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22785503 No.22785503 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to Heartbreak edition
previous >>22781636

>> No.22785508


>> No.22785514

I'm the only other anon on this board who's gonna know what that pic is

>> No.22785552


>> No.22785568

he might be too young to learn about flora unremixed

>> No.22785580

I have not, and will never read any philosophy. I enjoy reading threads of people arguing about shit I don’t know about

>> No.22785583

Watching body cam videos on Youtube has given me an epiphany. Black people's entire thing about cops, which seems to be 75% of their entire culture and way of life, is really just a result of them not understanding the way cops are. Cops are slightly pushy dicks by default. They tell you to do shit, because they're dealing with lots of things like this and they just want to get shit over with and they're half expecting you to be uncooperative. A lot of cops are also power trippers who take their bad mood out on a person during a traffic stop, probably unconsciously, by being slightly more pushy and commanding than is warranted.

Everybody hates getting told what to do by a cop and hassled for no reason. But white people's "culture" around this is simply to deal with it the rare time it comes up (speeding usually), then move on. Even if the cop is being a total asshole, a normal middle class white person is going to be annoyed at most. The only whites who have trouble with cops are negrified white trash fentanyl scum/vagrants, and the occasional normal white person who is simply so baffled at being hassled by a cop and so inexperienced with it that he sasses the cop and things escalate.

But I see it so clearly now. EVERY single black person has the low IQ not understanding consequences/responsibility thing, and is just endlessly seething that the cop is "daring" to hassle them. They seethe 100x more at a cop hassling them over doing something openly illegal and dangerous five seconds ago, than a white person seethes over being detained and harassed for no reason. And black people also have authority issues because they are permitted by the state to be wastrels living off welfare and various forms of degeneracy, so they've never experienced things like parents, teachers, bosses, and so on having small amounts of power over them, and having to fit into society gradually by learning how to deal with your superiors in life. They react like the aforementioned rare case of an incensed normal white person losing his shit at being hassled for no reason, except, again, blacks to perfectly reasonably and warranted hassling in this way, and they do it immediately, and it's not the exception for them, it's the rule.

They only two things they display to the cops are a kind of cringing "ugh.. yes officer.. no officer" submission and a livid hatred and seething that is just beneath the surface.

Now a hundred years of dealing with this and seeing totally retarded behavior from blacks (low IQ = no sense of consequences/responsibility = constant forms of crime not even white criminals would commit because it's just stupid and not worth the risk) has made cops harsh and low patience toward blacks, which just enflames innate black inability to deal with cops by a million. And so blacks and cops have fused together and form a kind of retarded odd couple, blacks being the battered housewife who frankly deserves to be beaten because she's fucking awful.

>> No.22785584

i like wen you talk that gangsta shit

>> No.22785596

What do you guys think of video games?
I like games like pathologic

>> No.22785599

I recognize it from the album cover, but that’s it
>heartbreak edition
How do you guys know what’s happening in my life?

>> No.22785600

Mascoutin, pillionwise, Chowringee nightwatch, semi-vowel, Piacentine Beserra, Huginn, Farnley, pyelon, Sunnize neohexene, transigent overspinning, Stirlingshire vanillatte scientistical, combiness anthropism, maldoxone haltura chitarronist appreciater, antirotavirus, Uecker territoriless, animateur overager, bradyrhizobial, basaloid, illudalane, spinobrachial dethrombosis, myotropin normoandrogenic, frambinone, beerpull, up hill and down dell, bataca faecaloma, betanodavirus, Cethern, whoozit, unwesternized Harriott, unprepped boreotropical Beaumaris, Haydu, Quiévrechain, zenocutuzumab, Stuie Birley ultramicrometer, uncrossexamined Liford, tryparedoxin, censoress, anabolised duffin omentoplasty, Witness sympathicolytic metabasite Tunbridge, hypervibronic Muzawwara, batanga appearential, propionylcholinesterase monotrophic, Bidpai newgroupie jackassness Learyesque, octarch chaphamaparvovirus Vicki disperish, leftern Sharla unneddylated, xanthanolide cawny swashbuckle, consistify Erno, tandemocracy, Tutsiness, Cisplatine shabiyah, sapeque superbrewery, Voss Higginsite, Rampy superpresence, pontooner WQXGA, ockerish diatonicity, cramponnée sonifaction, monoubiquitinase clevelandellid Melendes, Phaeacia linastana mesoamygdaloid, Dungeness polyholohedral, neighborhooding followspot, hyperlactatemia, commognitive nonsinus, ecohydrodynamic abhorment, tidley Walworth, bungy Zyphe, kurush smörgåsbord monoterpenol, Japland McKeating, pleximetric heliettin, fream frugal intracapillary Braubach handgame, bardcraft, kebelle, herbivorized, Kingston on Soar, Grealey, poundmaker, Chey, climatostratigraphic Capac Coit, knuckleheadish homoterpene Nordcaper, Tal tomophobia, endodrainage peasanthood, emparish Latinophobe lyoprocess, Everesting quebrada, Huang-shan epilamellar, Framingham, scumbag, Tungyin, alkanolamine, Polak, reresect maknyah, US'er, Candlesby, buntingi, hers, Sheneman, microduplicated autohemolysis, epituberculosis, blashy Qingquan, NDPE, Kaliyah Gmc antirevolution, brayette SRMTHFG desfuroylceftiofur, Romanes agoraphilia, Fiddian Markinch, raw milk, corosolate, Frenchization, Sammamish perimyocarditis, Horr triazolopiperazine, biogeomorphology, intercomplementation, Canewdon, dejitterize, Vaticanise, compsci eggfly Instafame, postpump, intimatopic Cádiz, Dhanat, meatilicious chlorodimethylphosphine pansentience, pocket veto konnyaku parafluvial, orangerie Anglade, autoreplicate ADOS, cyclorphan, monitorization, Norrbottnian mekometer, Voce fucalean isopregnanolone, endochitinolytic dalaga glossopoeic, Karakorum Romeyka Cifelli, unbaggable, gazetteerish ascaridiosis, unwesternized pubalgia, Colvile, Rooster, joykiller, reoiling guvermint, premedial yttrocrasite, boundaried fecosterol resalability, Denruyter -viroc, psychotechnical toxicotic quintically fluoroalcohol, Disneyness, intercapsomeric eloigner, the Blorenge, thermostabilized, Bachian, myoregulatory timetabler, orthopedagogic leimma scoopneck disesquiterpenoid misscribe parlorless..

>> No.22785603

it's that time of year

>> No.22785634

do you need a snack?

>> No.22785656


>> No.22785661

This book looks funny

>> No.22785666

I think i would be happier if I was just a grunt in war for the rest of my life
The only thing that stops me from going to Ukraine and dying in three months is my family

>> No.22785673

I see your game

>> No.22785684

What was his name again?

>> No.22785696

War is gay. Men who fight in war have the basic experience of men who worked a really shitty blue collar job with eachother for a few years. You get really close with the other guys, but the actual substance of the job doesn't feel magical or different, 99% of what you do is tedious bullshit. The one difference is you have to go out and play shitty paintball where you actually die if something goes wrong, and it feels unreal while it's happening and doesn't make you feel like a hero. Most of the time you don't even do "war" shit, you do shit more like patrol the same road for 148 days in a row and hear the one patrol per week is getting IED'ed, and one time you laid down suppressing fire a thousand meters from the thing you were shooting at.

There's nothing glamorous about the actual war parts, they're rare as fuck, and the sheer shitty blue collar jobness of it is so all-encompassing that it's not worth doing just for the career and everyday parts either. It's just the shittiest job in the world attached to occasional gay bad paintball and mostly road patrol death lottery.

The only way to actually do it is if you're some kind of overachiever career killer guy and even then you probably have to go join some PMC.

>> No.22785702

>anon is from an era where less than seven minutes is too long
Sorry honey the only songs I know that explain his name more simply are at least twice as long. You're just going to have to take speed

>> No.22785704

is this what you tell yourself to cope with feeling inferior to soldiers?

>> No.22785708
File: 43 KB, 784x657, 1696014392578046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like video games. I'm currently playing Nier.

Also, writing the script for my anime video essay feels good. It's feels like I'm actually doing something that will improve my life.

>> No.22785709

It sounds like how he coped with sitting through ten thousand powerpoints on not being retarded

>> No.22785715

Honestly you'd be seeing a bunch of the low IQ white people try to escape or fight cops too if it wasn't in our culture to obey them
Culture is a lot stronger than individual people, think of it as white american culture being smart enough to warn all whites that you cannot outrun a cop, but that message doesn't exist in black culture

>> No.22785718

the only bad part about military is the dying part, the rest is pretty peachy and you make lifelong friends there

>> No.22785724

By brother is in the marines and the friends he made in boot camp just seem to have a different feel entirely to his high school friends
Makes it even worse to see then die from getting shot in the neck

>> No.22785725


>> No.22785731

eh just hope that they don't get deployed, you can also go to chair force or navy if you don't like dying, navy should be especially peachy job if you can handle getting stuck below deck with a bunch of seamen, great choice if you're into men or just like going to sea

>> No.22785733

>muh war
God I fucking hate war. What is so nice about being told 'murr hurr it's them or us!!!' and killing people who just want to defend their country? What is so nice about bombing military villages or bases and finding out right after that there were kids in there? What is so nice about coming back and seeing that everybody has moved on? I hate war and I hate warniggers.

