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File: 6 KB, 201x251, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22793858 No.22793858 [Reply] [Original]

How do we prevent leftists from cancelling Pynchon? Things over on X are really heating up.

>> No.22794326

What are they going to do to him

>> No.22794351

wtf is X

>> No.22794354

what isn't it
its what we are heading to, its what we are becoming

>> No.22794364

I literally, figuratively, and even in a third abstract and esoteric sense with no proper word, do not care what anyone says on twitter.

>> No.22794370

twitter. This is one of those threads that normally has a twitter screenshot and "opinions??" as the post but OP is too lazy to even do that. Also he's been spamming this shit for days. Sage and kill yourself OP

>> No.22794393

Isn't that shit going bankrupt anyway. Musk showed that for every so many daddy's money richfags go out investing as kids, one will get lucky. But what the fuck technology did this dude ever design himself? Got the boot from his own company for fucking shit up, now crashed this one. Maybe being rich just fried his ego and he wasn't always this retarded, but I would imagine he was.

>> No.22794397

Call it twitter you butt sucking cum slurping faggot

>> No.22794400

every single one of his ventures comes from finding smart people and throwing money at them. No, he's never done anything himself, but considering Steve Jobs is still seen as the messiah of tech by normies it doesn't matter, just being the face is enough.

>> No.22794402
File: 63 KB, 976x549, _103330503_musk3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is Twitter?

>> No.22794412

Steve Jobs didn't lead Apple to bankruptcy

>> No.22794433


>> No.22794446

that wasn't my point

>> No.22794453

How many sages do you need to slide a thread?

>> No.22794457
File: 656 KB, 828x821, cunts on twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22794477

Who still uses twitter? I quit twitter when I wanted to test this "freedom of speech" thing by poting a bunch of racial slurs. I got banned and didn't use the option to restore my account. My mental health improved instantly after quitting.

In other words: OP is a fag

>> No.22794482

Isn't he a white guilt ridden WASP? What more do they want?

>> No.22794494

Yes it was you stupid retard

>> No.22794511

I hope you get banned.

>> No.22794514

No it wasn't you drooling mongoloid

>> No.22794516

>no u

lol cope

>> No.22794520

It really wasn't but whatever makes you feel better.
Not me.

>> No.22794554

I do respect Jobs more than Muskrat. Apple's focus on elegant simplicity was brilliant. They had a large variety of innovative products and they nailed it every time. Meanwhile the LG smartphone I had in 2011 (years after the creation of the iphone) still fucking sucked. Jobs wasn't the only person in the world with money, it's the design philosophy that made him succeed.
Musk doesn't have the same success rate as Steve and there's nothing special about Tesla cars except the brand. Musk was coneviently able to make losses for years in an economically low-risk environment. During that time he generated free marketing by becoming a meme. And many of his endeavors are just vaporware.

>> No.22794595

As if "Yes it was you stupid retard" is substantive

>> No.22794629

I'm sorry for your profound mental retardation

>> No.22794635
File: 21 KB, 474x441, OIP (3) (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey fuck you LG smartphones were great ;_;

>> No.22794640

Don't be retarded then i know for you that's hard ;)

>> No.22794660

Your words expose you as either a liar or ignorant. If you truly didn't care, you would have ignored the thread.

>> No.22794683
File: 9 KB, 474x213, th (1) (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X is going bankrupt

>> No.22794698

The P stands for protestant and Pynchmeister is a Catholic

>> No.22794701

Based based based!!!

>> No.22794702


>> No.22794707

why have left and right wing american culture-wars dummies got so hung up on banning books?

>> No.22794713

Nobody's going after pynchon because the triggerati haven't the patience for him so pretend they've read him and say he's based to not look stupid

>> No.22794761

information = power

>> No.22794771

Leftists "cancelling" anything just makes the subject of their ire more interesting these days. Don't they know this from their "read banned books" idea?

>> No.22794789

No one has banned anything, anon. It's just part of the oppression dance.

>> No.22794840

He had AIDs

>> No.22795239

Not the one I had, which wasn't even that cheap. It had a physical keyboard which seemed cool when I bought it but it sucked shit. My point is that most companies did a bunch of failed experiments whereas apple nailed everything first try.

>> No.22795258

Except nobody reads books

>> No.22795648

“They” do.

>> No.22795666

not a coherent system

>> No.22795750

I don’t even see any threads. Post here

>> No.22795856
