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File: 25 KB, 277x367, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22794137 No.22794137 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you all study such useless subjects?

>> No.22794142

“I’m sure someone thinks that’s pretty neat”- me on most theology, atheism and philosophic discussion on this board


>> No.22794145

Name one useless subject

>> No.22794151

The limits of my language are the limits of my world.

>> No.22795888

History. Our recorded chronology is a complete fabrication and access to any semblance of true history is completely gatekept (at least on the surface) by Jesuits through organizations like the Smithsonian (go take a look at their respective logos). Interestingly enough, the subject of historiography is as useful as the subject of History is useless because it teaches one to be critical about how we have come to accept things as historical fact. I would reckon that our true chronology is so vastly different than what we are taught at school, that every world leader could go out in front of the world tomorrow, give a presentation on it at the UN or something, and the masses still would not believe it.

>> No.22795906

I studied medicine because of some fat Bulgarian on Twitter who sucks at chess.

>> No.22795913

because we were born with inclinations that we mindlessly followed just like you and whatever gay meaningless shit you do with your life

>> No.22795924

Why do you faggots keep posting Wittgenstein even if late Witty himself renounced the central conclusions of TLP?

>> No.22795926
File: 157 KB, 1400x967, Amédée_Forestier_-_Signing_of_Treaty_of_Ghent_(1814).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22795961

because most people don't actually read or understand philosophy but they read the wikipedia collection of seminal western philosophers to find out who they need to pretend to understand in order to flex knowledge around other people and get a summary gist of their basic ideas which are almost always wrong, but it doesnt matter, understanding isnt the goal, weaponized cue-card style uttering of "facts" is the goal
Would it surprise you to know that MOST of the people I've discussed Wittgenfaggot online with, don't know what I'm talking about when I say he renounced his entire philosophy and then asserted the opposite with just as much arrogant vigor as before, rendering him history's biggest idiot? or, one of them at least

>> No.22795972

you have heard of him though

>> No.22795985

heard of him? I read all his stuff.

>> No.22796000
File: 89 KB, 405x563, witters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that's not STEM with practical training. All other subjects can be learned from books in your own time without paying a penny of tuition.

>> No.22796006

the truest tho for real. way too fucking true
What they've done with "college" in our time is criminal

>> No.22796012

be glad history doesn't know of you too then

>> No.22796016

I'm sorry I insulted your daddy and hurt your feelings. What are you fucking five years old?

>> No.22796029

structuralists are clinically retarded on god

>> No.22796038

Why do you listen to what Jews have to say.

>> No.22796055

i was joking with you and being playful.
are you five you retard??? sorry!

>> No.22796058

Studying STEM to make money for this system turns you into that pic

Following your passions will leave you enough time to hit the gym and fuck that pic

>> No.22796092

i dont believe you

>> No.22796131

you could have just said

>> No.22796152

Femalestein is fucking hot. Not to mention the trips. Bravo anon, bravo.

>> No.22796177

>Ludwiggette looks like she married an alcoholic who offed himself, and now associates all sensual pleasure with horrific pain, and now just goes through the motions of working her shitty government job, picking the kids up from daycare, smoking half a pack a day, playing darts once a week with her high school friend Rhonda, constantly fuelled by benzos. the last time she was hit on was by a fat divorcee at darts night 7 months ago, and although she was thinking inside, ‘this wouldn’t be so bad,’ she came off so cold that the guy will not not only never talk to her again, he won’t even go back to that bar, ever, for fear of seeing her

>> No.22796316

STEMfags are limited, obtuse, retarded pawns for big pharma, the military industry, and the governments of the world.

>> No.22796322

not all of them are that, that's a ridiculous thing to say. Imagine being ideologically committed against science as if its a virtue lol. /pol/ has truly gotten out of control and become a caricature of itself.

>> No.22796332

Why are you such a useless subject. Don't you have some more good goy points to collect fag?

>> No.22796341

>practical training.

that's called getting a job and gaining experience

>> No.22796360

The social "sciences": psychology, sociology, medicine.

>> No.22796378

medicine? really?

>> No.22796398

>there are useful subjects

>> No.22796401

Medicine is a natural science not a social science.