>> No.22785741

hate the politicians that start them, military is there just to clean up after the failure of the diplomats and the greed of politicians and corporations that influence politics
military itself is blameless their job is to follow order and fuck shit up and they're doing just that, if you think wars are unjust or pointless tell that to your politicians not the guys who have to put boots on the ground and get shit done

>> No.22785742

I keep on making the mistake of thinking my coworkers are my friends. Time and time again I find out that someone who's nice to my face is an utter cunt behind my back, badmouthing me, etc. I wish I could work for an organization where everyone is friendly and honest and kind.

It doesn't have to be war. Imagine if at age 18, all Americans had to spent 2 years engaged in government-organized civil service: building stuff, ecological restoration, education, etc. It would be serving the country and forging life-long friendships.

>> No.22785743

Anon, the joke is that someone asks the name of someone, and you reply with something similar but different
>what’s this guy’s name again? [Mad Max]
>livid lam
>raging randy
>looney Lester

>> No.22785749

Mandatory military service with community service would be great if most countries that have it didn't mismanage it. Ask Finns.

>> No.22785750

I just want to kill people anon, it’s really that simple
I don’t want to just kill anyone though, like stabbing a friendly old nun wouldn’t do it for me.

>> No.22785761

conscription sucks ass t. finn
well you chose the right path if you went to military, police is another good one because there are a lot of criminals that pretty much force you to kill them or be killed

>> No.22785765 [DELETED] 

If you want to kill people in the military or police you have to be competent and actively seek out employments that do that kind of work. It is highly competitive because some people are born different and naturally good at it and naturally extremely physically capable.

>> No.22785766


>> No.22785768

Dalkeith odonatologist bearbaits aceflux, meiogynogenesis, Gowran, cedilla, cootfoot, asyllabic, all over the show, Stearns landskap, romiplastin, lettuce-bird, fallibilistic hotliner, Steinie, cyberworld proteometabolism literotica, homolanthionine orthogenetically, Orgill magyarism, hyperrelativistic Chapelon cryodevitalization, antimoon geniculorecipient outfund Riegel, polyphosphatase Shillingford, ockro tomoe, rhinophoral harborlessness, participatorily, heterogonic -iser Stathern hipocrisy, the deuce you say Fabergé, Dritan, mitmita, hypopleuron gonocoxopodite, Dilanian rejuvenise staphyla, spellingwise, undiffidently, stampomania, pseudoplacental malletman Cedric, Matsumori, Pastukh Moz., methioninyl Vellalar, pantsie upbow necrobiome rerequest DNH, porelessness, altrilocal nutbreaker yike gatetender, grysie Suma nonconsequentialism majestrix GRRMHD, DVE, wankish Höxter cardiokinetic micocolon Lechlade Siniform, sangai, pericartilage, coitive, CamelCased burglarizer diazocarbonyl, Jizzakh, buffhood clubbability, twinevine Velestino, QDII megalopsychia, restager Zombocalypse, Limavady enamelworker, takkanah glyptosaurine, amidolysis invoiceablity, heptahex bureaucratism, beamishly netsurfing, chronodisruptive antimension postconsumerist, halecostome Luxhoj unmagicked, Azzara, masterlie, carbogen, enneacontahexagon, Debold Chats parastatistic, thujopsane, fountlet, Auriemma, thusfore framing phytobacteriology, etegami, Visct okimono, sodomistic Thalbergian, obruption microcloth, intrasexually Welman, fibroelastography Carverian F&B equiconvergent, Azqueltán Euphie Covidtide, BSAer, flation Matsya, kitschness Aglianico, stereospondylomorph auteurial ketoleucine Fusselman complon Montuori, litigationer scapegrace rectahedral, judiciality, Dutch backgammon, groaty septohabenular retardy Qiantang chrysochalk, gremmy flipperdinger, Oas mothertrucking fauxtato, somickle kofer voicefulness, turbulisation asantaist dryliner, McDaniels, unheed revengeress, sex plus, edgetically, ultrasuperovulation, summerfag undistempered, Geronimo acromphalus, hypericism Norzagaray, deconjugating Killester, Creagan, Alençon, eluctable popify varication, handsiness, demonstratable Petrovich, BofE normophilic, corticosteroidogenesis Sinagua, Vernal tristeful, esophagastric Blease pubovesical, gillaroo, tablea, kooletah, presolidified powederily, overbrimful Trœzen subitive tankah, isodicentric thermodependency, sujud hemilaterally, hemopigment polyphyleticism, Cervantes silverballi, stigmatiferous s*x, myodesis, succinylome, overhallow, fibroatherotic chromatocyte, sanguinously primpy, NCERT outswagger, dialectual compositress, PEMT agribot, podficcer disti-graymuzzle, nictitant Fairford, Hillard, Karamay, Daibul, acquiral stressogenic, pleometrotically gigless, chromitite misderivation, ceilidher paleoamerican, radioimmunologically bambusicolous, exosystemic, memrize unarrival, Orbánism, disacceptance, bergy Badshah, efter petrificious antiplay, Sealfon, Epic.

>> No.22785771 [DELETED] 

Also in case some fed reads my post here and freaks out, by "kill people in the military/police" I mean WORKING AS a soldier or policeman, like SWAT. I DO NOT MEAN "killing soldiers/policemen."

>> No.22785773

Are we having a peacenik thread?
Jokes are meant to be funny

>> No.22785774

deconjugating, Isaksen. h+ outswinging

>> No.22785791

I think the 16 accords of madness is a fun, quick read. It’s what got me into Elder Scrolls

>> No.22785814

There is a whole genre on youtube/tiktok of teachers ranting and quitting their jobs over Gen Alpha kids being unteachable. Raised on ipads they have no attention span. They do whatever they want because teachers can't discipline them anymore as the school board is too terrified of parents making a fuss. Kids just using AI apps to turn in papers without learning anything.

Idk know how real or prolific that phenomenon actually is, teachers tend to be whiney bitches at the best of times, but it makes it sound like the current approach to mass education is on its last legs.

>> No.22785827

I’m a zoomer and I feel like a lot of us just eat up school information without properly learning it, it’s way too east to cheat in online tests
I’m ashamed to admit this, but I cheated my through high school during the beginning of COVID

>> No.22785863

Don't worry kid, grade inflation has been going on so long the people who could notice you're not learning shit are dead

>> No.22785864

mithralog, Wavertree, spavindy ultraimperialist irrelevant, semipolitical infectional tighties, bustitute paleornithologist unstory, crowbill Rohrbach, scanday, untastefulness, nabobishly Norwegianized, slavering Duchesneau, unaestheticised advowrer, schticky specterlike, Afficky, Shahjahanabad vagarist, trifolin lipoyltransferase xylazil, hircocervus Icarian eradicant, Botha brushman, Gargan, consanguineously, campane unicarinate, dibhole tetraglycosylceramide, knowleche antisclerostin, uninternational yawnsville, Hickel, Monroemania, Boingoloid Zaw saprobism, marcassin, polyquark, Loikaw, timbergetter, juari, polyculturally, trophophyll distilment, impimpi JDAM, mealbeetle juster, pachycephalosaurian postjuvenal, dehydroretinal bailbondsman alkalitolerant, bromopnea trivanadate, samgha stafidopsomo, Aunt Flow beehiver, dark as pitch, policresulin, pantetheinylated aphaniid, PKKP, Werts idea'd autoadjustment, autostrade, suturation, vaughanite nuhou, Asmodeus Culpin, nymphosis axiniform, Cibola flava, spiketrain epoptic, Ketchem pluviometrically, fluorosucrose, fantasmagoria, fogged out Schemmel toponomics, decimater hexalumino, sabbath encephaloscopy, Dixielander Kalka leaching, Bravo, Guianese, nowish, shloshim, McGuffie, Nobama Toddington hyperinclination, crustin, brachiocrural Aukšt. gub'ment Kelaart, adiate, anarchoprimitivism gallowsbird Odjick, Paeroa salvatic, diglucoside Athenianism, tumorigenically nonhemiparetic, predeterminately cyberflâneur laevocardiogram plesimorphic, dolichantosin, fosravuconazole, gasteral, all over the show, Garritano, Pendle, antipuncture mercury gilding, metadictionary, anacidic orrisroot, Bischofshofen NBFC, hyperellipsoidal Miserlian exodus, somatotropinoma Canovio, deritualize bondsmanship, telergic rully Ilanz paragnosis, metametabolomic flatpicking Siderian, Bernhardtian, gaumish superdetailing, coenoecial suicide door, Strathyre swai, Yasoda Quangsi surtaxable, Wilmersdorf oscillotonometric, Lorestan perianthal, Lawler splenative Friedrichshain, shaslik the Bigs ogtiern, Baldyga thraustochytrid, impersonalism adermin, open and shut case, bonered, psychooncological Riedesel, preadamitical, gnathobasic Kitchewan pottinger Bulange, pabouche, Coxheath, trolleyological Serran chrematist, musketless gastroileostomy, supradomain danicize meristelic befriending, akule Farmington, QSD springline, semichelate neurofeminist hearably Israhelli, deza soft-point, uranometric ursophile Verdun, chemotax, foreready, kintype, intensen, thoughtsome masturbationism, malander 2p, hyperanxiety librarious, 'member eristavi, Gingras, circumtonsillar, folks, ANZUS terrestrialise compromisable irrealisable Binkowski, intermember nosyl satisfactorious, hydrodome otemell, yoleven Egyptologically, Muslimly chantership, manticora, Glauber, prahok, Lykoi, misformulated Rhinelandic, transmembranic, forepublished, promasine, viticolous, unkippered, palmiet, advancedly, borked megastructuralist Schwieger, ambitionize radioscope, none

>> No.22785871

lectronics, pyrimidinyl, undersquare, unrebated QRH, thuricin, micromechatronic dephosphocoenzyme, Hebrewism, sorner

>> No.22785876
File: 2.98 MB, 3024x4032, 1700377344437293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need money

>> No.22785877

Okay, I'll bite. What is this and why are you doing it? I dont really need a good reason, just hopefully an entertaining one. Is this like House of Leaves where you find out his mom was raped constantly in the mental hospital by deciphering a code?

