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/lit/ - Literature

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22792015 No.22792015 [Reply] [Original]

based on the books i read in the past month would you hang out with me

>> No.22792043

I haven't read Gustavo Guitierrez yet. Is he good? What's the deal with him and the church? I heard they investigated him. Hmm... I guess if you've actually read those books it could make for interesting conversation but I probably wouldn't hang out with anyone I've met over 4chan.

>> No.22792044

No one wants to be around you, OP. It's got nothing to do with the books.

>> No.22792047


>> No.22792054

they wouldn't because you can't find a book that isn't 'the last guy i talked to about this was a midwit, let's play don't be midwit"

>> No.22792129

It was a pretty decent read. A very manualistic text, it is not especially profound or beautiful. I think maybe for someone trapped in the sinking ship of unthreatened singularity, beyond the reach of truly committed communal meaning-making, it could be a very difficult and helpful book. If you are someone currently living in community or engaged in a communal project, trying to work against the current of the world, I think it works best as a fortifying text, something you come to in order to reaffirm your commitments.

And yeah, Ratzinger came after him in the office of the Holy See in the 80s. He got upset that taking Christ's words as a call to upset and radically reorient the structures of social existence were idealistic. Afraid of questioning power and subverting the authority of European bishops, I think. Ratzinger was really uptight after his experience in 68.

For the books? You could probably get all of them for cheaper than that if you searched a little online.

>> No.22792143

I would also add that Gutierrez's book would be a really good introduction to the spiritual life, regardless of what political or theological allegiances someone has.

>> No.22792203

I've been getting into Catholic lit for a while and I get the feeling the real reason the church is in decline because it actively attacks its best thinkers.

>A very manualistic text,
Sounds just like the thing I'm looking for.

What other reading do you recommend?

>> No.22792236


Are you a Communist or a Leftist? If you are, then no.

>> No.22792262

Unironically the Catechism is a great text that takes you on a very thorough and broad exploration of the faith. "Credo" by Hans Urs von Balthasar is also a great theological primer. "Foundations of Christian Faith" by Karl Rahner is also a banger. "Sacrament of Salvation" by Paul McPartlan is probably my favorite introductory work of Catholic ecclesiology. "Incarnation" by Michel Henry is a denser philosophical text that concerns itself deeply with the phenomenological method, but it's a brilliant work and one of the things that got me excited to study Catholic theology.

In the world of spirituality, "Prayer" by Hans Urs von Balthasar is a masterpiece. Augustine's Confessions is the most predictable recommendation, but it is honestly a brilliant book. Raniero Cantalamessa is my favorite Catholic writer who makes accessible and contemplative works on different elements of the faith. "The Gaze of Mercy" and "The Fire of Christ's Love" are my favorites by him. Some other great writers to look into who write that kind of stuff would be Adrienne von Speyr, Anthony de Melo, Ilia Delio, and Leo Boff.

Also if you're interested in literature and poetry I have to call out Leon Bloy, Charles Peguy, and Georges Bernanos, if you haven't met them yet.

>> No.22792279

No but only because of the Castro thing. Indicates you are probably very ideologically left and therefore compromised intellectually.

>> No.22792355

I would still be interested in having a chat if OP is an actual communist and not the pseudo-socialists created by the mind virus that is talmudic neo-Marxism which merely masquerades as an ideology with no ulterior motive. Although, one could argue that given Marx's belonging to the Rothschild bloodline, it's hard to imagine that the most prolific and perhaps infamous financiers in the world, would finance his work because they truly believed in the merits of the doctrine Marx was developing. I'd be interested in OP's take on that, I suppose. Hard to say, based on readings alone, though as I have read plenty of things that are completely juxtaposed to my own values.

>> No.22792363

I'm just going through the Roman Ritual right now. I'm really interested in traditional Catholic political philosophy and its relationship with the Roman state and civil law. Augustine is great too. I really need to read more liberation theology, I've spent too much time listening to integralists and so called traditional catholics like Vermule and they are just insane.

>you read books by people I don't like
>your not a member of my tribe
>I won't talk to you also your mentally ill probably
Behold the lunatic tribalism of the modern internet.

Take your meds.

>> No.22792388

>Knee deep in Roman antiquity and Catholic political philosophy
>Thinks the Rothschilds just sit on the stacks of cash they print out of thin air as opposed to using to further their interests


Curious, anon. What's your ethnicity?

>> No.22792434

Yeah sure just know I'll completely destroy you in any video game for being a commie

>> No.22792459

Yes, b/c I'd never read these

>> No.22792468

It's a discount Jew, as it reads Catholic books

>> No.22792540
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>reads catholic literature
>yup jewish

>> No.22792581

I would want to hang out, yes, if it weren't for the fact that you posted stacks of books on 4chan in search of approval. I could never respect someone who does that. I barely even respect myself for posting here.

>> No.22792620
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Yes, you seem cool. although I'm not that interested in Catholic history especially when it comes to SA liberation theology stuff. Can/do you read in any languages other than English? Also, are you interested in any non-lit/phil/theo/history topics?

>> No.22792665

Si comrade.

>> No.22793618

/// These Cretan institutions were much extolled by some writers of antiquity, but receive only qualified praise from the judicious criticisms of Aristotle /// The game took an unexpected turn after the first quarter when an opossum scampered onto the field /// He was taken to Havana, and died by garrote in the little fortress La Punta /// I'd love to come to Hawaii with you, but I'm a little strapped /// Expect a breeze to allay the heat /// We decided to brave the elements and go for a walk /// He used his speech to sound a clarion call for affordable health care /// That is the fundamental perversity of dog whistle politics, whereby political parties send coded messages that will be heard one way by their core supporters and another way altogether by others /// The sound of the telephone was drowned out by the vacuum cleaner /// That's the spot where Sara and I used to while away the hours between lectures /// She scrawled her signature on the receipt /// The car pulled up too fast and skidded on the dusty shoulder of the road /// They were in constant contact, conferring about every aspect of the construction project /// How are we ever going to scrape enough people up to form a team by this weekend? /// You can count on him to ham it up for the camera /// The fat man loudly prattled unctuous apologies /// Some respondents who renewed contact with children or siblings had positive responses, but others were rebuffed /// Everything seemed to go wrong. For one, we had a flat tire /// Retailers are moving into high gear as the holiday season approaches /// Market sentiment can turn on a dime /// Symptoms include a wobbly gait, stumbling or a droopy lip /// We could hear the puppy yipping playfully in its kennel /// Prolonged use of alcohol also leads to cross-tolerance to other drugs, for example the barbiturates, so that the effectiveness of these compounds is reduced /// I came home laden with cardboard boxes /// However, as anyone who has experienced the bad egg smell will know, the unpleasant, putrid odour can make people feel sick, to the extent, sometimes, that they become sick /// I am not endeavouring to be difficult or in any way obstreperous /// Access to the manufacturing process is on a strictly need-to-know basis /// Ability and hard work cinched her success /// The cybercriminals are wily, and every time one internet portal closes, another opens /// But still he did not remain indifferent to a sincere feeling of love and respect and always distinguished it from idle and fulsome tittle-tattle /// All that bile, all the exaggeration, all the stuff that was not grounded in fact just kind of bubbled up, started surfacing /// Calvert was a pudgy older guy who wore thick horn-rimmed glasses and personified the lovable nebbish /// On a typical visit, we arrive with our group late morning, and spend 15 minutes in the parking lot on a sarong-tying lesson /// The grander the occasion, the larger the width of the hoop petticoat ///