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22793382 No.22793382 [Reply] [Original]

How many Evola books on a shelf before it becomes a problem... do girls even know who Evola is?

>> No.22793402

Dont worry anon, with that many Evola books girls wont be coming to yourplace anyways.

Generally speaking however, theres no point hiding your powerlevel since most high quality girls are chuds anyways. I always treat my conquests to a rant about international zionist cartels, how fascism was based, and that le west is fallen thanks to faggots and drag shows. Once paraphrased Sayid Qutb about the failures of democracy and the necesity of an independent theocratic judiciary and her eyes lit up and she said "I love men with principles." Only girls who get offended over that shit are diseased anyways, strippers and BPD girls. Is tha who you want in your home? Rearing your children?

>> No.22793435
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When I place books on my shelf, I too, seriously consider what women would think about it. That's because I am a faggot just like you! :D You can be my 'puer delicatus' just like Ancient Rome. It's TRADITION. ;)))

>> No.22793458


>> No.22793461

Get married and make a family you degenerate

>> No.22793476

What's the point of reading a literal homosexual like Evola?

>> No.22793500 [DELETED] 

I'm a starving artist who only chases after rich, beautiful, intelligent women. They have better options, so naturally it never goes beyond a briefly passionate fling before they return to their boyfriends and husbands. Someday Id like to marry a rich heiress, inherent her fortune, and use it to keep a couple of mistreses housed in luxurious investment properties, but at the moment thats nothing but a pipe dream. Evola would approve.

>> No.22793508

would he approve of a man being a starving artist?

>> No.22793516

Also I'm gay

>> No.22793523
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They were pretty gay. It's obvious from their cups, like the Warren Cup, and reliefs.
And honestly there's nothing wrong with that. Human sexuality is very complex and doesn't necessarily fit into your rosy Abrahamic influenced perspective. I, myself, am heterosexual but understand the importance of being unbiased and not shoehorning my preferences when analyzing ancient peoples.
If it makes you feel any better, Ancient Persians fucked their moms, which is far more disgusting than even pederasty.

>> No.22793529

I, too, fucked your mom. Once you get over the smell its not that bad

>> No.22793534

One guy was a fag != everyone was a fag and fags were accepted

>> No.22793549

this many Evola books on your shelf makes women spread their legs immediately, no bitch can resist this

>> No.22793561

It was a thing the patricians did sometimes, and it was not seen negatively so long as one wasn't the bottom. That's the historical consensus. They didn't see homosexuality as "sinful".
This is the academic consensus unless you believe in a large scale conspiracy.
I am personally a prude because I am a man of high culture.

>> No.22793563

historical consensus = jewish consensus... watch the video i sent

>> No.22793576

If everything academic that goes against your narrative is Jewish social engineering, then everything can be called suspect. Therefore, I will not take anything you say seriously. If you're going to topple the foundations to this extent, then further engagement is completely meaningless.
I'm not going to listen to a retarded YouTuber faggot. Why don't you email an actual professor or someone who has read numerous books on the Ancient Romans instead? That's because the professors are all Jew'd? Who isn't Jew'd then? Everyone but Evola and his insipid fanboys isn't Jew'd?

>> No.22793583

Post nose

>> No.22793825

you really take his writing to heart, dont you? This thread is the epitome of riding the tiger.

>> No.22793894

>the foundations
>>20th century revisionism constitutes "foundations"
I'm in awe of your intellect

>> No.22793948

>then everything can be called suspect
Everything IS suspect. There is a reason the powers that be want you consuming goyslop both at the dinner table and in front of your screen, so that your gut instinct can be rendered useless. Credentials aren't what make the person, the content is. I haven't read very much of Evola's work, but even his work has its role it play. The true significance of any work that has supposedly survived the test of time will never be truly ascertained by the masses because we are only provided with these works on an incidental basis. There is a bigger picture at play and if you can't figure that out by looking at the continual decline of academia that's taken place during the last half century then you haven't been paying attention.