>> No.22785878

I’m debating going to church tomorrow. I need to find something to believe in, I can’t do this shit for another 20 years.

>> No.22785880

Here you go.

>> No.22785883


>> No.22785889

How much money? I could give you twenty bucks in exchange for your soul.

>> No.22785894

I dont know. Enough for a comfy life.

>> No.22785899 [DELETED] 

i hate being a lazy pos sometimes like on the weekend when i need to be grinding on grad school i say "well i worked 40 hours this week now i'd like to chill" no you cannot chill ever if you live in a city. you have to working, do a grad degree at night, and have a side hustle that can be turned into a business. one time i was at this burger place buying a burger alone, and this family of downscale people came in and order like $50 of burgers and fries and shakes and shit, and they all seemed happy. like you can't just have a nice dinner out on saturday night, you have to be working on your next masters, doctorate, or bootstrapping some business. i did read somewhere that the nyc metro area generates 20% of america's gdp tho so i guess if we all take it easy the country goes to shit so gotta keep grinding.

>> No.22785900

Lyneham, Pettigo, verrey chivari, appositio, hn, ascr. FIRO, RFFE, TFG, ackshually

>> No.22785904

Cant help you there. Try to appreciate the little things, or at least learn to enjoy delayed gratification.

>> No.22785912

I know that feeling, but FUCK if I'm not tired as hell during the weekend.

>> No.22785929
File: 125 KB, 1080x1350, 16_35_37_1700897961284506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might save 70dollars a month if im frugal

>> No.22785936

Women of my ethnicity are overachievers and they don't 'marry down'. I'm nearing 25 and all the normal ones are married. Everyone I know is in a relationship. I might be fucked for real

>> No.22785938

I'm going to church tomorrow.

>> No.22785940

It’s been fun /int/ unfortunately this board is way too polite for me
back to /int/ I go

>> No.22785942


>> No.22785947

Good job. Smoke a little reefer in the morning and eat a big bowl of cereal; it'll help.

>> No.22785956

dude u should start maxing out your roth.

>> No.22785965

"its a bit odd that women star so infrequently among all the classics across basically every genre. and notable women are often notable for going far against the grain or being some sort of statement. even in books written by women, if theyre a classic they just dont seem to feature women in a capacity thats not secondary"

>> No.22785994

That's a good idea, but I won't be going tomorrow, I'm too bogged down

>> No.22785998

I’m such a fucking loser…

>> No.22785999

I’m an outsider to this board, but is it mostly anarchists? I’m seeing a much higher concentration of anarchists than other boards

>> No.22786002

I need ways on how a male failed to get a girlfriend for a book I plan to write:
"The World's Strongest Hero is Unmarried, Desperate, and Can't Find a Wife!"

>> No.22786006

sorry but i read that as male fail and thought it was funny

>> No.22786007

nah its mostly chuds

>> No.22786008

Oh so I will fit in perfectly

>> No.22786013

>take uber
>kazakh driver
>speaks 0 english
>google translating text2speech to talk to me
>figure he knows russian
>he does
>speak to him in my broken incredibly shitty two dozen words of russian (with google translate help) for 30 min ride
>he's extremely racist
>we are racist together
>have fun figuring out how to be racist in russian
>exchange funny differences in how to say different countries ("yaponiya, samurai! samurai!" "da, ya ponymayoo, samurai")

>> No.22786015

I love hentai! How do I stop being interested in anime girls becoming slam pigs by tentacles, shotas, fat ugly bastards, faceless chads, and goblins?

>> No.22786020

bonding with racial minorities by being racist together

>> No.22786021

Maryhill, sundriesman, unneatly, jumpshot, Jawa, from the river to the sea, eyah Weywot, Beets ride hard, pump truck, Bortner Bea, bucksow puntman, old man yelling at a cloud, extraornery dall alwayz flashbang, Narcan Betsie French telephone, transelectrical Triangle, superfuel laserbrain, azo violet seedzone, shintyan stercome, shutwing rotatee, slumdweller nunry, Rouzhi, egall Matabele, highpad drein tradcath, dungeonable Kinyon, Ogilvy, Ercoline, Eye, Hibernocentric Mian, soteriologist Grundyist, eggyolk resteep, presatellite, Hengoed Outremont, Pwca Polka, Briener Wiehe, Mairena Ryther Michelangelo, Slates risquée recanonization, torpids Creil hempstretch, anise, Halferty 2A, Lafaye, charlatanically, manis Mogoum Oberdorf Bollen, Jafarabadi optioneering, trapjaw Figols, undirty Ibell, harassedly, mercification, atp clivorine Shymkent, especifically, Jumeirah, vanitously molrow, envillaged Waterside, MK8D unusurped, saofai ornerily, cultdom kinder, stylops dogmatology, nanoembossed, suivante, cantwoman ozoniser complisult, upholstress namé Trimdon, kyphotone prosit, Perevalsk vermarine, elsewho rainstick, St-Petersburg linguistic landscape, Knr. repeaterless, cambox Eufracio, Tithi Brossman, maleficiary Navenby, radarlike

>> No.22786029

i am afflicted with homosex

>> No.22786031

Whats that? Im not murrikan, just converted the amount I could save into dollars.

>> No.22786036

I'm not antisemitic but I notice whenever jews do art, it's never for pure aesthetic reasons. They always start with some abstract intellectual idea, then build the entire art in service to that which is why their art frankly sucks. I don't reject contemporary art on principle but it's a fact aesthetics is an afterthought to these artists, they prioritize a message whatever that may be. It's just antithetical to art and it's why no one really likes this shit

>> No.22786043

Ever think about how weird it is the 80% of the art and literary scenes in many countries is Jews talking to eachother about Jew shit? They love to colonize a metropolis and cultural hub and crowd out anything else

>> No.22786057

I’ve been wanting to write a short story about a man who is addicted to nostalgia of his youth, he spends all day lamenting about the past, driving him to further misery while everyone he knew has moved on
Has there been anything similar to this I can read?

>> No.22786062 [DELETED] 

pretty stupid take, the last like 5000 years of art starting from ancient egypt was to push some ideological point, then in the 20th century you start getting completely abstract shit like rothko. pol seriously rots your brain no joke.

>> No.22786071

eliade's autobiography and funes el memorioso

>> No.22786085

I think I want her and I think she wants me too but she's got a boyfriend. One day I jokingly asked her to marry me (of course (You) know it wasn't a joke) and she said I should ask that later. What's up with women having boyfriends doing that kind of shit? I think I metaphysically cucked four people this year by seeing their girlfriend on dates and them never knowing. In some ways I'm a fucking menace to society which is cool but I do want to take a girl on a date and not feel guilty about some guy I don't know for once.

>> No.22786092
File: 73 KB, 850x400, cod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22786157
File: 960 KB, 1280x1758, Auguste_Renoir_-_A_Girl_with_a_Watering_Can_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it sucks. They honestly ruined western art. Everyone loves guys like Monet or Renoir, but you get to 20th century and nobody wants that crap hanging in their home. Nobody earnestly likes what institutions have churned out for the past 100 years, no one that I know would want a Rothko or a Mondriaan on their wall.

I disagree that jews are using art as a subversive tool -- I just think jews naturally have zero aesthetic taste. They can't understand why we like the stuff we do.

>> No.22786179
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If one takes the human being as a social labour force and as a social interest, everything that is folk and state in him is neutralised.
That everything on earth is society is the principle of the industrial system, that is, both its precondition and its effect. And in the effect it finally becomes apparent what society means: the abstraction of life from itself; the confinement of humanity, wherever it grows and whatever it wants, to the service of anonymous capital; slavery—but a slavery that is possible because of this, and is even sought by the slaves themselves, because it is universal and because it guarantees the free pursuit of their social interests, the freedom of their modest egoism. This industrial society is now confronted by the folk as its antagonist.

>> No.22786204

>or a Mondriaan on their wall.
I think you're underestimating anon's autism

>> No.22786227
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idk anon this doesn't seem like the place to find the answer

>> No.22786245

What awful days these are. So many thoughts in my head, so many desires to be great and no way to be great.

>> No.22786285

My delusional hope is that by the end of next year I wish to be engaged and employed so that these past 5 or 6 years of depression, loneliness and regret will be put behind me. It won't hurt as bad if I quickly overcome these circumstances and get all the essentials set for my life.

>> No.22786286
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I emailed my mom all my metaphysical views and she doesn't understand

>> No.22786302

I'm trying to rank my four forms of media entertainment from best to worst in terms of overall impact on me:

1. Books
2. Films/TV
3. Games
>Beyond this point are things I'm trying to quit
4. YouTube
5. Porn

The thing that makes me think is if films/TV or games are worse. I think games might be worse because at least with films/TV you are experiencing some media of cultural value, but I'm not sure. (Also watching films doesn't make me feel bad but seeing my Steam playtimes go up does).

>> No.22786322
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>Men who fight in war have the basic experience of men who worked a really shitty blue collar job with eachother for a few years.
Post tits.

>> No.22786332

In order to prevent school shooters, schools will start to keep dossiers on the weird kids, if they aren't already. A Patriot Act for each high school.

>> No.22786335

what do you mean by overall impact?