>> No.22796466
File: 187 KB, 1400x1653, bee_efficient.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when college wasn't a scam though, the best writers weren't litfag majors. They either worked a real job or joined the clergy or they were richfags who could spend all day on their hobbies.
Witters was an antisemitic Jew, which makes him more interesting than any /pol/tard antisemite as his critique of Judaism comes from inside experience.
You can still slack off and work part-time temping jobs to fund your creative pursuits if you want. Or you can work really hard and try to get enough capital to be financially independent. Or anything in between. Practical STEM skills give you options.
Looks like she would be really uptight, but secretly crave human touch.
I can save her with cuddles. :)
If you want to be a tradie, sure. If you'd rather go to college then there's engineering, chemistry, medicine, etc.

>> No.22796652

These are more useful and interesting than natural science, despite being less precise (the reason you dislike them in the first place). You seethe because STEM appeals to spergs and pajeets

>> No.22796658

I don't, I have a BSc in CS and Applied Mathematics, I just come over here to laugh at baristas and look for book recs

>> No.22796659

There's three subjects that are not worthless:
1. Theology
2. Math
3. Wittgenstein

>> No.22796687

Part time temping is still putting in more work than a low-end wage job, to get the same results, plus most of that work is frontended on your best years for getting fit, discovering social/sexual experience, and building a useful knowledge base for your real work. Independently wealthy by white collar work is a laughably empty assurance the system waves in front of you until it‘s too late.

Also jew boy was neither antisemitic nor interesting.

>> No.22796693

the post that ended stemfags

>> No.22796696

I studied STEM at university and I found myself drawn to the subjects that were objectively the most useless and found the most practical subjects to be uninteresting

>> No.22796702

I switched to Pure Math from Mech. Eng. because I didn't want to spend the rest of my life studying valves or some other gay shit like that

>> No.22796707

That's because the liberal arts liberate your mind towards more stimulating concepts and ideas. You grow more as a person with philosophy and history than you ever will with the stem subjects.

>> No.22796848

I'm not talking about liberal arts, this >>22796702 anon got what I was talking about

>> No.22796879

>Part time temping is still putting in more work than a low-end wage job
Only if you chose to work more hours than required to live.
>getting fit
You can do that with any job that doesn't eat up all your time with long commutes.
>social/sexual experience
>building a useful knowledge base for your real work
Yeah, like knowing math and logic so your philosophy is more than "trust me bro". Or having the tech skills to do your own graphic design, CAD files and 3D printing. Or the mechanical skills to make your own furniture and sculptures. I could go on.

>> No.22796885

rumor has it that Wittgenstein actually rescinded his philosophy a third time right before he died, he was writing about how it would even be considered intelligible to talk about "knowing" whether or not one's own face existed, how this type of knowledge would have to be considered a logical pre-category, a sort of pre-condition of anything being intelligible at all, but how this leads to a second rabbit hole of meta-intelligibility, and that requiring its own set of logically positive justifications, when all of a sudden, he realized he'd spent his entire life playing meaningless language-games with himself that don't even come close to grasping anything meaningful, true or real, that he had wasted his time being a sperg faggot and had not ever even touched a woman's pussy, then immediately died of shock

>> No.22796899

I don't study anything. I'm a blue collar worker. I got expelled from university due to rape. I enjoy reading, thoughever.

>> No.22796906

I wish I was one of Ludwig's students getting to fuck his bussy and make him whimper every day after class
Most based thing he ever did

>> No.22796908


That sort of deathbed/just-before-death stuff doesn't count in anyone's biography, really. Whatever drastic and uncharacteristic change a person makes shortly before death isn't what they were really all about, isn't really "them". Their beliefs, their attutudes, their ideas. It's just a final flagellation in the face of the ultimate crisis. This is also why the Christian notion of the "deathbed conversion" is a failure.

>> No.22796909

I'm sorry somebody raped you, seems like a weird thing to expel someone for

>> No.22796914

I don't know man. I think the 100% true story of Wittgenstein dying from shock after realizing he never got pussy was something he meant and not an obvious joke I left here as a way of saying I think the guy was a faggot who had nothing important to say.

>> No.22797006

He was a literal faggot though. He didn't care for pussy at all, so how could he regret not getting it?

>> No.22797019

idk its almost like it was a joke

>> No.22797931

I'm not ideologically committed against science at all, I'm just ideologically committed against assholier-than-thou STEMfags that think they're somehow not pawns in the grand scheme of things.
>You can still slack off and work part-time temping jobs to fund your creative pursuits if you want. Or you can work really hard and try to get enough capital to be financially independent. Or anything in between. Practical STEM skills give you options.
None of the STEMfags I know actually do anything creative. They spent their whole student years coping how they will also read philosophy and have creative endeavors, but in the end they became wageslaves who spend their limited free time doing dumb shit like rock climbing.