>> No.22794276

Like maybe 2% have even heard of him. It's never been a problem for me. More chicks were put off by my math books.
>with that many Evola books girls wont be coming to yourplace anyways.
I know you're joking and so on, but I have used Evola's takes to fuck astrology chicks. As soon as I whip out the hermetic takes and make them palatable for them, they think I'm "mysterious", as corny as that shit sounds.

>> No.22794281

Based. Evola books even look good. Great spines.

>> No.22795950

I have every one published in English stacked on my dresser by my bed and have women over constantly.

>> No.22795970

Low IQ take. I bet you got vaccinated and thought Drumpf worked for Putin too. If anybody wanted your idiot opinion they could just read kosher legacy media headlines.

>> No.22795978

>I'm not going to listen to a retarded YouTuber faggot. Why don't you email an actual professor or someone who has read numerous books on the Ancient Romans instead?

>> No.22795991

Omg ur such a chud incel wu hurt u??? :(

>> No.22795998

>tfw too high-level to talk about esotericism with women

>> No.22796002

why do you care about women
i have never bought a book and thought "what do women think about this tho"

>> No.22796003

Triggered redditard tranny detected

>> No.22796009

Ya. How are you supposed to exude solar superiority if you're concerned with what a woman will think of your book collection? Stop caring.

>> No.22796125

Omg guys check this out... those damn Jews got to to all these primary sources!!!

>references to Spartan laws
>Sacred Band
>Socrates/Alcibiades (and other similar mentions in Platonic dialogues)
>various targets of comedy
>Pelops myth
>Ganymede myth
>Hyacinthus myth
>tons of pottery depictions
>an entire fucking cultural institution with specialized terminology
>allusions by Plutarch that clearly imply that such practices were WIDESPREAD and not necessarily absent anywhere, just relatively less common
>analogous practices across more or less all major cultures

I know it's fundamentally different from modern ideas about homosexuality, you can't strawman me with that. And I know attitudes about it were ambiguous and complicated. But it was obviously a part of life for a non insignificant portion of the population, and it obviously was not a taboo that had to be hidden.

>> No.22796142

Was he really fag? Did he really like all the pagan homosexual shit?

>> No.22796197

>reads Evola
>cares about femoids

>> No.22796213

>guys it's obvious!
>look at this list of sources that I haven't checked that I found on Goygle
>trust me goys!
What are you even doing here you fucking idiot? You're too scared to watch a YouTube video refuting you, nobody cares, you anti-White goblin.


Now stop projecting your faggotry everywhere like a typical mentally ill homo.

>> No.22796219

No you idiot.

>> No.22796411

I'm not the other anon, I watched some of the video, he did a decent amount of research and obviously he is right about plenty of things. I'll point out that I simply do not give a shit one way or the other about this as a "moral" issue, I only care about the proper understanding of the Greek spirit.

The video is, as you can hopefully immediately recognize upon starting to watch it, and as he himself admits, biased, and wants to magnify what supports his point while minimizing what undermines it. A simple example: he quotes Xenophon talking about Spartan laws prohibiting homosexuality (contradicting Plutarch, who I admit is a much less trustworthy source) - putting aside that the need to explicitly name such a thing as a risk already suggests it was somewhat commonplace before Lycurgus' civilizing project, in the previous paragraph Xenophon gives a couple examples of city-states where the practice is/was accepted, while also stating that in other places the interaction between men and boys was forbidden altogether (implying, again, that the sexual practice had been common). Obviously the fractured nature of Greece w/r/t things like laws complicates this whole discussion and makes it possible for both sides to cherrypick examples. In the same vein, of course, all the talk about Platonic love and transcending desire is clearly done with the bedrock assumption in mind that such attractions exist - they are simply taken for granted.

As for the quote from Aeschines' "Against Timarchus", elsewhere in the oration Aeschines speaks at length about how he himself had engaged in the forbidden practices habitually. Clearly what was going on, and what the video maker would state if he was either more informed, more clear-sighted or more honest, is that the Greeks were becoming more polite, more self-conscious, more civilized, and the set of things that were acceptable to them was becoming more restricted. The philosophers especially were consciously engaged in a civilizing project, along with the likes of Euripides and his rationalized problem-plays, and this is evident in Plato's development towards the late Laws, taking a final stand against the socially degenerative practices the desire for which he nonetheless believed to be a part of normal psychology. Same analysis can apply to the Ganymede case, externalizing what is implied to be the common interpretation of the myth even at that point in time to "Crete" (we can note here not without significance that Crete is Greece's daddy, culturally speaking, and the primary wellspring of their mythology). This is what Nietzsche railed against, especially its culmination in the highly negative worldview of Stoicism. Then later on, with the likes of Plutarch and Athenaeus, we enter a true period of decadence in which Greece as a political entity is no longer relevant, and they simply acknowledge the existence of the desires without much thought as to how it might impact social morals.