>> No.22786341

Some positive impacts:
>Insight into world
>Gives me a meaningful experience
>Makes me more informed, empathetic, etc.
Negative impacts:
>Empty pleasure, etc.

>> No.22786357

I have ideas as to what I did/am doing wrong but it's too late to make any changes.

>> No.22786363

Please just say it’s not real it can’t be real

>> No.22786369

I’d argue that there are plenty of games with cultural value. I’d recommend something like pathologic if you are really looking for something that could only be done in a game
Also have you tried any puzzle games like babba is you?

>> No.22786372

The only video games I've played are Paradox games, like EU4

>> No.22786386
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Well if you are looking for something that’s a meaningful experience I really can’t recommend pathologic enough. It’s far from the instant gratification games that most people play

>> No.22786397


>> No.22786406

I wonder what you will do with these rankings?

>> No.22786411

Attempt to steer my media consumption to more positively impactful things

>> No.22786447

Which song is that? The video won't play in my country.

>> No.22786449

Simon & Garfunkel - I Am A Rock (Audio)

>> No.22786457

Love that song, I relate to every lyric, it's just me in a song.

>> No.22786458

What's the point? I've tried twice and have never gotten anything in return. No one else compares.

>> No.22786466

tried twice?

>> No.22786471

While evil flourishes and wrongs grow rank, while men are persecuted and women wronged, while weak things, human or animal, are maltreated, there is no rest for me beneath the skies, nor peace at any board or bed. Farewell!

>> No.22786479

as i get older and older i find it harder and harder to truly relax. even outside of work i think of work. not work in a paid work sense but work as in "i should be doing this" and "this needs to be done". just work. theres always stuff to be done. always some kind of obligation or duty or thing. and i notice in myself a kind of resetment you know? like i WANT to do these things, because i know they're good for me, but at the same time, i feel no joy in them anymore. an example i would say is appropriately enough, reading. its become a chore. i used to enjoy it so much. now i just think "i should be using this time to do laundry while i have the time and energy" or "the year is coming to an end, i should get a head start on my taxes"

what happened to being laser focused on just enjoying a thing for its own sake like a child? that magic is not there anymore. i simultaneously live in the past "we got that dentist appointment done" and the future "i should get my eyes checked up and book that while i have the chance" -- it is maddening. i truly ask for some rest not while im sleeping, but while im awake, because it just feels like driving a car making strange noises and something's gonna break when you least expect it

>> No.22786484

>Reached out to her once a couple of months ago when I was interested in being in a relationship.
No response.
>Deleted the message after a couple of days.

>Reached out to her a second time last Tuesday (I don't care about being in a relationship anymore)
No response.

>> No.22786492

I have to travel to an east Asian country to find a wife, what the fuck are western women? Who taught them that it was OK to be fat?

>> No.22786496

Are you the anon who kept posting about the girl from Bumble?

>> No.22786497


>> No.22786501

Yes, I have a very lonely life and nowhere else to vent about the troubles that keep plaguing me. Maybe I need to find new troubles so that I stop getting clocked so easily on an anonymous website.

>> No.22786511

Who are the cowboys today? Who are the samurai today? Who are the knights today?

>> No.22786514

The Police, I guess.

>> No.22786515

It’s not normal to fixate this much on a girl who has never even messaged you back once. You don’t know her at all. You’ve never even spoken to her. This is a genuinely weird level of obsession.

>> No.22786519

try watching more artistic porn

>> No.22786522

-5kg in 2 months, 5kg to go. It's literally that easy you fat fucks, even easier if you are even more overweight, change today.

>> No.22786523

I swear every time I run out of my social battery and want to be left alone people want to talk to me even more.

>> No.22786530

Don't cowboys still exist? Not the wild west kind.

>> No.22786535

Lonely in what way? What desires would be satisfied by talking with people that you can't satisfy elsewhere? If you are this bad alone then no one would want to hang out with you even if you lucked into someone willing to genuinely try. I don't know your issues but you need to work on yourself before you try to interface with the world, other people can't fix you.

>> No.22786536

I think my wife is going to move in to her friends house with the kids and the dad there is going to move in with me. God I hope this happens because I’m suffocating here.

>> No.22786550

Please say it wasn’t you it can’t be real it’s not real

>> No.22786558

I was thinking of a wandering warrior.

>> No.22786572

I strongly recommend that you use mouthwash and floss. It minimizes bacteria and "food" for the existing bacteria to grow in your mouth. In the long run you will get fewer toothaches. I strongly recommend this. Take this advice from a man in horrific man. Floss. Use mouthwash. Brush your teeth. You will save yourself absolute hell. Heed my warning.

>> No.22786575

I'm going to use mouthwash right now in your honor.

>> No.22786576

horrific pain*

>> No.22786582

Do you not own pliers? My brother almost kys’d during covid over this. Would have been a waste as one horrific minute could have solved the problem.

>> No.22786585

I know, I just don't know how to stop, she's so captivating to me. I'm never gonna message her again, I know when I'm not wanted.

>> No.22786588

It's already too late for me. Went to the dentist 2 years ago, he scolded me and told me to get braces and I never went back

>> No.22786589

If you could be a master at one thing what would it be? I'd choose art.

>> No.22786592

Master human

>> No.22786595

"Art" encompasses virtually all of life, it's a ridiculous question unless you are hyper specific, even then being a master of one thing usually requires exceptional abilities in all areas.

>> No.22786602

Special operations groups

>> No.22786606

Like this >>22786501 anon, I've complained too many times about my issues on here and if I were to complain about them again, I would be recognized instantly. I can't even vent anymore, fuck.

>> No.22786616

mastering things

>> No.22786620


>> No.22786624

I genuinely think I should be put down, I'm fucked in the head, I contribute nothing to society.

>> No.22786631

Nier Automata?

>> No.22786635

That's a lot of donuts

>> No.22786637


>> No.22786642

Mouthwash is excessive.

>> No.22786649

How the hell am I supposed to get bitches?

>> No.22786652

2 books I want to buy are $50 usd each in my shithole country and I can't source them anywhere else (I refuse to read digital)

>> No.22786654

waterpik man. That is the greatest oral hygiene invention the last 10 years

>> No.22786659

Ironically you have to not care about getting bitches.

Be white, don't be fat, have some hobbies and get some friends, make a profile, done. You also need to not exactly care about keeping them or you won't be able to handle their retardation.

>> No.22786671
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I used to get bitches at uni but now that I work full time I never meet anyone. I don't have trouble impressing women I just never meet them these days. I have plenty of friends that I see regularly but they're all shacked up and can't introduce me to anyone new. Whenever I've tried hobbies there were never any single chicks there, but I suppose that remains the only realistic answer.

>> No.22786677

>make a profile
It's the only way unless you are a mega Chad. It's borderline socially unacceptable to approach women anywhere other than clubs/bars.

>> No.22786680

thank god for prostitutes

>> No.22786689

I used to regularly get dates on dating apps, and even had one proper relationship from one, but these days the algorithms dont seem to work at all. Used to get plenty of matches and now I dont get any.

>> No.22786704
File: 487 KB, 1080x2400, 1000013151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am I in for?

>> No.22786707

I’m writing for myself to summarize what I just read so ignore this.

Mrs Plauf is an elderly, neurotic woman on a train ride in Eastern Europe. She is very disgusted by all the working class men on the train with her. One man is undressing her with his eyes for a long time so she takes off her coat and squirms around in the seat a bit because she is uncomfortable. Her bra snaps loose so she goes to the John to fix it. She hears knocking on the door and it’s the man. She realizes she unintentionally came onto him as he thought the squirming in the seat was actually signaling him to come on to her. Likewise, he thought taking the coat off was stripping down. She tells him get lost.

Mrs Plauf now goes to a different train car. There is a stupid lady with lots of bags who takes up multiple seats so that none of the gross transients on the car may sit there. Plauf is happy for this but she is unhappy that the lady is so talkative. She pleats on and on about her grandson and Mrs P doesn’t give a shit.

Mrs P gets up to stroll around and check out the cars as the train has stopped. She spies the aggressive man and runs back to the car with the annoying lady. A man is now in Mrs P’s seat and the lady is droning on to him. He socks her in the jaw and she falls unsconscous. No one responds so Mrs P infers they all thought the lady was annoying too and they approve of the guy KOing her.

This is page 20.

>> No.22786712

Got a new face it feels alright!

>> No.22786733

I just wanna slam my fist into my desk with anger, if I do, my family will come and ask me if I'm OK, I can't let them know how I feel.

>> No.22786737

you have to be 18 to post here, bitch boy.

>> No.22786767

Last week mom says there's a cat outside. She buys a bag of dry food and a can of chicken, but the cat's gone. Couple nights later the cat's back. I give her the chicken. Mom gives her the dry food. She came back tonight.

I sit next to the cat on the stairwell as she eats. A few things come to mind. How does she survive out here alone? I guess from eating the odd garbage here, few rodents there. But also from people like us. I've known for years that cats are just opportunists. When they rub themselves against your calf or sniff your hand, or run your hand on and along their smooth backs into that surprisingly stiff tail muscle, it's all for show. They learned to do this because we like it and reward them with food -- nothing more. Because it looks like love, they do it for us, and we give them food. Thousands of years later, this relation stands unchanged. The egyptians even reveled them as gods. But really, they're just stupid fucking cats. They sit, they eat, they shit, they sleep. And this is all just a transaction. I didn't know this as a kid, but I do now.

The cat appears to relax. She places a paw on my foot and extrudes her claws. A minute later, she runs through my crisscrossed legs, a sign of comfort. When I lean back on the stairwell door, it creaks and she briefly freezes. For all she knows her death is right around the corner. But nothing happens. Seconds later she relaxes and goes back to eating. The sky is black and all I hear is rain. I get up, and go back inside.

