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File: 32 KB, 250x381, TheHandmaidsTale(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22784768 No.22784768 [Reply] [Original]

>le evil Christian theocracy reducing women to breeding machines

Are we supposed to pretend women don't get hysterical over this only because of the Christian (i.e. egalitarian) undertone? If it were some Aryan eugenics program where only the top females were selected, they'd be proud to be part of it, even envious if they weren't chosen. They'd probably even revolt about being left out.

But in that universalist Christian context where the masses are equal as long as they're baptized, they'd all get to pretend as being equally valuable. So, obviously, to make the dumb plot work, they had to throw in that cheap cliche of the hostile environmental factors that made most women infertile.

>> No.22784772

Christians are not egalitarians, you might uh be reading the Canadian element a bit too much, which is not egalitarianism but rather tall poppy syndrome. The average 7 period mind doesn't understand.

>> No.22785855
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>Christians are not egalitarians

>> No.22785860
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Meanwhile the ones who treat women as babymaking cows are the fags. Funny.

>> No.22785868

being equal under God =/= everyone is biologically and culturally is the same gray goo labelled human and/or should be treated as such

>> No.22785943
File: 1.66 MB, 4096x3386, GACBHCmaMAAigeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In theory or practice?

>> No.22786462

>a zoomer cult of personality over a shitskin papist manlet pederast is christianity

>> No.22786473

Not very Christian to use all those insults

>> No.22786754

spotted the Anglo cunt

>> No.22786758

it's not a Christian theocracy , rather a protestant one

>> No.22786802

They are already part of God's eugenic platform. All the hysteria is about not being picked by Chad.

>> No.22787146

Christianity is a death cult. Obviously they are all equal, but only in the condition of being dead.

>> No.22787191
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>only because of the Christian
Muh hecking christians are so hated and oppressed

>> No.22787607
File: 199 KB, 1080x1308, media_GAQjIH-aQAAVoxi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're deluding yourself if you think the rot is somehow limited to Catholicism. In fact, by all accounts Ortho-converts alone have manage to surpass them.

>> No.22787623

Actually, yes. You are expected to pretend that. Progressive ideology, which this book is saturated with, always feints in exactly that way.

>> No.22787625

>not believing in the divinity of the Tenno
Pseudocon commies are so funny

>> No.22787629

Why do you people always want to take the most obviously extreme chronically online outlier examples, that may or may not even be real people by the way, and present them as if they’re representative of any sample in the real world at all? Surely, you have to know how disingenuous this is.

>> No.22787631

in this life. sure maybe everyone can get into heaven,

>> No.22787633
File: 207 KB, 538x720, 2022-10-20_19.59.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Christianity is a death cult.
Point to a cult(ure) that isnt a death cult and I will show you a death cult.

>> No.22787634

The real people are even worse in this case.

>> No.22787637

No, they’re not. I’be met orthodox converts and catechumens. They’re totally normal people.

>> No.22787650

Define "normal people"

>> No.22788689
File: 143 KB, 627x640, media_GATlwxLWIAAbN4i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you people always want to cope instead of taking responsibility and acknowledging things aren't headed in the right direction? Why pretend like those chronically online examples aren't just artificially accelerated and distilled real world examples?

Would you like to discuss actual data and studies? Or maybe even just touch the surface on how "Christians" and especially those ghoulish Orthodox converts eagerly side with browns and third worlders against whites because the former are based(TM)?
Can you show me a priest of pastor that even of his own accord discourages race mixing or encourages you to seek a healthy wife instead of saving the single mother, the whore, the blue haired that needs repentance? Why still pretend like the main focus isn't the oppressed, the downtrodden, the brown and the spiteful and it's not totally colorblind and raceless?

Unless you're some mystery mutt yourself, you should have understood by now everything is about demographics. You can fantasize about troons all you want - about coming together into a multiracial, multipolar Christian conglomerate to defeat this greatest evil of our times, but you're clueless to your ethnic demise. Imagine Germans at the end of WW2 being "good Christians" and not aborting the babies their subhuman liberators gifted upon them.