>> No.22796492

And some further ambiguity comes from the lack of acknowledgement that of course the concept of "what was proper for a person" varied with age as well as with gender. For an adult man, generally speaking, being the receptive partner was a no-no. For an adolescent, we can clearly see views were more mixed.

Again, anytime he mentions stuff about "well actually the *idealized* pederastic relationship was nonsexual", this is a reference to the reformist element in Greek thought, it has little to no bearing on what the pederastic practice looked like in its real form, and certainly not its *original* form. When he talks about the "eros" in "erastes/eromenos" as referring to the lustful desire for teaching a boy and making society stronger... in light of everything else said and implied about how often it was in fact sexual... surely, surely you see that this part is absolutely ridiculous sophistry, right? Surely if you were at all capable of being unbiased you would take this as an egregious insult to your intelligence? Not to say that this alone should invalidate any of his other points, of course.

He also claimed to give an overview of Greek mythology without making mention of the other two obvious mythical examples I threw out there, which exist among a whole plethora - some more authentic than others, I'm sure, but all far, far older than modernity; there's a preponderance of evidence that he could have found in two seconds if he'd been interested in accurately representing the other side.

Overall I think he makes some nice points, of course in one's life writ large sexuality should not permeate everything, and that was not the case with the Greeks, they believed everything had its proper place and balance, as did any traditional culture. But in certain times and places in Greece there were absolutely things that were considered fine or relatively harmless which Christianity ended up considering to be sinful.

His overall point is just to countersignal academic attempts at "queering" Greece, which of course I agree with, as I said in my fruitless attempt at inb4ing your shallow and thoughtless response.

>> No.22796540

They literally had a word for faggots which translates to "shameful", you bloviating asshole. There's clearly an anti-White/Western bias in academia and pop-culture which seeks to degrade and undermine our history. This must be fought.

>> No.22796626

Well, it was shameful for an adult male (to be the receptive partner, that is), certainly. It was probably, varying with place and time, to some degree shameful for the eromenos as well (although again there is plenty of reason to presume that the standards for adults and adolescents were meaningfully different), but they were acting out a cultural form that had some degree of pseudo-legitimate precedent, and perhaps more to the point they were engaged in a transaction. In fact prostitution is probably a pretty good parallel to draw, in that it was considered lewd and rude in many contexts but it happened all the time nonetheless. And in the context of the symposium, an important topic of and setting for poetry (lest we forget we are on a LITERATURE board, and thus maybe our discussion should at least pay lip service to what was relevant in LITERATURE), it was even glorified and aestheticized. Of course the other side of the coin, which I mentioned, with respect to representation in literature, is that in comedy the effeminate partner, if an adult, was often lampooned. But when talking about adults in the role of erastes, Aristophanes doesn't really criticize the desire itself, he simply complains about those who are excessively predating boys at the gymnasium all the time. Iirc the old guy in Thesmophoriazusae, who was meant to be both a sympathetic character and somewhat representative of "trad", everyman values, criticized the effeminate Agathon while also talking about wanting to fuck him (as the penetrator, ofc) and other boys/effeminate men.

>There's clearly an anti-White/Western bias in academia and pop-culture which seeks to degrade and undermine our history. This must be fought.
So even on 4chan, even inside the bunker, it has to be 24/7 kulturkampf? No time to worry about the actual truth lying between the ideological poles? Sorry soldier, you have not applied an overwhelming enough force to conscript me in your little war. If you at any point have an interest in talking about history or reality, I'd be happy to join you.

>> No.22796634

Why are you this into the Ebola virus?