>> No.22786779

Dreams are the most amazing things ever but there’s little understanding of them. Lucid dreaming is especially crazy. If there was a way to automatically induce lucid dreams throughout an entire night like in Inception then that technology would break the world

>> No.22786799

That was the plot of a game like 20 years ago, dream fall. It did break the world

>> No.22786839

So I usually waste my time watching movies. How do I utilize that time to read instead. Do physical books help? Screens never really interest me that much. I might start to buy some of them.

>> No.22786852

nothing wrong with watching movies.

>> No.22786856

I like the primer magistrado, actually.
KYS alejo carpentier.

>> No.22786863

Nigger wrote 340 pages of why el negrito cucurumzá is the real latin america while being 100% white and born in switzerland.
Gtfo out of here you fat fucking nigger.
Either that or I'm brainlet.

>> No.22786884
File: 25 KB, 600x584, 1600885494709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I NEED to be balls deep inside a frail, white as milk, curly haired jewish succubus NOW!

>> No.22786886

For me it's a Japanese woman with bangs and a fat ass.

>> No.22786889

I can't respect a women who is attracted to me.
It doesn't happen often, but when it does I can't help but think "You fool, you imbecile, you fucking retard" .

>> No.22786895

The lady walks home in the cold, lifeless city. This is the first glimpse we get of two things. Of the mob of people beating a guy (seemingly) and of the poster for the worlds greatest attraction the worlds largest whale.

I had forgotten the Prince wasn’t the main attraction of the circus. It was the whale and the Prince was a secretive Hitlerian leader hidden as a sideshow freak which was placed after the whale.

It is a smart move to make Mrs Plaf so nervous and on edge constantly. What that does is it puts the sense of foreboding into the thoughts of a nervous lady so you as the reader are initially left unsure of what is actually scary and worth being afraid of and what is her skittish overacting. These first few pages already plant the seeds of the main story

>> No.22786928

ok coomers

>> No.22786942

Nothin' wrong with a little bit of coomin'.

>> No.22786975

Got a little sickness and I'm sleepy and sad because of it. Resolving to spend the day in bed reading and drinking tea. Thinking of the dull date I had lately with a pretty, nice and lifeless woman. She was more into it than me. I left early and I think disappointed her. Felt harsh but would be worse still to lead someone on. I think of how much people's tastes, manners and lives can change over what feels moment-to-moment like a few days or weeks but which calendar and deepening wrinkles prove otherwise. Is there any continuity of identity at all? I'll sleep all this off and it'll be like it never happened at all. Such will be the extent of the emotional distance a good rest brings to tiredness. Eternal recurrence has a ring of truth to it I can't explain. The self-made, permanent incels of this board should cherish that they don't have to deal with the curse of only attracting women to whom one is not attracted yet being attracted only to those who are uninterested in one. It's worse. There's more sex but there's also more emotional attachment and disappointment. The validation is not worth trouble. Juice ≠ squeeze. This is my writing for the day. I'd promised myself more but now I'm in bed. Nothing to be done. Promised myself to work on my German but that isn't happening any time soon. Why do people give up smoking cigarettes for reasons other price or near-terminal illness? Tobacco and coffee built the world. We merely stand on the shoulders of the Marlboro Man. My tea will be getting cold so I'm going to read The Devil's Chessboard.

>> No.22786982

Yeah I don't really dislike watching movies, it's just there's an entire world that I want to explore in books, and I just cannot sit down and read.

>> No.22786992

I want sex and sensuality but I also don't really want to leave my house most of the time.

>> No.22786999

I've gotta mow someone's lawn in 33 Celsius weather tomorrow. Thankfully it's not a big lawn but still, not ideal. I'm not even getting rewarded for it or anything, just doing it cause I don't work so I may as well be doing something.

>> No.22787006

I tried a weed edible once which was a big mistake given how anxious and paranoid I am at the best of times. After the first hour, I felt almost nothing. My arms felt slightly heavy at worst and my motor skills were slightly off, like being a little tipsy but without the light-headedness. My mother called me and told me that the family dog was unwell and going to be put down soon which put me into a pretty bad mood. While I was sitting down and eating dinner, I sort of zoned out while staring at the wall and felt like I was going deeper into some sort of abyss before I snapped to and realised I was high.

I started to feel claustrophobic in my small apartment so I opened the front door and just gasped in the cold air. For at least an hour, I paced back and forth between the living room and the kitchen, checking the time over and over, trying to wait it out. I cracked pepper onto a plate and inhaled it, thinking that would shorten the duration of the effects. At a certain point, I felt that my memory had shortened to the length of a few seconds, which was pretty uncomfortable. It sucked overall.

>> No.22787026

I'm trying to look for this one story's name but I couldn't find it at all because it's not a famous story.
The story is about a guy saving to retire early. After he retired, he play cards and live by the beach or something. When he's 70 (I think), he ran out of retirement fund, so he tried to kill himself but failed to do so, so he's not that bright in the head anymore.
The story is told by a 3rd person to the author.
It's supposed to be a short story too.

>> No.22787043

Violence is underrated.

>> No.22787044

I need to stop interacting with insane people online.

>> No.22787056
File: 145 KB, 1795x1169, Untitledw5tegh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Frau

>> No.22787060

No, just Nier.

>> No.22787061

It’s like 808s and New Order but much cringier and tumblrier… ew

>> No.22787065

Mrs Esxter and Valuska are introduced at the very end of the intro chapter. Valuska being the naive idiot son of Mrs P and Mrs Eszter being the evil landlord lady who represents Fascism/ Nietzsche/ social darwinism.

>> No.22787102

Men love women but cannot respect the women they love, women respect their partners but cannot love the men they respect.

>> No.22787104

Now that I've finished my daily movie, I don't know what I'm gonna do, just sit here bored for another two hours, I guess.

>> No.22787105

>Men love women but cannot respect the women they love
Yeah we can, you just can't cause you're retarded.

>> No.22787116

read a book

>> No.22787119

It's dark out and I don't like reading unless it's in natural light (retarded, I know).

>> No.22787132

I really enjoyed the shadow over innsmouth. Any other books where the protagonist enters a strange hostile town?
Also enjoyed the escape chapter and would like to read more like that.

>> No.22787147


>> No.22787197


>> No.22787212

Okay. Give me good books that I can finish in 2 hours. Only the good shit.

>> No.22787225

Pink Floyd music is fucking boring to play unless you're the lead guitarist, ESPECIALLY if you're the bassist or drummer.
At least regular money should come out of this project, but fuck me if I wouldn't prefer to write and play fusion for a living.

>> No.22787233

I'm falling asleep while jerking off, I'm gonna go bust, brush my teeth and sleep.

>> No.22787247

i am fully embracing being a religious nut

>> No.22787257

You've heard of Denial of Death, but the only thing keeping me alive is that somehow as a 30yr old neet, I will bust inside my high school crush or on her big tits.
Somehow I will do all these things whilst trapped in my small town. It's illogical, but its snowing outside and I don't know what else I should be doing other than reminiscing, maybe Ben Franklin was right and people after university should be mercy killed.

>> No.22787268

Is that something Ben Franklin said?

>> No.22787270

I'd look it up. People on the internet will also try to convince you that Einstein was religious.

>> No.22787271

"many young men die at 25 and are buried at 75"

>> No.22787284

>I cracked pepper onto a plate and inhaled it, thinking that would shorten the duration of the effects
Is this something you heard about or did you arrive at this idea on your own?

>> No.22787291

Do people go to class reunions for any other reason but to show off how fantastic their life went after high school or to try to bang that one girl or guy they are still kinda-sorta hung up on because they weren't attractive enough bang them way back then?

It has been almost an entire decade since HS ended but I can't help but think and feel that a lot of the physical, mental or social self-improvement I do is just shadowboxing with the complexes and neuroses I developed back then. Not in an obsessive way, but in the sense that they might be the invisible hand guiding the things I do without me actively being aware of them.

>> No.22787320

I wish I'd have that depression which makes people anorexic but alas I have the fat one. Food is always on my mind whenever I want it or not.

>> No.22787333

I love how some aussies & brits pronounce the word random as "ren-dom" and weird as "weed"

>> No.22787337

I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.22787338

>It has been almost an entire decade since HS ended but I can't help but think and feel that a lot of the physical, mental or social self-improvement I do is just shadowboxing with the complexes and neuroses I developed back then.
Somehow I remember there was a great book or movie on this topic, on how people never fully move on from their school days & most of us are still battling unresolved neuroses from that time period in our heads. I feel like this book/movie def exists but if it doesn't someone needs to make it

>> No.22787346

two of the symptoms of depressive disorders are lack of strength and anhedonia, which will make you not want to get out of the bed in the morning, or at any other time
your condition doesn't sound anything like depression

>> No.22787348

How do you guys into sex. Its almost impossible for me. I have partial ed and after a few thrusts I become exhausted and start losing erection. Wtf is up with that. How do you maintain the necessary speed required for it to feel good without exhaustion?

>> No.22787352

Kind of interesting, that something as inane and insignificant-seeming as one's HS experiences can cast such a long shadow in people's minds.

>> No.22787353

it's like Doestoyevskys 'Underground Man' archetype, although I didn't choose that life, the NEET life chooses you.
People complain you've done nothing as a NEET, but it's what happens when everything in life rejects you.
Whether that is at school, job opportunities, dating. Life just locks you out. Just like the apps, you need to be swiped on to approach, the high school experience is the start of life locking you out of doors.

