>> No.2279779

/mu/ and /lit/ increase
we're all getting to be old
gotta prove ourselves

>> No.2279782

Former /b/tard here
Came for the gore and bitches
Stayed for the Camus

>> No.2279791

Look at the poor nigger on the wall
Look at him. Look at the poor nigger.
Look at the poor nigger...on...the...wall...
Fuck him... Fuck the nigger on the wall
Black man...is...de...debil?

>> No.2279893

Fissures in my teeth
Protect my mouth from blowing
Against the cold winds

>> No.2279915

Mighty internet
Out of body Odyssey
Endless grey ocean


>> No.2279918

My anus has leaked
Something super yellow
-Soft stool jello!

A carpenter
Once became a king
Then died

Forest of shared
Dreams and fantasies.
Dickweed rages hard.

A turkey tastes
Like a dirty cunt if
given enough rights.

>> No.2279922

terrible thread base
causes christmas excitement
to go unnoticed

>> No.2279938

Lol at ignorant
God fearing Christian retard
Or consumer whore.

>> No.2279940

haiku is dumb shit
suck my dick, you dumb fuckers
seriously, suck on my motherfucking nuts, you anuses

>> No.2279941 [DELETED] 

Who says "Lol" "lull"?

>> No.2279948

You where taught to hate
with reverse psychology.
I doubt you noticed.

>> No.2279954


We're and Were and Where,
You do not know the dif'rence.
Makes me very sad.

>> No.2279957

I can only see
The things I hope to see
Why am I so lost

>> No.2279960

I have too and to
your and you're not to mention
their and they're of course.

Doing better than
average American
is all I aim for.

>> No.2279967

This is not a haiku
Just a short statement
You're a fucking retard.

>> No.2279972
File: 108 KB, 640x502, Average-American.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to play devil's advocate here, but you can be better than the average American and still be in a deplorable state.

>> No.2279973

And thus spoke Meursault,

"I don't even give a fuck,
it doesn't mean shit."

>> No.2279985

The Constitution:
A wonderful document.
Wasted on gluttons.

media is all they want.
Is life so boring?

>> No.2280001

The truth:
Life really sucks
Where have you been?

White people give
Niggers rights and aids
Which is worse?

>> No.2280004

oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>> No.2280009

Poetry is dumb
It's really really really
really really dumb

>> No.2280023

Time to play guitar.
Just found out that life sucks cock.
Least I have the blues.

>> No.2280025

collective dreamwish of upperclass elegance

>> No.2280027

Poetry is the porn of the gods through the lips of the gays. It's a acquired taste and by acquired I mean you must first acquire a hard cock in the ass to understand it fully.

Example poem (only a rock hard fag would get this one)

Slushy cum spills out my heavy ass
Onto the floor, into a glass
And saint Peter pulls on his angry peter
Above my head and makes it snow sweater.
And burns my back with candle wax.

>> No.2280031

Hmmm sweeter...?

Yes just one fuck up or two?

>> No.2280040

Aborted fetus
Tastes just like chicken
So I hear.

>> No.2280041

Crawling in my skin
these wounds they will not heal.
We're all 12 again.

>> No.2280048

No it doesn't - more like alligator.

>> No.2280050

You couldn't spent 20 seconds on a clever haiku?

>> No.2280065

No I couldn't
That's the point.

>> No.2280071

The Internet can
Make you severely depressed
If you give a fuck

>> No.2280078

Apathy and sloth
they are no longer groovy
this isn't 8th grade

>> No.2280094 [DELETED] 

Time cube proves the truth
Give this man a Nobel Prize
Norway has four sides

>> No.2280097
File: 24 KB, 531x328, time cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time cube proves the truth
Give this man a Nobel Prize
Sweden has four sides

>> No.2280311

I am a ninja.
Cut you down. Watch the blood spray.
Every God damn day.

>> No.2280328

You are a ninja?
Well, ARGH! I am a pirate!
The ship, it awaits.

>> No.2280332

OP is a faggot
OP is a giant faggot
OP is a faggot

>> No.2280336

Ninjas with pirates?
The world can not handle that!
Look! A cowboy hat!

>> No.2280338

Howdy, ninjirates.
I am a badass, you see?
So make use of me!

>> No.2280346

They sailed down the coast.
With swords, a ship, and some rope.
Though they did lack soap.