>> No.22796678

And btw it's not at all surprising to see engagement at any length described as "bloviating" by someone terrified that there might exist things in the world which cannot be cleanly summed up with a "thing good" or "thing bad"-tier judgment.

Nevermind that you're expecting people to watch a fucking 50 minute video, lol.

>> No.22796682

Greece was an overt patriarchy that bordered on a male-worship culture, which was extremely masculine, but also homoerotic. This is simply the case man. You can get mad about it but its true. There is some exaggeration of things in western history like you say, probably in some part motivated by resentment, like you say; but the Greek shit is just true. I've seen that same video and he's downplaying it just as much as the other side overplays it.
The Romans were way less gay and had a much more antagonistic attitude towards gayness, although, this relaxed in the late stages and was always more acceptable in the upper classes after the founding of the Empire, because they were increasingly decadent and depraved. But overall Rome shunned it far more; part of how we know that the Greeks didn't though, is because the early Romans consciously founded the Republic off of the Greek model, deliberately, and wrote about how they were going to basically rip off Greek culture but without all the gay shit. I forget the source or the exact line but there is shit written down where they were talking about how they thought the homoeroticism in Greece brought its vitality down and is what made it susceptible to its doom

>> No.22796684

Nah, girls will just go along with your chud politics if you’re chad enough. Congrats.

>> No.22796733

Why must faggots always ruin threads?

>> No.22796735

because this is 4chan

>> No.22796791

>passive aggressive defeatist complaining (ie effeminate behavior)
>because people are discussing Greek culture instead of gossiping about “teehee what do girls like”

Yeah wow man a real loss to the University of /lit/. Makes me sad thinking of the titanic intellectual discourse we missed out on because my five posts rendered it impossible for you to drop all those great insights you were about to bless us with.

>> No.22796825

no he's just mad that the Greeks really were doin some gay shit because he doesn't have a personal identity and has found one through pretending he's a white nationalist even though he just kind of hangs out and posts on the internet. people are fuckin goin crazy man its nbd
the only reason you'd get mad at an historical fact is if you take it personally which is nuts

>> No.22796855

No doubt, it’s just fucking hilarious to me he tried to get away with framing it like that. Niggas b clownin

>> No.22797411

The trick is to date non-Americanized Asian and African girls. Find yourself a cute salafi-adjacent hijabi and just b urself :^)

>> No.22797435 [DELETED] 

>I bet you got vaccinated and thought Drumpf worked for Putin too.
These topics are unrelated, you retarded cunt.
I do not trust the science behind the mRNA vaccine. I predicted stuff like blood clots and autoimmune disorders before renegade scientists exposed it.
Trump was a big ZOG dick sucker like pretty much every other US president.

Anyways, yes the Roman patrician occasionally engaged in pederasty. No, it was framed in the liberal inclusive queer culture you see today. Human sexuality is complex. I, myself, am a heterosexual, but I am not a homophobe. I do dislike modern LGBTQ+ culture though.

>> No.22797439

>I bet you got vaccinated and thought Drumpf worked for Putin too.
These topics are unrelated, you retarded cunt.
I do not trust the science behind the mRNA vaccine. I predicted stuff like blood clots and autoimmune disorders before renegade scientists exposed it.
Trump was a big ZOG dick sucker like pretty much every other US president.

Anyways, yes the Roman patrician occasionally engaged in pederasty. No, it was not framed in a liberal inclusive queer dialectic you see today. Human sexuality is complex. I, myself, am a heterosexual, but I am not a homophobe. I do dislike modern LGBTQ+ culture though as I made clear.

>> No.22797468

What are you even talking about
This thread was made with intention of discussing a particular author, with a meme op as is the usual way to do it, and some unhinged anon couldn't help but to start ranting about how Greeks and Romans were homosexuals, knowing full well it would ruin the thread

>> No.22797495

The Greek posting is some of the best itt

>> No.22797507

I am an aristocrat of the soul. Now let me hide my Evola paperbacks. I got a girl coming over in an hour.