>> No.22787357

Do more cardio, jerk off less

>> No.22787370

Oddly I feel most bad for guys like Devin the quarterback who's a fucking king in his high school years, but he gets to college & all the clout he had is just gone. The artificial environment of school made him feel like a king but in reality he's a nobody, maybe with a pretty face.

For us non-chads, school just prepares us to deal with how bullshit the human race & society is. So when we get to college and the work world, we're not surprised how shit it is because we knew this all along

>> No.22787374

A lot of that archetype is self-generated though. Not in the sense that "things tuned out the way they did because you deserved it for being a dork" but in the sense that the feeling of being held in contempt by life begets a feeling of contempt for life. Even if everything started to go well tomorrow your average NEET couldn't really enjoy it because their hearts are hardened and their perception has grown cynical to a fault.

>> No.22787378

Welcome. Welcome to City 17.
You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers. I thought so much of City 17 that I elected to establish my Administration here, in the Citadel so thoughtfully provided by Our Benefactors. I have been proud to call City 17 my home. And so, whether you are here to stay, or passing through on your way to parts unknown, welcome to City 17. It's safer here.

>> No.22787381

>your condition doesn't sound anything like depression
then what is it?

>> No.22787386

I wouldnt say its self-generated by a lot unless you have people who go above and beyond to interact with you and you reject their desire. The most common thing is that others reject you for whatever reason, you end up as an outcast and thats it.

>> No.22787387

Wishful thinking. People who are successful in HS tend to stay successful later in life as well, and people who are losers in HS tend to stay losers afterwards, too. Exceptions are quite rare.

>> No.22787395

I don't because at least Devin got to live, albeit for a short time and however superficially, which is what I mean by that Ben Franklin quote
It just downspirals from experiences with certain environments,
for example, you get bullied, you want to socialise less, you are left with the dregs of the school and aren't invited to do normal things because people don't know who you are, you get cynical because you isolated etc etc.
Being a NEET is conditioned, and the sad part is no one is there in your environment to help you out.
It's not like you can just go to a bar alone and pretend you are cool and popular, you need other people to help you create that illusion

>> No.22787401

That is what I meant by self-generated, yes. It's a self-reinforcing spiral.

That quote from Whatever comes to mind. "Even if you manage to sleep with women in the future, which in all frankness I doubt, it will not be enough, nothing will ever be enough. You will always remain an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew."

>> No.22787419

>you are left with the dregs of the school and aren't invited to do normal things
Would you have wanted to do "normal" things or hang out with the popular kids?

>> No.22787423

Not that anon but why wouldn't you want to? Don't tell me you're the type who romanticizes their failure to make it come off as an act of superiority and virtue...

>> No.22787427

I like impressionism and I like that painting.. until I look at the watering can. That thing is genuinely poorly painted and you can't tell me otherwise. It looks like it's embroidered on her dress. Completely flat, zero three dimensionality to it. Beautiful painting otherwise, but I can't get over that can.

>> No.22787431

Not that anon but popular kids are often awful and retarded like the rest of the kids. The most popular kid I remember from any of my schools is a fucking sociopath who literally tortured their own children for money, so I can see how anon's mileage might have varied

>> No.22787433

Literal meme advice. As if that could solve the problem

>> No.22787437

Translating literature, and especially poetry, should be forbidden. If you can't be bothered to learn its language well enough to read the original you don't deserve to enjoy its beauty, either.

>> No.22787439

My grandmother is too nice to me to the point of detriment, overfeeds, never gives criticism, etc.

>> No.22787441

It might very well be a non pathological state of discomfort.
One very common thing about people who are frustrated, sad or generally not happy, whatever the reason, is that they look for coping strategies, things that they use to cope with what makes them unhappy.
For some people that might be drinking, getting high, exhausting themselves working out, having sex with strangers... and for some it might be eating, which isn't too bad all things considered.
What you call "that depression which makes people anorexic" is, most commonly, either an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, or a subclinical state of discomfort caused by issues related to one's own appearance, which are coped with by eating (far, dangerously) less than usual.

Unless food is on your mind so much that your normal functioning is compromised (e.g. you can't work because you have to eat, you spend more than one hour a day thinking about eating so intensely that you can't do anything else) I recommend looking for a different coping strategy, like reading, going for walks, watching movies, anything that you have to pay a degree of attention to, and switching to less caloric snacks, like carrots and cucumbers, which are no less filling than chips and candy bars.
Another strategy to limit your food intake is setting a certain amount of food to eat for each day and adhering to it, eating no more and no less that that, even setting alarms for when to eat, so that you can be sure you will eat when the alarm sounds and you don't have to keep thinking about it.

>> No.22787444

It's not a "superiority" thing, just different interests. In high school I kind of existed in both worlds, but I always had way more fun hanging out with my spergy weirdo friends than I did with my popular normie friends

>> No.22787447

having done it a second time after you were scorned and ignored indicates you're an actual retard. reflect on how pathetic that is, if you're able. I'm not going to attempt to explain it to you. just know that you should never do that shit again. ever.

>> No.22787455

I wish I got to knew my grandparents. One of them died before I was born, another when I barely left kindergarten, and the other two were quite senile by the time I was old enough to form actual relationships with them. They passed away a couple years ago.

>> No.22787457

If you get winded after a few thrusts, you do in fact need to do more cardio. Build some endurance. And if sex only feels good when you're in full jackhammer mode, you need to stop jerking off so much or stop gripping so hard when you do. It's only "meme advice" to you because it would actually require a lifestyle change

>> No.22787464

>that depression which makes people anorexic" is, most commonly, either an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, or a subclinical state of discomfort caused by issues related to one's own appearance, which are coped with by eating (far, dangerously) less than usual.
Not that anon, but that's not true. You're in the meme end of psychology, but depression with anorexia is symptomatic of a lot of diseases we do have a good understanding of (anemias for example) Psychology only recently started thinking it was about body image for the purely anorexia nervosa category, which memed that phenomenon into being common, but historically even purely psychogenic anorexia was not about body image.
tl;Dr you're selling anon a 90s meme disease

>> No.22787465

on second thought, I'm sorry for calling you a retard. you clearly just don't know any better. but the only thing that will help you is learning some self respect. you don't have any, as indicated by you putting "society" on a pedestal. our society is trash and it is the thing that needs to be put down, if anything. stop hating yourself. easier said than done, I know. but the only way out of the pit is to try and mold yourself into the human being that you most deeply wish you were.

>> No.22787472

Yeah, the more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to see it as an coping with anxiety. I tried it switching to other things like book reading, talking walks but it just doesnt want to go away from food. Add alcohol and loud music and this the holy trinity of escapism from this world. Sadly it doesnt work yet I do it anyway.

>> No.22787489

cooming makes the world go round

>> No.22787508

he may not have been religious, strictly speaking, but he unambiguously believed in a creator deity.

>> No.22787517

>It just downspirals from experiences with certain environments,
>for example, you get bullied, you want to socialise less, you are left with the dregs of the school and aren't invited to do normal things because people don't know who you are, you get cynical because you isolated etc etc.
Probably the most "blackpilling" thing from my school years is when I was 16, I lost a ton of weight over the summer & became pretty attractive. Immediately all these social opportunities blossomed, like people would invite me to sit at their lunch table, they would be kinder, and girls would actually respond to what I said & not treat me like I'm invisible.

Like I was always an outsider to the whole social ladder, but it was weird how when I was fat, it was expected for me to be a total loner, yet once I was handsome I became this 'underrated' person and they tried to move me up on this hierarchy that I wasn't even apart of.

>> No.22787521

>depression with anorexia is symptomatic of diseases we have a good understanding of
I'm not aware of any; then again, I'm not an MD.
Would you care to list three diseases which have depression and anorexia as symptoms, and at least a manual, reputable publication or other similar resource where they're listed?
>historically even purely psychogenic anorexia was not about body image
Right, but my post didn't say anything about anorexia nervosa being caused by issues with body image, so why bring this up?
Consider trying out the rest of what I suggested.
It might not work well for you, but there's a good chance it will so imo it's worth a try.
Dealing with your anxiety is another thing that might be helpful if you have the means to address the factors that cause it.

>> No.22787524

>probably the most blackpilling thing from my school years was realizing that I have control over how people view me in a social environment, as shallow and vane as that might be

>> No.22787531

I don't get it why anons on this website hate video games so much and enjoying life in general. On /fit/ everyone is set on fire rage when some anon says that he is going to masturbate and enjoy some game afterwards instead of doing semen retention and working on their career. Human life is short already, why would I spend my life making money numbers go up, procreating another human who will more or less live the same life as I, and millions other people, did, when I can just spend this time being at comfy peace, enjoying myself. Why should I care about starting a family, a new business, career, relationships? I just want to have peace and die, ffs

>> No.22787547

I fully agree on translating poetry, which is an absurd concept, as poetry at its best is the most intricately artful use of language possible, that is, THE language it was written in, with its entirely unique features and characteristics which inherently cannot be transmitted into another language, as each language is its own entity entirely. You can "translate" meaning to a degree, but poetry is far more than directly communicable "meaning" and you can't translate the sculpting of language that is poetry.
I believe that also applies to some prose, but not all. Some prose just seems to have characteristics that are eminently translatable for whatever reason, and can in fact be transmitted faithfully to other languages, or some other languages. I suppose this could also apply to some very simple poetry, but I would consider that a negligible exception to the rule.
Has anyone written anything on this topic that's worth reading?

>> No.22787551

>>I have control over how people view me
See that's the thing, you don't. When I lost the weight it wasn't due to diet changes and exercise -- I just had some latent mental illness kick in, and a side effect of it was weight loss. You can criticize fat people for being fat in the same sense you can criticize some trash collector in the Philippines for not moving to America and starting a business. Is it possible? Probably. Would it take immense amounts of willpower far beyond what my mind is designed to do? Yeah.

Of course some fat people are just normal people who "slip". I'm not talking about them. There's an entire caste of fat people in society who just have fucked up brain chemistry & it makes them eat way too much. I was one of them. It's hell

>> No.22787552

I'll try it just to prove that it doesn't work. The jackhammer thing is indeed true. The inside of a vag barely touches as it is on top of that igs impossible to maintain required speed

>> No.22787555

>Why should I care about starting a family, a new business, career, relationships?
Because in the end you are a slave to your primal desires which is to reproduce with a suitable mate.

>> No.22787562

Ancient Greek poetry seems to translate really well. Guess because it's less about the words themselves and more what the poem is about

>> No.22787563

>if you have the means to address the factors that cause it.
I'm trying (almost a year in therapy) but it feels like I'm no where close to the root. It's like when I'm with people, I can feel anger but when I'm alone - anxiety rises and I have to run away from it.

>> No.22787564

...what would you know? lol

>> No.22787576
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>people like you more or less based on how attractive/thin you are
>you don't have control over how thin you are
You do have control over how thin you are anon, you should thank the first principle of thermodynamics for that.
>willpower beyond what the mind is designed to do
The mind is """designed""" to do whatever it takes to stay alive and feel good, and it can go to unspeakable length to achieve either.
>some people are fat because they just have fucked up brain chemistry
See pic related.
To put it differently, some people might not be very motivated to make the effort to eat less and exercise enough to lose weight, but in the overwhelming majority of cases (so leaving aside people who are affected by metabolic diseases and the likes) making an effort leads to losing weight, and if people don't lose weight it's not because they can't because of brain chemicals or magic, it's because they don't put in the effort.

>> No.22787581

But I can control my lust through masturbation. I jerk off and my desire to start a relationship suddenly extinguish. And why I would make another human when there is so many of humans already, if anything there needs to be much less people shitting up earth

>> No.22787582

just so you know, this retard >>22787564 isn't who you responded to, I don't have time for a long reply but you're essentially right on that

>> No.22787583

I've trained jiujitsu and went to a boxing gym for a while, and now I'm going to an MMA gym. Yesterday I realized I could just kill people and there's nothing they can do about it. I was working with a guy that talks way too much, and he was going on some shit about getting fired from a previous job and that his supervisor was lucky he didn't punched and stuff like that. I'm acting like I'm listening but I'm visualizing different ways of murdering this man with my bare hands. I think it annoyed me that he was trying to talk like a badass, like he was actually capable of true violence.

>> No.22787584

>almost a year in therapy
Good on you.
If it doesn't seem to get any better you can also consider changing therapists, it's well within your rights and in no way something to be afraid or ashamed of, some therapists might be unqualified for the job but different people also have different approaches and they (hopefully) refer to different theoretical approaches for treatment, so it might be worth looking into other therapy options.
Then again, it's difficult to judge whether this might be a real issue for you from just short text messages.

>> No.22787589

Anyone "could" kill anyone with a pointy knife. But they lack the will and courage, just like you

>> No.22787590

>it annoyed me that a guy was doing exactly the same thing I'm doing, only he said it out loud
>I've trained jiu jitsu and went to a boxing gym for a while, so I could just kill people with my bare hands

>> No.22787595

Since at least middle school, I’ve always had fantasies about killing and torturing people I don’t like. It will take the smallest thing for me to get angry with someone, but will also forgive them for the smallest thing as well. I remember listening to a serial killer interview and a line he said really identified with me
>one day I’ll think he’s a good guy he’s done good by me, other days I will wake up and think he’s a rat bastard and I should kill him

>> No.22787597

seek help

>> No.22787600

don't let it get to your head, buddy. you're still a frail little animal, and a little bump on the right spot on the head or neck can switch you off forever. plus you probably fucking suck anyway.
though you have a point, gaining an awareness of how easily a trained fighter can completely physically dominate the average even really fit and strong man would really be to the benefit of people, especially men. but the benefit is humility, which it doesn't seem like you've learned, or have already forgotten.

>> No.22787601

I think this is my 5th therapist but I think he's the best I've got so far (been the longest with him).
>from just short text messages
true. I think it's the general dissatisfaction with life and regret regarding not living the right life.

>> No.22787609

Therapy for retardnation,
Incapable, understanding, parse my words
Married woman in in on the street,
Pleases my man meat,
But alas,
Her relationship is (was?) open,
So sadly, her infidelity was not cheat
But refrain, digress, inwards manifest your thoughts engaged into my posterior,
Supple apple rump,
Bread rising in the oven,
Like a sumo’s plump dump, duck


Is this Ancient Greek poetry? Ancient Greek meditation music for inspiration

>> No.22787611

I fantasized about kidnapping my entire class to a dark room where I would rape and torture each one of them for all the rest to see. And I was fine in school, accepted by everyone, had few close friends, but the fantasies like that were always in the back of my head

>> No.22787617

Are there any English stories that don’t translate well into other languages?

>> No.22787620

not that anon, but if you're convinced that what is literally the most direct common sense solution to the described problem won't work without even having tried it, I dunno what to tell you, what kind of a magic fucking wand solution are you dreaming of here? endurance training won't help your endurance? oh, really, that's interesting. not overly desensitizing your dick won't help your dick being overly desensitized? oh, interesting. well, as long as you actually give it a try, though you'll probably give up way too early and declare yourself correct, verifying your presumptions.

>> No.22787627

>Would you care to list three diseases which have depression and anorexia as symptoms, and at least a manual, reputable publication or other similar resource where they're listed?
Stomach cancer
Zinc, thiamine and various other deficiencies
Alpha interferon treatment also causes it. You can check these against any (up to date) medical textbook, through an internet search, by asking a qualified doctor irl.
>didn't say anything about anorexia nervosa being caused by issues with body image
>>>22787441 #
>>that depression which makes people anorexic" is, most commonly, either an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa, or a subclinical state of discomfort caused by issues related to one's own appearance, which are coped with by eating (far, dangerously) less than usual.
emphasis added in case you did not see where I quoted you, or your own words when you wrote them, you did focus on body image issues both through the clinical anorexia nervosa and your "subclinical" levels of body dysmorphia. I don't have faith you're going to find sources through any research if you're forgetting what you wrote yourself but good luck with that fact checking mission you set yourself

>> No.22787632
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Death anxiety anon, been doing some reading.
I'm struggling to take deep breaths sometimes.
Monks used to keep pictures of corpses or meditate next to one to think and reflect about death.

>> No.22787641

>if people don't lose weight it's not because they can't because of brain chemicals or magic, it's because they don't put in the effort.
This is definitely true in a sense. But still, I was a "victim" of childhood obesity, and I vividly remember it was just impossible to lose the weight. Like theoretically it could be done, but it would take superhuman amounts of willpower, similar to heavy drug withdrawal, except it never ends.

The fucked up thing is, all these years later I don't have an answer. Like, some healthy food tastes good, but there's a certain thing that delicious pizza or candy does to your brain which healthy food just can't, and it's absurdly addictive.

It's honestly not different from how you and I can throw $5 into a slot machine, win or lose, and then walk away no problem. But some people just can't walk away and the slot machine ruins their life. It's easy to tell them, "Just have willpower and stop playing". But your brain isn't fucked up like theirs so you don't get it. That kind of problem isn't solved through willpower. You either fix it medically somehow, or you just succumb to it and let the addiction destroy you. Willpower is nothing but a bandaid.

>> No.22787646

i do not believe anyone cares about boomers fear of death, you've exhausted peoples pity on you ages ago so all your misery you've wrought to yourself is well earned and people will either jubilate at your misery or be indifferent towards it
happens when you live your life as a douchebag and expect people to pity you when you're down

>> No.22787677
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He was right

>> No.22787682

I told my boss about my plans to leave my job and my organization to go to graduate school, but now I’m having second thoughts.

I’m trying so desperately to get my career back on track but it seems I have no good moves to play anymore.

>> No.22787690

I would quit work to focus on school but I need money for car payments

>> No.22787703 [DELETED] 

do grad school at night and get your job to pay for it. that's what i'm doing. by telling your boss you're going to quit, he's to hire a replacement and force you out rather than wait around for you.

>> No.22787704

there won't be a sense of longing for your loss of life, there will only be an end of an era
some people miss monarchy, they won't miss you

>> No.22787712

Is the cult of passion guy this board’s resident schizo?

>> No.22787713 [DELETED] 

>DUBAI, United Arab Emirate — An American warship and multiple commercial ships came under attack Sunday in the Red Sea, the Pentagon said, potentially marking a major escalation in a series of maritime attacks in the Mideast linked to the Israel-Hamas war.

heeeeeere we GOOOOO you lil zoomshits are finally gonna get the big war you always wanted

>> No.22787716

No we have a few schizos to keep them all on their toes.

>> No.22787724

>this ressentiment
lol you're not everybody just because you're bitter

>> No.22787735

>, really, that's interesting. not overly desensitizing your dick won't help your dick being overly desensitized?

The endurance part might qctually work but I'm skeptic of the idea that dicks could be desensitized

>> No.22787748

Most extremities can be if your cardiovascular fitness is shit.

>> No.22787757

I assure you, they most definitely can, and honestly I'm a bit baffled as to how any owner of a cock could go through life without noticing this.