>> No.22797677

If you are reading this much Evola it is already so over for you, romance-wise

>> No.22797694

You can have all of his books if you have a large library, with actually good and important works of philosophy, nobody will care
But if you have like 20-50 books and a whole row is dedicated just to him and Guenon, people will just laugh at you

>> No.22797746

>no u dont get it this thread was just PRETENDING to be woman bait thread #716117444890 in order to drive engagement, OP actually wanted super serious Evola discussion (nevermind that not one of the 26 posters has replied to this coded message)
>no u don't get it the Greeks were just PRETENDING to be boy lovers, when they talk about eros it's actually just a metaphor about how they were horny for traditional values

Help me bros, I'm getting FILTERED by all this ESOTERIC knowledge!!

Also not one single post in this thread ever made the claim that they "were homosexuals", you are intentionally using that phrasing because you know that particular gotcha is the only way you can score points in this discussion.

And you've had 6 and a half hours since your initial post if you really wanted to give us that sweet sweet Evola discussion everyone is craving. But you haven't done any such thing, you haven't even considered it, because you don't give a shit, you just saw a gay little opportunity to signal about your gay little identity shibboleth and use the naughty faggot word. So boring.

Yeah thx but it's not saying much because they don't even pretend to try. I am probably autistic for putting any effort into it but at least I don't literally parrot retarded shit with no thought whatsoever (if they were just shitposting they got me good but I truly, tragically think they were serious).

>> No.22797990

>but also homoerotic. This is simply the case man. You can get mad about it but its true
Why? Doesn't seem like it's true at all. I don't think that there is even a single myth which supports this assertion. If Greece was homoerotic, why is there virtually no mention of it, at least in an approving manner? There were obviously instances of old dudes perving on boys (typical faggot shit) but that isn't indicative of the entire culture. That's the same with every culture. Were the past few centuries homoerotic too, dumdum? Maybe you could argue that this perversion was present in an acute form in Greece, but how is that indicative of the entire culture being homoerotic?

Something being extremely masculine doesn't necessarily make something homoerotic. In fact it's the opposite. I've seen plenty of evidence of Greeks denouncing faggotry and associating it with subhuman behaviour, why? You seem like you're either just passively absording the common opinion, or you're another homo or perhaps a woman projecting homosexuality into things that you can't understand.

>> No.22797996

Serious question: do you have a mental/learning disability and/or are you a tranny? What are you doing here, faggot?

>> No.22797998

I lost my virginity and started hooking up with chicks again after reading Evola tho.

>> No.22798004

All of your posts are low IQ autism and redd1t af, you haven't even read Evola.

>> No.22798010

Philosophy is mostly gay and pointless.

Ignore this>>22797996
I can tell that you're just a woman.

>> No.22798016

Anybody know what is going on with Sophia Perennis? I would like to order Guénon's collected works but i think the page is down and they haven't replied to my emails.

>> No.22798116

>I don't think that there is even a single myth which supports this assertion
ok then you're just blatantly ignorant. go read more you fucking moron

>> No.22798197

>can't post one
Maybe stop getting your opinions from buzzfeed, idiot?

>> No.22799218
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lol my shelf triggered half of this thread. It probably really chaps their ass to know I'm married and have a big family, too. Thanks, OP.

>> No.22799404

Yes yes mhm I’m all of those things but you’ve still yet to post anything of substance on the topic of the argument OR the supposed thread topic.

Why do you care this much about a culture you don’t know anything about?

>> No.22800046

they look unread

>> No.22800152

What probably happened to Rome is what is currently happening to the modern West. First the culture gets subverted by an abnormal counterculture. Then, the counterculture becomes normalized. Then, it becomes dominant. Then, it retcons the history of the original culture to make it seem like the subversive culture was always dominant and the norm. Once history has been completely erased and subverted, the culture collapses due to the instability and degeneracy of the subversive culture.

2000 years later, archaeologists are digging up cups with lurid depictions of homobuttsex printed on them because that's all that was left behind after the collapse. Then we have faggots like you waving them around and saying "see, look, everyone in Rome was into homobuttsex, Rome was an entire civilization based on homobuttsex, this commemorative spooge-gargling cup from Caligula's 10th birthday party proves it."

2000 years from now, some faggot just like you will be saying the same things about ancient America, because the only artifacts that survived were Pride tchotchkes from Target and retconned history textbooks showing Thomas Jefferson as a queer black woman.

>> No.22800203

America was pretty degenerate from its start. Literal transgressive Freemasons established that mistake of a country. For example, look at how Benjamin Franklin was insinuated as being a part of the Hellfire Club.
Also, many of these Founding Fathers like Thomas Jefferson raped their nig slaves producing mutt abominations.
If anything, American elite were historically way more lecherous and decadent than Roman aristocracy. They just did it in a more secretive cultic way, much like how fraternities host orgies and other disgusting garbage.

>> No.22800233

So does every message you've probably sent to a women on social media, which you clearly are on.

>> No.22800593
File: 3.04 MB, 3200x2133, IMG_4849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anon we meet again, I’m making my way through some of the books you posted in a shelf thread. Can you recommend any books you read that are similar to Blood Meridian and Runaway Horses?

>> No.22800637

>Can you recommend any books you read that are similar to Blood Meridian
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.22800653

More than none is a problem.

>> No.22800681

When I ask him, I mean it in “what other mainstream fiction would a third positionist enjoy?” Runaway Horses deals with aristocracy and Blood Meridian with war.

>> No.22800794

How many PS2 yakuza games on shelf before it becomes a problem?

>> No.22800917

>similar to Blood Meridian
Asian Odyssey, but its a true story

>> No.22800945

A philosophical question: do people with no friends read evola, or do people who read evola naturally repel people who would be friends?

>> No.22800975

You are a gay futa furry masturbator, the proof is the artwork on other parts of this website

>> No.22801196

I'm not OP, but I am the guy who posted those a pictures a long time ago.:
I don't have any fiction that I've been reading much right now, outside of Clark Ashton Smith. I've been busy with my grad classes this term, so I haven't had much time to actually sit down and read.
Not mainstream fiction but
>The Law of Blood (Johann Chapoutot)
This is one I'm going to buy really soon, it was recommended by Keith Woods. Plus everything I have read by John Muir though is pretty solid for the genuine
environmentalist perspective.

>> No.22801206

Right wing pseuds love him because he has half historicity and half religious takes. They don’t have to be really well informed on anything and can just give the quick take they got from him.

>> No.22801233

>You are a gay futa furry masturbator
I am not.
My sexual preferences are actually very vanilla. I prefer petite women with soft features. I tend to be overly sensitive to the jaw shape of women. Man jaws and robust jaw or cranial features on women puts me off. I also like a woman to be meek and somewhat submissive.
In other words, I find East Asian women the most attractive.

>> No.22802095

Good posts, anon.

>> No.22802098

I find it entertaining how you're making clear references to sources that you actually read, show an actual degree of familiarity with the culture, etc. and the other guy is just shouting you down because it disagrees with his worldview.
There's a sort of contrast in this, a sort of tableau of humanity, especially the fact that you never actually seemed to disagree with his worldview writ large at all.

>> No.22802107

>I am a prude
You're a fucking faggot for this alone
How tiny is your dick that you have to distance yourself from your sexulality

>> No.22802548

Those Guenon covers are so aesthetic.

>> No.22802557

Evola loved whores but chuds seem to prefer virginal child brides so I'm not so sure.

>> No.22803037

Same, I even openly talked about evola's political views on a date with the girl I fugged, saying how he was 99% right.

>> No.22803987

>No Eros and the Mystery's of Love

>> No.22804017

Girls don't know Evola, you're fine. "Introduction to magic" as a title will be weird to some though

>> No.22804690

good posts, no homo
quivering fag

>> No.22805870

and no, nobody outside of your larp knows or cares

>> No.22806596

The correct implication is not all users are gay futa masturbators but there were a non negligible amount.Also there is no gay fur whatever shit here. We post on 4channel not 4chud

>> No.22808140

Stop samefagging your redditposts.

>> No.22808150

>tfw shelf is too esoteric to post

>> No.22808234
File: 22 KB, 490x207, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22808821
File: 126 KB, 665x429, HOW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely disappointed and would love to witness your esoteric shelf.
uh fellas?

>> No.22809280

Have you read the Ur writings?