>> No.22787764

I think he's new, I hadn't browsed here for a while and don't remember seeing him before. we've had plenty of different schizoposters here through the years, there's always someone. it's a colorful place.

>> No.22787817
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>jerk off to pic related from a vitamin product page on Amazon
Lo, I have dissipated my essence at the mere suggestion of a velvety-skinned benippled fat pad lying atop the ribcage of a fragile creature for whom I would slave five days a week for eighteen years to support the offspring we might conceive.
How fearsome is our technology and how awe-full the mind which weaves the very tales it tells itself as they are told.

>> No.22787884

You could potentially cover them with student loans.

>> No.22787887

>not living in a walkable city
u did it to yourself

>> No.22787893

I realized what I want isn't a girlfriend or wife. It's a slave.

>> No.22788009

You can probably get one of those from the adopt-a-NEET threads on /soc/ or just relocate to a third world country. You have options.

>> No.22788032

I have principles. I'm against human slavery, so it has to be an advanced robot.

>> No.22788086

go buy a wife in the phillipines. the family gets rich, the girl gets a good life in the west and you get a wifey

>> No.22788108

If you don't need it to do chores, sex doll is cheapest option

>> No.22788139

woah have u seen the weather app on macos when it's raining? i thought i splashed energy drink or sth on my monitor but it's actually just a visual effect of little water drops on the screen what the hell that shit looks mad realistic

>> No.22788163

That's funny because my family already has a live-in maid in their gated 3-story home in the Philippines, and a farm with many workers. I went there a couple years ago and the maid (she's my age) played footsie with me.

>> No.22788171
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>metaphysically cucked
ah yes, a fellow metaphysical bull, just like me. Don't feel guilty, especially if she's the one initiating contacts, calling you out on dates, and so on and so forth. Don't feel guilty because of the guy as well. Every man who is in a relationship knows, at least to some extent, that there are many guys out there hitting on his woman, even if they know she's in a relationship.

>> No.22788198

I basically want a FWB that will give me kids.

>> No.22788225

The problem with F is lack of devotion and a probability of drifting apart. A slave is devoted to you and is willing to participate in everything that interests you, rather than only a percentage of things. There's too many variables for the ideal friend.

>> No.22788253

Calm down kike

>> No.22788298

how do you meet women outside of the apps?
I was thinking of going to the nearby city tommorrow and walking around but I have no clue how to meet women. I try and steer away from clubs because I'm just a single guy but I find it insane how I can't think of a way to meet women without the apps.
It's like the apps have rounded up all the women and just kept them ransom. I should have tried harder at university, because now, just meeting women seems impossible. I've joined groups but people there are all married. It's like 20% of the world are women.
And then what would I even say to them.
I'm not suicidal, that's not the right word, but I feel like I'm losing my mind trying to find single women in public.
They are all inside now, just swiping on people with better photos than me, it's insane.

>> No.22788302

No source I can find lists depression as a symptom for any anemia.
Unless you provide one I'll be forced to assume that the reason you don't is that you can't.
>stomach cancer
Same as above.
>zinc deficiency
Anorexia nervosa and depression figure as potential differentials.
>you focused on body image issues in both anorexia and subclinical body dismorphia
I did not; in the text you quoted I offered two common causes for what anon might call "that depression which makes people anorexic."
Cause A - an eating disorder, such as anorexia nervosa
Cause B - a subclinical state of discomfort caused by issues related to one's own appearance, which are coped with by eating (far, dangerously) less than usual
It's you who's conflating the two.
Why are you putting it between quote marks?
Do you believe a state of discomfort caused by issues related to one's own appearance would need to be recognized as a clinical disorder to have an effect on one's eating habits, or is it your first time seeing the word?

>> No.22788313

>No source I can find lists depression as a symptom for any anemia.
Not him but googling the two terms together throws up a lot of legit results. How did you not find one? Genuinely impressed if Google or Wikipedia wasn't your first call for research, and neither could be if you didn't find any source.

>> No.22788327

m8 he's asking why a quoted word was in quotes on a translated emulation of a japanese meme website, the level of research he prob did is
>do the voices in my head agree?

>> No.22788328

You can find many results, but I couldn't even find one list of anemia symptoms that include depression.
If you can, by all means, post a link.

>> No.22788351

>use meme arrows to quote text
>add quote marks to a single word
Surely you can see that if you're able to do pattern recognition well enough to solve the captcha.

>> No.22788360
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>I couldn't find anything
Yeah, and I found that weird because I did picrelated
Fair point

>> No.22788367

or maybe stop selling guns to kids and ask for a psych exam before selling weapons to adults just saying

>> No.22788387

That wouldn't work. You have to go all out and stop pussyfooting the issue of lack of gun safety. Normalize assault rifles the same as pencils are normalized, and you won't have shootings like you don't have misuse of kitchen knives. Every household should have an issued AR-15.

>> No.22788412

>anemia was self reported
>depression was self reported
>a convenience sample of adults older than 65, with a mean age of 73.3
>correlational study
>difference in depression cases between people affected and non affected by anemia is statistically non significant
The summary of that article is that no significant correlation is found between self reported cases of depression between people who self reported being affected by anemia in patients over the age of 65.

>> No.22788418

I think it's great you believe i'll trust your peer review of something I had to Google for you

>> No.22788419

how many people in a row can you kill with a kitchen knife

>> No.22788420

My thoughts are "wow, the West is really headed for a dead-end" and then I realize that's literally what they want and it's the entire point of liberal society. A mass of trannified consumerist bugmen is the goal, not the defect

>> No.22788422

You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.22788432

I am 18. I work in gun manufacturing (Colt).

>> No.22788444

true, that's why there's no reason anymore to be an obedient citizen. In thr contrary, under all costs, you should do everything in your hands to stop this process of degeneration before it becomes irreversible because it might come with the extinction of the entire human species

>> No.22788499
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>he thinks he can stop it

>> No.22788518

>please post a source
>you can find it anywhere
>yes but post one
>here (source states the opposite of the claim)
>the source states the opposite of the claim, you can have a look at table 1 yourself, no need to believe me
>what's written inside it is irrelevant, it's a source, so I'm right

>> No.22788522

>childhood nightmares
A faceless monster made of knives chases me through the dark streets of this fucked up shadow city while I'm naked
>adult nightmares
I'm about to be late for work and the engine falls out of my car when I turn the key at the same time as I get a call saying my credit score is now 302 due to a technical error but it's not fixable or refundable and also I'm getting evicted

>> No.22788534

My latest nightmares have been that of my brother and abandoning me

>> No.22788538

I'm just the guy who googled it when you said you couldn't find any results. I'm still wondering if you did anything at all to research anything. Have you tried lmgtfy.com? They can fill in for me from now on if you don't want to share your research method

>> No.22788551

for me it is like a light switch now. usually it is off, and i see basically all sexual depictions as revolting, disgusting, almost barbaric in the same way you might see native tribals in the nude on a nature documentary and feel mild indifference and/or unpleasantness at their indecency. basically, you simply see these things as utterly trivial in that sense, and that there are most important things to be concerned about and more important work to be done. this has been my default state for a while now

ah, but when the mood strikes me, when i find that the light switch has been suddenly left on... i find myself consumed by lust and want to do all kinds of things, to others and to myself. it is a guilty, shameful thing, these kinds of fantasies. sick, utterly depraved, animalistic and simply primal things over and over again with an imagined lover. i should hope these things and temptations pass soon enough before i ever actually act on them, what purpose do wicked thoughts serve? i fear most that i would enjoy such activities

>> No.22788610

maybe try therapy

>> No.22788620

As a fatfuck who is no longer as much of a fatfuck as he was and is on the way to not being a fatfuck at all: no.
It is purely due to laziness, a lack of willpower and self-discipline.

>> No.22788623

most of my nightmares lately have been about disembowelment, i dunno what's going on with that

>> No.22788627

Sometimes it just be like that. For a 6 month period in 2021 I had a dream every single night in which my arms were cut off and replaced by useless rubber imitations that flopped around impotently.

>> No.22788664

How the fuck do men find new hairstyles?

>> No.22788756

>finished work on Friday late afternoon
>was below 0 degrees celsius
>went walking, then bought junk food and fast food and binged at home
>wasted rest of evening and skipped the gym
>woke up on Saturday morning
>drank coffee and browsed internet
>went walking outside (was still really cold)
>walked while listening to podcasts and was demoralised after seeing some attractive women and realising how much of a loser I am
>bought junk food and binged in early afternoon
>wasted rest of day and skipped the gym
>woke up at 9 am on Sunday
>browsed internet on phone in bed
>did some chores
>went walking outside for a few hours
>drank coffee in car
>went to gym
>had fast food binge
>had chocolate and ice cream binge
>now lying in bed and will read and browse internet until I go to sleep

The upcoming week at work has just one thing I'm slightly worried about but apart from that it's going to be very routine. I barely even have time to work on Monday because of all the regular status update meetings.

Hopefully today was the last binge until I lose at least 50 lbs.

>> No.22788762

Nice to see you again londonfrog

>> No.22788777

I'm thinking about writing to my youngest sister, who I've never properly appreciated. We're rather alike in character, if not temperament: I am charming and insouciant usually, she is almost never, though we're both very conservative or prudent in judgment--she without the former advantages. But I still kind of love her, as I never did the the rest. There are times I hated my father, between driving him around listening almost anything during my early NEET years, between corporate gossip and conversations about automation, and a whole lot of things he couldn't mention to any of his daughters. I am thinking about him listening to this in the passenger seat, about 40 years ago, as we drifted slowly across a serene midwestern suburb in comfy seats.


>> No.22788811
